Letting Go in Order to Grow

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Relationships are the most powerful way we can evolve. They give us opportunity to interact with one another and to contribute to the experiences of life. They allow us to be creative, to learn how to be joyful, to problem solve, to enjoy companionship and to share.

Often during the month of February, which seems to be devoted to sharing and growing friendships, we think about romantic love as well as love towards our birth family and friends. Over the years I have encouraged people to create awareness of their spiritual family in comparison to their biological family. This allows you to evolve at the rate you desire because sometimes our biological families will stimulate while our spiritual family will support us. I hear women say that they have set aside their spiritual growth to take care of their family, but every experience contributes to your spiritual progress!

There are many ways for you to grow and transformation in relationships. Many of us have expectations about what the idea of marriage is, what the ideal boyfriend or girlfriend is, what the relationship between men and women should be. We often even have unreasonable expectations about how our adult offspring should be. We may still be trying to parent them. I recommend if you have an adult offspring change your roll from parent to cheerleader. Give them what they don’t have, self-confidence.

Sometimes a relationship is over and we wish to move on. Sometimes our friendships end due to death or separation, or it is a decision made on the part of our friend. Sometimes the other person couldn’t step up to what we needed or wanted, and we are the one deciding to leave.

It is helpful to have a ceremony when we come together, it’s also helpful to have a ceremony when we move apart. Marianne Williamson’s book called Illuminata: A Return to Prayer contains these kinds of specialized prayers and ceremonies.

One of the things that I discovered when working with couples or individuals seeking to be with a beloved was that they were actually still carrying a torch for their former beloved. Their hearts and minds are filled with sadness, grief, regret, and mental do-overs to re-create a perfect version of the last love or the lost love.

As I created a powerful tool for individuals to bring in their beloved, I recognized the importance of creating a clean slate by clearing the emotional wreckage, or the emotional trauma or drama that may have filled your consciousness. We don’t always realize that we are carrying these energies from the past relationships, yet they are there.

Remember, any sad emotion, fear, regret, sorrow all lowers your immune system significantly. Being in positive energy (no emotional pain) raises your immune system by 3000 times higher than suffering. This has been proven with lab tests. Do your best to stay in unconditional love towards all living beings.

So, as my Valentine gift to you this year, instead of helping you to attract a beloved in a proactive way, I am helping you with clean slate energy. This month’s free meditation download is Letting Go of a Beloved. It is part of a Letting Go series that I was guided by Spirit to create a few years ago.

Letting Go of a Beloved is now Included in my program Bring in Your Beloved Now! – which is on sale for a limited time. However, I am offering this important meditation to you for free for the entire month of February. This meditation will release you from your attachments to any former beloveds that may be in your field, and that may be blocking your new love experiences.

This Month’s Featured Meditation is

Open Doors III – Letting Go of a Beloved


Excerpted from the Bring in Your Beloved package, this meditation and introduction will help you in a time of transition and change of a relationship.

Sometimes letting go of one thing is needed in order to bring in the next thing.

It’s easy to KNOW you want a happy relationship. But the HOW? Well, that’s what we are here for! In fact, you have come to know us for our ability to help you achieve your heart’s desire! Together, we can achieve it.

Bring In Your Beloved NOW!


For a long time I have wanted to share my secrets with you on attracting the Beloved. I’ve spent years perfecting this and have figured out what works and what doesn’t.

Our team has helped me put together all the elements that I have recommended to my clients and that I have used myself. I released part of this – to a few students who begged me to share how to do this – and their feedback (and success) was enough to convince me it would work for you too!

The Bring in Your Beloved Now! package includes:

  • 26-Page Book of Instructions (PDF)
  • 3 Meditations (MP3 Downloads)
  • Letting Go Introduction
  • Letting Go of a Relationship Meditation
  • Bring in Your Beloved Ceremony

How Do You Handle Family and Friends That Judge You?

family and friends dinner

Be the first to laugh at yourself. Be the first to make the joke on you. Then your detractors won’t want to do this. You’ve taken away their desire to make you look bad, or wrong or silly. There’s no fun for them if you agree with them! If you say it first, then they would have to agree with you! And they probably don’t want to agree with you on anything! If they manage to do this first, then you agree and escalate. Make it so big it is funny! Exaggeration is a form of humor – and will give you the opportunity to laugh at yourself with them!

Perhaps they call you irrational. Sometimes family and friends are irrational. You can laugh and say, “Me! What about you?” When they try to convince you that they are the “sane” one, laugh again, and say, everyone is irrational some of the time. Don’t try to defend yourself. Instead, power up YOU by saying there is tons of research on why people don’t think for themselves and act irrationally! There is a need for many people who have yet to claim their power, to validate outside of themselves. Any detractor is looking for a way to validate their own beliefs. Maybe you share this need, looking for validation outside of you.

Your detractors may be the ones who are looking for validation. They might have heard some of the things you have spoken of. They are curious but they are not ready to be convinced. They might want you to be right and are afraid that you are right. Wait until they bring these things up a second time, and then discuss more openly. The first time someone asks about alternative matters, they are curious, and they have opened their mind. The second time they ask, they have opened their heart (non-judgmental) and will be ABLE to receive your information. Be gentle, be slow, be kind and be funny.

They want to believe in something, but they want an outside authority to tell them what to believe. They KNOW you so you are not an outside authority! However, you can change that.
When you VALIDATE them, you are giving them power to choose. How will you do this?

Decide that they have a right to their belief system. When they challenge you and your belief system, you can say, “I champion your right to hold that belief as long as it pleases you.” This gives them your vote of confidence and gives them room to grow and change. It also says to them, when (not if) you change your mind, I’ll have your back then too!

If necessary, you can add, “I hope you’ll do the same for me.” Most times, that is not necessary. When someone expects you to do something more, you can say, I understand why you think that, or say that, or want that … BUT I have decided this. Validate the other person first – then you have made a safe space for them to disagree with you.

Most people want agreeableness, and do not understand that agreeableness could mean they have stepped out of their power. Many people do not think for themselves because they have not been taught to think critically. All the sciences teach critical thinking – but the arts have not. So sometimes your experience of others not seeing what you see, is because they have never been taught to think in a way that allows them to come to their own conclusions. They rely on others, the news, the pundits and such to provide them with their information. When the Comedy Central show, The Daily Show, was hosted by Jon Stewart, a survey was done that showed 80% of young people ages 25-35 got their “news” from alternative sources such as the Comedy Central channel, and not mainstream news!

Transitioning into 5D

In 5D, how do you ask for a “win” against your adversary? You pray for their recovery. You pray that if you win, they recover somehow. If you lose you recover nicely. You “claim” in manifestation work, “I’m amazed that it all worked out. I’m so grateful the drama had a happy ending!” You don’t need to know what that “happy ending” is. You simply see that it all resolved with grace and ease. You can also say to the Universe, I’m ready for this to be over. I’m ready for the drama to have a happy ending. I’m so grateful that it all worked out!

This Month’s Featured Meditation is

Divine Transfusion


Divine Transfusion is a guided meditation that provides the tools to heal from any physical, mental or emotional issue. As I was creating it, I was told that we could ask for this transfusion for our family members and the world. This is why the meditation is set up to invite your participation at each level, reminding you to call in the Divine Transfusion for others and the world as well as yourself.

