Beliefs, and Limiting Beliefs

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Everyone holds beliefs. What are yours? Do you know what they are based on? Perhaps on your various religious upbringing – Christian, Hebrew, Muslim, agnostic, etc. We adopt beliefs through traditional teachings, and these biases can be limiting in some ways. If they help you to be a better citizen, then your beliefs serve you well. How will you know if your beliefs are limiting? It starts with the big picture.

Some religions teach their followers that their way is the only way. They will insist that you study only their materials and purge from your library all your other books and educational materials in favor of their way. This is another way to know that there is a limiting belief that is held by all the members of that group.

Consider this metaphor. In a harbor, as the tide rises, all the ships go up. When there is an unexpected high tide, a boat having a short lead anchor will sink due to the swell. When we humans hang on to our beliefs tightly, like an anchor in high tide, we run the risk of sinking and could lose our life in this safety that we are holding onto. There may be things in your belief system that you hold as tightly as your anchor. There are many times I have been in a situation where I received information from my guides that I did not want to believe. It is easy to see a belief system in others that is limiting, much harder to see it in your own.

When we notice and become aware of our own limiting belief, we can choose to change! This provides an opportunity to discover that even when we recognize, and think we know the energy of a belief, there may be an opportunity far more expansive than commonly understood. Thus, a title itself is somewhat limiting.

Now, it is difficult for me to say that all of us were told many lies about many things. Many of us were lied to about the birds and the bees, certainly histories have been written by the victor which are also full of lies, and our politicians have lied to us. We have been lied to about practically everything. The biggest lies we are currently facing are about what is happening now with news media. We know mainstream media has told lies for a long time, and we also know that these lies have been tolerated.

I have heard comments from people saying, “If this is true, I don’t want to live in a world like that.” And I say, when the truth comes out we must allow ourselves to unhook from judging, and deal with our shock and disappointment with compassion towards ourselves first. Then it will be easier to offer compassion to others. We can raise our standards and learn from these experiences. Certainly, it is very important that we know the truth even if it is difficult or painful.

Maybe you do not want to believe, or maybe you are so horrified that you will not let yourself believe. However, once the lying is revealed and cleared out, all of us are in a much better position to be honest with ourselves and each other.

But even good people tell little lies so as not to hurt someone’s feelings or not to offend them, or even to protect them. As a mom, I remember telling my older sons not to tell any of the stories about their exploits and crazy juvenile things that they had done until the younger siblings were 28 years old. I was so naïve in that moment I actually thought that my younger 15-year-old son had not heard some of this!

At one point in my life I read every book about lying that I could. I learned how betrayed we feel when our lover is a liar. Brad Blanton wrote many books on the subject. Radical Honesty, being the most well-known, invites us to not hide anymore behind our little lies. I think his work is so important that I ask everyone who studies the Akashic Records with me to read Radical Honesty.
Don’t get caught up with those that hang on to their anchor system. It will cause them harm eventually. Having a support system, united by a common goal, certainly is the way that mankind has armored himself against his enemies. But what if there are no enemies? What if we are all part of a much bigger system of humanity that includes galactic beings? If we rely on our own experiences and the experiences of our group that we belong to, we may be limiting ourselves.

Edgar Cayce, who was a devout Christian and did not believe in reincarnation, eventually came to accept it. This is because he received many messages in his trance states describing previous lifetimes and his activities in prior lifetimes. There are many times I have been in a situation where I received information from my guides that I did not want to believe.

Consider yourself a citizen of the world and not of a particular nation, your family tradition, or ancestry. Instead, consider that you already are a global citizen with your concern for the ocean, water rights, weather economies and more. Include in your new normal the caring for yourself, your fellow man, and the earth – an earth without bias and prejudice. Knowing that you care deeply for your fellow man makes you a world citizen.
Limiting beliefs, are limiting. They cause us to hold certain ideas as incontrovertible. Just as there are many solutions for various diseases or illness, being open-minded invites you to expand your faith. So let us not be so concerned. Instead, ask your Higher Self about these things, and consciously choose 5D – where love is the governing force.

This Month’s Meditation is:

Seven Archangels on the Wheel

This effective guided meditation takes you through the seven Archangels in a very powerful and unique way. Ever think of just one more thing after you’ve submitted a response? Me too! We thought of that!

This meditation is unique because it is helps you focus and then gives you that second chance. First the seven Archangels gifts are highlighted and you are shown how you can benefit from their gifts and their ability to help you clear your history, and then become your most evolved self. And finally, like a Ferris wheel, go around the wheel one more time, this time loading up new and special gifts to help you be pro-active. You’ll come away from this meditation – a new and unique you, ready for the new Milennium. So what are you waiting for?


I’d Rather Be with You

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In 2009 I self-published Beyond the Flower of Life. I encountered heartbreak three years earlier when the publisher of this well-known publishing house rescinded its original contract six months after the signed contract and three months after manuscript submission!

My career as a teacher of meditation and spiritual things has been growing since 1985, but that phone call was a big setback. It also was an important lesson in manifestation. I was manifesting a two-book deal or better. Well, as my agent said, “Maureen, you did manifest a three-book deal!”

I discovered at an early age that I was connected to the stars. Early communication with my unseen watchers was clear to me, even though I do not know how I might have known these things. I knew that I was being watched by both forces that loved and supported me, but also those opposing me. It wasn’t paranoia, but awareness. Our farm family did not watch much TV except for occasional Sunday evening news shows like “60 Minutes” so I know these ideas were coming from an inner knowing, and not an external source. I did grow up with good self-esteem working on the farm, which has helped me throughout my life.

I often knew things that no one else knew. My mother also had a gift of intuition and told my father one morning that she dreamt grandma, who lived next door, died of a heart attack. It came true that morning. As an adult my father wanted to protect me by encouraging me to keep my experiences to myself!

Because my father insisted that we research and prove our beliefs and ideas, there was always open discussion at our family dinner table. Ideas were never dismissed categorically. Books and discovery were encouraged. I was a good student and math was my favorite subject. I was extremely curious about everything, being told that I asked deeper questions than most students.

