Gold, Daffodils and the Golden Bowl

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Spring is the time of year that we are looking to see new things grow. We watch crocuses push up through the grass. It’s exciting to see the daffodils and tulips emerge, giving us that first rush of spring. Springtime is the time flowers bloom and pollen emerges!

Pollen affects many individuals, both in spring and fall. Some sensitive individuals are very affected by pollen; others seem to be immune to it. Many of those same sensitive individuals are affected by other kinds of inhaled pollution, mold, chemicals in the air and more. I have been affected by all of it. Being sensitive to this may actually be a remnant of an earlier (in consciousness) skill, where you used your sinus as your “sixth sense.”

Over the years, as a mystic, I discovered that while doing spiritual work my sinuses would “open up,” even when my sinuses didn’t need to open. Feeling my sinuses open up for “no reason” was profound. I liked that expansive feeling in my sinuses during meditation, and knew it was related to my connecting to my spiritual gifts.

I began to track this and noticed that higher states of consciousness produced this effect more and more often. In fact, when I was channeling in the Akashic Records, it happened almost all the time! I knew for certain that the meditations producing that effect were showing me, in physical terms, that I was more and more connected, but this was just the tip of the iceberg.

I discovered that ancient spiritual teachers taught that there was a connection between the sinuses and connection with the divine. They refer to the breath of life first entering the nose, and then later, impacting the rest of the body. The two main cavities of the sinuses, the maxillary pyramid sinus and the ethmoidal sinus, are made up of many small cavities and mysterious glands. These were believed to be especially spiritual organs – the Golden Bowl of the sinuses. What if the sinus is the spiritual center of the physical body? Could you proactively access this spiritual center and gain wisdom not available before?

Then I remembered reading an article by Homeopathist, Ingrid Naiman, who shared about the use of homeopathic remedy Aurum Metallicum to achieve states of bliss. It is also used for sinus conditions and much, much more! I knew there was a connection.

I researched Aurum Metallicum and had a huge aha. Aurum Metallicum is pure gold, diluted to its potency. Its 3D purpose is treating sinus issues. It helps with releasing congestion and therefore helps to open the sinus cavities!

Throughout history gold has been mined for its special properties and healing qualities. All forms of gold that are used for ingestion are highly diluted, molecular remnants of gold. You won’t necessarily use Aurum Metallicum to achieve bliss, but it will assist you once you have been there.

When you go deeper into the emotional issues and healing properties there is much more. The medical data refers to Aurum Metallicum being used by and aiding the person who suffers from depression most of his life, becoming highly responsible and tending to be a workaholic. The Aurum Metallicum type of personality blames himself when things go wrong in life. I began teaching about the use of Aurum Metallicum in my meditation classes and encouraged students to discover it for themselves.

Now to get back to the Golden Bowl of the sinuses; since I was personally experiencing the profound sensation of my sinuses opening up while meditating, I had a knowing that this was some sort of key to connecting to inner gifts or psychic talents — a gateway to higher realms. I wanted to help other people experience this awakening, so I created a guided meditation called “The Golden Bowl Meditation.” The students in my year-long training, the Ascension Institute, started using the meditation on a regular basis. One person in this group, who has had almost non-stop sinus infections for years started using it and achieved such spectacular results that she began using it three times a day!

When you learn a new language, you start with simple words and phrases and then build up. You practice with other speakers of the desired language. In accessing and turning on your special skill set you can access the “Golden Bowl” of the sinuses and proactively access these hidden powers. Little by little, with using the guided meditation you can increase your capacity and use of these latent skills. Once you learn the meditation, you can do it on your own, without guidance. However, I always prefer the benefit of being led through a meditation, so that I can relax into the experience, and allow information to flow through me.

It is important to understand and respect this information. Casual use will not produce the results desired, so be patient and persistent with yourself and very quickly you will become aware that you know and notice far more than you used to!

Also, contained within the air and gases we breathe are the messages that a highly cleansed body has the ability to interpret. Do your part and eat healthy, keeping your mind and body clean.