In the case of difficult circumstances of any kind, one can ask for a divine transfusion. This transfusion from God is possible by direct dispensation. A simple request may be all that is required. You find the link to your free download below.


Getting Everything You Want – for the Holidays! Or Whenever!


Be the first to laugh at yourself. Be the first to make the joke on you. Then your detractors won’t want to do this. You’ve taken away their desire to make you look bad, or wrong or silly. There’s no fun for them if you agree with them! If you say it first, then they would have to agree with you! And they probably don’t want to agree with you on anything! If they manage to do this first, then you agree and escalate. Make it so big it is funny! Exaggeration is a form of humor – and will give you the opportunity to laugh at yourself with them!

Perhaps they call you irrational. Sometimes family and friends are irrational. You can laugh and say, “Me! What about you?” When they try to convince you that they are the “sane” one, laugh again, and say, everyone is irrational some of the time. Don’t try to defend yourself. Instead, power up YOU by saying there is tons of research on why people don’t think for themselves and act irrationally! There is a need for many people who have yet to claim their power, to validate outside of themselves. Any detractor is looking for a way to validate their own beliefs. Maybe you share this need, looking for validation outside of you.

Your detractors may be the ones who are looking for validation. They might have heard some of the things you have spoken of. They are curious but they are not ready to be convinced. They might want you to be right and are afraid that you are right. Wait until they bring these things up a second time, and then discuss more openly. The first time someone asks about alternative matters, they are curious, and they have opened their mind. The second time they ask, they have opened their heart (non-judgmental) and will be ABLE to receive your information. Be gentle, be slow, be kind and be funny.

They want to believe in something, but they want an outside authority to tell them what to believe. They KNOW you so you are not an outside authority! However, you can change that.
When you VALIDATE them, you are giving them power to choose. How will you do this?

Decide that they have a right to their belief system. When they challenge you and your belief system, you can say, “I champion your right to hold that belief as long as it pleases you.” This gives them your vote of confidence and gives them room to grow and change. It also says to them, when (not if) you change your mind, I’ll have your back then too!

If necessary, you can add, “I hope you’ll do the same for me.” Most times, that is not necessary. When someone expects you to do something more, you can say, I understand why you think that, or say that, or want that … BUT I have decided this. Validate the other person first – then you have made a safe space for them to disagree with you.

Most people want agreeableness, and do not understand that agreeableness could mean they have stepped out of their power. Many people do not think for themselves because they have not been taught to think critically. All the sciences teach critical thinking – but the arts have not. So sometimes your experience of others not seeing what you see, is because they have never been taught to think in a way that allows them to come to their own conclusions. They rely on ot 

Here’s a quiz for you. What’s the difference between people who have what they want and those that don’t? When you cannot have what you want, you want what you cannot have.
When you have what you want, you don’t want everything you can have!

So how to flip the equation, and get everything you want? Start thanking the universe for everything you do have. Start thanking the people around you for everything you can receive. Chose to be grateful for all the good that has come your way. Find the silver lining in every cloud!

This is why so many people will tell you that one of the ways to manifest is to stay in gratitude. But I get ahead of myself. Sometimes you are stuck with a bunch of things in your pipeline that you “wanted” but now have changed your mind. What will you do about that? That’s going to slow things down too! So, really the first order of business is to stop “wanting” everything you see! How will you do this?

I started with a simple exercise of setting aside $100 for myself. It took a while, in those early years, when there was barely enough to go around, but I took my time (many weeks) till I had pulled enough “spare change” from my grocery and gas money to convert it to a $100 bill.

Next, I put it into my wallet in a special place. A large bill like that is very easy to spot – when you aren’t holding a bunch of them! I then told myself I could “have” anything I wanted with that money. Amazingly, now that I had “money to spend” I didn’t want to spend it! I was choosey about how badly I wanted or needed that special item. It moved me from being one who wants what I cannot have to one who can have anything I want, and doesn’t want everything!

Another way you move into “anything you want” is to change your focus, your locus, on bill paying. Do the same thing – and start to set aside enough, so that you could pay your bills whenever you want. What’s the difference between people who live from week to week or month to month and those who are well off? Those who have resources pay their bills whenever they want.

Finally, when I would get a “surprise” bill that I wasn’t expecting, I would say, “I wonder what the universe knows that I don’t know! I wonder how this will get paid!” It keeps you out of worry and in a positive role of expectation! That seeds a positive response.

When you just don’t seem to get what you want, maybe your home or office is just too cluttered. Maybe you have too much stuff, and could use a little de-cluttering. I used to wonder what does that word mean? It means you let go of everything you don’t absolutely love! How can you do that? I always loved everything I had!

Start by making a list of all the things you love. Then look at everything you kind of love, but don’t REALLY love. Decide you could release some of those things! I did that one year as we decorated the Christmas tree. I wanted to pare down my ornament collection, but couldn’t bear to do it! I had so many memories. How could I part with any of them?

Each year I had given myself permission to purchase one new box of ornaments. Then one year I inherited the large box of ornaments my mother had for the tree that we enjoyed while growing up. I announced to my four sons, we are going to decorate this tree, and every ornament you unwrap, you have to decide if you really love it. If you don’t, you get to decide that we aren’t keeping it. If you are the one who unwraps it, you are the decider.

I had a large laundry basket for the “give-away” ornaments. At the end of the decorating party, the laundry basket was full, and the tree still looked wonderful. One of my sons, in an attempt to tease said, “See that ornament on the tree, pointing to a random ornament, “I don’t really love that one!” We all had a good laugh.

I wear a lot of semi-precious stones for their energy. I do like them, but last year I decided I should pare down my collection. I gave a lot away to friends and family. Then I took a box of rings with me to an event and passed the box around for the ladies to help themselves! Two weeks later, a friend invited me over to her house, and said, “I’ve cleaned out my rings and want you to have these.” There were at least 30 “new” rings. She said, “Take what you want and give the rest away; I’m not wearing them anymore.” I think the universe likes me wearing rings, and I was able to inherit new rings and to share them with others a second time!

How do you let go? Well, I ask for clarity and then I ask to see what is it that I really, really want. Sometimes we think we want something – but we really are just coveting it – or yearning for it, not necessarily needing it. You decide what pleases you. Just deciding it may make the difference between success and nothing. So, take a moment to decide what you really, really want, and tell the universe in a letter. Tell the universe it is the most important thing you could want, no matter what. Then be prepared to let everything else go!

How do you let go when you are ready, but not able to sell something of value that you truly are done with? Release the energy you have put into it. Release the good and the not so good. Release the desire for an outcome. Release the need to have it happen a certain way or with a certain person.

This Month’s Featured Meditation is

Open Doors II: Letting Go of Anything


This is a guided meditation to release anything. It guides you through releasing any type of property or possession, whether it is something tangible like a business, or something intangible, such as a job… anything you are having difficulty releasing. It is written in a way that allows you to insert the name of the thing you are releasing. It is followed by a mantra that relies on YOU to create a clear intention of what you are letting go. Name this after each pause as you fill in the blank. Let your mind fill-in that space with the name of what you are releasing.

