Beyond the Flower of Life Bundle


Kickstart your Beyond the Flower of Life journey at a great value!

  • Beyond the Flower of Life book (2021 Revised & Updated Edition)
  • Beyond the Flower of Life Journal
  • MerKaBa II Meditation CD ( MP3)
  • Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality book

(see below for full product descriptions)


Beyond the Flower of Life: 2021 Revised & Updated Edition

My 2021 Revised and Updated version of Beyond the Flower of Life is much, much more than a book.  It’s also a workbook to elevate your activated MerKaBa field, open the heart, and access the Higher Self to manifest success, health, and happiness.

What’s New In This Edition?

  • Updated and simplified Higher Self Connection guidelines
  • New stories and guidance for those familiar with Maureen’s teachings
  • Additional insights on time-tested practices


Beyond the Flower of Life Journal

The Beyond the Flower of Life Journal is intended to accompany the book, Beyond the Flower of Life by Maureen J. St. Germain. Throughout, your God spark will be re-ignited with inspiration to strengthen your heart connection, develop a relationship with your Higher Self, and elevate and program your MerKaBa to manifest success, health, happiness, and higher consciousness. – so you can wake up in 5D!


MerKaBa II Meditation

This MerKaBa Guided Meditation contains Hathor toning and the Unity Breath. This audio has two versions for both “Regular” and “Deep” breathers: 5 seconds in/out and a second version with 8 seconds in/out. The longer version is for yoga practitioners and other deep breathers. It also contains the guided heart connection you have learned in Maureen’s classes. You will love it! Hathor toning continues throughout the recording.

You will be guided through the meditation step by step. This is a remembering tool primarily for use by graduates of the Flower of Life Workshop as originally taught by Drunvalo Melchizedek.


Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality

Begin to appreciate forces that can influence your behaviors or thoughts. Reweaving describes what entities are, why they are with you, and how you can clear them. It also shows you ways for removing old habits and recalcitrant energies from your home or work space. Learn significant tools to assist you in identifying issues and then re-creating your reality.

Understanding and using these tools allow you to change in an instant. No more “waiting” for the effects to occur. No more “reminding” you to be “better.” You will learn specific tools for: Removing Entities, Clearing Curses and Removing and/or Reprogramming Behavior Issues.

Order the book from this site, and you’ll also receive an Instant Download with the Reweaving the Fabric of your Reality Ceremonies MP3 collection!

Illuminate App

For more free guided meditations, download Illuminate App” on the App or Google Play stores.

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