As a teenager this led me to seek answers within. I was one of six children and knew from my early years that I wanted to serve God. Initially, being raised Catholic I thought it meant joining a religious order. Our family was extremely close to my dad’s uncle who was a priest and his sister, my aunt, who was a nun. High school brought on hormones and interest in boys, and even though I had been accepted into the convent after graduation, at the last minute I changed my mind.

Introducing “two-fers.” No, not pizza!

In college I met and fell in love with someone my parents disapproved of. They did everything in their power to break us up and finally convinced me to change colleges to get me away from him. Walking away from my first big love, I turned to God and my angels for advice. This was one of the first tools they taught me, “two-fers” I called it. My angels told me every time I had a sad or grief-filled thought, to follow it with two positives along the same lines. So, when I hated my new school I forced myself to name two good things about my new college environment.

Within six weeks of moving to the new city and sharing all the “positives” about my new environment and my new friends, the head of admissions tapped me to give tours to prospective students! My mother was floored! “Talk about the blind leading the blind!”

I followed the traditional route and got married to my new college sweetheart some years later. Initially I helped my husband by working full time while he pursued a career in show biz. At a certain point he gave up his pursuit and joined my parents in their family business. I also worked there as we grew our family to have four amazing sons.

I joined the Unity church, frustrated that my toddler children were expected to sit still at Mass and couldn’t get any religious education. Pretty quickly I was tapped to teach Sunday School, and as time went on became superintendent of the Sunday School program. This led to numerous opportunities and experiences with teaching spiritual ideas. During this time, I explored Science of Mind and many other alternative/new thought organizations.

I took many courses and joined study groups. As the children got older I was able to lead study groups, first in my home and then in bookstores and other centers. As my sons moved out of the house I was able to spend more and more time devoted to spirituality and self-help by attending workshops and many training programs. I had many spiritual awakenings in the trainings at that time. I studied with a group of Essenes, completing their ministerial training. I also had been a long-time member of the Cayce study group, A Search for God. All of this culminated in attending the MerKaBa workshop in 1994. My husband of twenty-five years wanted a divorce, and I was ready for transformation.

My biggest influence has been my inner work with MerKaBa Meditation. I was certified personally by Drunvalo in 1995. When Dru passed leadership of the facilitators program over to Flower of Life Research institute, I was invited to be on its board of advisors. I remained on its board until they closed their doors in 2012. In 2010, I was guided to create a DVD of this body of knowledge. I renamed it the “Classic MerKaBa” for the DVD to teach it because the original formula is too good to throw away!

This was the beginning of a brand new phase of my spiritual teachings. I began in earnest to teach people how to connect with their Higher Self. I was also teaching manifestation and the Advanced Flower of Life workshop often giving three or more workshops in each city I visited. My love of the sacred inner knowledge and for geometry had finally merged. Initially I kept my “day” job to cover college tuition for one of my sons, eventually being able to pursue it full time.

I began to be invited to Canada, then to Scotland, then Bulgaria, then Japan, Australia and China all including additional seminars and trainings and Akashic Records work. Later I founded Akashic Records International, an organization of certified Akashic Records Guides.

I have always understood the meanings of subtle energies, dreams and experiences. All I had to do was ask in my mind, and the answer would float in. In workshops this became even more pronounced. I now believe that I had no resistance to beliefs that could bedifferent because of that early open environment.

I also discovered that I was a natural teacher and began teaching what I knew, not just what I had learned from working with the MerKaBa. This changed everything. Finally, I gave myself permission to share all I knew. Over the years I have been told that I was a “natural” Sacred Geometry teacher. I now tell students I may have been a student in Pythagoras’ school. I also was able to see deeper connections and explain meanings to the sacred geometry that I was teaching. Much of this is documented in Beyond the Flower of Life.

On my first workshop in New York City, I had a spontaneous kundalini awakening. This awakening created a personal connection to Lord Metatron and the surrender of the personality. I was filled with a drive to support and assist the students with their own personal activations and understandings. I was also given greater understanding of everything I was teaching.

Enter the Higher Self Connection

Along the way I worked with my Higher Self to develop an accurate tool to access the Higher Self with 100% accuracy. This was featured in last month’s The Echo World magazine. I believe this is one of the major keys to ascension. It is also a fabulous way to “get along” and get what you want in life. If you’ve not seen this article, it’s so worthwhile–please find and read it. It can be found online as one of my blog posts. The freebies were only good for the month of August 2018. My teaching on the Higher Self Connection is a direct and pure method that allows anyone to have 100% accuracy. It is a game changer, for you to achieve total mastery of yourself and your life. I teach it in every class, and it is in every book. It is required that people who train with me and get certified, learn and use this method. It has completely directed my life since 1995.


I was invited to teach in countries all over the world. I was the first person to introduce the MerKaBa and sacred geometry to Bulgaria. When I visited Bulgaria on the first of many visits I had several mystical experiences in the churches that I visited. The first time I came upon the painting of St. Boris, I stood frozen in front of it; Boris was the king who invented the Bulgarian language. His plan to create an authentic Bulgarian written language was accomplished by inviting two renegade abbots to move to Bulgaria and assist with the creation of the new written language of Bulgaria. Later two other people approached me with the information that I was King Boris.

I also began opening the Akashic Records and founded Akashic Records International shortly after receiving a permanent guide and a message telling me that I was being given access to a dimension that had been closed to humanity. I began teaching Akashic Records to students and opening them for clients worldwide. I also became affiliated with the Edgar Cayce center in New York city. I have been a member of the ARE (Association for Research and Enlightenment, the Edgar Cayce organization) since my 20s, having read Cayce’s life story as a teenager. I was a member of a Search for God study group as well. Later I served on the NYC board of trustees for over four years. This was another wonderful opportunity for me to assist organizations (with my trade association experience) as well as in the spiritual growth of students and the use of the Edgar Cayce resource materials for healing and spiritual growth.

Enter the 5D MerKaBa

This meditation found its way to me and is featured in Waking Up in 5D. It is also available on a CD or downloadable zip file. The 5D Multi-Dimensional MerKaBa is the most powerful MerKaBa yet available to man, based on a double torus activation meditation. Those who use it have reported back to me that they know it activates and achieves higher consciousness for them. They feel it, see it and experience results that prove to them how powerful it is. It truly takes you, the meditator to the next level. Don’t take my word for it, look at some of the feedback on it.