We have PLENTY, thank you!


Find this month’s free download, Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity, at the end of this article.

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year. It is the most traveled holiday – in the United States, and one of these days – we’ll move it to Columbus Day weekend, and then both Canada and the US will be on the same schedule. (Just kidding, although I do wonder if that will happen!)

When my 25-year marriage ended, and my four children were still at home, it was the one holiday that I found everyone could come. Many of those years were happily spent in Tucson where my sister had settled and everyone who could come, did. It was easy to get everyone to come… who might not – when the weather is so much nicer there than just about anywhere else at that time of year?

Sometimes holidays are stressful, either because you don’t have enough time, or money, to accomplish what you’d like. As all the advice givers will tell you, scale back! This year it is even more important to scale back – because you need to find your peace about all of this – including your worries about “not enough!”

Recently, I’ve begun telling people to start announcing they have plenty of something. Whether it is plenty of veggies from the garden, or paper and pencils. This is very powerful as it begins to create the energy of plenty-ness in all areas of our life, not just the item we are talking about now!

What do you have plenty of right now? Do you have plenty of pennies? Plenty of leftovers? Plenty of hairs on your brush? Start to find of the things in your home you have plenty of.  Plenty of plastic bags? Plenty of water? Plenty of dust? What if you have plenty of negative thoughts? Next start to pay attention to your negative thoughts. Wouldn’t it be lovely to know you can begin to eliminate negative thoughts in two easy steps. (You may have plenty of those too!)

Decide to notice your negative thoughts and statements.

Follow every negative statement with 2 -3 positive statements that are of the same type.

For example, if you catch yourself saying, “I hate my job.” Follow it with “BUT, I have great pay, I love my co-workers and great vacation time.” Don’t say, “I hate my boss, but I love my husband….” That’s not antidoting the same type of energy!

What this does is two things: The first positive antidotes the “negative one” and then the replacements are new “seeds” that you are planting! This is a wonderful way to repopulate your world with positive gratitude statements. Gratitude is the most powerful way to manifest, and is the fertile ground for all future manifestations whether they have anything to do with the present problem or not. You now have plenty of gratitude!

Understand this is a process, and that you will develop a new habit that will replace the negative self-talk, the negative thoughts in your world. This new habit will become your “new normal.” That means you will have plenty of gratitude!

You can claim plenty for yourself too. Sometimes you may have plenty of “trouble.” That’s probably not desirable, so in that case, I’ll offer another solution. For many years, I was the person who always felt left out. I certainly was “different” but that didn’t mean I couldn’t fit in or belong! I began to change my focus, instead of me wanting someone to pay attention to me, I decided to pay attention to everyone else’s need. I reframed my “mission” with family, and now my job was to serve them… rather than to be served.

My coming to Thanksgiving and looking for ways I could be of service dramatically changed the environment, the reactions and interactions. I was quite surprised. I didn’t expect that! I found that others wounds were healing as well. However, that’s what I got! My family seemed more interested in me, and of course they felt supported by me! I’m so grateful, even now, that this was possible. Narcissism is a big problem and many people are incapable of feeling or showing empathy for another, until they learn to open their hearts, but you can give them unconditional love now! Notice when someone needs to be right, champion their need to be right and support them with unconditional love. Once you decide that it’s your job to “love them anyway” and there is plenty of love, then you will begin to appreciate a “full table” of plenty of love!

If you have difficult family situations – seek to support rather than to be right. Seek to offer choices rather than ultimatums. Seed love without resentment. This means you say “yes” with a glad heart, or you say, “I’d rather not, thank you for including me.”

One of my students told me this story:

You know how you always tell us to “Ask for a day of Heaven on Earth.”  Well, we had a family reunion coming up. My adult siblings and I were all going to be gathering at a rental house and living together for a week. I decided to start asking for “A week of Heaven on Earth for me, my family and our reunion!” I started this several months in advance. One sister, is always creating chaos and manages to spoil every family event. This year, two days before the event, my drama queen sister called everyone to tell us that she wouldn’t be joining us! Having everyone together is a big deal for us. Yet, she added, she was checking into a detox facility instead of doing the family reunion.

We all breathed a sigh of relief. We had a fabulous time without her. We didn’t worry about her because she was in a “safe” place. What a wonderful gift!

Your turn, ask for a week, or two, depending on your family plan for Thanksgiving, of “Heaven on Earth” for you and everyone you come in contact with during your family travels. You will be amazed. Say it like this: “I am asking for a week (or your time frame) of “heaven on earth” for me and everyone in my family, all the guests at Thanksgiving dinner, and everyone we come in contact with.”

This Month’s Meditation is

Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity

Channeled directly from the Akashic Records, this meditation is a ‘must have’ for anyone! Tap into the river of unlimited opportunity to manifest all you desire. Learn to create, not from want but joy, not demand but desire, bringing forth new ideas, opportunities and solutions. This River of Golden Opportunity is a tangible, fluid, refreshing and reviving energy from outside our three dimensional reality. We receive it when we call it in.


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We all love to masquerade! We all love to pretend to be something else! I love false eyelashes – because they make women’s eyes look better! (I’m leaving the guys out – I know.) With Halloween coming – it’s fun to dress up – and to find costumes, trendy or strange, to surprise and delight yourself and your friends.

Some people don’t like this kind of event, and they are shy about expressing this way, or they find it uncomfortable. I don’t blame them. When my children were younger, before you could buy costumes for a few dollars at Walmart, I made all the costumes my sons wore. I had ONE rule – it had to be a “good guy.” I didn’t care which good guy it was, but I wanted them to pick (preferably) an ascended master, identify their costume that they found in a book, and then I would copy it. Fortunately, I am a great seamstress, and took patternmaking and design at the Fashion Institute in NY when I lived here in the 70’s, so it was an enjoyable task for me.

Masquerading can have a dark side as well. People hide who they really are with false identities and false information. Studies show that married couples lie to their spouses 1 out of 10 times, and unmarried couples 3 times in 10! Wow. This is research! These same researchers have concluded that we are all a “party” to these lies. Think of the famous line in the first movie of the Matrix series, “Know this steak doesn’t exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After nine years, you know what I realize? Ignorance is bliss.”

Some people, like me, figured out that I couldn’t tell a lie without getting caught, so I decided – to “never lie.” Sometimes though, we do “cover up” things that we do or say without lying – by acts of omission. Sometimes we keep the truth hidden because we are afraid of another’s reaction. Sometimes we lie out of convenience. It’s easier to let the other person think what they want to think than get into an explanation!

I remember my shock at age 16 when my mother, a beautiful natural redhead, told a story from her high school days. She said one of her teachers asked her if she dyed her hair. Those were the days when a woman who colored her hair was considered “loose” or worse! I asked her, “What did you say?” Mom said, “Yes.” I shrieked, “MOTHER!” She smiled.

“Why would you say such a thing?” her reply surprised me. She said, he already thought her hair was colored. Why else would he have asked? She figured if she said “no” he would think she was a liar and loose! It’s funny now, as I remember my first lesson in human psychology.

