Are the Akashic Records Like a Memory?

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How many times have you misplaced your keys? Or have you ever rummaged through drawers in search of your eyeglasses, only to find them propped on your head? We all forget things; it’s human nature. Fortunately, a lot of what we lose is superficial—they’re merely items that can be replaced. However, wouldn’t it be nice if we could keep track of the deeper moments of life so we could collect, pause and interpret them for use in our present and future?

By accessing a living field of light, you can tap into your own soul’s personal library of past, present and possible futures. With the Certified Guides of the Ascension Institute, founded and led by world-renowned author and lecturer Maureen St. Germain, you can use your own internal recordings to gain insight and wisdom for daily life. Are the Akashic Records like a memory? The good news is that they are even more powerful.

To be clear, a person’s Akashic memory runs deep. However, without trained Guides who are experienced in illuminating this information, you may never realize its potential. Most people are unaware that they have access to the storehouse of knowledge that exists in the Keepers of Divine Wisdom. This powerhouse of personal data exists in a liquid field of energy outside of the 3-D world we are used to living in. Anyone can be taught to open this library. You need only ask our trained Lightkeepers and your surrounding Angels for help. They are always ready to serve you.

You may wonder if you need hypnosis memory for akashic records to be opened. All that is required is an openness to receive the unconditional love and nonjudgmental wisdom of our Recordkeepers as they gently coach you in an ancient 17-breath meditation to help activate the energy that surrounds you. You may be surprised to find that the past, present and future intersect.

What does this mean for you? Do the Akashic Records hold memories? Yes, but you will be delighted to learn that there is no more karma. You have a choice. Your present and your future are not held back by your past. You can revisit and learn more about the child-like behaviors that have been bringing you down or the people that may contribute to your negativity, but you no longer have to bear the weight of this spiritual baggage. These remembrances can be conquered and cleared with the help of our Certified Guides. With practice, you may also find that you will be able to live successfully in multiple dimensions, which ultimately will help you exist in 100% pure Light.

From meditation coaching to quantum matrix healing and entity clearing, our professional team of Guides can help you understand your past, present and future. Contact Maureen St. Germain and her team today for an unforgettable journey.

What is the Akashic Field?

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In his song “That Which I Have Lost,” the late musician George Harrison once wrote that he needed someone to “illumine his consciousness.” Wouldn’t we all like to better understand our consciousness and be able to move about in it freely? It can happen if you delve deeper into the amazing energy that surrounds your three-dimensional body. World-renowned mystic and master teacher Maureen St. Germain and her Certified Guides can help you get started.

One of the first steps toward this understanding can be achieved by answering the question, what is the akashic field? This living liquid light exists outside of conventional time and space and works as a geometric reference for our soul’s outer manifestation. If it sounds a bit hard to ‘wrap your head around,’ you’re not alone. But once you understand this global energy, you have complete freedom to move around in consciousness. You will be able to activate the MerKaBa by learning an ancient 17-breath meditation, which will ultimately allow you to travel through this energy space and help you connect with your Higher Self.

Thoughts of energy and space may have you wondering about the connection of science and the akashic field. Be assured that the relationship you are creating in your spiritual journey is sacred and found throughout nature. In fact, each rhythmic breath of the meditation you will learn is linked to nature. It is fascinating, but no coincidence, that the 17th breath activates nine-tenths the speed of light, which is exactly the rate that electrons move around the nucleus of an atom!

Once you become more at ease with meditation, you will be able to travel from our three-dimensional world to the five-dimensional world that exists beyond the electric energy that surrounds us. At this point, you can begin to apply the akashic knowledge that has been opened for you by our Certified Guides who are expertly trained to access your Records—a recording of your soul’s journey (past, present and all possible futures).

Integrating this knowledge is key to the entire process. Our Certified Guides will help initiate you and are available to guide your practice until you are certain that you have absorbed the material and can repeat it for a full understanding. Within the akashic field of energy lies the intel you can use to gain better clarity and wisdom for decision-making, personal relationships, health regimens, professional advancement, leadership aspirations and so much more.

In private sessions, through virtual workshops, with supplemental DVDs, audiobooks, tutorials or through our Ascension Institute’s training program, our Certified Guides can help you use akashic field theory in ways that can transform your daily living. Find out why Maureen St. Germain is known as the practical mystic and start illuminating your consciousness today.