In my coursework and private sessions, I am continually in awe of the transformations and experiences of the clients and students. I consider myself a facilitator – one who holds the vibration for each individual’s activations. I do not believe I activate anyone but serve as a conduit for the person’s own spiritual mastery, and that I serve as a bridge for their own use of free will. It is my honor to do so.

In 2010 I was ready for a partner and manifested my beloved husband, Vyto. We were married in 2012. Even though I wanted a beloved and husband, I didn’t want him to be a west coast guy, since I lived in New York and loved it. I pushed him away, and tried to get rid of him, but HIS guidance was clear, “Don’t let her get away.” Some of you have heard some of the outrageous things I have said to him. I will share one of them here. When I asked him, “Why would you want to be with me, I’m traveling all the time?” his answer melted my heart. “I would rather be with you part time, than not at all.”

Follow your Guidance? Or Get a 100% Accurate Higher Self-Connection.

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Lots of people talk about the Higher Self, and you may already have a good connection with your inner guidance. Why then would I want to tell you to learn my practice of connecting with your Higher Self to get 100% accurate connection?

First let me ask you, do you follow your guidance or your inner wisdom channel? I expect most of you will say yes. That’s great. Now, let me ask you, do you follow your guidance 100% of the time? Everyone, even the people who say they have a very good Higher Self connection will say no!

Let’s back up. What is the Higher Self? Why do I capitalize the words? Your Higher Self is the version of you that is fully connected to God. It’s your heavenly self. It’s what you think of when you think of the saints or ascended masters, but your version of that. It’s the version of you that knows the related information to your life – what you care about and what you may need to know that you do not yet know! Your Higher Self is you, but it’s your exalted you!

Your Higher Self is a powerful ally to employ in life. It is your window to know everything you need to know about before you need to know it. My method to connect you with your Higher Self will give you accuracy that no other tool will. This means you will receive guidance about everything you care about, and everything you are working on, everything that’s important to you, whether YOU think it is important or not! Your Higher Self connection will enable you to validate any incoming message you think is coming from the “other side.”

Because your Higher Self is the Ascended Master-You, you will bring in a high vibration of love and acceptance into all your decisions. It is your fifth dimensional self. Everyone, at some point, will become their fifth dimensional self – but it won’t happen in one fell swoop like some people will tell you. So why not master your Higher Self connection NOW with this tool?

Each individual becomes evolved, or fifth dimensional, and then slides back into their 3D expression. For example, your fifth dimensional self maintains unconditional love in your heart and then something happens (with your mind or emotions) to disappoint you, or to trigger you, and you find yourself reacting, dropping back into your third dimensional expression. You can find lots of examples of how this works in the book Waking Up in 5D.

Ultimately, the benefit of developing a 100% accurate Higher Self connection is priceless. It’s easy to do and takes very little effort or time in your day. It does require a six-week commitment. It does require you to follow certain rules to succeed. The rules are critical so pay attention to the details.

I discovered this method when I was teaching my students about the Higher Self. I wanted to be able to give them a way to know for sure it IS their Higher Self talking to them. I actually asked my Higher Self to teach me a method to teach the students. I also asked for a logical reason to always want to follow your Higher Self, because using logic to decide to follow your Higher Self makes this decision a no-brainer.

Will you be giving up free will to follow your Higher Self? No! You are using free will to learn the language of your Higher Self and using free will to decide to take the action recommended by your Higher Self. In fact, it’s a bit like an answer key to life! It’s like an open book test. How will you know it’s really your Higher Self? Initially you won’t know. However, with practice, you will gain experience and familiarity. You’ll be practicing on unimportant questions, so there’s no pressure to be “right.” It’s all done in a very playful way!

The Logical Reason to Follow Your Higher Self:

When you watch a local TV show and the weather person interrupts the program to give you a weather alert, you pay attention, close the windows, move the car to the garage or take cover. These kinds of alerts come as safety warnings to tell you something that you have not anticipated. It is an update on situation normal that you are going to experience. We know these updates are important, and experience and logic tell us that you will benefit if you listen and heed the warning. When your Higher Self gives you information that you didn’t ask for (after your practice period) you benefit from taking action because your experience tells you that your Higher Self is always right.

When you decide to learn how to connect with your Higher Self you will be practicing with the seven guidelines that direct your action for six weeks. In fact, naming your six weeks practice period by its ending date is the first rule. This is so you can look forward to your success, and you know that you will have achieved mastery with your connection to your Higher Self within a prescribed timeframe. It takes the guesswork out of wondering if your Higher Self has really come through for you.

How can I know you will achieve mastery after six weeks? According to Donald Epstein, DC, inventor of Network Chiropractic and author of numerous books, it takes six weeks to get new DNA. It takes six weeks for you to integrate your practice into your consciousness and build the Higher Self connection. During your practice period you will be asking your Higher Self only ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. This is so that you can develop a rapport with your Higher Self that you can become familiar with. Once you have completed your practice period, you will have created the ability for your Higher Self to come to you, unsolicited.

This is where it gets interesting! Many times, you will get guidance to take an action, avoid a situation, or decline an invitation. This will help you with every decision in life. This is you, with you as a personal assistant who knows everything you care about – and need to know. What could be better than that?

I’m excited to share this knowledge with you, the Higher Self Connection Course for $99.

You’ll never need or want to go back to your other forms of divination once you’ve perfected your Higher Self connection!

Watch yourself out there. Everyone is being influenced by the energies of anger. If you are the object of someone’s anger – do not retaliate, do not try to correct them, or get even or even explain. Be open to new solutions and, instead, be the Buddha.

Time is a Tool, Not a Rule

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In 1996*, American and British scientists who conducted investigations in Antarctica made a sensational discovery. US physicist Mariann McLein told of how researchers noticed some spinning gray fog in the sky over the pole on January 27 which they believed to be just an ordinary sandstorm. However, the gray fog did not change in form and did not move in the course of time. The researchers decided to investigate the phenomenon and launched a weather balloon with equipment capable of registering the wind speed, the temperature and the air moisture. But the weather balloon soared upwards and immediately disappeared. In a little while, the researchers brought the weather balloon back to the ground with the help of a rope attached to it earlier. They were extremely surprised to see that a chronometer set in the weather balloon displayed the date of January 27, 1965, the same day 30 years ago. The experiment was repeated several times after the researchers found out the equipment was in good repair. But each time the watch was back it displayed the past time. The phenomenon was called “the time gate” and was reported to the White House.