What some refer to as psychic talents I refer to as the “new normal” where you can intuit easily, see, hear and feel experiences that used to be called psychic. The new normal is that everyone is psychic, it is just a matter of when they access and turn on this capacity. What are these gifts? You see things that others miss. You “know” what’s going on in situations without anyone telling you. In fact, people notice that you have this ability and without even realizing it they come to you for answers because they can tell you “know.”

The Gold Bowl of the sinuses may have been used on higher planes of existence. However, it is now more readily available as humans evolve and become more spiritual. This work is not tied to any religion or spiritual practice. It is simply a tool to allow you to gain a greater insight into the workings of your life and the lives of individuals around you.

More From Maureen About the Golden Bowl Meditation

Maureen St. GermainDear friends, Activating your sixth sense is important to all of us! It’s easy to do, and related directly to your sinuses! This meditation is one of the most powerful tools I’ve ever created. I’ve been getting downloads about the “Golden Bowl” located in the sinus cavities some mysterious, that surround the entire skull for about 7 years but was never given the green light to release it. Please pay careful attention to the Intro – that explains why this is so very important. Initially, you may want to play it each time you do the meditation. AND, it can be done multiple times a day, as many of our early testers suggested to us! And get it now – while it is free for just the month of May. After that, it’s going for sale worldwide. My request to you – is to send me your feedback for the world to know just how special it is – from my special audience, you. Sending you lots of love and gratitude, Maureen

What People Are Saying about the Golden Bowl Meditation

Peg Donahue

I love the Golden Bowl meditation. I’ve done it several times since receiving it. Each time I begin the meditation my sinuses automatically expand and stay that way! It’s quite amazing. The opening continues for days. I’m planning to do this meditation regularly for a bit of time. It’s easy and so beautiful. It’s also quick, so it’s easy to make room for it in a busy day. I’ve noticed that I’ve been accomplishing more each day since I did the first meditation. This could be part of the effect of it as well. Thank you for the Golden Bowl Meditation!

Peg Donahue / Feng Shui Connections

Peg Donahue

Three days before my monthly radio show, I came down with a terrible cold. While I usually can prevent getting them, this one really got me. Nevertheless, I persisted in believing I could do the show, taking every supplement you could imagine and seeing myself get through it. An hour before the show, I started coughing and nothing I did helped. I just kept coughing and sneezing. Ten minutes before the show, I decided to do the Golden Bowl meditation that Maureen had sent me to help. I knew I didn’t have time to do the entire meditation. I just trusted it would be enough.

Sure enough, after several minutes of the meditation, my sinuses cleared up and I could breathe again. It was just in the nick of time. Amazingly, I made it all the way through the radio show without coughing even one time. It was miraculous! About 10-15 minutes after the show, I began coughing again and I coughed on and off for the next three hours. I finally decided to go to bed and do the meditation again. That worked! I slept peacefully for 6 hours without coughing. Another miracle! So appreciated!

Madeline Gerwick / Polaris Business Guides

Soul Retrieval You Can Do on Yourself

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I studied Sandra Ingerman’s work on soul retrieval in the 80s. I found it fascinating that a person could lose parts of their soul or parts of themselves through a traumatic experience. Later I went on to become certified in Soul Re-Birthing, a similar process to assist a person in bringing back, or bringing in, aspects of themselves lost or abandoned due to some trauma.

Trappers have seen how an animal will become desperate to free themselves and resort to chewing off a limb to escape. This is a somber metaphor. In reality, we break off parts of ourselves in order to survive a trauma, by abandoning a part of ourselves that holds a memory of a trauma. The amazing thing – is that they often are long forgotten and thus, a part of us is lost to the sea of consciousness. How would you know that this has happened? The signs can show up in a myriad of ways, like chronic depression, suicidal tendencies or stress.

When my younger sister (at age forty-nine) died suddenly in an automobile accident I chose to cancel all my workshops and events for three weeks so I could deal with this loss. It was a big loss because her youngest child was ten years old, and she lived in another country with her husband and three daughters. Everywhere I shared my story – I left a piece of myself. I had been on a dolphin swim in Hawaii and had a great distance to travel with my mom, a widow, who just happened to be living in Hawaii. I was dependent upon my son to get my passport from my lock box in my home in Wisconsin and take it to an airport an hour away, and then for an airline employee to hand carry it to Houston, where I would make my international connection. I know I left of piece of myself at the airline counter when the staffer told me they couldn’t find it! I took a bathroom break, with a very heavy heart and with a very big prayer to El Morya, the chohan of the first ray of the Will of God and chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, saying if they didn’t find it, then I surrendered my need to travel (unthinkable to me at the time). I came back to the counter – and it was suddenly located!

