Maureen says, “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh will help you mend a broken heart. Any time you are suffering emotional pain for any reason, whether you are in pain from the loss of someone dear to you or a breakup of a relationship, this chant will help you ease your suffering and assist you to heal your heart.”
Deepak Chopra has found in his research that the average person experiences 60,000 thoughts a day. Only 10% of those thoughts are about the present! How can we create the present if our thoughts are stuck in the past or future? I have found that most of our emotional pain comes from holding thoughts of the past that have come from circumstances that we cannot change! This leads to stuck emotions. The Kadosh Chant is a marvelous tool to help you heal from this pain.
“Thank you so much for sending the awesome CD. ‘El Ka Leem Om’ hit me like a rocket! My light body ignites; it’s all I want to hear. When I listen to ‘Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh Adonai Sabaoth,’ I feel like I’m inside my MerKaBa. Absolutely, a ‘next dimension production power tool.’ Thanks so much for bringing it through.” – Nancy Dullany, Norwalk, CT
“Instead of saying the more traditional ‘Om mane padme Om,’ as I was hanging my Feng Shui crystals and chimes, I activated them with the El Ka Leem Om mantra. I have many, many chant CDs since I used to own a body-mind-spirit store. This was the perfect mantra. It brought a wonderful, fresh, cleared, high-vibration energy into my newly renovated space. I have an Ascension house!” – Billii Roberti, former owner of I AM Books, Ltd., Huntington, NY