Source: Pravda 03/01/2004 *Note the original article begins, “Eight years ago” and was released in 2004. The opening line was changed for the sake of clarity. The entire article may be read here:

Being able to alter time is becoming more and more commonplace. Some of you are doing it – yet haven’t figured how to do it on purpose! Let’s say you reach your destination much faster than before – you may even wonder briefly about it – and then forget about it, or what was happening when you arrived earlier than possible. Another experience is the slowing of time witnessed by many who have experienced traumatic events like a car accident.

So we shall call this left handed altering time. You know you’ve done it, you just don’t know how to replicate it. This is you altering time reactively. This is a good starting point. Validate that first, knowing that you CAN alter time and that it is possible. Now imagine the ability to do this is encapsulated and transpose it over to the right side where you are going to use it proactively for healing (or whatever other purpose you have in mind) in the moment.

It is important to be specific each time until it becomes second nature, or your new normal. Think about how you have moved time or worked with time or adjusted time and stepped out of the matrix of time. Time is a construct, it’s a matrix, it does not dictate to us unless we allow it. When you realize it’s YOU that has the capacity to move through time, you begin to realize everyone could be doing this, but they are not doing it. One of the principles I practice is to stop carrying or wearing a watch. Stop checking your phone or the clock on the wall. This will unhook you from mechanized time and open you up to the grids that allow you to “alter” time or to step out of time.

This is your reminder that YOU are the capacitor. You have the capacity to transform the reality that everyone else subscribes to. You just put your subscription on “hold” while you take care of something important. What might that be? You might need to get somewhere in less than the “normal” amount of time. You may need to accomplish something in a shortened piece of time. Just like the book by Madeleine L’Engle, and now Disney movie, A Wrinkle in Time, you can fold the sequence of time in a way that allows you to avoid the length and fold the space between you and the outcome or in reverse stretch it out to lengthen it.

In the same way, humans have been taught that healing comes from something being done to them rather than a change of the “marker” or a change of the status quo in an instant. If you are taking this awareness of the skill you have with time and acknowledging it, saying, “OK, I get it, I am a powerful being, how can I apply this to my healing work,” you obviously want to prove it with yourself first. Otherwise you will not feel authentic if you did it for others and could not do it for yourself.

Edgar Cayce didn’t believe any of this was possible until he was able to heal his own physical problem of a complete loss of his voice. Many of you know that he channeled the healing remedies and protocol to restore his voice! This is when he began to trust that he could help others.

In each person’s case it is more about authenticity than it is about believing it is possible. You, dear reader, know it is possible, even though you might not feel it is authentic unless you have been successful with your own transformation of time.

Anyone can alter time. Keep that knowing and awareness in the front of your consciousness. This will help you validate the other version of the reality you are creating outside of time. Many people have some level of medical training that tells them these things are not possible. Yet, in their heart they know it is possible.

In all cases, whether you have medical or civilian health training, you are very likely extra conscientious and careful. This will serve well in the future. However, in the present moment (while working with time), you are operating more on the trust factor than you might be comfortable with, which causes a conundrum of sorts.

Take a half step back and review your processes when you have changed time. Do this once a day. Stop and ask yourself, “How do I do that?” and then notice your mindset, notice what your feelings are and notice what you want as an outcome, and then achieve it. Now, move to the issue in the present moment, a health issue, a time issue or whatever.

One of my clients, a member of my year-long program, The Ascension Institute, has used this method so successfully that she continues to reduce her blood sugar medication significantly. She reports that she is following her Higher Self (more on that in the next issue) and that there is a 36-hour lag in results. Over time, that length of time, between creating the matrix and the manifestation will decrease.

One of the ways you can begin to become comfortable with the idea of time as a construct is to alter the past. Most people would be taken completely aback by the idea that you can change the past, yet the past is malleable and changeable, just like the Mandela effect.

On more than one occasion – I’ve observed myself or a client move through past timelines and alter the past. In once instance the client began to examine the source of loneliness and discovered a memory of being abandoned in her crib to cry for hours! She then imagined a version of herself where an adult would come for a visit and hold and comfort the infant of that time. After only one session of her own guided meditation visualization she found her abandonment issues fading.

There are three elements to draw on to alter or to tunnel into an event/timeline – location, time and the person experiencing it. You will need two of these elements to create coordinates in the space time web to open one of these timeline portals. Proximity is one factor, connection either as a participant or as a past life participant or close family member and the third is a memory. You can use your memory to bridge the timeline by reminiscing.

Reminiscing uses both your memory (mental body) and your emotions (emotional body.) This allows you to easily match up with the actual event as your memory is threaded to the Akashic Records. By using both your mental body and your emotional body it is like you are actually “there” in time even though your memory of something may not always be exactly what has happened.

You will be able to use this information to heal family traumas, health issues and more. Why is this so very important? We can and need to heal our memories of our wounds. This changes our past and future. It also improves the transformation of each of us. As we become Fifth Dimensional our wounds need to be cleared of their negative charge so they can move through the inter-dimensional portal. Anything with an overly negative charge will be left behind.

If you have a powerful negative experience that defines who you are, and you keep retelling it, you may be limiting your ability to express in the fifth dimension. Decide now, to change outcomes, change your memory of how it came out – by taking the time to meditate on it, and re-writing the script to produce an outcome you prefer. You know what you would have liked. Now pretend that is what really happened in your meditation and invite THAT version of the reality to be the real one.

My free download this month is a powerful guided meditation called Release and Reinvent. During this current Mars retrograde, which is June 26 to August 27, 2018,there is a strong focus on the past, and a stronger desire than usual to go back to “fix” old problems. It is also the perfect time to rethink what makes you happy and what you want for yourself in this lifetime. This meditation will help you to release old memories and patterns, and give you the opportunity to reinvent or recover your authentic self.