Near the end of the three weeks of my voluntary sabbatical to mourn my sister’s tragic death I was given a very special ceremony to do. My angels told me to send my Higher Self out to collect all of my “lost parts” from that overseas journey. So, I did. I remember waking up a dozen or more times that night coming back into my bedroom, and then going out again. Yet, when I woke up really early, I remembered nothing – and felt very good. I checked in with my guidance, thinking I would be told to go to the gym (as was my practice for an early morning rise). “No,” my Higher Self informed me, “You have ceremony to do!”

They told me to wash the lost parts with a shower of love and light. They then had me do a heart-based meditation (the MerKaba) and then to lovingly invite all my lost parts to return. I did this – and one by one they moved back into my consciousness. This was me doing soul retrieval on myself, a concept I’d not thought of!

Later that morning I remembered all those back and forth trips, collecting parts of me. One of the men who had been on the dolphin swim with me, and who had been calling me daily, announced on his call to me that day, “Wow, Maureen, you sound all together!” I remember laughing, saying, “I AM all together. You have no idea what I did!”

A few years later I published this training and guided meditations in a collection called Unify. It was matched with Elation Orion Series® Blend channeled by Mary Magdalene to assist you in bringing back your lost soul parts. You can now perform soul retrieval on yourself, by yourself with Unify. Be sure to consider purchasing the essential oil blend, Elation (offered through Vibranz) – to go with it, and amplify your experience.


The purpose of Unify! A Soul Retrieval Meditation is to reclaim lost parts of yourself that you may have broken off in order to survive trauma. The link to your missing part can be a memory. Unresolved emotions can be accessed by your memories. They reside in time and space; therefore, traveling through time or space allows you access to them at their time/space coordinates. Two coordinates are required to gain access. You (or your higher self) are one of them. Download the booklet and sound files!
Pair with Elation Orion Series® Blend (available through Vibranz)
This amazing blend reconnects all the parts of your soul in all directions of time and space. A blend of cinnamon, thyme, basil, orange bergamot, lavender, white pine, rosemary, Roman chamomile, Dalmatian sage, black spruce and sandalwood, Unity is created as the ideal companion for Maureen’s meditation, Unify!

Maintain your 5D presence with 5D Mind Mastery

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How can you train your body to synchronize everything, so you can achieve 5D mastery that you can maintain continuously? This article, along with the accompanying meditation, will help you learn auto-suggestion for controlling the body. Why do you want to control your body? Becoming 5th dimensional is dependent upon it. You are learning to control the environment, and the first environment is your own body!

By now you may have realized that engaging the heart is key to achieving 5th dimensional frequency. The new frequency of 5D requires BALANCE between the heart and the mind. I often tell people to do their “due diligence” on a decision — exploring all of their options — and then go with what your heart tells you.

The research you do with your mind (about any decision) addresses the ego’s need to help you make decisions — good decisions. Nevertheless, you must engage the heart. So, it’s a dance. The mind may lead, but the heart gets to say ‘yes’ or ‘no!’

At the same time, you want to bring your mind more in control of your physical body, because as you learn to manifest, you will become an instant manifestor. This is what we all want, right? Well not if you do not know how to control your body or your thoughts!

The 5D experience

The experience of being 5D is fleeting, and can be activated more and more. Many of my articles and book, Waking Up in 5D, point to the fact that the process of becoming 5D is a bit like a teenager becoming an adult. I had the pleasure of raising four sons. Some became adults without much pushing and prodding. Others made mistakes after they became more mature, which was confounding to me until I realized that children do not grow up in an upward sequence of events. Sometimes they act maturely followed by immaturity!

We are all co-creating our reality.

As you become more evolved, staying in your 5th dimensional self energy means that you can, and will, co-create the reality you experience faster and faster. More and more you are seeing instant manifestation. Think of the last time you thought about something you wanted, and now allow yourself to remember how fast it came in.

