Channelled Predictions

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through Maureen J. St. Germain

From the Ascended Masters:

Originally posted in the Sedona Journal of Emergence, Predictions issue December 2017

We greet you this day,

We are the members of the Great Karmic Board
Our spokesperson is the Goddess of Liberty.

We wish to speak to you as the plural. We first wish to remind you that the opening of the Hall of Records for anyone to access to access their own Akashic Records has been in place for quite some time. We encourage you to open your own records and if you do not have the skill to take the class wherever you can, whenever you can!

“No more Karma” reminder

This will give you greater understanding of the reality you live in. This channel has been carrying our message about the release from karmic obligations and the release from karmic debt. This is still difficult for many to understand.

statue-of-liberty-1922168__340Take some time and contemplate what this might mean for humanity to be able to transition into a world filled with LIGHT where there is no need to keep track of another’s behavior because their behavior does not require tracking.

How to release judgement

When you are locked in your polarity reality you want to keep score, you want to right the wrongs and we say to you, look upon it as an opportunity to let go of the old paradigm and move into the reality you are creating. Make no mistake, this creation is your creation. This is why in 2018 we want you to abandon your desire for retribution of any kind, towards anyone; to seek to be with people who are like-minded so that there is no need to concern yourself with another’s behavior. We can tell you that your reality is changing rapidly and the transition is in place. You are well on your way and you will see even in this very year dramatic shifts of every kind with regard to business, with regard to social structures, with regard to how you carry money, and how you exchange with others and interconnect with others.

Power outages

You will see electric power blackouts in segments of the country.

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Here’s your resolutions for the New Year!

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Yeah, right.

Actually this is an annual tradition of mine. You may have already picked this up. If not, at the end of this post – you’ll find the guided meditation that you will love, because it is all about being proactive, instead of reactive. Looking your fears, judgements and more and then giving them a re-frame! It’s “BELIEF” in the absence of evidence!

Here’s what we did:


Old limiting self talk:

I’m worried that people will think less of me because of the mistakes I’ve made through the years.


Mistakes are a necessary part of everyone’s personal growth and understanding. I am a man/woman of substance and what I do matters in the world.

Old limiting self talk:

I’m worried that I will be old and penniless.


Lots of people are struggling and penniless. I am worthy of abundance. Everyone is worthy. I am manifesting that I am well paid for my efforts, that I am attracting people who love what I do and who are willing to pay me fairly and generously.

You may have a few of your own. Start writing them today. This is because tomorrow you will remember a few that you pushed way back into your mind and won’t even remember until you get the most pressing ones out! When I did this the first time, with my student she called me the next day, “Wait, I have a few more that came out this morning! You will to,  and by starting early will be able to add them to your reframe list.

Your turn

First write out your fears. Then write all your refraims as “I am” statements. Claim your victory. Ask, “God Victory” to support you, enliven your efforts and insure your success!

Thank you, God Victory.

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A Manual For Developing Humans

Atwater Manual for humans

PMH Atwater’s recent book carries much of the same information as Waking Up in 5D! In fact, she told me that my book carries the same information as her newest book! This is in the wake of her earlier bestseller  Future Memory which tells of her remarkable three NDE’s. (Near Death Experiences!) all in the same year.Atwater - Manual for humans_

The more she dives into it – the deeper the detail gets. This is because she is a researcher – par excellence, and loves to cite related reinforcing facts, that make it easier for you to understand and broaden your horizons.

Some interesting parallels to my book, for example, is her description, and explanation of The Time Fan described in both books, (page 145) in A Manual for Developing Humans.)

My guides have repeatedly explained time as being like a folded paper fan much like I channelled from the Lords of Time and written about in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and Waking Up in 5D. Find it in the time-space continuum chapter of my book.

A very interesting example of her adventures after her 3rd NDE, She shares how she unwittingly demanded to accomplish a myriad of tasks, not understanding or controlling her newfound abilities. Her experience, where she actually splits herself (involuntarily, I might add) into 12 different components, each taking care of an “urgent” need of hers, like exercise, meditation, prayer, her day job and recovery.