Calling in the Dragons

dragon meditation maureen st germain

“I hope that your dragon will teach you his or her name. Just never reveal that to anyone. Having the name of your dragons, means you can call them in, and the dragons are inviting you to do so.”
~ From Call in Your Dragons Meditation

With all these changes on Earth today there can be false starts, misdirections, ambiguity, and uncertainty. The dragons stand for clear seeing. Looking at word meanings, we find that in both the East and the West, dragon comes from the root word to see clearly. Thus, the dragons bring clarity, they stand for unlimited possibilities, and who doesn’t need more possibilities?

I now introduce you to the dragons and serendipities, otherworldly beings who have come into the reality to assist humanity in the process of ascension! Were dragons only mythological creatures? I doubt it, since there are so many artistic renderings of them from all over the world found in our museums. They were revered and tamed. Today, the dragons have returned to help humans find their true authentic selves.

Why They Are Here

The dragons are from a life wave that has not been known to us. They carry wisdom and understanding in many esoteric categories. One area of expertise is their knowledge of the elements of earth, air, fire, and water. This means they can help you with all kinds of understanding about how to work with the elements, and all the expressions of the elements such as water undines, air sylphs, fiery salamanders, earth fairies, gnomes, and elves.

How Do You Call in Your Dragons?

I know this is beginning to sound like a fantasy—but please do not ignore your dragons’ assistance. Instead, prove me wrong. Ask for your dragons to come forth and watch for the signs that they are there. They love to be called and will show up for you, in your dreams, in the clouds, or elsewhere. Ask for their assistance. Get quiet and ask for your dragons to be present and then ask for their names. Use what name pops into your head immediately. From that point forward call them by name. You can have more than one dragon and they can be of either gender.

Once you have a dragon’s name, you may summon it and give it requests. It has adopted you as its human and is attracted to you for your specific purposes. Never give the names of your dragons to anyone unless you totally trust that person to respect and honor the names.

When your dragons generously share their names with you, it is akin to offering their services, because now you may invite them in by name, seeking their help! And they do love it when you need them and call to them for help!

You can add the dragons to your collection of tools to help you navigate the very challenging world in front of you. You can ask your dragons to search out and bring to you helpers or resources to assist your projects. Even more importantly, the dragons can help you recognize the truth as it is spoken to you. The dragons are both symbolic and real when they appear in a dream. They are fourth dimensional elementals with their own intelligence and programs of service. They have returned to the Earth at this time to help humanity. Their purpose is related to communications, travel, and finding both your physical and metaphysical way. 

Optimizing Your Dragons

Why do we need their help? The dragons are back to help us see clearly! You don’t need dragons to do this for you, of course, if you have an activated MerKaBa and a solid Higher Self connection. But who couldn’t use a little extra help? Many of us, even with these skills, have come to rely upon the dragons for miracles, wisdom, and clarity of every kind. You can, too.

You can ask them to “take over the driving” or help you see and understand what you haven’t seen or what you need to see. You can ask them to help you get where you are going. I always ask for help for the oncoming traffic as well as the traffic going my way. Why not? I’m calling in their help and they love to do it!

Recently, my husband and I were driving down a very busy Seattle street and I could see wall-to-wall cars in busy traffic everywhere. We could see that the interstate below us, as well as the road we were on, were both jammed with cars. I looked at my husband who was driving and said, “We need to call the dragons!” So much heavy traffic everywhere! So, I called on our dragons by name. We asked for them to help us and help everyone around us so that everyone would get where they needed to go with grace and ease. Within a few minutes, my husband spontaneously Commented, “I have never seen or driven through all these green traffic lights straight away with no obstacles.” (This was for at least twenty lights!) And all the lights ahead of us were still green as well! As he said this, I said to myself and then out loud to him, “It must be the dragons!”

I’m also getting more and more feedback from clients who are thanking me for alerting them to the dragons’ help. In one example a customer had a dream before she knew me that was actually trying to “wake her up” to the dragons’ help. She originally was feeling very sorry for herself. Without knowing why, in our brief exchange, I suggested she work with her dragons. Here is her response:

“It is interesting you mentioned dragons. A few months ago, I had a dream. I was in a very colorful, magical place where there were many dragons of many different colors. I was standing in the valley where two dragons came to meet me, one black and one white. I was standing in the middle of the two, reaching my hands out to each of them. People that were nearby were whispering that these dragons had never let anyone touch them before. I woke up soon after that.”

My interpretation of her dream is that she needs to equally embrace the light and the dark. This is a message we can all use. So dear heart, know that you can, you must, call on your dragons to harness incredible power tailored just for you. They are back because the need for human discernment is greater than ever.

A Dragon Tale from Kelley Knight

My dear friend Kelley Knight sent me this most felicitous letter that I want to share with you. Check out Kelley’s website at

I wanted to tell you a little more about the Dragons and Rennes le Chateau and the ceremony we did there. All summer long information was coming in about Dragons. I was getting that we were going to activate something in the ley lines there and in ourselves.  

What was really interesting is that I was getting that somehow the ley lines there were “central” to ley lines connecting to sacred sites all over the world. 

And then I stumbled onto an old video interview of Elizabeth Van Buren and she was describing to the interviewer, that the ley lines at Rennes le Chateau are a sort of ground zero and the central heart connecting to powerful points and sacred sites all over the planet, basically the same information I was getting. 

She passed in 2011, so who knows, maybe she was sending me the information. She talked about that area being very important when the “Apocalypse” happens. And then that evening was when Gaia Portal came out with “Enter the Dragons”. 

Anyway, I also knew that a lot of the trip wouldn’t make sense until we got back. And it has continued to unfold. I sense we activated the Dragon aspect within ourselves, along with those ley lines.


Dragons Appearances

And here are two dragons that made themselves known to me on my recent teaching trip to China.

dragon appearing in a cloud over Hong Kong

As a friend’s plane arrived in Hong Kong, this is what he saw from his window! I chatted with him extensively about dragons and how important they are to all of us. He took it in with a generous heart, but also with some doubt. I think he was being shown the truth.

meteorite in the shape of a dragon
This is a meteor that had apparently landed nearby, in Xi’an. It was on display at a hotel where I had dinner one night with some friends. I took one picture as I approached it coming into the hotel, and one on my way out. It was on my way out that I realized that this meteor was actually a dragon!

Call In Your Dragons Meditation

The Dragon Meditation was written and produced while I was in the “Dragon City” of Qi’an, China, where reportedly the original ET dragons arrived.