It may take less than 24 hours. I recently imagined I wanted a gold pair of pants to go with a favorite jacket. I had always worn black with this jacket – and looking at it one day in my closet I thought, “Gee, gold pants would look really great with this jacket.” Keep in mind I wasn’t trying to manifest it, I was just imagining how cool gold pants would be with this jacket. I even said, “I need a new pair of gold pants.”

The very next day, my husband asked me to go with him on an errand to a new (to us) area near our home. After we took care of his business he suggested we stop for lunch and explore the area. Parking was challenging and we parked some distance from the restaurant area of the shopping plaza, so we walked past a number of shops to get to the restaurant.

I noticed one shop had gold pants in the window! I forgot my vitamins – and decided to walk back to the car after ordering our food. I stopped in the shop on the way back to the restaurant, found the pants in my size and came back with both my vitamins and the new gold pants that ultimately matched perfectly with the jacket!

That was less than 24 hours later. I began to remember that this had been happening for some time – the least suggestion of something I desired, or needed, manifested in less than 24 hours later! I also realized that I frequently had been experiencing physical expressions – manifestations of something that was thought of only moments earlier. Sometimes it was only behaviors as a result of reactions! In the early years, I named it instant karma. One of my kids even used it on me. When he saw my stubborn reactions to their dad, followed by me getting a stiff neck, he said, “instant karma momma.” This was long before I was given the information of “no more karma” from my guides.

Choose to control your body and take it off auto-pilot!

So how do we learn to control the body and avoid producing outcomes that we don’t want – especially after an innocent thought that was less than perfect? This is where training yourself to notice yourself, and to notice what you are noticing comes in. This is where you can use a subconscious reminder, by simply announcing to yourself what you really want – instead of what you don’t want!

For example, I was a helping a friend who hurt her ankle, and she was remarking that the healing device I had loaned her was really working because she shouldn’t even be able to walk! I suggested that she put her attention on what she did want, rather than the outcome she originally named for her injury! Her reframe sounded like this, “Wow, I’m so grateful this device is healing my ankle! I’m even going to be able to walk to the plane tomorrow!”

In another instance, a woman I was sharing a hotel room with hit her head on a shelf that was in an odd spot in our hotel room. She bent over into her suitcase to get something, and came up hitting her head unexpectedly and hard. She then proceeded to repeat the same motion that caused the “accident” 17 times as shamanic practice to “undo” the damage and the pain.

Suggestibility is real, and strongly influences you.

What if you could suggest what you want to your subconscious, and then instantly go to the outcome? This is where you can train your subconscious responses to produce a desired effect. It is a well-documented fact that the (i.e. your) subconscious is “trained or accustomed” to respond to suggestion. In fact, suggestibility is the key ingredient that accounts for a lot of what happens in public relations and advertising. This is also why turning off the TV and other kinds of advertising helps you to start to unconsciously resist the mass consciousness suggestions constantly being bombarded at you! Thus, you become more aware, and can notice what you are not accustomed to hearing. This allows you to consciously improve your “suggestibility” information, this programing, so your “suggestibility” in those categories is lessened.

Awesome. Let’s do this!

I’ve created a very special guided meditation called 5D Mind Mastery. It is a powerful “training” tool which will allow you to create more powerful suggestions to your subconscious mind.

First, I ask that you trust me. Trusting me will enhance your ability to accept, uncritically accept, suggestions from me, and will allow you to apply the idea of suggestibility. This creates a system that allows your consciousness to accept the instruction from you, instead of outside influences. It’s called Biogenesis training, and is a technique that teaches your body to respond to your verbal command. You tell your body to relax, and control your breathing and heartbeat. You can add things like blood pressure, body temperature and more. It is primarily used to achieve deep relaxation and reduce stress. It can be used for all kinds of diseases that don’t normally respond to conventional allopathic treatments. Think of breathing disorders like asthma, allergies, and hyperventilation, high blood pressure, racing heart and irregular rhythm – and even stomach disorders.

But wait, there’s more!

I have added an additional dimension to it – Brainwave entrainment! It was first identified in 1934, although its effects had been noted as early as Ptolemy. Brainwave entrainment is a background sound that balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain, and allows the Biogenesis training to be even more effective.

