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Thanks for purchasing an Akashic Records reading
with Maureen J. St. Germain!

Maureen St. Germain Round

You may choose to have your reading on the phone or on Zoom. Please make your preference on the scheduling page using this link below. 

To schedule your 80-minute reading:

Below you will find information on how to prepare for your Akashic Records reading. The same information will be presented to you once you schedule your reading. It is your responsibility to bring questions to the reading, so please take the time to read the document in its entirety and prepare accordingly.

Please note that Maureen does readings on Wednesdays, and is located in the Arizona time zone.

If one of Maureen’s available times does not meet your needs, please email Alfred: to determine another time that works for both of you.

Thank you, and enjoy your reading!


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