Use this guided meditation to call into service your own dragons! Once you have a dragon’s name you may summon it and give it requests. It has adopted you as its human, and is ready to be of service!

Gold, Daffodils and the Golden Bowl

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Spring is the time of year that we are looking to see new things grow. We watch crocuses push up through the grass. It’s exciting to see the daffodils and tulips emerge, giving us that first rush of spring. Springtime is the time flowers bloom and pollen emerges!

Pollen affects many individuals, both in spring and fall. Some sensitive individuals are very affected by pollen; others seem to be immune to it. Many of those same sensitive individuals are affected by other kinds of inhaled pollution, mold, chemicals in the air and more. I have been affected by all of it. Being sensitive to this may actually be a remnant of an earlier (in consciousness) skill, where you used your sinus as your “sixth sense.”

Over the years, as a mystic, I discovered that while doing spiritual work my sinuses would “open up,” even when my sinuses didn’t need to open. Feeling my sinuses open up for “no reason” was profound. I liked that expansive feeling in my sinuses during meditation, and knew it was related to my connecting to my spiritual gifts.

I began to track this and noticed that higher states of consciousness produced this effect more and more often. In fact, when I was channeling in the Akashic Records, it happened almost all the time! I knew for certain that the meditations producing that effect were showing me, in physical terms, that I was more and more connected, but this was just the tip of the iceberg.

I discovered that ancient spiritual teachers taught that there was a connection between the sinuses and connection with the divine. They refer to the breath of life first entering the nose, and then later, impacting the rest of the body. The two main cavities of the sinuses, the maxillary pyramid sinus and the ethmoidal sinus, are made up of many small cavities and mysterious glands. These were believed to be especially spiritual organs – the Golden Bowl of the sinuses. What if the sinus is the spiritual center of the physical body? Could you proactively access this spiritual center and gain wisdom not available before?

Then I remembered reading an article by Homeopathist, Ingrid Naiman, who shared about the use of homeopathic remedy Aurum Metallicum to achieve states of bliss. It is also used for sinus conditions and much, much more! I knew there was a connection.

I researched Aurum Metallicum and had a huge aha. Aurum Metallicum is pure gold, diluted to its potency. Its 3D purpose is treating sinus issues. It helps with releasing congestion and therefore helps to open the sinus cavities!

Throughout history gold has been mined for its special properties and healing qualities. All forms of gold that are used for ingestion are highly diluted, molecular remnants of gold. You won’t necessarily use Aurum Metallicum to achieve bliss, but it will assist you once you have been there.

When you go deeper into the emotional issues and healing properties there is much more. The medical data refers to Aurum Metallicum being used by and aiding the person who suffers from depression most of his life, becoming highly responsible and tending to be a workaholic. The Aurum Metallicum type of personality blames himself when things go wrong in life. I began teaching about the use of Aurum Metallicum in my meditation classes and encouraged students to discover it for themselves.

Now to get back to the Golden Bowl of the sinuses; since I was personally experiencing the profound sensation of my sinuses opening up while meditating, I had a knowing that this was some sort of key to connecting to inner gifts or psychic talents — a gateway to higher realms. I wanted to help other people experience this awakening, so I created a guided meditation called “The Golden Bowl Meditation.” The students in my year-long training, the Ascension Institute, started using the meditation on a regular basis. One person in this group, who has had almost non-stop sinus infections for years started using it and achieved such spectacular results that she began using it three times a day!

When you learn a new language, you start with simple words and phrases and then build up. You practice with other speakers of the desired language. In accessing and turning on your special skill set you can access the “Golden Bowl” of the sinuses and proactively access these hidden powers. Little by little, with using the guided meditation you can increase your capacity and use of these latent skills. Once you learn the meditation, you can do it on your own, without guidance. However, I always prefer the benefit of being led through a meditation, so that I can relax into the experience, and allow information to flow through me.

It is important to understand and respect this information. Casual use will not produce the results desired, so be patient and persistent with yourself and very quickly you will become aware that you know and notice far more than you used to!

Also, contained within the air and gases we breathe are the messages that a highly cleansed body has the ability to interpret. Do your part and eat healthy, keeping your mind and body clean.

What some refer to as psychic talents I refer to as the “new normal” where you can intuit easily, see, hear and feel experiences that used to be called psychic. The new normal is that everyone is psychic, it is just a matter of when they access and turn on this capacity. What are these gifts? You see things that others miss. You “know” what’s going on in situations without anyone telling you. In fact, people notice that you have this ability and without even realizing it they come to you for answers because they can tell you “know.”

The Gold Bowl of the sinuses may have been used on higher planes of existence. However, it is now more readily available as humans evolve and become more spiritual. This work is not tied to any religion or spiritual practice. It is simply a tool to allow you to gain a greater insight into the workings of your life and the lives of individuals around you.

More From Maureen About the Golden Bowl Meditation

Maureen St. GermainDear friends, Activating your sixth sense is important to all of us! It’s easy to do, and related directly to your sinuses! This meditation is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever created. I’ve been getting downloads about the “Golden Bowl” located in the sinus cavities some mysterious, that surround the entire skull for about 7 years but was never given the green light to release it. Please pay careful attention to the Intro – that explains why this is so very important. Initially, you may want to play it each time you do the meditation. AND, it can be done multiple times a day, as many of our early testers suggested to us! And get it now – while it is free for just the month of May. After that, it’s going for sale worldwide. My request to you – is to send me your feedback for the world to know just how special it is – from my special audience, you. Sending you lots of love and gratitude, Maureen

What People Are Saying about the Golden Bowl Meditation

Peg Donahue

I love the Golden Bowl meditation. I’ve done it several times since receiving it. Each time I begin the meditation my sinuses automatically expand and stay that way! It’s quite amazing. The opening continues for days. I’m planning to do this meditation regularly for a bit of time. It’s easy and so beautiful. It’s also quick, so it’s easy to make room for it in a busy day. I’ve noticed that I’ve been accomplishing more each day since I did the first meditation. This could be part of the effect of it as well. Thank you for the Golden Bowl Meditation!