Belonging to an Edgar Cayce “A Search for God” group, we had a cool deck of cards put out by someone who was promoting “A Course in Miracles.” We drew a card each week, and at the end of a study session the nicest woman in the group, an older woman, pulled the card, “Stop lying.” We were all shocked! The study group leader suggested she “sit with it” and see what would unfold that week.

When we all reconvened, she reported how she had discovered she lied to her 20 something son when they were watching TV, and he wanted her to get up and make a sandwich for him. (He knew how to do that!) And when her husband wanted to go to the movies, she agreed she wanted to see what he wanted to see. For all of us, we realized that it doesn’t serve us to lie to please someone. Maybe they would WANT to know how we really feel, so they can decide if they want to please us instead!

When my first marriage ended, I realized I had been lying to my husband about a lot of things that I had determined would upset him. I “took care of things” that he was supposed to do after asking several times, instead of insisting he “do his part.” That aha took a bit of convincing from our counselor, as I just thought I was going ahead and getting something done rather than to keep asking! I made a renewed commitment to always tell the truth if I ever had the chance to be with someone again.

One day, we hired a company to wash our house windows. The bill was over $500, but I had seen how hard this college student had worked. I noticed how careful he was around our landscaping and wanted to tip him. My husband while writing the check, refused. We were newlyweds and I didn’t want to argue with him. Yet I knew the window washer was probably making minimum wage. I followed the young man out of the house and gave him his well-deserved tip anyway.

By dinner I was a basket case – I had violated a sacred promise to myself, and knew I needed to “come clean.” My husband was totally fine with it – and we agreed to “spending limits” without consulting one another.

Where are you masquerading? What part of yourself are you secretly “ashamed of” and unwilling to expose? What can you learn from deciding to always tell the truth?

Is there a way to tell the truth when you don’t want to hurt someone? Yes! Start by saying, I need to say something that might upset you. Don’t manipulate by saying, “I’m not telling you unless you promise not to get mad.” There’s a scene in a movie I saw once where Robert De Niro is asking his son about something – and the son is giving a similar response. Robert says, “It’s ok. I won’t get mad. Just tell me the truth.” The son does, and Robert slaps him. Shocked, the son says, “I thought you said you wouldn’t get mad.” Robert De Niro replies, “I lied.”

Deciding to “always tell the truth” and enlisting your angels help, will help you uncover and discover where you are “fudging.” Reading the book, “Radical Honesty” by Brad Blanton will point you in that direction as well. There is only one exception to this sage advice. If you know the person you are talking to is a narcissist, you must always give them rightness first. You might say, “I know you already know this,” or “I know you probably discovered this,” and then give your information. This way, you will allow the narcissist to get what they need, while taking care of yourself too.

This Month’s Featured Meditation is

Mind Mastery for 5D


I’ve created a very special guided meditation called Mind Mastery for 5D. It is a powerful “training” tool which will allow you to create more powerful suggestions to your subconscious mind. It includes powerful Brainwave Entrainment sounds to improve results for every future intention. This type of entrainment is scientifically proven to increase results BECAUSE it contains binaural beats which improve attention and retention.

In this 9-minute guided Autogenic training meditation you are training your body to respond to your suggestions. It starts with you repeating after me, in your mind or out loud, so your body elemental (the inner engineer of your physical body system) gets accustomed to listening and following your commands about how the body is to respond. Why do you want to control your body? Becoming 5th dimensional is dependent upon it. You are learning to control the environment, and the first environment is your own body!

Curiosity and Joy – Keys to the Fifth Dimension

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Let curiosity bring joy into your life. When you have true curiosity, you have joy. When you have curiosity, you are not in judgement. When something happens that you do not understand, are you quick to label it? Or do you wonder what’s going on?

Ask yourself, what is the most important thing (to accomplish) on your mind right now? I’m going to teach you how to achieve it or resolve it. You’ll have to work with me on this and you’ll want to do more than just read this article for entertainment. Although, that will also work, since I’ll be sharing a good part of my story along the way.

Do you know what your life mission is? I know mine. I didn’t always know. I wanted to be of service to others, and I wanted to make a difference. If you are still reading this, it might be the same for you.

In 1994, I was traveling with a group of people on a familiarization tour. This is a trip where you look at a hotel property with the idea of convincing your group to choose that hotel for a convention. It’s common in the tourism industry for meeting planners and travel agents to take these “fam” trips. I was a non-profit administrator with a substantial annual meeting that liked to go to resort type places.

I was invited to go on a fam trip – and that’s a manifestation story I’ll share later in this article, but FIRST, I want you to know, this need to know my mission was literally uppermost on my mind.

I was the proud mom of four sons, all in their teens, the youngest being 11. My 25-year marriage had ended a year earlier, and I was working at a new job that I loved. The invitation to go someplace nice, like Acapulco, was super inviting, especially because the price was right! (Free.)

On the trip, one evening the activity included dinner, and then on to a local night club for some dancing. Suddenly I didn’t feel well at dinner, but still really wanted to go to the club to dance the Macarena. Hoping to feel better, I excused myself from dinner with the promise to return in time to go to the club if I improved.

My host told me later, “When you left the room, it’s as if the “lights” went out. You hold so much joy and light, that we all had a good time while you were there. Yet once you left, dinner seemed flat. In that moment, I realized that I had been given a huge gift. This was the answer to my seeking! I was to bring joy to others – with my curiosity about them, with my wisdom, wit and light!

As the years passed, I held my mission in my heart, no matter where I was, or who I was with. Wherever I went, if I felt out of place or didn’t know anyone, I made it my mission to reach out – and be curious. I realized my curiosity could be contagious. I could light up the room with my love, smile, friendly questions and joy. I realized quickly that people hungered for what I was serving, and that I could “do my mission” anywhere. I realized that my desire to serve was being honed into a skill to show each person I met that they were loveable!

Along the way, I wasn’t always perfect. I did my best as a mom and learned that that being a mom called for some pretty quick thinking! When my super smart, bored, third son failed Algebra II for the third time in summer school, and after fall classes had begun. I asked him if he was in the programming class he wanted to be in? “Yes,” was his response. I said, “Well, that means the paperwork hasn’t caught up with you yet. But it will. You will get called into the guidance office and they will tell you that you have to drop that class because you’ve not qualified for it.”

He had missed one day the last week of summer school, and they had apparently drilled into their heads that if you missed a day, not to bother coming back! When I realized that he hadn’t gone the 2nd day of the last week after attending four-hour classes for five weeks, I was quite alarmed, but he just shrugged his shoulders. I knew he could handle the subject matter but he didn’t do the homework and that’s why he kept failing. So I asked him, now that he’d been in the programming class for a few days, how he was doing in it, and if the teacher liked him. He responded, “The teacher loves me, and it’s going great!”

“Well, when you get called into the guidance office, let the guidance officer explain to you that you don’t qualify for the computer programming class because you didn’t earn the pre-requisite.” You say, “OK, if I can get the programming teacher to sign a waiver to let me in, will you allow me to be in the class?” The guidance officer will agree to this because he cannot imagine anyone failing Algebra II three times could possibly get an exception from the programming teacher.

Then take this information to your programing teacher, asking him to write a waiver for you. My son reported to me afterwards that the programming teacher said to him, “Are you kidding? You are the best student I’ve ever had. There’s no way you are NOT going to be in my class!”

