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Angels & Dragons Guided Meditation MP3 Collection

Original price was: $34.94.Current price is: $24.99.


Call in Your Dragons Meditation

The Dragon Meditation was written and produced while I was in the “Dragon City” of Qi’an, China, where reportedly the original ET dragons arrived.

Use this guided meditation to call into service your own dragons! Once you have a dragon’s name you may summon it and give it requests. It has adopted you as its human, and is ready to be of service!

Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity

Channeled directly from the Akashic Records, this meditation is a ‘must have’ for anyone! Tap into the river of unlimited opportunity to manifest all you desire. Learn to create, not from want but joy, not demand but desire, bringing forth new ideas, opportunities and solutions. This River of Golden Opportunity is a tangible, fluid, refreshing and reviving energy from outside our three dimensional reality. We receive it when we call it in.

Prelude to Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity

I’ve got a lovely little “shortcut” to elevate and amp up the Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity meditation – a prelude if you will. This recording will help you get even more from the meditation – whether you do it on a daily basis or not. Boost your meditation and use this as a shortcut when you don’t have time for the full meditation.

Bring in the Golden Glow

The purpose of this meditation is to help you stay in 5D. The Golden Glow will help you heal your wounds, help you manifest, help you stay in your heart in difficult situations. It will help you hold the frequency of Divine Love in your physical body for at least 24 hours.  Do this meditation daily and you may even learn how to turn it on instantly. Although it’s a short meditation, it is extraordinarily powerful and you will benefit greatly from using it.

Seven Archangels on the Wheel

This effective guided meditation takes you through the seven Archangels in a very powerful and unique way. Ever think of just one more thing after you’ve submitted a response? Me too! We thought of that!

This meditation is unique because it is helps you focus and then gives you that second chance. First the seven Archangels gifts are highlighted and you are shown how you can benefit from their gifts and their ability to help you clear your history, and then become your most evolved self. And finally, like a Ferris wheel, go around the wheel one more time, this time loading up new and special gifts to help you be pro-active. You’ll come away from this meditation – a new and unique you, ready for the new Milennium. So what are you waiting for?

Meditation to the Archangels – Rainbow Angel Meditation

This powerful meditation will appeal to individuals from all arenas of spirituality – devout Catholics, students of the Kabbalah and new age believers. Everyone who has used this meditation is claiming that miracles are happening everyday! We know you will enjoy it. You might want to buy several as gifts for family and friends. Rainbow Angel Meditation takes the listener on a thirty-minute journey to the realm of angelic possibilities. It will delight the spirit and elevate one’s consciousness.

Illuminate App

For more free guided meditations, download Illuminate App” on the App or Google Play stores.

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