AroMandalas-Orion Series® Inner Guru Blend

Original price was: $72.00.Current price is: $57.60.

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Golden Bowl Meditation – Activating Your Sixth Sense

Winner of the Gold Medal COVR Visionary Award for Guided Meditation!

If you haven’t yet tried this amazing meditation – we recommend you do so!

Activating your sixth sense is important to all of us! It’s easy to do, and related directly to your sinuses!

This meditation is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever created. I’ve been getting downloads about the “Golden Bowl” located in the sinus cavities that surround the entire skull for about 7 years but was never given the green light to release it.  Until now.

Over the years, as a mystic, I discovered that while doing spiritual work my sinuses would “open up,” even when my sinuses didn’t need to open. Feeling my sinuses open up for “no reason” was profound. I liked that expansive feeling in my sinuses during meditation, and knew it was related to my connecting to my spiritual gifts.

Please pay careful attention to the Intro – that explains why this is so very important. Initially, you may want to play it each time you do the meditation. AND, it can be done multiple times a day, as many of our early testers suggested to us!

You can read the entire Golden Bowl story here: READ MORE ABOUT GOLDEN BOWL

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