Here’s your resolutions for the New Year!

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Yeah, right.

Actually this is an annual tradition of mine. You may have already picked this up. If not, at the end of this post – you’ll find the guided meditation that you will love, because it is all about being proactive, instead of reactive. Looking your fears, judgements and more and then giving them a re-frame! It’s “BELIEF” in the absence of evidence!

Here’s what we did:


Old limiting self talk:

I’m worried that people will think less of me because of the mistakes I’ve made through the years.


Mistakes are a necessary part of everyone’s personal growth and understanding. I am a man/woman of substance and what I do matters in the world.

Old limiting self talk:

I’m worried that I will be old and penniless.


Lots of people are struggling and penniless. I am worthy of abundance. Everyone is worthy. I am manifesting that I am well paid for my efforts, that I am attracting people who love what I do and who are willing to pay me fairly and generously.

You may have a few of your own. Start writing them today. This is because tomorrow you will remember a few that you pushed way back into your mind and won’t even remember until you get the most pressing ones out! When I did this the first time, with my student she called me the next day, “Wait, I have a few more that came out this morning! You will to,  and by starting early will be able to add them to your reframe list.

Your turn

First write out your fears. Then write all your refraims as “I am” statements. Claim your victory. Ask, “God Victory” to support you, enliven your efforts and insure your success!

Thank you, God Victory.

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The Sacred Solstice December 21, 2017

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Carol’s Dragons Appear

My friend and fabulous Cranial Sacral healer, Carol, has been listening to me week after week in my appointments with her talking about the dragons. Last week she told me about the trip she and her husband took. She was preparing to take off for home returning from another city by air with her husband and decided to call in “Her” dragons.

She was shocked and amazed that THREE showed up! There was a green one on the left wing, a red one on the right wing and a white one on the top of the fuselage!  She’s not really that comfortable flying so this appearance definitely calmed her. During the flight, the air got a bit bumpy and she over reacted…”I’m gonna die…” was her panicked thought. The white dragon spoke to her and said, “Do you want to live?” Of course “Yes,” was her immediate reply. She’s still talking about that experience.

In the photo posted below – You’ll see another dragon picture in the clouds one beautiful fall day a year ago.  I’m always amazed to see them, in a clear sky, with no other clouds in sight. I also often have orbs appear in my pictures. You can see the redish/purple one in the top right. It’s moving very very fast!

Several obs move quickly off the top and the sky was clear except for this formation.

Several obs move quickly off the top and the sky was clear except for this formation.