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MerKaBa DVD Condensed Version


This is the DVD VIDEO release of Maureen St. Germain’s MerKaBa Classic, The Original 17-Breath Meditation. Originally offered as the Flower of Life Workshop, Maureen has recorded her powerful MerKaBa Teaching in video format! (DVD, Approx. 3 hours.)

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This is the DVD VIDEO release of Maureen St. Germain’s MerKaBa Classic, The Original 17-Breath Meditation. (Approx. 3 hours.)

In this beautifully recorded workshop, world-renowned speaker and modern day mystic, Maureen St. Germain, teaches you to a activate your MerKaBa – a crystalline geometric energy field extending 55 feed around the body – using the original 17-Breath meditation.  Also included are the instructions on how to connect with your Higher Self.*

Using this video you will be able to:

  • Reawaken your connections with God
  • Assist with planetary transformation
  • Accelerate your ascension process
  • Learn the MerKaBa Meditation
  • Achieve direct contact with your Higher Self


*Details are found in the book, “Beyond the Flower of Life,” Chapters 4 & 5 by Maureen J. St. Germain.


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