Peg Donahue / Feng Shui Connections

Peg Donahue

Three days before my monthly radio show, I came down with a terrible cold. While I usually can prevent getting them, this one really got me. Nevertheless, I persisted in believing I could do the show, taking every supplement you could imagine and seeing myself get through it. An hour before the show, I started coughing and nothing I did helped. I just kept coughing and sneezing. Ten minutes before the show, I decided to do the Golden Bowl meditation that Maureen had sent me to help. I knew I didn’t have time to do the entire meditation. I just trusted it would be enough.

Sure enough, after several minutes of the meditation, my sinuses cleared up and I could breathe again. It was just in the nick of time. Amazingly, I made it all the way through the radio show without coughing even one time. It was miraculous! About 10-15 minutes after the show, I began coughing again and I coughed on and off for the next three hours. I finally decided to go to bed and do the meditation again. That worked! I slept peacefully for 6 hours without coughing. Another miracle! So appreciated!

Madeline Gerwick / Polaris Business Guides

Soul Retrieval You Can Do on Yourself

stained glass spiral

I studied Sandra Ingerman’s work on soul retrieval in the 80s. I found it fascinating that a person could lose parts of their soul or parts of themselves through a traumatic experience. Later I went on to become certified in Soul Re-Birthing, a similar process to assist a person in bringing back, or bringing in, aspects of themselves lost or abandoned due to some trauma.

Trappers have seen how an animal will become desperate to free themselves and resort to chewing off a limb to escape. This is a somber metaphor. In reality, we break off parts of ourselves in order to survive a trauma, by abandoning a part of ourselves that holds a memory of a trauma. The amazing thing – is that they often are long forgotten and thus, a part of us is lost to the sea of consciousness. How would you know that this has happened? The signs can show up in a myriad of ways, like chronic depression, suicidal tendencies or stress.

When my younger sister (at age forty-nine) died suddenly in an automobile accident I chose to cancel all my workshops and events for three weeks so I could deal with this loss. It was a big loss because her youngest child was ten years old, and she lived in another country with her husband and three daughters. Everywhere I shared my story – I left a piece of myself. I had been on a dolphin swim in Hawaii and had a great distance to travel with my mom, a widow, who just happened to be living in Hawaii. I was dependent upon my son to get my passport from my lock box in my home in Wisconsin and take it to an airport an hour away, and then for an airline employee to hand carry it to Houston, where I would make my international connection. I know I left of piece of myself at the airline counter when the staffer told me they couldn’t find it! I took a bathroom break, with a very heavy heart and with a very big prayer to El Morya, the chohan of the first ray of the Will of God and chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, saying if they didn’t find it, then I surrendered my need to travel (unthinkable to me at the time). I came back to the counter – and it was suddenly located!

Near the end of the three weeks of my voluntary sabbatical to mourn my sister’s tragic death I was given a very special ceremony to do. My angels told me to send my Higher Self out to collect all of my “lost parts” from that overseas journey. So, I did. I remember waking up a dozen or more times that night coming back into my bedroom, and then going out again. Yet, when I woke up really early, I remembered nothing – and felt very good. I checked in with my guidance, thinking I would be told to go to the gym (as was my practice for an early morning rise). “No,” my Higher Self informed me, “You have ceremony to do!”

They told me to wash the lost parts with a shower of love and light. They then had me do a heart-based meditation (the MerKaba) and then to lovingly invite all my lost parts to return. I did this – and one by one they moved back into my consciousness. This was me doing soul retrieval on myself, a concept I’d not thought of!

Later that morning I remembered all those back and forth trips, collecting parts of me. One of the men who had been on the dolphin swim with me, and who had been calling me daily, announced on his call to me that day, “Wow, Maureen, you sound all together!” I remember laughing, saying, “I AM all together. You have no idea what I did!”

A few years later I published this training and guided meditations in a collection called Unify. It was matched with Elation Orion Series® Blend channeled by Mary Magdalene to assist you in bringing back your lost soul parts. You can now perform soul retrieval on yourself, by yourself with Unify. Be sure to consider purchasing the essential oil blend, Elation (offered through Vibranz) – to go with it, and amplify your experience.


The purpose of Unify! A Soul Retrieval Meditation is to reclaim lost parts of yourself that you may have broken off in order to survive trauma. The link to your missing part can be a memory. Unresolved emotions can be accessed by your memories. They reside in time and space; therefore, traveling through time or space allows you access to them at their time/space coordinates. Two coordinates are required to gain access. You (or your higher self) are one of them. Download the booklet and sound files!
Pair with Elation Orion Series® Blend (available through Vibranz)
This amazing blend reconnects all the parts of your soul in all directions of time and space. A blend of cinnamon, thyme, basil, orange bergamot, lavender, white pine, rosemary, Roman chamomile, Dalmatian sage, black spruce and sandalwood, Unity is created as the ideal companion for Maureen’s meditation, Unify!
orion series essential oil blends elation

Energetic Downloads – Also known as dimensional shifts

Man Lyning in Bed alone

There are three kinds of dimensional shifts – all dramatic. I will blog about each of them. Today – I’m going to tell you about energetic downloads the kind that can happen in the middle of the night. These are good transformations, that will help you evolve and shift. They will help you grow into the person you desire to be, and help transform the earth.

Knowing about them, will help you deal with the strangeness and accept it being a good thing. This year (2018), more than ever, you may be experiencing shifts and changes! You may have been awakened in the middle of the night, notice an energetic “download” that feels as if your body is vibrating or pulsating yet there is no movement!

What’s Going on?

You are receiving an upgrade from outside sources as you have requested. These new energies help you adjust to the earth around you, and help you shift and be fifth dimensional easier. You might not even know what you have received, but you will feel better and better in the reality.

I have only observed benevolent shift. However, if you have any concern that it isn’t for your good, simply state, “I accept anything from beings of 100% God Light.” Everything else must leave. Now.

This is a new transformative opportunity to acclimate to the new energies that are now transforming everyone and the planet. It’s as if the “sun is shining everywhere,” and everyone is benefitting. Yet, it’s not shining so brightly that it is painful, or destructive. Instead the energies are gently pulsating into your consciousness, physical bodies so that you can tolerate and accept the new energies that are already here on the planet!

Surround yourself with love. Surround your family and friends with love. Decide that you are in service, (you probably are,) to anyone and everyone who comes near to you.