5D Mind Mastery, which is the synergy of Brainwave entrainment and Biogenesis training, is highly effective for providing mastery over stress and “autonomic” physical reactions. With the Brainwave entrainment, you teach your mind to work both sides of the brain, and with the Biogenesis training, you teach your body to respond to verbal commands – so you get a double benefit.

In this 9-minute guided meditation you are training your body to respond to your suggestions. It starts with you repeating after me, in your mind or out loud, so your body elemental (the inner engineer of your physical body system) gets accustomed to listening and following your commands about how the body is to respond. What I find is that the synthesis of the Brainwave entrainment, along with the Biogenesis training, actually makes it super easy to get comfortable and enjoy – you might even drift off for a few moments.

I urge you to download 5D Mind Mastery right away. If you are reading this article after the free download offer expires, for $9.99 it’s still a “no-brainer.” Whether you get it free or pay for it, you will come to enjoy it, and realize the amazing benefits.

Although 5D Mind Mastery is powerful and highly effective, in order to experience optimal results, you must be willing to do it 3 times a day for several weeks. After that, the magic sets in!

Remember my guidance isn’t just a directive to do certain things, I’m announcing to you to train your body – so YOU are the one in command.

If I’m Such a High Spiritual Teacher How Come I Keep Getting Sick?

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Many spiritual teachers, HIGH spiritual teachers, are encountering serious illness! I had a conversation with a dear friend, high spiritual woman who is a longtime friend. She told me she will be having a double mastectomy in a few days.

She wondered if I could give her any insight. She is a professional in the healing arts. The information that I got was directly related to the fact that this is instant manifestation. YIKES!

We’ve all WANTED instant manifestation – but honestly – did we really expect it like that? And what does this really, really mean? Well, if you think you are on the cutting edge – then you could manifest any emotion that you are struggling with.

Instant Karma

First, let me start by explaining “instant karma.” Some thirty years ago, when my children were little, they observed my being stubborn with their father. Next, they observed me complaining about my neck pain. “Mama,” one of them said to me, “instant Karma.” OMG – he was right! I had been stubborn with their dad and was being “stiff necked,” which is a phrase in the English language that means you are being stubborn!

Louise Hay

Now we all know from the recently departed Louise Hay that we can find the mental thought behind a physical illness. Many are familiar with the delightful book that Louise wrote that helps you find an underlying cause for an illness. I have the app for my phone, so I can have instant access and the quick answer. This is very handy. Everyone can get this for his or her phone!

Instant Illness

Fast forward to the present and I know some very high individuals (including myself) who have had some serious health issues. All of us have had to deal with them in the 3D way! Hmmmm. You may be one who has good diet, and exercise, yet have encountered illness, many unexplained, including mine!

Why were so many high-level teachers getting sick? Maybe they could up their game – we all knew that – but still the secret to what was behind this – wasn’t clear.

The Culprit

When I would be on a plane and get within a hundred miles or so – of San Diego – one of my home cities, I couldn’t figure out what I was physically reacting to. I would have trouble breathing and have shortness of breath to the point I could only walk very slowly! Then I heard J. Marvin Herndon, PhD on Coast to Coast with George Noory. All the symptoms he described for chemtrail poisoning were my symptoms! And then he mentioned he lives in San Diego, and San Diego is the worst city in the US for chemtrail poisoning! I’m sensitive, so, NOW I had a much clearer understanding of why, when I was still in the air on the plane – my symptoms would show up!

The message was that each of us had invited this “energy” of “allowing” this illness to take over. Each of us was “disappointed” about someone or something. Each of us was acting in a loving way in the difficult situation but had unresolved “discontent” in our hearts! Whoa!!!

Initially, I decided to do Ho’opononpono for the person involved. Then, I realized that I was really mad at God for sending me this “imperfect situation.” So, I did another series of three nights of Ho’opononpono, repeating the prayer three times to God! What a concept! That changed everything, and I actually started to get better.

On the sixth night I had a huge breakthrough. I decided to change my expectation, and to love the situation/person anyway. I decided to go back to my most recent book Waking Up in 5D and get some answers. That’s when I discovered the Karma connection!

Here’s what I found.

