I was recently introduced to a new, incredible MerKaBa that blew the lid off for me and everyone who learned it! This meditation has been in hiding for quite a few years. It’s been waiting for the right moment. When it was presented to me, and I worked with it – I was able to contribute to the expression of it, and the final result is a true collaboration. As I wind up the writing of the new book, Waking Up in 5D, I was told to include it and more importantly produce the guided meditation!
Many of our early testers have been giving us wonderful feedback on how it is affecting them, their experiences and their work with it. One thing I’ve noticed is more laughter and a more heart centered reaction to everything.
Learn the 5D MerKaBa — The most powerful MerKaBa yet
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“Please join me, along with Sound Healer and Multi-Dimensional MerKaBa Activator,
(and my soul sister) Janiece Jaffe, for this amazing meditation.” ~ Love, Maureen
This meditation will open you up to your fifth dimensional self in a new and powerful way. It will activate the 8th chakra and then open you to the higher frequencies, along with connecting you to the earth star chakra (also known as the zero chakra – since it’s location is below the feet.) The expanded energies that are produced from this more evolved Merkaba will enable you to activate your 8th, 9th, 10, 11, and 12th chakras. It will pull in Divine Energy from beyond your current Higher Self Connection and connect you with the cosmos
This new meditation almost always improves all your meditations, your contentment, your flow of cosmic energy and releases the newer DNA frequencies to be reproduced in the body. Once you start to practice this new meditation – you will desire to continue it because it is so powerful, creating substantial changes by expanding who you really are!
[message_box bg=”#hex or https://imageurl”]“Wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying the new CD. When I listen to the sonic activation I always wear headphones. Well this thing now I try to indicate some of the sounds and then blend along with my own sounds in harmony. I have experienced that very profoundly. Almost like “we” and “I” are creating my own unique activation, and harmony of “I AM”. I find it to really resonate to a place that is within me and of my connection to the earth and the universe. How amazing! Also when I cut my hands over my face while listening I get the most wonderful colors and energy patterns thank you so much to all of you for bringing the MerKaBa form together.”
– W. Starr
Where did it come from?
We are so fortunate that it finally found it’s way to me. The lady who brought it forth almost reached out to me in the early years. She did teach it for a few years locally even though she didn’t want to teach it to the masses. A beautiful soul, sound healer and jazz singer (and her student) brought it to me. Together we are bringing it out to the world. We’ve recorded it and have released a CD of the Meditation and it’s sound activation!
I received an email asking me for permission to teach the MerKaBa. Singer Janiece Jaffe had learned it from this teacher and had already called her asking her for permission as well. Her facilitator told her that the training program had ended – and that no one could give her any authorization. She then wrote me. With as many emails that I get – I’m surprised I even saw her email! Yet everything I do is in alignment with my highest and best good it is not so surprising. I was drawn to call her on the phone immediately. She asked me about teaching the MerKaBa and through my Higher Self, I told her that she had my permission and I would put it in writing! This is really funny, when you realize I normally would not directly answer such a question. I suggested she use my video – and gave permission to use it if she wanted to teach.
I began to ask about her work – and discovered she was carrying the 5th Dimensional MerKaBa brought to her by her teacher. We agreed to have her come to my Seattle home and offer a training in sound healing and the Multi-Dimensional MerKaBa. That set of workshops was sensational. We were all in awe about the actual meditation and the results we were achieving. You will find that you have access to additional information coming in from higher dimensions as well.
I was called to included elements that were not clearly defined. With this collaboration, we were already working in harmony and you will find the activation meditation and sound activation will open you to your higher chakras and your 8th dimensional and higher selves.
What will this new, Multidimensional 5D MerKaBa do?
If you are called to do this meditation – then please fasten your seat belt – as it will rock you – in a way, that you’ve never experienced before. It will anchor in higher energies from your higher dimensional selves, higher energies from the upper dimensions through your upper chakras. You will activate and use your fullest potential as a light being, and as a bringer of consciousness to the planet.
If you are NOT currently activating the 17-breath MerKaBa and have never done it, please consider learning it before you take on this one. If you used to do the MerKaBa, or want to learn it – get the DVDs “MerKaBa Classic” to get up to speed. This meditation picks up with Activation Breaths 14-17. Follow your inner guidance on this.
The actual meditation consists of a brief introduction and then guided instructional meditation by (Maureen) and then a voice activation by Janiece. Each of those parts are about 15 minutes each. The final CD is about 30 minutes. Many of our early testers have been giving us wonderful feedback on how it is affecting them, their experiences and their work with it. One thing I’ve noticed is more laughter and a more heart centered reaction to everything. And my personal meditations are containing incredible visuals and information. During the sound activation by Janiece I’ve observed many visuals as well as seeing certain grids being disconnected – unplugged if you will, from mass consciousness programming
What’s Going On?
About six months ago I was introduced to a new, incredible MerKaBa that blew the lid off for me and everyone who learned it! This meditation has been in hiding for quite a few years. It’s been waiting for the right moment. When it was presented to me, and I worked with it – I was able to contribute to the expression of it, and the final result is a true collaboration. As I wind up the writing of the new book, Waking Up in 5D, I was told to include it and more importantly produce the guided meditation!
This meditation is now available as a physical CD or a download (zip file) from our website, along with a link to a private page with additional information for you. The actual meditation consists of a brief introduction and then guided instructional meditation by me, (Maureen) and then a voice activation by Janiece. Each of those parts are about 15 minutes each. The final CD is about 30 minutes.
Are you new to the MerKaBa meditation?
If you are NOT currently activating the 17-breath MerKaBa please consider learning it before you take on this one. If you used to do the MerKaBa and need a refresher, or want to learn it – get the DVD “MerKaBa Classic” to get up to speed. See the special package offers above!