The Fascinating Wake-Up of Other Versions of You!
How an Authentic Akashic Records Class Can Help You Make Better Decisions
Imagine having a private consultant you could count on to advise you on important decisions in your life—from relationships to business and personal matters. This source could shed light on who you really are, what you are doing and where you are going. All of this is possible because the answers to your questions (as well as questions you may not know you had) are within your reach.
This ‘Book of Life’ is the consultant you’ve been searching for, and it exists right within your soul. If you are a seeker who truly wants to understand the world around you and how your decisions affect you and others, then you are meant to open your Records Akashic. All you need are the tools and the guidance to learn how to tap into its wisdom. With the help of a team of Certified Guides trained by one of the world’s most respected spiritual development teachers, Maureen St. Germain—founder of The Ascension Institute—you can learn and discover your soul’s purpose.
You can tap into your soul’s past, present and possible futures with an authentic Akashic reading. In a beautiful, peaceful ceremony, our experienced Guides will open your Book of Life and begin to help you ask the questions that you may not have realized you had until your Records are open and the information flows. You can start to learn an ancient 17-breath meditation (the MerKaBa) that will eventually help you move from your three-dimensional existence to a new time-space continuum called the fifth dimension.
One of the many benefits of an Akashic Records class is that you will learn to develop a newfound trust in yourself, your intuition and your decisions. You may start trusting that you can walk away from overeating. You may start trusting that mutual respect is an essential part of a relationship. At first this new perspective may be difficult. Knowledge and trust are very different, but eventually your confidence in your intuitive decisions will shift your vibration enough to share with others. Eventually your trust will develop into a knowledge that will help you respect yourself and all your decisions.
Our Institute offers two levels of workshops to help you jumpstart your spiritual work and make optimal choices. Our Level 1 Workshop teaches you how to open the Records and heightens your self-awareness. At Level 2, you can discover how to access this information for others and ensure that the messages from Source are accurately interpreted. Throughout all sessions, you can rest assured that our Certified Guides come to each encounter with expert training from Maureen herself and are specialists in their fields of spiritual development.
Choosing is part of your expression of free will. Even choosing not to decide is still an exercise of your free will. Explore all the best options for yourself and others. Evolve into your Higher Self. Contact Maureen St. Germain, with 25 years’ experience as a master teacher, and take the first step today.
With Energy Clearing You Can Say Good-bye to Negative Emotions
To overcome negativity and reconcile difficult experiences in your past, contact Maureen St. Germain, her Certified Guides and trained Light Workers for help with clearing energy so you can live in the present with greater happiness and positivity.
Have you ever heard wondered why we say ‘love is blind,’ or an angry person is ‘blinded by rage?’ Cliché? Maybe. But the truth is, if we allow them to be, emotions can be very one-track. Yet emotions are actually energy in motion. A lot of that fuel wraps us up in the past. Most of our emotional responses are qualified by a memory and so, like it or not, we react based on a past experience, not the present situation. We end up linking a feeling to one from our past and replaying it. Stuck in a funk, we can’t progress. We can’t expand.
If you feel that you are pushed down by negativity, there is a positive alternative: clearing energy. Internationally respected author and teacher of spiritual transformation, Maureen St. Germain and her team can help you. We want you to rid yourself of what is weighing you down and, with love, honesty and gentle advice, offer you an option. Repressing your emotions is never worthwhile and can ultimately be dangerous to your well-being. Rather, expressing them and ridding yourself of these connections to the past can help you better connect with your Higher Self.
How can you accomplish this? Our Certified Guides can help you rid yourself of both internal and external entities from the past that may be ‘polluting’ your feelings and your reactions. We also offer MerKaba meditations and mantras for Ascension (available online, during virtual sessions and on CD) that can help you heal your emotional body.