So, what are you good at that you don’t feel qualified for? What “certificate” or training do you lack that you wish you had? What do others tell you that you are good at? What are you waiting for? Many people say that the reason Dolores Cannon was so successful is that she lacked a lot of education – and that actually made her more curious and open to the huge body of knowledge that came through her.

In that same era. I complained to my sister about a well-known author that I loved and followed, who had produced an audio guided meditation that was horrible. Her voice was scratchy and even though the content was wonderful, I couldn’t listen to it more than once. In my complaint to my sister I offered, “I could do better than that!” and my dear sister said, “What’s stopping you?”

So now it’s my turn to invite you! I ask you, what’s stopping you from being who you are meant to be? Maybe you don’t think you have a job that is important but consider this. Even if your job only involves family, if you are the one who always pulls the family together, you can start mentoring one of the nieces or nephews to take your place, and to help you. Yours is an important job. Family is the backbone of society, and you make a difference in your family and community. You may be thinking that every woman does this – but that’s not true!

Maybe you are the one who inspires others with a book study group. Maybe you’d like to lead a study group, but don’t know how to get started. The easy way is to start a book study club at the local bookstore or library. Volunteer your services until you are ready to teach a wider audience. When I moved to a new community and didn’t have any “like minded friends” I started a book study group and met and made friends that were with me long after the study group ended.

I recently went to a class reunion. I met with many classmates who I had lost touch with over the years. A few of my closer high school friends took time to look me up and look into what I’m doing now. As my friend who invited me to the reunion said, “Maureen, I don’t think anyone in our class will understand what you do.” When one of the guys, trying to be inclusive talked about “sharing their beliefs, ideas and tolerance,” I smiled and said, “I don’t share anything about what I believe, unless they pay me.”

We both laughed and he realized I wouldn’t be preaching to him or anyone else, and that I was there to enjoy the friendship, and bring light into the room by honoring who they were. It was fun to remember their accomplishments, help them to feel loved and important, and to help them know they were lovable.

What if you approached every interaction with the idea that it was your job to learn about the other person, and to help them feel important? How powerful that would be? I don’t think anyone asked me about my books, or what they were about. One person did ask the name and wrote it down. Nancy, my friend, did buy it, but said it was “really deep.” And that she hadn’t finished it! I just laughed! I’m so happy she bought it!

And I know someone in her world WILL read it. Another one of my close friends (a lawyer) told me he mentioned it at a dinner party and was shocked that his friends “knew all about that kind of stuff.”

Remember, I promised to tell you how I manifested my trip to Acapulco in the first place? Early on in my explorations of the Genie System, I decided to use it to win a contest. The objective was to name a new meeting room (function room) for the Princess Hotel Chain. This public meeting room was being constructed at the Southampton Princess in Bermuda. The new construction was a state-of-the-art facility specifically designed for the many medical meetings that were held there.

The contest was open to members of the association community. My position as CEO of a national professional association made me eligible. A free trip to the hotel was the grand prize. I utilized the techniques in this yet unwritten book. My visual was of me on the beach in front of a beautiful ocean scene. I used a picture I cut out of a magazine with a woman in a beach chair looking out at the ocean. I imagined the hotel behind me was wonderful, and their function room was named the name I had given it. Meditating on it daily at first, the perfect name soon popped into my head, which I then submitted for the contest.

When the winner was announced I was so surprised – it wasn’t me! I couldn’t believe it. I knew my name was the winner. There must be some mistake! I decided not to be upset and forgot about it.

About a year later I was invited on a familiarization tour to Acapulco. The travel agent I was working with told me I had to cover the $100 in taxes, but otherwise the entire trip was free. We would be staying at a first-class hotel. I knew this company well enough to know their offer was legitimate and decided to go on the trip.

Upon arriving at the hotel some months later, I was pleasantly surprised. It was the Acapulco Princess. When I entered my room there was a beautiful brochure on the bed showing their brand-new meeting room. “Wow,” I thought, “this is just like the function room they built last year in Bermuda. They must have used the same architectural blueprint.”

I wondered what they had named it. You guessed it. It was the name I had submitted, the one that “didn’t win” the naming contest for the Southampton Princess! Here I was, soon to be sitting on the beach, in the hotel that had a meeting room with the name I had submitted for the identical room in Bermuda. And I was a guest of the hotel management! I had received my prize.

Coincidence? Hardly. I had my proof. Here was another manifestation confirming the efficacy of the Genie System. There’s more hidden in this story. I held no anger or judgment at the “mistake” of not using my name for the contest conference room. I simply let it go. To learn more about the Genie System, get the book, Be A Genie.

Portions of this article are reprinted from the book, Be A Genie.

This Month’s Featured Meditation is

Removing Obstacles

You Are Not a Victim – You Are a Volunteer!

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Stuff happens, and sure, situations and events affect you. You don’t like it. I say, you don’t have to like it – but you might want to decide it won’t control you. When you feel emotions that are loosely labeled as fear, resentment, anxiety or anger you get to choose what happens next.

Science has been able to tell us some pretty significant things about the two emotions of fear and anxiety. Fear is a real danger of a physical threat; anxiety is a presumed danger of a perceived threat! Fear is a physical response and puts you into action, taking steps to escape or battle. Anxiety is an emotional response.

Neuroscientists tell us that fear and anxiety are distinct in the brain and begin with changes in the amygdala, an almond shaped organ in the center of the brain. The importance of its shape will have meaning later. These two emotions physically stem from different receptors and are produced by different centers and chemicals in the brain. They stimulate both autonomic and non-autonomic response. Anxiety medication is on the rise in America with over 40 million persons taking some kind of drug to relieve anxiety, representing 8-10% of all prescriptions filled.

But what if you could control your response?

Emotions can get out of control because they can cause a person to self-reflect on the emotion, recreating the experience, which can create a circular pattern of the anxiety, thereby perpetuating and escalating it! Everything in the universe is moving and shifting. Everything in the universe wants to evolve, including emotion! It is alive with your loosh! If you fail to direct it, it will follow the path of least resistance. The “programming” to deal with anxiety through medication is only one solution. There are others.

What if you could use the power within you to control your emotions? Emotions can seemingly perpetuate themselves because humans are the grand creator of emotions! This is part of the grand spark, imbued in humans as co-creators. You can learn to co-create with your emotions, but first you must learn to notice, and modify the emotions that dive into your weaknesses, so that you CAN be the co-creators you were meant to be.

There are agendas from beings that benefit from your fear and worry. This was discussed in my blog post on February 2017. Knowing that there is a benefit to beings whose agenda runs counter to your own is helpful to improve your determination. There is reason to be concerned and I recommend you revisit that discussion as well.

What are emotions?

Emotion is the fuel of creation, energy in motion. Emotions are qualified chi (chi that you have infused with a feeling) that allows you to expand and to experience more. It is a driving force in manifestation. Emotions allow you to reflect and re-experience events that are both pleasing and painful. Creating from positive emotions is a well-known technique in manifestation.

How do emotions work?

