About St. Germain Mystery School

Originally founded as Transformational Enterprises, Inc. in 1994 as the natural evolution of Maureen St. Germain’s lifelong interest in the Higher Consciousness, Maureen and St. Germain Mystery School continue to be a leader in the development of simple techniques to access your own Higher Self. While working in the Akashic Records, access to dimensions that have been closed to most of humanity for eons was granted. She uses this knowledge to support her clients and friends, and with St. Germain Mystery School, opens the doors for you to access these realms too.

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About Maureen J. St. Germain

Maureen has over 25 years of experience in the area of mystical and sacred traditions. Known as the Practical Mystic, she is a prolific teacher and facilitator of spiritual knowledge for contemporary life. As an internationally acclaimed ascension teacher, Maureen has been granted access to a dimension that has been closed to most of humanity for eons, and she is a direct channel to Source.

She is the founder of St. Germain Mystery School and Akashic Records International. Her annual program, The Ascension Institute, is a highly sought-after immersive training for evolving humans!

Looking for more info? Check out a brief presentation HERE!<Please enjoy our free gifts to you below.

Please enjoy our free gifts to you below.

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Open Your Heart to Love

A guided meditation to open your heart. Experience waves of unconditional love along with uplifting feelings of wellbeing and heart opening.

This meditation is relaxing, and easy to follow. If you’ve wanted to find a way to be more open hearted this is an ideal choice! It is soothing, inspiring and sweet. 

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Golden Bowl Meditation

Activating your sixth sense is important to all of us! It’s easy to do, and related directly to your sinuses!

This meditation is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever created. I’ve been getting downloads about the “Golden Bowl” located in the sinus cavities that surround the entire skull for about 7 years but was never given the green light to release it.  Until now.

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Trade Secrets for Your Higher Self Connection

The purpose of this booklet is to help you get your mind (ego) and heart into sync with your Higher Self, so your ego and Higher Self can operate as a team, and not competitors! I hope you will enjoy the opportunity to go deep with me! Prepare to have some fun, and play! Playing is the most important part of this information! 

There is a veil between you and your Higher Self. This work will open that doorway, and allow you to have full access to your Higher Self.


Living Your Best 5D Life