
Have you noticed your synchronicities and serendipities are occurring more often? This is a way to realize you are being graced with a new energetic being – the Serendipities, NOT Serendipity!

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Did you miss it? Breaking the silence! – Breakthroughs to Higher Dimensions

I have returned from Asia just about a month ago! It’s been an incredibly intense integration. So many important things happened while I was away. The most important – is that my workshops included the experience of the Ascended Masters speaking directly to the audience through me.

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Join Maureen and Suzanna Stickney on

Suzanna, as a radio and television personality and newspaper columnist, utilizes her psychic abilities to pick up an individual’s energy from all forms of correspondence to successfully project what the future holds for them.

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Newlife Mayan Cruise To Enlightenment

Join Maureen on the NEWLIFE EXPO Cruise Oct 29-Nov 5 2015, for a vacation you will never forget.

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Wish you could be ahead of the curve?

Lots of people are noticing their intuition or ability to anticipate something is greatly improving. If this is you – keep reading! We all have this natural ability – but sometimes ignore it and dismiss it. Sometimes we forget about a dream and later – discover the dream came true! Read more about how to grow your awareness of this in my latest article in Awaken.

Get the movie… How much sugar are you having?

Who has the high IQ?

Get Fed UP for .99 this week only on ITunes

When my thirty-something son was a  three year old, before pre-school was common and he was showing signs of a very high IQ, I had the opportunity to get him tested, thinking that there would be enrichment programs for him once it was known that my toddler had learned to read. (I used the Glenn Dolman method) I was sitting in the next room overhearing the interviewer evaluate him.

The Testing

It is an interesting experience to know that the particular community we lived in at the time had the ability to conduct testing on children like this. In our case there were questions that they asked of our son along this line: “If the ceiling is up then the floor is (Blank). The child is supposed to fill in the blank. This line of questioning went on for a few minutes until they asked the question,

“If lemons are sour then sugar is… ” My son answered “Bad for you.”

I smiled to myself realizing that I had made that strong influence on him as a three year old, so many years ago.

My personal sugar cravings…

I have had struggled with sugar all my life. I can turn off that “need” for sugar, yet the “reward” part always seems to creep in. Recently healing myself from leaky gut syndrome, I swore off every kind of sugar for about two years. After my health issues were resolved, I felt that I was entitled to have a little sugar here and there. Unfortunately there is no such thing. It can become a daily “reach for” probably no different to any other addiction for me. Thankfully, I’m not a drinker or smoker! The movie, Fed Up will shed further light on this!

My solution

I’ve been using the Norm Shealy Sacred Rings for close to a year. I love the fact that it helps you create DHEA and help to heal the body. YET, the most beneficial element for me personally has been to discover that the days I SKIP doing this 15 minute acupressure regimine on myself – are the days my sugar craving is high.

This makes for that extra incentive to perform the Sacred Rings. Although I’m certified in this technique, anyone can learn it – from the web, for free, by watching Norm’s videos and or reading about it on his website. He also offeres training in it – and certified practitioners – who can do it for you. I highly recommend the addition of the BLISS oils that can be purchased to elevate their effectiveness.

Willpower isn’t the only answer – but it does help

I think we need to decide individually that sugar is bad for us, and that it should be avoided at all costs. Then when we are given a little bit here and there it’s not the toxic overload that we would have otherwise.

What are the easiest ways to decide to avoid sugar?

How do we enlist willpower?


Having information makes it easier to decide that YOU are loving your self healthy by choosing to avoid sugar.

In this regard I’d like to share with you a movie that is the movie of the week on iTunes, and is available for $.99 on iTunes this week.

It’s called Fed Up. I highly recommend it for the educational value on why you should avoid sugar, And why you should teach your children the same thing.

Scientists discover a mysterious shield around the Earth!

Science is finally catching up – what the mystics have been saying for a while! Here’s the proof!

An alert friend sent this. Thank you Isabella!



Higher Self Gift – Higher Self Countdown

This gift is my holiday present to you!

This month – for the first three weeks – I’m giving away an incredible meditation on how to connect with your Higher Self. It’s from a telesummit I did over six months ago – where I shared, for the first time ever, on a live call a magical way to connect with the Higher Self, called the Higher Self Countdown.  Click here to get it!

This 20 minute guided meditation was excerpted from this talk. It’s really elevated – in terms of the energy that comes through. It is so special that I’ve been saving it until now – to release as a gift to you. It’s only going to be available for a short time – so get it while you can! If you like this meditation, you might decide to get the course – I hope you do – for your sake, give yourself the gift of learning to speak and listen to your Higher Self!