Emotions take universal high “god-energy,” or chi, and fills it with a purpose. Chi is unlimited universal energy located everywhere. We know that biofeedback can be used as a tool to transform your body’s autonomic response. Why not use autonomic training to train your body to respond to your commands? My 5D Mind Mastery uses brainwave entrainment along with autogenic training to help you teach your body to respond to your commands. It is similar to the one Norm Shealy created, but with the addition of brainwave entrainment, called binaural beats.

Mastering your emotions may be easier than you think! Using your emotion to help you fulfill your mission propels you into your fifth dimensional self. In sacred geometry, the almond shape (remember the amygdala, center of emotions, is almond shaped) is most sacred as it is viewed as the birther of all life, or source code. Think of the mandorla in art or the vulva in the human body. A mandorla is an aureola, or frame, usually in the shape of a vesica piscis, which surrounded the figures of Christ and the Virgin Mary in traditional Christian art. The vesica piscis is the same “almond” shape. It is the area created when two identical circles intersect at the center. I consider it ‘source code.” It looks like this:

vesica pisces gray circles with overlapping blue


Creating with joy

Your joyful emotions can expand and fuel your manifestations based on joy. Your sad emotions create fractures in the energy fields that you create, albeit unawares. By doing this you then create a “wall” to sustain and maintain the fractured part rather than heal it! Brad Nelson, and his work with the emotion code, clearly identifies this connection. The qualified chi (emotion) then is squandered to create a “false” sense of safety. For sure, emotions are meant to be expressed and released, not contained and used to build walls!

Emotion can also create vortexes in the time and space matrix. These portals, or vortexes, can be accessed by connecting two of the three possible intersections. More importantly, remember that emotions are the energy of expressions that you can use however you see fit. Some kinds of emotion are easier to understand because of their deep roots.

On resentment

Sometimes fear is based on resentment or judgment. It can be indignation or ill will felt as a result of a real or imagined grievance. Resentment is trickier than dealing with non-forgiveness because it carries with it an element of entitlement that presumes your position is somehow deserving and/or righteous.

Resentment is a perversion of humility, as it acts out as a sense of humbleness that is seated in a false power base rather than true humility. When clearing resentment – seek to understand the little you who is stuck in self-righteous anger and validate the self. Choose NOT the anger, and only then will resentment dissipate.

Seek then to understand your feeling of entitlement. Seek to understand your feelings of being entitled over a situation or person. Give the other credit for doing the best they can. Remember that for those who give much, much is expected. It is never an even playing field. Knowing better expects better, without resentment.

Moving into victimhood is also a perversion of humility as it presumes the innocence of one and guilt of the perpetrator. It is never completely one sided, or of one over the other. Even those who had no hand in the affront may have created this as an opportunity for reasons unknown to the ‘victim.”

Consider this example from a client in the Akashic Records: A woman who had been sexually abused by her father asked her Record Keepers (in session with me as the guide), “What did I do to deserve the abuse from my father?” The Record Keepers stated, “You are a very high being. You chose to stop the madness, and came into this family to stop the abuse.” Her response was telling, “Oh my goodness, I actually did. When my father went after my younger siblings, I always stood in the way, offering myself, rather than see them get hurt!” Remember, it is your judgment of a situation that fuels “victim” or not. In this case, the woman truly was a volunteer of the highest order.

This Month’s Meditation is
Releasing Fear

Sign up to download the Releasing Fear talk & meditation

This talk and meditation is made especially for you to work on fear. Now more than ever it is important to clear fear from ourselves and the planet.

This recording is filled with my current information on fear, its purpose, and how to deal with it. At the conclusion there is a guided meditation that will help you release your fears and anchor in all that you have learned.


Opening the Akashic Records – Part 3: Lessons Learned

In the first part of this three-part article I talked about the origins of knowledge about the Akashic Records. I gave insights about Edgar Cayce and his life and discoveries regarding the “Book of Life,” as it is called in the Bible. While in a trance he was queried, “What is meant by the Akashic Records?” His response was, “It is the book of Life.” “May your name be inscribed in the Book of Life” is the most common greeting for the Jewish New Year season, Yom Kippur. In the second part, I gave insights on multiple lives and how the record keepers inform individuals of these experiences to grow their awareness as multidimensional beings. In this article I will address more “lessons learned” in the Akashic Records.

Why We Incarnate

From the thousands of clients for whom I have connected into their Akashic Records and given private sessions for, I have learned there are three primary reasons we choose to incarnate into bodies here on earth. Each of these reasons is compelling enough to explain the circumstances the person finds themselves in. The first reason is to be on Earth for a particular time or specific location. For some individuals, they are accepting all kinds of diversity and adversity because it is a way to get them here, in the reality, matching the time and space they want to be here for. I call it the “taking the ride in” and puts a person where they want to be in time and space. These typically are the travelers, navigators and way-showers. Their purpose is not so much about Earth, but more cosmic in nature. The travelers are here with a mission to explore and learn about earth humans. The navigators are solution-oriented individuals who are great at problem solving. Their biggest problem is that they want to solve everyone’s problems. The record keepers advise them to get into a profession such as counselor, advisor, astrologer or Akashic Records guide, so they can use their creative talents to help others. They also tell them to not solve your family’s problems, give them room to err! The second most common reason is that the environment the person is born into gives them the opportunity to do something – something that another environment would not. For example, one woman was told by her record keepers that she was a very high angelic being who incarnated into this family of abusers to “stop the madness.” She was the last of her siblings her father sexually assaulted. All her younger siblings didn’t have to endure his assaults, as she regularly put herself in between those situations, offering herself in place. She chose this role, to put an end to the child abuse in this family. Despite this, she came through this horrible trauma unscathed, unlike many others who would have. The third reason is a family situation, or family need, that is requiring or desiring balance. In one family I know of, all the siblings had a familiarity with each other and were comfortable with esoteric subjects, except for one of them. One sibling was told in the Akashic Records that he was a “new” soul to Earth and wanted to be with a family of advanced souls. Another factor that acts as an overlay on any of the three reasons above is familiarity of family members or acquaintances. In the Akashic Records, family relationship is not necessarily a reason, yet, over and over the record keepers tell clients that a deceased family member has come back as the newest baby of that family. This is true in the remarkable case of the Pollack twins, whose father prayed for proof of reincarnation after his two older daughters were killed in an automobile accident. The twin girls recognized toys that had belonged to their older sisters, and used the names they had given them, despite having been born after their sisters were killed. There are many case studies of families that have recognition of family members, and children who recognize their personal toys as in the case of the Pollock twins. Dr. Ian Stevenson of the Department of Psychiatry at University of Virginia School of Medicine (USA) documented this, and over 2000 cases, of young people remembering and accurately identifying details of a past life. In most cases of SID or early mortality during a pregnancy, we also find a baby born after this preemie or SID syndrome infant reincarnates in the same family later! Family is not really a reason – yet, incarnating within the same family is very, very common.  

Why can anyone access the Akashic Records?