In your quest to ascend to a better version of yourself, you can experience the transformation from this 3-D world into the fifth dimension. An excellent way to begin is to allow us to access your personal Akashic Records—a recording of your soul’s journey: past, present and probable future. This ‘Book of Life’ is the key to discovering the 360-degree viewpoint that can expand your perception of what is possible in your life. Ultimately, this can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and others.
With love, compassion and unbiased intuition, our experienced guides will lead you through a remarkable Akashic readings session that will open the storehouse of your soul, give you valuable advice to resolve negative patterns in your current life and support your life right now, not later. Wouldn’t it be amazing to unveil so many new and positive possibilities? Don’t waste another negative moment. Contact the practical mystic Maureen St. Germain and allow her 25 years’ experience as a master teacher work for you.
Why Clearing Energy May Be the Key to Resolving Painful Experiences
To move beyond the hurt and pain of past experiences, contact Maureen St. Germain, master teacher of spiritual growth, and discover how Clearing Energy may be a way for you to heal.
Let’s face it. We’ve all behaved badly or irrationally at one point or another. But what triggers us to fly off the handle or panic at a moment’s notice? The answers may run deeper than we think. With more than 25 years’ experience in spiritual growth research, expert mystic Maureen St. Germain offers one remarkable solution: Clearing Energy. But what if the problem is a family member or friend that has behaved irrationally? Can they benefit from clearing energy? Can you clear energy from them and not violate cosmic law? The answer is yes.
Energies that can be cleared and need to be cleared do not belong on the earth plane. They do not have permission to be here, and you may hire our Clearing Team for clearing energy remotely.
Awareness is at the heart of learning how to rid yourself of this force. Think about yourself going through life unaware that you are attracting negative external entities to yourself. Like a magnet, these emotional clusters are coming from elsewhere and can ‘set up shop’ because you are unknowingly letting them in. Or you may have a deep-seeded, childlike response that was rooted inside you when you were young. This internal entity can cause painful, irrational responses in emergency situations that make matters worse. We can resolve both of these scenarios with Clearing Energy. Moreover, we can help you reweave the fabric of your own reality by learning the tools you need to do this on your own.
What makes these sessions possible is the profound akashic energy field that each of us is connected to. Think of an electromagnetic sphere of light that emanates from each of us. A crystalline orb of liquid light, this is a gateway from the everyday 3-D world we live in to the bigger, deeper 5-D world in which we can achieve a more meaningful state of consciousness. Here, our Certified Quantum Matrix Healing Guides can help you discover inner self-programming that has set you on your path of irrational responses. They can even call on Angels for guidance.
The results of energy space clearing can be quick and profound. Imagine after an hour-long session that you have the ability to release a dark presence in your life and your family’s. Much of this work is done remotely, so you don’t even have to be there. More importantly, you will start to feel better and better! Envision a clean slate to start each day fresh and new. Consider the emotional freedom that you’ll feel from detaching yourself from past mistakes. The possibilities are endless with our specialists. We offer workshops, recorded Skype sessions that you can replay, videos, audios, online tutorials and one-on-one phone sessions that can suit your needs, your budget and your lifestyle. Contact Maureen St. Germain and her team today for a spiritual reawakening.
How Energy Space Clearing Can Help You Cope with Stress
Have you ever lost your temper uncontrollably and felt guilty afterward? Or have you reacted irrationally during an emergency situation and wondered why you panicked? Don’t worry. There are reasonable explanations for these stress bombs. There are also some amazing deep, soul-cleansing energy space clearing techniques that can help you. The professional Clearing Guides led by leading mystic Maureen St. Germain have the answers. Some of these unwanted behaviors are default coping mechanisms caused by an emotional ‘satellite’ that you have created in your field to give you a ‘default pattern’ that you developed as a child without even realizing it.
You may be surprised that some of your behaviors may be triggered by an entity that has a distinct existence and energy. This could be an internal entity (energy that you created when you were young as described above) or an external entity (which can come from somewhere else, even a deceased person who simply wants some more earthly experiences).