If you have been disappointed in the past, or have had difficulty at this time of year, decide that you can be the solution – and from that point forward you have become a true beacon of love and light.

Never believe, that your individual changes cannot make a difference. Your presence in those situation will continue to bless and transform those around you.

I cherish you. I believe in you.

Love, Maureen

Your Fear and Worry Create Negative Loosh

woman dove water

Loosh is a fuel source for the energies that would have you fail. Loosh, being life force energy (chi, imbued with a purpose), can be either uplifting or down lowering. Loosh was the word devised by Robert Monroe (founder of The Monroe Institute), referring to the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans in dire circumstances that entail intense, severe pain and suffering in body and psyche. And so, “loosh,” in this usage, describes a negative experiential spectrum.

Loosh from painful and difficult circumstances is a desired fuel (for not-God energies) since it contains both the God Spark and the human creative spark. It’s a picnic near an anthill. Wonder who are you feeding? Some call these ones “the powers that were” emphasis – on the past and now on the decline.

On the other side of this, the planet is being bathed in uplifting loosh, coming from sources of love and light, helping us transform the planet. This positive loosh is irresistible and joyful!

Make no mistake, this hologram we call third dimension does have both positive and negative loosh. Our goal is to pay attention to our joyful happy moments, and laugh and optimize that, remaining balanced at every turn. As I say in my manifestation book, Be A Genie, you can recycle your sad unresolved emotions by practicing two-fers.

What Are Two-fer’s?

Every dark thought as it is recognized as dark (and we do this through training our self reflection to be instantaneous) is then followed by two or more positives – to transmute and transform that energy ourselves, rather than waiting for them to be harvested and used as fuel.

You’ve heard the phrase; Birds of a feather flock together. Well, your thoughts are like that too! Thoughts are little bits of energy or “chi-bits” that collect and merge into bigger “chi-bits” or thought-clouds. Like attracts like – so you are throwing breadcrumbs, just like in the tale of Hansel and Gretel.

Unresolved chi-bits will float away from you and find other chi-bits like themselves and merge with them, growing in size! They are loaded with your emotion. In fact, emotion is what colors chi – or gives it it’s purpose. When we imbue our thoughts with a purpose we are infusing emotion into the chi we have garnered. When we fail to express, resolve or recycle our emotion – eventually it floats away. This is where trouble can begin.

Why Is It Such a Good Fuel Source for Them?

Emotion is co-created, because you carry the Divine spark within you. This allows you to produce emotions that carry “God-energy.” It also means your discarded emotions, or loosh, can also be used as fuel for entities and energies that would hold you back. All the more reason to resolve or recycle your negative emotions. Make it a habit.

Follow the Flow

When humanity was created, humans were given the ability to co-create with God by infusing chi with a purpose; creating what is now known as emotion. Chi, or raw energy, exists everywhere in unlimited supply and is readily available for you to garner and imbue with your beliefs and desires. You do this almost constantly.

By filling chi with a purpose (e-motion), you create energy that is distinctly different from free-flowing energy or chi. Creating emotion moves chi from being 2-dimensional and flat into 3-dimensional consciousness and alive in the 3rd Dimensional reality.

Creating e-motion (energy in motion) is what humans do best. This “giving energy a purpose” is one of the privileges and distinctions of being in a 3-D body, and saturating chi with beliefs and desires that contain the God spark adds intensity and direction to all your events or relationships.

Surprise of the System

It was anticipated by God that emotion could cause pain and suffering so it was instilled with a certain limitation: it must be expressed. Initially this was meant to insure there wasn’t an overflow from one event to the next. In other words, emotion was meant to be used up in each moment of the creation of it.

All emotion must be expressed.

This means that once you create emotion from your own beliefs and desires the next step is to allow its expression. Understanding this flow will help you begin to grasp how important it is to not only express but to resolve your emotions as well. At some point, instead of resolving our unexpressed emotions we developed all kinds of other ways of dealing with it. We pushed it into the body; we buried it in the emotional body, or the mental body or worse.

All these made humanity sick. Humans are still discovering thousands of ways we have done this – and now are undoing it. We pushed it in memory – and started to use replay to create MORE hurts and wounds.

Playing with fire

When you are finished with it you put it away. If you don’t it will grow while you are not looking. Everything in the universe is moving and shifting. Everything in the universe wants to evolve, including emotion. It’s alive with your loosh!

Your emotion is like fire. Fire is very useful. We use it for so many things in our modern life. But if we start a fire, and fail to put it out it will grow. Very few fires die out on their own especially when they have a ready supply of fuel. Since you know there is plenty of chi to supply your emotional trauma and drama – you can see how you could be feeding alligators unwittingly.

What if you don’t let it go? What if you cannot let it go?

This is where the trouble begins. The action of resolution validates you. It completes the circuit of creation/resolution. If you are not accustomed to self-validation this will not feel like “enough.” This is when you begin to replay your wounds creating a downward spiral that is harder and harder to extricate yourself from.

Additionally you attract entities and energies that “feed” off your unresolved emotions, your loosh. (Remember, it is chi imbued with your “God-Spark” purpose!) This can pull you into the fourth-dimensional vortex-type energy, dragging you down, creating an energetic cyclone, sucking the loosh that literally feeds the fire of hurt emotion.

Resolve or Recycle your emotions

You honor your experience of an event and let it go. It means you express your anger, disappointment, rage or whatever and then let it go. If you cannot, then move to recycle! If you must repeat it, limit your expression to only three times. Keep track. If you keep reviewing your emotion – you are simply replaying it, and refueling – not resolving it. If you do manage to suppress it – it will come out in illness and hopefully you’ll deal with it then!

The water cooler effect

Humans gather in the office around the water cooler, the coffee shop or the bar to share their experiences. Somewhere the habit of comparing “bad” experiences started. “You think that’s bad, you should hear my story!” But it’s time to walk away. Step away from those situations and groups—no words are necessary. Choose, in each moment of discovering your unresolved emotions– to recycle or resolve them.

For further information read: Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality

What Is the Purpose of Blood and Why Should I Care?

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Obviously this is not your everyday subject. The blood of the human body has life-giving properties,carries fluids and removes waste. Yet there is a spiritual significance and that’s what this article is about. It’s important to be aware, and know you can do something about it – if and when you need it!

Continue reading