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Thanks for purchasing a Clearing with Abhinayan M. Kugendran!

Please read below for important information regarding scheduling and preparing for your clearing.
To schedule your clearing:

You may choose to have your reading on the phone or on Zoom. If you live outside the US then please select the Zoom option when filling your details using the scheduling link above.

The sweet spot is usually an hour and fifteen mins or so for a clearing. Sometimes it’s quicker, sometimes it’s longer depending on what comes up. Typically after the first session, the participant feels drained and sensitive, so it’s recommended to take it easy – definitely no drinking alcohol etc.

We will need the audio for the call. However we will not need the camera for the session. Please have audible headset so that we can communicate while you are lying down.

I will ask you to lay down for the session. Couch is fine but make sure it’s a non-trafficked area, we want a calm quiet space to do this work.If you feel uncomfortable you can close the session down at any time.

If you have any questions let me know. My email is


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