Have you noticed your synchronicities and serendipities are occurring more often? This is a way to realize you are being graced with a new energetic being – the Serendipities, NOT Serendipity!
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Suzanna, as a radio and television personality and newspaper columnist, utilizes her psychic abilities to pick up an individual’s energy from all forms of correspondence to successfully project what the future holds for them.
Continue readingNewlife Mayan Cruise To Enlightenment
Join Maureen on the NEWLIFE EXPO Cruise Oct 29-Nov 5 2015, for a vacation you will never forget.
Continue readingThe World Intuition TeleSummit
Maureen was beyond great as she answered 19 of your questions about the Akashic records, your own past, present and future implications.
I loved her answers and told her that right on the call.
Summoning the Akashic records and the Angels, she delved intothe specific issue for each questioner – something that is useful and valuable to all the listeners.
You definitely don’t want to miss this replay.
Don’t forget at this same page at the above link we also have the replay of my other eye-opening interview with Maureen as well as the replay of my mesmerizing and uplifting interview withMarilyn Alauria.
Maureen St. Germain is a natural intuitive and is one of theworld’s premiere experts on the Akashic Records – your Book of Life.
Maureen shows you how to access and harness the wisdom of your own Record Keepers by using her own unique method.
When you possess this power over your own Book of Life, it can open up the floodgates of awareness for you, so you can rewritethings you don’t like, enhance things you do like, and create new chapters out of whole cloth.
Go here for our calendar page to keep up to date with the latest TWIS calls and replays.
Eternal Love,
Harrison Klein and
The World Intuition Team
Unlock the Secret to Manifestation
What if every thought could occur as quickly as you desire it? What is the fastest way to make your wishes and dreams come true? A Genie!
What if you could see a way to become a Genie for yourself – and create your heart’s desire? What if all this “magical” thinking was rooted in science and math? Suddenly you can see the power you will unleash – for yourself. You cannot be contained. You will become unstoppable!
Based on her latest book, Be A Genie, Unlock the Secret to Manifestation includes practical and interactive lessons to help you achieve the material results that you deserve. Each lesson also includes a special guided meditation.
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