In an earlier era only shamans and mystics accessed the Akashic Records. They “traveled through the dimensions to get to 11th dimension” and then developed their own pathways to access this most sacred information. Today, due to a dispensation granted to all humanity, anyone may access the Akashic Records. There are many teachers of this work. My lineage is not the only one, and there are differences in each style. You can find which one you are attracted to, and learn from them. The Akashic Records are a vast domain of energetic imprints, much like a movie library. In order to pull data from this place, a person works with “reference librarians,” who are entering the energetic field. The reference librarians embody this information and then travel to the edge of the energetic field known as the Akashic Records to communicate with whoever communicates with them. Since 1978, humanity has been provided with a major dispensation to connect with this energetic field. The reason Akashic Records have been made available for anyone to “access?” It has to do with the end of an age, or end of an era. Humanity has not spiritually caught up with its technology. What do I mean by this? Technology on the Earth gives humanity many skills that allow them to take actions that do not recognize the sacredness of the energy of life. A man who runs a food manufacturing company may be using an additive that makes the food taste better, or induces people to eat more. This may entail using technology to create these manipulations. Yet, if he discovers that the additive also causes some kind of serious disease or illness in the consumer, does he take action to eliminate it? If his spirituality is at parity with his technology, the answer is yes. Humanity needed to “catch up,” and needs to have access to information that would help them recognize what their ideal choices are, and to make more evolved choices that would reflect advanced spirituality rising to parity with their technology. Accessing the Akashic Records is a resource that enables anyone to take life lessons as an “open book test” of life, thus allowing individuals to have greater clarity about their choices and opportunities.

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About the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a field of information of your life and lives. A trademark of Akashic Records “Readings” is that it is like accessing a library of information. The “reader” may stop, and pause, collecting and centering the information that is provided through them by the guides and channeled through you.

The Akashic Records are known in the Bible as the Book of Life. It is the recording of your soul’s journey, past, present and future. An Akashic Records Reading consists of opening the records of the soul and asking that the information be given. This will give you valuable guidance in moving through the patterns prevalent in your current life. It will offer you opportunities for growth and support your life right now!

This field of energy is known as the Akashic Records, or as American prophet Edgar Cayce sometimes called it, your Book of Life. You can change your future by accessing the information in the “Records” and gaining the wisdom of a bigger picture of any situation.

Eight Facts about the Akashic Records

  • The Akashic Records are a living field of liquid light.
  • The Akashic Records are the library of all that is, or all that may be.
  • The Akashic Records are available to all who seek them.
  • The Akashic Records are like a film library that allows instant access.
  • One may view the past along with probable futures.
  • All versions of the reality are available.
  • Generally one views a single timeline for one person or group at a time.
  • Probable futures allow for informed decision-making.
  • The Akashic Records are located in an environment outside the 3D world we know.
  • Interest in the Akashic Records is fueled by a dispensation that allows access to this realm from within the 3D reality by Guides.
  • Anyone can learn to access their own records. Our ARI Guides are trained and certified to work with others and open their records.

Opening the Akashic Records – Part 2: The Record Keepers

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Last month we talked about the origins of knowledge and the Akashic Records. We gave you insights about Edgar Cayce, his life and discoveries regarding the “Book of Life” as it is called in the Bible.

The Akashic Records can be insightful even when you are not expecting it! Sometimes the “desire” to learn more in the Akashic Records coincides with an individual’s personality and the “other versions” of themselves. In the book Waking Up in 5D, I talk about more than one version of yourself, and how you can be called to work with another version of yourself for a period of time, or a lifetime. It is not the same as twin soul. So, it’s not your “opposite” but a version of you that has the same, or similar, mission in life, and has come into more than one body to insure that experience.

For example, the Akashic Records told me that two people who had signed up for readings in the same week were from the same soul group! Each of the two men had been born in Tokyo. I made them roommates on an Egypt “Sacred Journey” and they came to me with their discovery that they were the same “soul.”

In another instance, two women with the same first name, one in New York City and the other in Florida, signed up for private sessions for the same week! Initially we (my staff and I) thought that it was the same person and were confused that “she” had two appointments! One woman had a need to move to Miami, but feared it because it represented so much change. Later the record keepers advised me to introduce them.

Many of the questions you can ask in the Akashic Records will reveal something to you that you had not thought of. When I asked my students in a class to ask their record keepers about their ethics, one woman wrote, “You are 82% in integrity with your code of ethics. There are still some areas where you need to become aware of your integrity to adherence of your code of ethics. The lack of adherence is subconscious and from some very long-term habits that you have yet to bring into consciousness for recognition and release. You will clear these out and you will feel even better about yourself as you become fully in alignment with your beliefs and code of ethics. From this you will have more self-respect, and the Universe will provide you more support, tools and resources for your endeavors and your path to assist humanity and Gaia, and their Ascension will become easier.” Wow! What great advice. I’m sure we could all benefit from being reminded to be in complete alignment – that is, to have our actions, thoughts and words in agreement. This is not always easy.

In my practice, I teach a very specific protocol to develop accuracy from your higher self. We then use the higher-self answers in our query as well as the information from the Akashic Records. This is helpful to begin to see that we have more than one wisdom channel and that each has areas of expertise that assist us in evolving to our fifth dimensional self.

Another question from the coursework is, “How do I stay in my joy?” From a student’s higher self, came the answer, “Understanding that which is joyful to you. To sustain that vibration of frequency and hold it within.” From her record keepers, “To believe and understand truth. You stay in your joy when you know your mission and realize it to its fullest potential. It will be one that raises your own vibrational frequency to the feeling of joy.”

From another student asking, “What is the most important thing for me to work on now?” Her higher self told her, “To truly accept who you are, to accept this as truth and it will be opened.” However, when she asked her record keepers, they reported, “Self-love. To learn to have no judgment on self; will then open you up to accept openly and freely to what is waiting and has always been available for you and to you.” You can begin to see the benefit of learning to work with your higher self and your record keepers, and begin to discern the difference.

The questions that I use for teaching help a person to identify their triggers, and to get advice on how to handle these types of events. In one question, I ask for them to pick an intense or difficult event and ask, “What may I know about this event?” From the Akashic Records came this response. “A special outing with Sam, which turned out to be upsetting because of our dinner was delayed which caused us to be very tight (time-wise) to get to the concert. Her higher self said, “Diana, congratulations! You were able to ask the waitress about the delayed service. You could have been more forceful about asking your husband to go earlier to dinner. Yet he made a joke from literature. “The King said: ‘I almost waited for you’ even if his guest was 10 minutes ahead of time.” You were able to be lighthearted, and you were able to continue the conversation with your husband allowing the clearing of the emotional field through the expression of each of our experiences.

From her record keepers about the same event, she was informed, “Diana, you know you needed to leave early despite your husband’s refusal to go early. Trust your instinct, trust saying that ‘this is a message from my inner wisdom.’ Not knowing why but knowing that you are being guided to listen to your higher self which knows about the situation. You were able to speak up in the present to the waitress, which freed your husband from his emotional guilt. What a beautiful practice of following your inner guidance. Even if others do not respond, you dare speaking up and ask for it. Trust your inner guidance, your higher self in any situation. If you feel something just express it, so in the conversation you are heard and the other person is heard. Congratulations! You moved from a place of being upset to choosing expression, communication to choosing joy!”

Next month, we will talk about more cases from the Akashic Records, and the benefits reaped from adding this tool to your toolbox.

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About the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a field of information of your life and lives. A trademark of Akashic Records “Readings” is that it is like accessing a library of information. The “reader” may stop, and pause, collecting and centering the information that is provided through them by the guides and channeled through you.

