
Going Deep
Just Got Easier

I’m Maureen St. Germain, and welcome to my realm ✨

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about us

Welcome to
St. Germain Mystery School

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Greetings! We are so glad you’re here! The Universe has orchestrated the crossing of our paths for a reason. What reason? Let’s find out! We offer many resources for your personal and spiritual growth and journey. Poke around on our website and see what calls to you. Please reach out to us at info@stgermainmysteryschool.com if you have any questions. We are here to serve!

Take a moment to enjoy this personal greeting! Get an overview of all we have to offer 
healing, clearing, manifesting, ascension tools and practices, MerKaBa training,
Akashic records readings and classes, and more!

Love, Maureen


Higher Self Connection

Connect and communicate with your Higher Self!

Integrate your Higher Self presence into your physical body to express the Divine Being that you already are.



Spiral Chakra Meditation

This is your wake-up call to what your chakra system could look like. The old system of moving through the chakras in a linear system is based on the linear 3D matrix, starting with the lowest chakra.

The new system is a golden mean spiral produced by the phi ratio. The evolved path of activating your chakras is in a spiral, which allows each chakra to be elevated by the one above it, in a spiral just like every other part of Creation!


The Magnanimous Dimension

(Channeled by Maureen from the Council of Nine)

We will talk about the Magnanimous Dimension. As indicated by us, we have urgedyou to bring in the energy of the combined integration of three dimensions. We know you are quite familiar with the energy of the 3rd dimension, its polarity, its divisiveness, its goodness, and yes there is goodness in 3rd dimension. Fourth dimension is integratingnow within each of you. You are beginning to tap into the depths of joy, presence and love. Fourth dimension is the portal throughwhich you magnify, and transport yourself into fifth dimension. Because your world has been slow to catch up, we now are offeringto you this combined quality of this nexus into the 5th dimension to reach each and every one of you, and we name it the“Magnanimous Dimension,” an energy of great integration. It consists of knowing and understanding the perils of 3rd,the passion of 4th, the ecstasy of 5th and distilling it into an exquisite elixir of Magnanimousness.

Maureen St. Germain is an exceptional human being, colleague and spiritual teacher. I first met Maureen 10 years ago when I took her workshop on the MerKaba. Since that time, Maureen has become a dear friend and trusted colleague, having helped me through one of the most difficult periods of my life. Because of her professionalism, integrity and the unique nature of her work, I regularly refer patients, family members and friends to Maureen, always with excellent results. Maureen is honest, authentic, deeply caring and incredibly gifted. She always makes time for those she cares about, and very much practices what she preaches. I cannot say enough good things about this brilliant woman. Maureen is a source of inspiration to myself and many others. —Anna Yusim, MD Founder & CEO, Upper East Side Psychiatry Lecturer, Yale University Department of Psychiatry Best-selling author of Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life
Anna Yusim
MD Founder & CEO, Upper East Side Psychiatry Lecturer, Yale University Department of Psychiatry Best-selling author of Fulfilled: How the Science of Spirituality Can Help You Live a Happier, More Meaningful Life

Illuminate App

For more free guided meditations, download Illuminate App” on the App or Google Play stores.


Mastering Your 5D Self

This is your wake-up call to what your chakra system could look like. The old system of moving through the chakras in a linear system is based on the linear 3D matrix, starting with the lowest chakra.

The new system is a golden mean spiral produced by the phi ratio. The evolved path of activating your chakras is in a spiral, which allows each chakra to be elevated by the one above it, in a spiral just like every other part of Creation!
about us

Ascension Institute VIII

What would it take for you to know, with certainty, you could achieve your goals – and then some?

The Ascension Institute will transform you and your life in profound ways
that you cannot even imagine from where you are right now.

It’s time. Join a small group of highly motivated individuals
on a year’s journey to discover your own ascension path.


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