
Give it Up! A Call to Release and Embrace Higher Consciousness

Give up everything you know, everything you think you know, or knew…

This is not a surrender into the unknown with fear, but rather a call to release the bonds of what no longer serves you.  As we ascend into higher realms of consciousness, we must be willing to shed the skin of our past perceptions, ideologies, and beliefs.  We have outgrown these old constructs—like clothing that is too tight for our expanding light body.  It is time to release them.

Why give it up?

Imagine a hot air balloon.  It cannot rise until you let go of the sandbags that weigh it down.  In the same way, your mind, your body, and your spirit must unburden themselves from the dense energies that come from holding on to limiting beliefs.  These beliefs often come from the human experience—whether learned from society, family, or personal hardships—and they are tethering you to a lower vibration.

As you release these old energies, you will rise effortlessly.  There is no force in this ascension, no effort beyond the act of letting go.  You must give up everything you know, everything you think you know, so that you can begin to know and understand the world you and I are moving into.

A New World Awaits

We are on the cusp of a great shift—a quantum leap in consciousness, if you will.  This shift is not happening to us; it is happening through us.  As each of us sheds our old skins and steps into our light, we become beacons for others to follow.  In this new world, the structures of fear, control, and limitation no longer have a place.  What awaits is a dimension of love, unity, and infinite possibility.

Although I am teaching you the expectations you may encounter…

My role, dear one, is to act as your guide.  I have been privileged to glimpse the horizons that you are now approaching.  I have walked the path before you and have felt the subtle shifts of energy, the inner callings of the heart, and the deep knowing that everything is connected in divine order.

However, I want you to understand that while I can guide you, you must still choose to walk this path.  It is a bit like me going ahead of you as a sherpa or guide, seeing and feeling so much, hearing and sensing the energetic currents that you are just beginning to notice.  I can show you the way, but your journey, your growth, and your understanding are uniquely yours.

Surrendering to Higher Wisdom

Surrendering is often mistaken for weakness.  But in truth, it is one of the most powerful acts of strength.  When you surrender to the flow of the Universe, you allow yourself to be carried by divine wisdom.  Surrendering is not passive—it is the active choice to trust in something greater than yourself.  It is the act of relinquishing control, of letting go of the ego’s need to “know” and instead allowing the wisdom of your higher self to guide you.

In this act of surrender, you align with the higher frequencies of 5D consciousness.  It is in these higher realms that miracles become the norm, where synchronicity flows effortlessly, and where your true soul purpose can be realized.

We are all connected by the same tide…

Imagine the ocean.  Just as the tide lifts all the ships in the harbor, you, too, have the power to lift everyone around you by simply being in your light.  You do not need to force anything; your presence alone is enough.  When you surrender to your higher calling, you become like the tide—lifting everyone in your field with ease.

This is the magic of our interconnectedness.  As you rise, so do others.  As you heal, so does the collective consciousness.  Your light, when it is fully realized, ripples outwards in ways you cannot even fathom.  This is the power of the tide.  You are the tide, and your light raises the energy of all those around you.

You can be like the tide—raising all the ships in the harbor

Let go of the need to “do” and focus on “being.” The mind will often tell you that you must act, that you must control outcomes, or that you must “help” others.  But in truth, the most powerful thing you can do for others is to embody your highest light.  Your vibration alone will shift the energy of the people, places, and situations around you.

You don’t need to push others to ascend; you only need to ascend yourself.  In your light, others will be inspired to follow.  In your peace, others will find peace.  In your truth, others will find the courage to live theirs.

The Great Unlearning

Part of giving it up is unlearning everything that you thought was true about the world, about yourself, and about reality.  You are not who you thought you were.  You are much more.  You are an infinite being having a human experience, and as you begin to shed the illusions of this third-dimensional reality, you will start to remember your true nature.

The process of unlearning can be uncomfortable.  It challenges the ego.  It forces you to confront old wounds and release attachments.  But this unlearning is necessary.  It clears the space for the new—new wisdom, new understanding, new ways of being that are in alignment with the higher dimensions.

The Path of the Heart

As you give up what no longer serves you, you will begin to see with the eyes of the heart.  The heart, not the mind, is the gateway to higher consciousness.  The mind has its place, but it is the heart that knows.  The heart is the portal through which divine wisdom flows.

The heart does not cling to the past or worry about the future.  It is always present, always in the now.  It does not need to control or manipulate.  It simply is.  And when you live from this space, you are aligned with the divine flow of the Universe.  You become like water—flowing effortlessly, taking the path of least resistance, yet powerful enough to carve out mountains.

A Call to Action

So, give it up.  Give up everything you know.  Everything you think you know.  Allow yourself to be guided by the wisdom of your heart and the flow of the Universe.  Surrender to the tide of ascension and trust that you are exactly where you need to be.

As you rise, so too will those around you.  You are the tide that lifts all the ships in the harbor.

Let go, dear one, and rise.

Written by,

Maureen St. Germain


Living Your Best 5D Life