This is the end of a cycle, the end of an age. Gone are the days where you need another chance to learn how to do something. You can now claim, with certainty, no more Karma. In fact, the sooner you do it the better, because those who would hold you back are hoping you don’t figure this one out! The cycle of reincarnation is ending, thus Karma as we know it is over. No one is bound by the lesser patterns of the past, especially the sins of a past life. In fact, if this is the first time you are hearing this message, consider deciding that this is so for you. Everything will shift for you in an instant. Claim it. “Karma is over for me.” It is part of the new paradigm of becoming fifth-dimensional. This means, that if you are angry with someone for stealing from you, or hurting you, you need to decide it doesn’t matter. Don’t decide to forgive, because forgiving means you are still holding them in a place of judgment. This new paradigm means that you can no longer hold energy against another – because then it is YOU that is holding the Karma in place – not them. Yikes!

I’d like to conclude that we can do a lot to help ourselves with everything we need to do and everything we’d like to do by setting the stage each morning. Here’s a lovely short morning prayer you can repeat after me each morning, adding your own special requests.

You free meditation download for the month of February is Morning Prayer Meditation.

Your Fear and Worry Create Negative Loosh

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Your Fear and Worry Create Negative Loosh

woman dove water
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Your Fear and Worry Create Negative Loosh

woman dove water

Loosh is a fuel source for the energies that would have you fail. Loosh, being life force energy (chi, imbued with a purpose), can be either uplifting or down lowering. Loosh was the word devised by Robert Monroe (founder of The Monroe Institute), referring to the emotional energy radiated by animals and humans in dire circumstances that entail intense, severe pain and suffering in body and psyche. And so, “loosh,” in this usage, describes a negative experiential spectrum.

Loosh from painful and difficult circumstances is a desired fuel (for not-God energies) since it contains both the God Spark and the human creative spark. It’s a picnic near an anthill. Wonder who are you feeding? Some call these ones “the powers that were” emphasis – on the past and now on the decline.

On the other side of this, the planet is being bathed in uplifting loosh, coming from sources of love and light, helping us transform the planet. This positive loosh is irresistible and joyful!

Make no mistake, this hologram we call third dimension does have both positive and negative loosh. Our goal is to pay attention to our joyful happy moments, and laugh and optimize that, remaining balanced at every turn. As I say in my manifestation book, Be A Genie, you can recycle your sad unresolved emotions by practicing two-fers.

What Are Two-fer’s?

Every dark thought as it is recognized as dark (and we do this through training our self reflection to be instantaneous) is then followed by two or more positives – to transmute and transform that energy ourselves, rather than waiting for them to be harvested and used as fuel.

You’ve heard the phrase; Birds of a feather flock together. Well, your thoughts are like that too! Thoughts are little bits of energy or “chi-bits” that collect and merge into bigger “chi-bits” or thought-clouds. Like attracts like – so you are throwing breadcrumbs, just like in the tale of Hansel and Gretel.

Unresolved chi-bits will float away from you and find other chi-bits like themselves and merge with them, growing in size! They are loaded with your emotion. In fact, emotion is what colors chi – or gives it it’s purpose. When we imbue our thoughts with a purpose we are infusing emotion into the chi we have garnered. When we fail to express, resolve or recycle our emotion – eventually it floats away. This is where trouble can begin.

Why Is It Such a Good Fuel Source for Them?

Emotion is co-created, because you carry the Divine spark within you. This allows you to produce emotions that carry “God-energy.” It also means your discarded emotions, or loosh, can also be used as fuel for entities and energies that would hold you back. All the more reason to resolve or recycle your negative emotions. Make it a habit.

Follow the Flow

When humanity was created, humans were given the ability to co-create with God by infusing chi with a purpose; creating what is now known as emotion. Chi, or raw energy, exists everywhere in unlimited supply and is readily available for you to garner and imbue with your beliefs and desires. You do this almost constantly.

By filling chi with a purpose (e-motion), you create energy that is distinctly different from free-flowing energy or chi. Creating emotion moves chi from being 2-dimensional and flat into 3-dimensional consciousness and alive in the 3rd Dimensional reality.

