5D – Creating heaven on Earth

5D – Creating heaven on Earth

Maureen J. St. Germain Maureen J. St. Germain
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Releasing judgement, fear and patterns.

Are You Mission Driven? How to Live Your Highest Calling in 5D

Beloveds, today I want to ask you some vital questions—questions that could shift the course of your entire existence if you allow them to penetrate your heart and soul.

Are you mission driven?

Do you KNOW what your life mission is?

You see, the key to a life of purpose, fulfillment, and divine joy is understanding the mission you came here to fulfill.  If you’re reading this, I can assure you, you didn’t just come here to be a passive observer of life.  You came to create, to inspire, to expand.  But knowing your mission is the foundation upon which everything else is built.

Are you keeping up with new information, discovery, and mental pursuits?

The world is in a state of constant expansion—new energies, new technologies, new understandings. This is the age of limitless discovery, where mind, body, and spirit are continually challenged to evolve. But are you keeping up? Are you feeding your mind and soul with the information that aligns with your mission, or are you stuck in the cycle of old patterns and beliefs?

Are you taking care of your body?

This sacred vessel—the body you chose for this lifetime—is the divine instrument that allows your mission to unfold.  It is not separate from your spiritual path; it is integral to it.  As you care for your body, nourish it, and honor its needs, you create a stronger foundation for your spiritual ascension.  Your body is your temple, and through it, you anchor the higher dimensions into your physical reality.

Let me ask you something else:

If I gave you a million dollars, what would you do?

Would you quit your job?  Would you finally write that book you’ve been dreaming about for years?  Would you travel the world, helping others along the way?  Think about this daily and start making plans, because the universe conspires to give you what you spend time thinking about!

I know this to be true because it has happened in my own life, over and over again.  Every dream, every wish, every intention I’ve ever held close to my heart has manifested, sometimes in ways more beautiful and profound than I could have ever imagined.  I am living the life of my dreams, with the partner and husband of my dreams.  This is my truth.

The message that I share with you today, and the one that echoes through my work, is this: You are a creator.  You are divine, and your mission is to bring heaven to earth through your unique gifts and presence.  The spiritual principles I teach, I teach because I live them.  These are the tools that were given to me by my guides, and I am honored to share them with you.

Living Your Best 5D Life

The big message in my book Living Your Best 5D Life is the integration of body, mind, and spirit.  As your consciousness expands into the higher dimensions, so too does all of life expand. We are like children, just beginning to comprehend the infinite beauty and complexity of this universe.  Our understanding is still growing, but with each new level of awareness, we unlock more of our divine potential.

The meditations found in this book—especially the introduction of the 8D MerKaBa, a tool given to me after two years of profound development with the Ascension Institute—are designed to make your life easier, more aligned, and infinitely more joyful.  The 8D MerKaBa is a vehicle for your soul’s highest expression, a way to anchor yourself in the higher dimensions while still thriving in your 3D reality.

You, dear one, are not alone on this journey.  The universe is holding you, guiding you, and aligning every step you take. Trust in the process. Trust in your mission.  You are more powerful than you know, and the world needs you now more than ever.  That’s why we created the 5D summit is to expand the data base – of your knowledge! Catch the special replay and grow!

Start today. Start now. Step into the life you’ve been dreaming of, because it’s already waiting for you.  All you need to do is claim it.

With all my love and highest blessings,


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