For people yearning to access the fifth dimension, Maureen St. Germain—a worldwide authority on spiritual transformation—can help them achieve this unparalleled state of being. Tapping into one’s sixth sense begins this spiritual journey. With practical tools, such as classic 17-breath meditation, a person can find balance in mind, body and soul and depart from a 3-D body into a light body, or 5-D realm. It is possible to achieve this harmonious state by operating MerKaBa, a moving, crystalline shield that surrounds a body by up to 55 feet. Its electromagnetic force—a different time-space continuum—is the entre to 5-D. Ancient Tibetan monks inspired this practice, which has been used by civilizations for more than 16,000 years. With proper guidance and coaching, whether online, in person or via tele-classes and workshops, deep inner peace and harmony can be possible.