Akashic Records Reading with Elizabeth Tomboulian: 50-minute session


ARI Guide Reading: The loving, healing energy of these records is a profound tool of self-exploration and empowerment.  Access the wisdom of your own Record Keepers who can guide you and provide you with insights, direction and more.

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(See below for more information on Elizabeth)



Elizabeth began studying the practices, meditations, and writings of Maureen St. Germain in 2015, when she began serving with Maureen on the Board of Trustees at Edgar Cayce NY Center. The “MerKaBa Meditation” DVD, Maureen’s “Be a Genie,” “Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality,” “Beyond the Flower of Life,” and Elizabeth’s Favorite Book of 2018, “Waking Up in 5D” have all nurtured her transformational journey through the years. She began classes with Maureen in 2016 with Akashic Records Level I, opening her own Akashic Records since then. In the Summer of 2018, she continued her studies with Akashic Records Level II, learning to open the records of others. Since then, she has gained experience opening the records for colleagues in order to develop and fine-tune her practice as an Akashic Records Guide. See testimonies below.

While attending a musical event at the Omega Institute in 2005, she heard from a seer that she is a “Messenger of the Divine” and a healer—that she has energy that when people come into it, they may be healed. This rang true, and catalyzed her resignation from her university publishing job and shifting to consciously seeking to know her divine purposeful path.

Studies in Quantum Touch, Healing Touch, CranioSacral Therapy, and Reiki, and Sound Energy Healing preceeded her discovery of Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy (QEST) on Hawaii in 2006. On the way, in-flight at 37,000 feet, she was daydreaming of finding an energy healing practice that was pertinent and relative to the physical body, and she found QEST within 48 hours. It so happened that one of the founders of QEST had moved to Wisconsin, where she had moved after quitting her job. The day after her flight home from Kona to Milwaukee, a man she was meeting for the first time  extended his hand and said (all in one breath), “Hi, I’m Andy and I’m playing bass tonight and I’m enrolled in a Quantum Energetics Class next Fall in Green Bay and we need another person for the class to make.” If there was any doubt about Elizabeth’s next course, that removed it. She graduated the 2-year track in the Spring of 2008 and has been quite active ever since.

QEST uses muscle testing to locate disruptions in the etheric blueprint relative to bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, organs, etc. for specific conditions such as swellings, fracture, dislocations, thrombosis, etc., which may or may not be present in the physical . Direction of energy clears the coded disruptions, catalyzing the client to pattern in wellness. If you ever saw a blueprint for a house, it is not the house, but it informs the building of the house. Hence clearing the blueprint, etheric body, informs the building of the physical body free of disruptions. She uses her voice and overtones to integrate QEST with Quantum Sound across a broad range of frequencies from ultra-low to super-sonic, adding an element of vibrational entrainment to her healing work. This toning is sometimes appropriate to use in service as an Akashic Records Guide.

She says, “Metaphysical studies with Maureen have helped strengthen my Higher Self connection and expanded my consciousness, opening to higher dimensions where the Akashic Record Keepers are accessed. I’m so thrilled to be engaging with this process, as it’s connecting with Divine Love in a way that defies explanation.  I’m looking forward to Maureen’s next book on Akashic Records due Spring 2019. If anyone can explain it, Maureen can!”

What People Are Saying

Amazing how you can feel such deep things and yet be happy. That was my message from my [Akashic Records Reading] session with Elizabeth Tomboulian ..Joy is the Path …yes it is.
– J.C.S.

The reading with Elizabeth Tomboulian was fantastic. If you haven’t done one yet or made an appointment with her to do so, you’ll love it. It will expand you immensely. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Thank you so much Elizabeth, I am very grateful that you offered this to all of us.
– D.M.

Just wanted to share that I just had a session with the gifted Elizabeth Tomboulian. We generated so much energy that we had to be adaptive in order to keep from shorting out all our devices! Elizabeth is a wonderful healer and reader. She insightfully and adeptly tapped into my Akashic Records, helping me to realize lingering sadness from a past life trauma. She brought through a sound healing/alignment that was truly out of this world! Thank you so much, Elizabeth!
– J.K.

I recently was privileged to work with Elizabeth Tomboulian and her gift of connecting with the Akashic Record Guides. Her channeling came through incredibly strong, solid and clear and it was a wonderful experience for both of us! I felt all of her heart and soul in her mission to help others. There was a lot of information and I was able to receive detailed answers from specific questions that I had asked. I would highly recommend Elizabeth Tomboulian because you will be blessed and more informed about your life.
– K.B.

My Akashic Record session with Elizabeth was insightful and filled with messages for my soul’s growth.  I received some practical information around life themes and how to move beyond these with complete trust and total joy.  I found Elizabeth to be a gracious person and easy to speak with. I would recommend her to anyone who is searching for answers that their soul has been seeking.
– K.P.

Seven weeks have passed since Ms. Elizabeth Tomboulian did an Akashic Record reading reading for me. I received enough material to implement into my life for months, maybe years to come. I was encouraged in what I am doing right and in attitudes I would benefit from tweaking. Suggestions were made for manifesting my dreams and completing projects I am currently engaged in.

I had prepared questions in advance. All of these were addressed very satisfactorily. Most of my questions concerned my present life circumstances and foreseeable upcoming changes. A helpful metaphor that was given to me is ‘Relationships are like roses, having blossoms among thorns. Which ever is focused on, blossoms or thorns, grows. I am an intuitive as well, and rely mostly on myself for wisdom communication from the nonphysical helpers. Elizabeth’s reading gave me information I did not know to ask for. It really gave me a boost in my intentional development and how to direct my energy more cleanly (clarity).
– C.M.

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