If this happens to be your experience, then you need energy space clearing. This can be part of a beautiful experience, either through our Clearing Team or our Certified Quantum Matrix Healing Guide—all done remotely. They can call on Angels to help you rid yourself once and for all of unwanted entities, or dark forces, that are weighing you down and holding you back from dealing with issues in a positive way. After all, you want to make room for the positivity in the 3-D world around you by opening yourself up to the possibilities that exist in the 5-D world with the help of fifth-dimensional problem-solvers. Achieving this is remarkably instantaneous and revitalizing. Our personal sessions, workshops, books and DVDs can help you cleanse yourself.
Where does this knowledge come from? It’s all about the akashic energy field that surrounds each one of us. Picture it. You’re brain and soul are like computers recording all of your experiences and emotions. You have the information inside you. But how do you mine the data? We can help you access all of this incredible intel. We can give you the tools—such as mediative breathing—to channel the currents that surround you. Our readings will help you determine your purpose in life, give you gentle advice to choose the right direction (perhaps a shift in gears you never expected) and give you the ability to make a decision if you’re torn between two ideas. Now more than ever before, with our world in such upheaval and with worry from sheltering in place, it’s vital to have Certified Guides and our Clearing Team help you access this information to give you the confidence to get through this difficult time. Don’t waste any more time spinning your wheels. Contact one of the world’s most respected authorities on these topics, international lecturer, practical mystic and award-winning author, Maureen St. Germain, today.
Happy Birthday to you …. born in May or ANYTIME!
Round up ready – NOT
I’ve got a project – to make amends for the one time I didn’t object when our gardener said he would have to use Round Up (by Monsanto) to clear the beautiful steps he had built years earlier with rail ties. it’s a stunning row of 30 or so descending steps down a steep slope – and was badly in need of weeding.
I didn’t like it – but didn’t speak up – after all, he’d been looking after our gardens long before I came along. It happened only once, about 2 years ago. This year, I noticed a big evergreen tree next to the steps was dying. I asked the tree what was going on – and it reminded me of the poison we had put down. I was devastated.
In meditation I asked Mother Earth if the tree could be saved. I was told to hold a ceremony – which we did.We were told to put our healing into the tree and also to send it to the grid around the Earth. I had my hands on the tree – and she gave me a name, Amelda, and I was told to pray for her often, and ask for her to be healed. Later that day I looked up the meaning of the name, Amelda. it’s meaning is “Universal Battle.” Sounds to me like she’s helping heal the damage of Round Up, and I’m inspired to find a safe alternative to Round Up. Turns out there’s plenty on the internet! What was I thinking? See the bottom of this article for one such solution. Let us all be a little more aware of our choices!
The following is from a blog I follow and recommend: They tackle difficult issues – but it’s a great way to stay informed:
I’m re-blogging from a post I received a while ago: I’ve seen a number of posts containing photos from the Millions Against Monsanto marches in 350 cities and there is a fair bit of good news on that front as two counties in Oregon recently voted against Monsanto’s murderous actions. There was no mention of the marches on the news station we watched briefly, however. No surprise there.
I’ve since found out that is is VERY possible to use a home made version of weed killer.
Published on May 5, 2012
Bryce shows how to make and apply your own homemade all-natural weed killer, using everyday household products. Make sure you CLEAN YOUR SPRAYING EQUIPMENT afterward, as the contents of this spray will deteriorate your sprayer and seals. If you maintain your equipment it should last a long time!
Sacred Geometry Jewelry
These inspiring, one-of-a-kind artworks radiate spiritual and healing energy. When you wear one, that radiance will envelop you all day long. Made to order, each is customized by choosing from among any of the hundreds of Sacred Geometry designs that Endre Balogh is renowned for. You can also choose from his collection of radiant Angels, or a variety of other Mystical, Judaic or even his Photographic artworks.
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