Spiritual beings or entities live in and around us, they’re with us constantly. It’s how we work with them that matters. Dark entities are damaging to our souls and clearing work is necessary to eliminate these energies. These dark, damaging entities will psychically attack us. By using the tools, like the MerKaBa, explained in Maureen St. Germain’s book Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality, one can learn the tools and techniques to clear and live an entity free life.
We can clear ourselves with a bit of training. One way is to call in Archangel Michael. “Archangel Michael is the angel known in all three of the world’s monotheistic religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam. His name also appears in Ancient Egyptian mythology. His name means, ‘Who is like God.’ Just by calling his name, you are claiming the casting-off properties of this Archangel, state that all that is not like God be dispersed.” As referenced in Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality, page 53.
Maureen St. Germain further recommends “that you ask Archangel Michael to assist you and clear the area with his nets of blue lightning angels. Just like one uses a bag to collect and haul garbage to the dump, you are inviting Archangel Michael to carry the entities away. referenced in Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality, page 53. As well as doing the classic 17 breath MerKaBa meditation daily.