There are three kinds of dimensional shifts – all dramatic. I will blog about each of them. Today – I’m going to tell you about energetic downloads the kind that can happen in the middle of the night. These are good transformations, that will help you evolve and shift. They will help you grow into the person you desire to be, and help transform the earth.
Knowing about them, will help you deal with the strangeness and accept it being a good thing. This year (2018), more than ever, you may be experiencing shifts and changes! You may have been awakened in the middle of the night, notice an energetic “download” that feels as if your body is vibrating or pulsating yet there is no movement!
What’s Going on?
You are receiving an upgrade from outside sources as you have requested. These new energies help you adjust to the earth around you, and help you shift and be fifth dimensional easier. You might not even know what you have received, but you will feel better and better in the reality.
I have only observed benevolent shift. However, if you have any concern that it isn’t for your good, simply state, “I accept anything from beings of 100% God Light.” Everything else must leave. Now.
This is a new transformative opportunity to acclimate to the new energies that are now transforming everyone and the planet. It’s as if the “sun is shining everywhere,” and everyone is benefitting. Yet, it’s not shining so brightly that it is painful, or destructive. Instead the energies are gently pulsating into your consciousness, physical bodies so that you can tolerate and accept the new energies that are already here on the planet!
Surround yourself with love. Surround your family and friends with love. Decide that you are in service, (you probably are,) to anyone and everyone who comes near to you.
If you have been disappointed in the past, or have had difficulty at this time of year, decide that you can be the solution – and from that point forward you have become a true beacon of love and light.
Never believe, that your individual changes cannot make a difference. Your presence in those situation will continue to bless and transform those around you.
I cherish you. I believe in you.
Love, Maureen