The Akashic Records are known in the Bible as the Book of Life. It is the recording of your soul’s journey, past, present and future. An Akashic Records Reading consists of opening the records of the soul and asking that the information be given. This will give you valuable guidance in moving through the patterns prevalent in your current life. It will offer you opportunities for growth and support your life right now!

This field of energy is known as the Akashic Records, or as American prophet Edgar Cayce sometimes called it, your Book of Life. You can change your future by accessing the information in the “Records” and gaining the wisdom of a bigger picture of any situation.

Eight Facts about the Akashic Records

  • The Akashic Records are a living field of liquid light.
  • The Akashic Records are the library of all that is, or all that may be.
  • The Akashic Records are available to all who seek them.
  • The Akashic Records are like a film library that allows instant access.
  • One may view the past along with probable futures.
  • All versions of the reality are available.
  • Generally one views a single timeline for one person or group at a time.
  • Probable futures allow for informed decision-making.
  • The Akashic Records are located in an environment outside the 3D world we know.
  • Interest in the Akashic Records is fueled by a dispensation that allows access to this realm from within the 3D reality by Guides.
  • Anyone can learn to access their own records. Our ARI Guides are trained and certified to work with others and open their records.

Opening the Akashic Records

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Image Credit: Women of Visionary Art by David Jay Brown and Rebecca Ann Hill © 2018 Park Street Press. Printed with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International. www.InnerTraditions.com

As a teacher of the Akashic Records, I teach people how to access the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are a field of energy that contains all the records of everything. Like a library that is not static, it is a living field that reflects the energies of the past, present and possible futures. Edgar Cayce, one of America’s greatest documented psychics, was asked in trance about The Book of Life. The answer that came through was, “The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space, through patience–and is opened when self has attuned to the infinite, and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness…”

What makes a possible future? Anytime you think of something, considering what you will do next, weighing pros and cons, you are “funding” the reality. Your decision to buy this car or a different car are going to show up in the Akashic Records until you decide which one you will choose. Think of the quantum physics of David Deutsch who describes the many worlds theory, and that many worlds exist simultaneously! This is where the collapse model fits, and that the “observed” action is what we get in 3D.

As a devout fundamentalist Christian, Edgar Cayce didn’t believe in reincarnation. Hypnosis was first coming into awareness in his era (early 1900s). He had lost his voice and was reduced to a whisper for about a year when he accepted the invitation from a hypnotist to try hypnosis to cure the problem. Amazingly, after he allowed himself to fall into a sleep/trance, he received the suggestion that he find the answer to the issue. The message that came through was how to cure his voice with some very specific commands to the body. He came out of the trance with his voice fully restored.

When word got out that he had used this method for healing himself, requests for his help to improve the health of clients and children of clients came flooding in. Several years later, he met and became friends with Arthur Lammers, a wealthy printer. Cayce was still working in photography and still had a store. Lammers hobby was the subject of metaphysics, and he was interested in esoteric questions like the meaning of life, and why we are here. He was intensely interested in bigger questions around the nature of reality, not just health. Lammers created a formula for Cayce to use as the basis for life readings for the rest of his life.

Lammers’ formula comprised of Casey’s wife posing the questions to Casey in a very precise way, asking about the nature of the life and what was the purpose of a person’s life. These types of questions led to a different kind of reading, a life reading, that organized the information, speaking directly about the purpose and meaning of life, and of the person’s life, and their mission.

After word got out that Cayce was able to help people by offering remedies and practices, curing seemingly incurable diseases, he was inundated with requests for health readings. He had politicians, every-day people, accountants, doctors and more reaching out to him! His secretary kept detailed notes and his repository of sessions is the largest body of knowledge of this sort in the world.

How can the Akashic Records help you?

First of all, the repository of cross-referenced reading available on the Edgar Cayce website could help you with your own healing. If you have never encountered this, you might explore it. This is a tremendous resource. You can look up other people’s illnesses that are similar to your circumstances. Today, anyone can access the records and put this resource to work for you.

When you learn to open your own Akashic records, the record keepers can help you solve any problem that you encounter. It will boost your energy and give you loving advice about any situation. The energy emerging from the Akashic Records gives you an incredible boost. In fact, opening your own Akashic Records will help you solve any problem by giving you insight that allows you to understand your situation from a different vantage point, thus creating a tool to help you see what’s really going on and then how to solve anything.

My teaching protocol invites you to initially consult your own guidance first, and then open up the Akashic Records and ask the identical question, and then compare the results and the differences. This is one way that a person learns to differentiate between their own wisdom channel and the wisdom from the record keepers.

Take for instance the woman who wanted her adult daughter to move out of the family home. Her younger siblings had all moved out and the mom, a widow wanted her privacy. She asked the question, “I would like to know what I need to know about my daughter that would be useful or helpful.” Their relationship had been troublesome. This daughter was old enough to be out on her own, had a trust fund, and was highly critical of her mother. Although she loved her daughter very much, she wanted her to spread her wings.

Her higher self gave her the answer, “Be patient and loving.”In the Akashic Records she was able to tap into the situation and was able to feel how afraid her daughter was. And then the record keepers surprised her with this added insight, “She will always be there for you.” That had never occurred to her!

“When I checked with my Akashic Records guides, I actually started crying, ’Give her space, to believe in her light, only expect the best from her, to love her unconditionally and know that she is always there for you, and put yourself in her position and to let her grow on her own terms.’ I couldn’t believe it Maureen, the words just were flowing out of me, I started crying it was so incredible. I’m so happy I took this class! Maureen, I love you.”  – Louise

I am forever enchanted by the idea that you can get an expanded answer for any question you might pose! The answer often is far beyond where you might look or what you might look for. I am continually amazed how our knowledge, compassion and happiness can expand and increase by accessing the Akashic Records!

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About the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a field of information of your life and lives. A trademark of Akashic Records “Readings” is that it is like accessing a library of information. The “reader” may stop, and pause, collecting and centering the information that is provided through them by the guides and channeled through you.

The Akashic Records are known in the Bible as the Book of Life. It is the recording of your soul’s journey, past, present and future. An Akashic Records Reading consists of opening the records of the soul and asking that the information be given. This will give you valuable guidance in moving through the patterns prevalent in your current life. It will offer you opportunities for growth and support your life right now!

This field of energy is known as the Akashic Records, or as American prophet Edgar Cayce sometimes called it, your Book of Life. You can change your future by accessing the information in the “Records” and gaining the wisdom of a bigger picture of any situation.

Eight Facts about the Akashic Records

  • The Akashic Records are a living field of liquid light.
  • The Akashic Records are the library of all that is, or all that may be.
  • The Akashic Records are available to all who seek them.
  • The Akashic Records are like a film library that allows instant access.
  • One may view the past along with probable futures.
  • All versions of the reality are available.
  • Generally one views a single timeline for one person or group at a time.
  • Probable futures allow for informed decision-making.
  • The Akashic Records are located in an environment outside the 3D world we know.
  • Interest in the Akashic Records is fueled by a dispensation that allows access to this realm from within the 3D reality by Guides.
  • Anyone can learn to access their own records. Our ARI Guides are trained and certified to work with others and open their records.