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A Manual For Developing Humans

PMH Atwater’s recent book carries much of the same information as Waking Up in 5D! In fact, she told me that my book carries the same information as her newest book! This is in the wake of her earlier bestseller  Future Memory which tells of her remarkable three NDE’s. (Near Death Experiences!) all in the same year.Atwater - Manual for humans_

The more she dives into it – the deeper the detail gets. This is because she is a researcher – par excellence, and loves to cite related reinforcing facts, that make it easier for you to understand and broaden your horizons.

Some interesting parallels to my book, for example, is her description, and explanation of The Time Fan described in both books, (page 145) in A Manual for Developing Humans.)

My guides have repeatedly explained time as being like a folded paper fan much like I channelled from the Lords of Time and written about in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and Waking Up in 5D. Find it in the time-space continuum chapter of my book.

A very interesting example of her adventures after her 3rd NDE, She shares how she unwittingly demanded to accomplish a myriad of tasks, not understanding or controlling her newfound abilities. Her experience, where she actually splits herself (involuntarily, I might add) into 12 different components, each taking care of an “urgent” need of hers, like exercise, meditation, prayer, her day job and recovery.

This went on for two weeks, as she experienced her “present” version in slow motion. At one point her boss and co-workers wondered what was wrong with her. It ended when she finally demanded (just like when she demanded to do everything at once) that everything go back to normal… well, almost normal. She has retained a small part of it, with the ability to move in and out of time. You can too.

Interestingly although I had a copy of her earlier best selling book, Future Memory, I had not read it, in years. Thus when her new book came out – it seemed like the appropriate “time” to re-read and compare books!

Another similarity is the reference to language – where she encourages the reader to replace old painful ways of expressing, like, “I am always so forgetful I never seem to remember anything” to “I had problems in the part remembering this, but (now) I have an excellent memory.” (page 47). All this reminds me of the table 6.12 in the chapter, “Learn the language of 5D.”

One of the things Atwater specializes in is mixing the historical with the present data allowing you to examine the roots of human experiences in religion,  philosophy, the pope, and Messias throughout the ages.

This is a resource that you will find invaluable. I also found her references to fear and how to flip the switch (page 98) on fear and laugh, an especially powerful antidote to stress! Unlike in my book, she does have a full chapter devoted to Astrology.

The parallels in her book and mine are remarkable. This is especially noteworthy in light of the fact that my book had already been sent off to the printer when her book was released. I had no idea she had authored a new book until one of my friends mentioned it to me.

Clearly, we are both on the same page, and as PMH Atwater said in the endorsement of Waking Up in 5D, that the steps to the fifth dimension are found in this book. “Each step, the offers, each meditation, each mindful journey through the intellect, intuition, and heart of all-knowing remodels our life. A true guide, Waking Up in 5D opens the door to where sooner or later most of us will go.”

I am mindful of how spirit works – we are emerging at fifth-dimensional beings. Reading PMH Atwater’s book, A Manual for Developing Humans is a worthy read for anyone who is interested in growing their knowledge and understanding of the emerging reality we are experiencing,

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