It’s really a kick-off to the Higher Self Online Course I’ve developed and am introducing this month. We have been working on this for months – to give you a self directed four weeks to Higher Self connection – class. You do the lessons when you want, pick up the guided meditations that were built into the each lesson, work on them for a week, and get the next lesson the following week. You’ll get mediations along with the lessons, all on line, at your convenience.  Click here to learn more.

Higher Self Work

What can you expect and how can you use it?

Here’s the benefit of building that Higher Self connection. You can ask about anything! One of my students has a very demanding job as a director of several departments of a very large retail conglomerate. While in China buying furniture he noticed one of the legs of the table samples wasn’t right. He thought one leg was shorter by ¼ of an inch. He asked his Higher Self (HS) and confirmed it. The vendors insisted he was wrong. He asked for a tape measure and sure enough, the table leg was off by ¼ of an inch.

I have asked my Higher Self about when my children would be home from an event. Long before cell phones I’ve asked if my kids were ok when I didn’t know where they were. I’ve asked my HS about clothing that I would like to purchase. One time my Higher Self was very clear about purchasing a skirt that was too tight. I was losing weight at the time, and have learned that it’s not the best thing to do. My Higher Self said to get and I fit into it easily within a few weeks and it’s been a staple of my wardrobe ever since!

I’ve even use my Higher Self to help me pass a professional exam. I did study for a whole year before certification – yet there were questions that were trick questions and my HS came through for me. A student of mine was up for her professional certification. She studied for other exams and was an graduate of two ivy league schools. She was so busy with her work that she wasn’t able to give it her usual deep study to prepare for this important exam. It meant a 20% pay increase. She asked me to check in with the Akashic Records Keepers to find out if it was in her highest and best good to postpone her exam date. No they said, you can pass it now. “How?” she questioned! They reminded her that she could ask her Higher Self for any questions she didn’t know the answer to. “Is that legal?” she questioned? They told her she had studied well. They reminded her that she has also worked diligently on her Higher Self Connection. “Why not?” they replied. “You earned it.”

Dan Furst, in his new book, Surfing Aquarius  tells us that in the not too distant future we will be pulling our information from within. It makes sense that you can rely on these skill sets right now!

I’ve used it to handle relationship issues. I’ve used it to help me know if I I’ll ever need something I’m thinking about throwing out. The list goes on and on. Write in your favorite Higher Self story! We’d love to hear from you.  Finally! You have a way to learn this through this Higher Self Course! Next post, I’ll share with you Yoshi’s story

How long do you have to devote to the exercises?

If you will commit to six weeks or longer you will be able to achieve the best results. The practice period does have some rules. You will need to follow them judiciously. The payoff is phenomenal. Devote six weeks to a practice and achieve results for the rest of your life. Pretty wonderful payout! Happy Holidays!

The World Intuition TeleSummit

Maureen was beyond great as she answered 19 of your questions about the Akashic records, your own past, present and future implications.

I loved her answers and told her that right on the call.

Summoning the Akashic records and the Angels, she delved intothe specific issue for each questioner – something that is useful and valuable to all the listeners.

You definitely don’t want to miss this replay.

Go here now to listen to it.

Don’t forget at this same page at the above link we also have the replay of my other eye-opening interview with Maureen as well as the replay of my mesmerizing and uplifting interview withMarilyn Alauria.

Maureen St. Germain is a natural intuitive and is one of theworld’s premiere experts on the Akashic Records – your Book of Life.

Maureen shows you how to access and harness the wisdom of your own Record Keepers by using her own unique method.

When you possess this power over your own Book of Life, it can open up the floodgates of awareness for you, so you can rewritethings you don’t like, enhance things you do like, and create new chapters out of whole cloth.

Go here for the replays.


Go here for our calendar page to keep up to date with the latest TWIS calls and replays.

Eternal Love,

Harrison Klein and
The World Intuition Team

Unlock the Secret to Manifestation

What if every thought could occur as quickly as you desire it? What is the fastest way to make your wishes and dreams come true? A Genie!

What if you could see a way to become a Genie for yourself – and create your heart’s desire? What if all this “magical” thinking was rooted in science and math? Suddenly you can see the power you will unleash – for yourself. You cannot be contained. You will become unstoppable!

Based on her latest book, Be A Genie, Unlock the Secret to Manifestation includes practical and interactive lessons to help you achieve the material results that you deserve. Each lesson also includes a special guided meditation.

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