It’s time. We’re ready. The decks have been cleared. You are now unstoppable! Why? How?
Where did this come from?
We have FINALLY entered the Great Golden Age! This means that it’s here, it’s coming and nothing you or I can do will stop the great evolution of humanity that we have been looking for, and waiting for! It means, “You cannot fail!” As Seattle astrologer, Steven Shroyer stated in a recent newsletter, “In the entire history of this planet, we have never made it this far in the ascension of consciousness.”
This also means that, just like the tide that pulls back, before the next surge, or wave, right now, you may be facing your biggest challenges! It’s Source asking, “Do you believe in YOU as much as I do?” Whoa! What will you do with that?
Can you push through with that? Anything that causes you pain probably needs to be released. Anything that stands in the way of your success can be surmounted or better yet, worked around.
The time has come for you to claim your sovereignty, to be the best you can be, and to give yourself permission to succeed! Most of you are really good at what you do. Most of you are experiencing successes all around you. Can you celebrate those? Can you push yourself, again and again, over and over, to show up, do your part, and see what you can accomplish?
As a woman who raised a family, I developed the habit of putting out fires (child emergencies) or oiling the squeaky wheel. That became such a habit that putting out little fires, like emails, became my first priority of the day.
Today, I’m leaning into a new way, choosing from my list (of no more than 7 items) which one is the very most important one! Letting emails get handled and sorted by a support person, and giving me more focus time, first thing, where the powerful “make it happen” energy is.
This shift in priority has not come easily, as you can imagine. We are now being advised that too much screen time is detrimental to our mental health. The two best chess players in the world start their days with physical exercise! Number one rated, Magnus Carlsen’s routine provides a glimpse into the regimen of a top chess player. Carlsen approaches his chess training with the discipline of an elite athlete, incorporating physical exercise to enhance his performance. His routine includes running intervals on the treadmill to boost endurance, practicing yoga for flexibility and core strength, and engaging in soccer games for recreation and agility.
The movie, Unstoppable, features a young man who despite a birth defect of only one leg chooses to develop skill and mastery as a wrestler came out just 3 months ago, and can be an incredible inspiration for each of us. There is a key line in the trailer, where the hero, Anthony answers the question, “Why do you wrestle?” He says, “If I win, (the state championship) having one leg won’t be the most important thing about me.”
Anthony says, “Most people look at me and see what’s missing.” What do you say, when you look in the mirror? Are you letting other’s views, or the memories in your head to hold you back? Were you told as a child that you could do anything, or were you told the opposite? How do you change the inner voice that’s in your head, that is running on your subconscious mind?
One way to do this is to refer to page 19 of the book, Beyond the Flower of Life, and do the “I love you exercise. Below is an abbreviated version:
“I Love You” Exercise: A Path to Open Your Heart
This exercise helps overcome logical thinking to access the heart’s true resonance. Start by writing a page of loving statements you’ve heard from family, friends, or coworkers—phrases like “You are so kind” or “You are so talented.” Write in the present tense, even if the speaker is no longer with you, and imagine their heartfelt gratitude.
If past criticisms linger, use a re-framing technique. Begin with the old criticism in the past tense, then follow with “but now” and a new, loving statement. For instance: “When you were younger, I doubted your abilities, but now I see you can accomplish anything you set your mind to, and I’m proud of you.” This shifts old, limiting beliefs into affirmations of unconditional love.
This exercise retrains your subconscious, fostering self-love, trust, and openness. If you struggle, seek a trusted friend’s help to rewrite negative programming into empowering truths.
Be sure to record your own voice, reading this to you, and play it back to you every day for at least 45 days. Then you will have reprogrammed your subconscious.
Be sure to check out the meditation, “Make Your Year a Good One” on the paid version of the Illuminate app, which has affirmations to support your upgrading your self-image!
Let’s be unstoppable, together!
With love and gratitude,