The Fascinating Wake-Up of Other Versions of You!

As the veils thin, and individuals start to notice, they begin to discover there are other versions of themselves. This is because they share the same Monad. The monad is made up of multiple expressions, many of them in human form. As originally conceived by the Pythagoreans, the Monad is the Supreme Being, divinity or the totality of all things. Each monad consists of 144 expressions. The oversoul is made up of 144 monads. We choose to express ourselves by taking similar but different paths as you will discover from the story of Luna.

I am sharing a lovely story from a reader of my book, Waking Up in 5D. Luna writes about her experiences meeting other versions of herself!  She shared an intriguing aspect of life that many find hard to believe: other versions of you. She was inspired by the book Waking Up in 5D, and felt compelled to share her experiences and discoveries about this phenomenon.

Discovering Other versions of you with Sinem

Her journey began with her dear friend Sinem. She has known her friend for thirty years, both born in Istanbul, and our lives have mirrored each other in uncanny ways. From scoring similarly on practice tests in high school to attending the same university and even pursuing similar career paths, our lives have been in sync.

We both left our corporate jobs around the same time and ventured into photography. We both got engaged, then broke up with our fiancés simultaneously. Despite these coincidences, it wasn’t until we read Waking Up in 5D that we realized the true depth of our connection. During a trip to a winery, Sinem expressed her belief that we might be the same soul in two bodies, a thought that had also crossed her mind.

A Second Connection with Nil

She also shared a similar connection with another friend, Nil, whom she met around the same time as Sinem. They worked together at the same multinational company, under the same manager, and shared numerous life events, such as marrying men with identical birthdays. Like Sinem and me, Nil and I also moved to the US and have similar family structures.

Reflections on Our Spiritual Journeys

While Sinem and Nil are both spiritually inclined, they prefer to stay grounded in everyday life. On the other hand, my client has delved deeply into spirituality, connecting with guides and learning sacred practices like Kabbalah and sacred geometry. Despite their different approaches to spirituality and career paths, the similarities in our lives remain striking.


These stories highlight the fascinating concept of other versions of you, where individuals experience parallel lives and deep connections. Whether it’s with Sinem or Nil, the shared experiences and synchronicities suggest a profound link between each of them. I hope sharing her story inspires you to explore and understand the incredible and simultaneous aspects of their lives.

Other versions of you may come into your life for a brief period. You may work collaboratively or support one another. Other versions of you may take a divergent path, one that you may have considered, moving on to another choice.

A remarkable story is one that Walter Simkiew, MD told to one of my students. Walter is the author of Return of the Revolutionaries, a book I recommend to all of my students. His book chronicles the history of revolutionaries of early America, and how he can see they have returned to embodiment. Walter was giving a lecture in Seattle that my friend, Diana attended. She approached him after the lecture to ask him about my teaching of multiple versions of you.

He was very cordial and said he absolutely agreed with this concept, and went on to tell a very interesting story about a meeting with another MD, who was from India while giving a lecture in Hong Kong. They felt instant rapport and discussed their work with each other. They discovered that the Indian doctor had taken up some of the projects that Walter had let go, to pursue this work – of identifying and reincarnating revolutionaries.

I’d like to finish with this thought. If members of the American Revolution, the seceding from England have reincarnated at this time, it may be to ensure the freedoms of the citizens of America. It also tells me that our outcome is assured. Let’s be optimistic in our worldview, knowing everything will work out! This evidences supports that!

The Practical Mystic – Your 5D Self and Dragons

This month’s “The Practical Mystic” features some information on how you can be accessing your fifth dimensional self with greater frequency. In this discussion, I share insights on typical ways we slip between 3rd and fifth. I also explain how we are not at the bottom of 3rd dimension – but an overtone above it – that allows us to easily slip into 4th dimension and then 5th. Listen and find out why we don’t want to go to 4th dimension – and what 4th dimension is all about. We also talk about the dragons, how they can help you, and how to ask for their help!

New Life Expo – Prize Presentations

Genie in the Bottle

Be a Genie Book

Recently I gave three lectures at the spring New Life Expo, in New York.  One for each day on different subjects. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My first presentation was based on the principles and practices in my latest book, Be A Genie. In it, I teach people the secret formula (the Phoenix Sequence) for manifestation, and why it is important to understand it and most importantly how to use it.

One woman, in the class, upon winning the “door prize” of a copy of the book, stood up and said, I used the Genie system to win the prize. She didn’t even know WHAT the prize could be, but was determined to win. She won a copy of Be A Genie! Another woman at the class, Susan, who had been on stage with her “heart’s desire” training and experienced a radical transformation in front of the room filled with people, cornered the winner on the way out of the room at the end of the lecture – to learn the exact details. Susan had shifted radically from who she was at the beginning of the session, no longer doubting her heart’s desire, to KNOWING, she had experienced it. That practice session, in front of the large audience, being on stage with me, had changed Susan powerfully and she wanted to know more.

Susan attended my lecture the following day and won the bottle of AroMandalas, Genie in the Bottle, that I gave out. She also stood up and said, “I used Maureen’s Genie System in Be a Genie to win this!” and proceeded to tell her story. The final winner, at Sunday’s class – stood up and said,”That prize is mine! I used the same Genie system as the other two winners in Maureen’s other lectures. I met the first winner in the bathroom and she shared with me the details – in Maureen’s Be a Genie book – and it works!”

What about the ethics of doing this? Why can’t you do it? Well, in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with their doing this. It’s likely and possible that no one else had any energy on the exact winning of that door prize that day. Can you do it? Very likely. In fact, I even used it to win a contest – and although the results contained some things even I didn’t expect, I did achieve the outcome desired. I challenge you – why NOT you? Maybe you should read the book and find out how.

I used to be embarrassed about being too successful. After all, I didn’t want people to be jealous of me. Then I realized one day, the people who were likely to be jealous were the ones who weren’t doing their part, weren’t showing up – and for sure wanted what I had, but were unwilling to learn, change, grow and evolve in order for that to happen. That’s when I quit focussing on those people and instead began to notice I could help a lot of people, lovely, eager, interested people, in achieving their heart’s desire! I’m proud of that legacy. You can do this – and I’m here to support that!

Carol’s Dragons Appear

My friend and fabulous Cranial Sacral healer, Carol, has been listening to me week after week in my appointments with her talking about the dragons. Last week she told me about the trip she and her husband took. She was preparing to take off for home returning from another city by air with her husband and decided to call in “Her” dragons.

She was shocked and amazed that THREE showed up! There was a green one on the left wing, a red one on the right wing and a white one on the top of the fuselage!  She’s not really that comfortable flying so this appearance definitely calmed her. During the flight, the air got a bit bumpy and she over reacted…”I’m gonna die…” was her panicked thought. The white dragon spoke to her and said, “Do you want to live?” Of course “Yes,” was her immediate reply. She’s still talking about that experience.

In the photo posted below – You’ll see another dragon picture in the clouds one beautiful fall day a year ago.  I’m always amazed to see them, in a clear sky, with no other clouds in sight. I also often have orbs appear in my pictures. You can see the redish/purple one in the top right. It’s moving very very fast!

Several obs move quickly off the top and the sky was clear except for this formation.

Several obs move quickly off the top and the sky was clear except for this formation.