This went on for two weeks, as she experienced her “present” version in slow motion. At one point her boss and co-workers wondered what was wrong with her. It ended when she finally demanded (just like when she demanded to do everything at once) that everything go back to normal… well, almost normal. She has retained a small part of it, with the ability to move in and out of time. You can too.

Interestingly although I had a copy of her earlier best selling book, Future Memory, I had not read it, in years. Thus when her new book came out – it seemed like the appropriate “time” to re-read and compare books!

Another similarity is the reference to language – where she encourages the reader to replace old painful ways of expressing, like, “I am always so forgetful I never seem to remember anything” to “I had problems in the part remembering this, but (now) I have an excellent memory.” (page 47). All this reminds me of the table 6.12 in the chapter, “Learn the language of 5D.”

One of the things Atwater specializes in is mixing the historical with the present data allowing you to examine the roots of human experiences in religion,  philosophy, the pope, and Messias throughout the ages.

This is a resource that you will find invaluable. I also found her references to fear and how to flip the switch (page 98) on fear and laugh, an especially powerful antidote to stress! Unlike in my book, she does have a full chapter devoted to Astrology.

The parallels in her book and mine are remarkable. This is especially noteworthy in light of the fact that my book had already been sent off to the printer when her book was released. I had no idea she had authored a new book until one of my friends mentioned it to me.

Clearly, we are both on the same page, and as PMH Atwater said in the endorsement of Waking Up in 5D, that the steps to the fifth dimension are found in this book. “Each step, the offers, each meditation, each mindful journey through the intellect, intuition, and heart of all-knowing remodels our life. A true guide, Waking Up in 5D opens the door to where sooner or later most of us will go.”

I am mindful of how spirit works – we are emerging at fifth-dimensional beings. Reading PMH Atwater’s book, A Manual for Developing Humans is a worthy read for anyone who is interested in growing their knowledge and understanding of the emerging reality we are experiencing,

New Life Expo – Prize Presentations

Genie in the Bottle

Be a Genie Book

Recently I gave three lectures at the spring New Life Expo, in New York.  One for each day on different subjects. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My first presentation was based on the principles and practices in my latest book, Be A Genie. In it, I teach people the secret formula (the Phoenix Sequence) for manifestation, and why it is important to understand it and most importantly how to use it.

One woman, in the class, upon winning the “door prize” of a copy of the book, stood up and said, I used the Genie system to win the prize. She didn’t even know WHAT the prize could be, but was determined to win. She won a copy of Be A Genie! Another woman at the class, Susan, who had been on stage with her “heart’s desire” training and experienced a radical transformation in front of the room filled with people, cornered the winner on the way out of the room at the end of the lecture – to learn the exact details. Susan had shifted radically from who she was at the beginning of the session, no longer doubting her heart’s desire, to KNOWING, she had experienced it. That practice session, in front of the large audience, being on stage with me, had changed Susan powerfully and she wanted to know more.

Susan attended my lecture the following day and won the bottle of AroMandalas, Genie in the Bottle, that I gave out. She also stood up and said, “I used Maureen’s Genie System in Be a Genie to win this!” and proceeded to tell her story. The final winner, at Sunday’s class – stood up and said,”That prize is mine! I used the same Genie system as the other two winners in Maureen’s other lectures. I met the first winner in the bathroom and she shared with me the details – in Maureen’s Be a Genie book – and it works!”

What about the ethics of doing this? Why can’t you do it? Well, in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with their doing this. It’s likely and possible that no one else had any energy on the exact winning of that door prize that day. Can you do it? Very likely. In fact, I even used it to win a contest – and although the results contained some things even I didn’t expect, I did achieve the outcome desired. I challenge you – why NOT you? Maybe you should read the book and find out how.

I used to be embarrassed about being too successful. After all, I didn’t want people to be jealous of me. Then I realized one day, the people who were likely to be jealous were the ones who weren’t doing their part, weren’t showing up – and for sure wanted what I had, but were unwilling to learn, change, grow and evolve in order for that to happen. That’s when I quit focussing on those people and instead began to notice I could help a lot of people, lovely, eager, interested people, in achieving their heart’s desire! I’m proud of that legacy. You can do this – and I’m here to support that!