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Unlock the Secret to Manifestation

Maureen is thrilled to offer this exciting 6-week course through the Daily Om.

What if every thought could occur as quickly as you desire it? What is the fastest way to make your wishes and dreams come true? A Genie!

What if you could see a way to become a Genie for yourself – and create your heart’s desire? What if all this “magical” thinking was rooted in science and math? Suddenly you can see the power you will unleash – for yourself. You cannot be contained. You will become unstoppable!

Based on her latest book, Be A Genie, Unlock the Secret to Manifestation includes practical and interactive lessons to help you achieve the material results that you deserve. Each lesson also includes a special guided meditation.

Don’t hesitate! Sign up now! It’s fun, informative and you can pay anything you want – at least for now!

Check it out!

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