Creating e-motion (energy in motion) is what humans do best. This “giving energy a purpose” is one of the privileges and distinctions of being in a 3-D body, and saturating chi with beliefs and desires that contain the God spark adds intensity and direction to all your events or relationships.

Surprise of the System

It was anticipated by God that emotion could cause pain and suffering so it was instilled with a certain limitation: it must be expressed. Initially this was meant to insure there wasn’t an overflow from one event to the next. In other words, emotion was meant to be used up in each moment of the creation of it.

All emotion must be expressed.

This means that once you create emotion from your own beliefs and desires the next step is to allow its expression. Understanding this flow will help you begin to grasp how important it is to not only express but to resolve your emotions as well. At some point, instead of resolving our unexpressed emotions we developed all kinds of other ways of dealing with it. We pushed it into the body; we buried it in the emotional body, or the mental body or worse.

All these made humanity sick. Humans are still discovering thousands of ways we have done this – and now are undoing it. We pushed it in memory – and started to use replay to create MORE hurts and wounds.

Playing with fire

When you are finished with it you put it away. If you don’t it will grow while you are not looking. Everything in the universe is moving and shifting. Everything in the universe wants to evolve, including emotion. It’s alive with your loosh!

Your emotion is like fire. Fire is very useful. We use it for so many things in our modern life. But if we start a fire, and fail to put it out it will grow. Very few fires die out on their own especially when they have a ready supply of fuel. Since you know there is plenty of chi to supply your emotional trauma and drama – you can see how you could be feeding alligators unwittingly.

What if you don’t let it go? What if you cannot let it go?

This is where the trouble begins. The action of resolution validates you. It completes the circuit of creation/resolution. If you are not accustomed to self-validation this will not feel like “enough.” This is when you begin to replay your wounds creating a downward spiral that is harder and harder to extricate yourself from.

Additionally you attract entities and energies that “feed” off your unresolved emotions, your loosh. (Remember, it is chi imbued with your “God-Spark” purpose!) This can pull you into the fourth-dimensional vortex-type energy, dragging you down, creating an energetic cyclone, sucking the loosh that literally feeds the fire of hurt emotion.

Resolve or Recycle your emotions

You honor your experience of an event and let it go. It means you express your anger, disappointment, rage or whatever and then let it go. If you cannot, then move to recycle! If you must repeat it, limit your expression to only three times. Keep track. If you keep reviewing your emotion – you are simply replaying it, and refueling – not resolving it. If you do manage to suppress it – it will come out in illness and hopefully you’ll deal with it then!

The water cooler effect

Humans gather in the office around the water cooler, the coffee shop or the bar to share their experiences. Somewhere the habit of comparing “bad” experiences started. “You think that’s bad, you should hear my story!” But it’s time to walk away. Step away from those situations and groups—no words are necessary. Choose, in each moment of discovering your unresolved emotions– to recycle or resolve them.

For further information read: Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality

What Is the Purpose of Blood and Why Should I Care?

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Obviously this is not your everyday subject. The blood of the human body has life-giving properties,carries fluids and removes waste. Yet there is a spiritual significance and that’s what this article is about. It’s important to be aware, and know you can do something about it – if and when you need it!

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It’s Time to Create Heaven on Earth

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Have you wondered what you are supposed to be doing on this planet? Have you wondered why there is so much difficulty and violence? If you are reading this, you’ve probably come to the earth to be part of the solution. Becoming part of the solution is a two-step approach. The first step is to help you discover a new way to think about yourself and your reality. The second step is to learn how to be proactive and choose a new way of being with your evolved understanding. Get ready – because what is coming next is really big!

A new game.

Creating Heaven on Earth is the opportunity to join the new game in town! Your heavenly self aka your Higher Self aka your Fifth Dimensional self is ready, willing and available to you right now. All you need to do is to ask for it. You can do this by a simple statement either at bedtime or in the morning when you start your day. “I am asking my Higher Self to move into my consciousness. Let it help me to keep my heart open, and my connection to my Divine Self open and clear.” Do this daily.maureen-interview-ft (1)

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Rejuvenate with the Season

rejuvinate article

All of life goes through renewal. When we approach the fall in the northern hemisphere we get ready for plants to die back, and rejuvenate in the spring, and some animals to go into hibernation. What do humans do?

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