
My eclipse experience

The rest of the story.

I was in China for the eclipse, as many of you may suspect. I got back Tuesday afternoon.

Keep in mind, if you’ve ever visited Shanghai, the sky often resembles a gray haze. You don’t see the sun, or even clouds, just gray.  On this day, (last day of level 3 Akashic Records course) and the day before the eclipse (2:11 AM local time) it was particularly sunny.   During the 2-hour lunch break, I had the drapes wide open, to enjoy the sunny day.


Almost without warning, the room darkened as if it were night and a huge “thundercloud” covered the sky. I got up from my chair to face the window. I could see the edge of the very big, very dark cloud against the horizon, and where it started. It was as if someone pointed out to me,  “see the edge of our ship…”  WHAT? Whose? A Pleiadian Light Ship!

My location

I’m on the 11th floor. Room, 1111 – symbolic especially for me, (11 +11 is the master number 22, my number). From this place, high above most of the city, the change was significant. I asked my guides, “What was going on?” I was told there was an activation portal energy moving in. I was to deliver a message and I received it energetically. Even I did not know what would be the message until it was delivered.

The Message

The message was to teach the students how to build a “ring-pass-not” energy tube/circle around the sun, to limit only “beings of light” entering. (Eclipses historically are known for being portals that beings with “otherwise” agendas have come through.) I put the instructions in an earlier email – without the explanation.

In China

Being on the “other side of the world” they (the 3rd level Akashic Records Students) would be able to do this without judgment or opinion. Their job was to hold the balance for all the lovely human beings of light in the US who were praying for peace and solutions! This was especially important since the eclipse crossed over the USA coast to coast!

Side note:

In addition, for a long time (perhaps for the last 5 years)  I’ve been hearing from the ET’s of the light that they were concerned about “mass hysteria” and “lynch mob” mentality when the “news” came out about all the things “those that were” had done.

An update

About 18 months ago, I started getting another different message, that the energy had shifted, and that the concern (of lynch mob mentality) had been resolved.

Tuesday’s posting on Youtube by David Wilcock – with his interview of Drake was a MATCH for that information. In addition, business and “timing” astrologer, Madeline Gerwick says that this is a match for the astrology of now.

According to Madelyn, the eclipse event, with the large number of people who meditated for disclosure, arrests of the criminals, and the awakening of people across the US with the eclipse to bring about peace and prosperity supports peaceful transformation. I’m highly recommending you listen to David’s video blog. 

As I write this, a beautiful pink cloud – from the impending sunset fills my space.


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