Sacred Geometry – The Design of Life

Sacred Geometry Jewelry

The whole of life is built upon a sacred plan created by the Divine. The very essence of life from the beginning, has a mathematical plan, a spark, and a design. “Understanding Sacred Geometry will greatly aid your abilities to shift and adjust to the fifth-dimensional you,” explains Maureen St. Germain in her book Waking Up In 5D.

Maureen St. Germain further explains: “Sacred geometry, the study of mathematical ratios, harmonics, and proportion, can be found throughout the cosmos in music, light, and design.” ** The golden mean or phi is one of the ratios most significant throughout nature. It can be found in the DNA spiral, bones, plants, and celestial bodies.

According to Waking Up In 5D (page 87), “discovering divine expressions of sacred proportion throughout nature unlocks and activates codes in you that allow you to access your divine wisdom.” ** “Accessing this information will aid your progress in becoming fifth dimensional. Looking at mandala art, learning about sacred geometry, or using it in meditation are just a few of the powerful uses of the magical study. It is an essential aspect of the Classic 17 breath MerKaBa Meditation.”

In fact, one of Maureen St. Germain’s best attended courses in 2021 was her class on the Divine Feminine part of her 6-part Sacred Geometry series. This course will be offered again in December 2021, if this is of interest to you.

Creating Your Own Heaven on Earth


Creating Heaven on Earth is not an impossible task, it only takes a connection to one’s Higher Self which is a connection to the Divine. This month we are going to explore the Concept of Heaven on Earth, how we can make this connection and how to move forward in our lives, to enjoy every day in heaven.

Connecting to the Divine, our source of all life, is simple once one understands how to make this connection. So many of us came from “traditional backgrounds” which threatened that if we are not good girls or boys we wouldn’t go to heaven. How absurd, Heaven is right here, the life you are leading now but the key is the connection to the Divine. Through this divine connection, we will ascend from being in a 3D awareness to a new 5D awareness.

What is 5D: The fifth dimension is a higher vibrational realm than our normal 3D reality. When we connect to our Higher Self and raise our awareness and vibration, our experience of life shifts.” In 5D you can even change reality as it stands. One of the most important tools you can use is my personal request of the universe,” Maureen St. Germain explains in her book, Waking Up in 5D; “I am asking for a day of Heaven on Earth. When you make this invocation, you change the reality. How: You have given yourself and anyone you meet the energy imprint of 5D, Heaven on Earth.” * Can it really be that simple? Yes! Prayers and invocations can create miracles! Try it for yourself and see! Remind yourself throughout each day to connect with your Higher Self, to keep your awareness in tune with your vision of the heaven you wish to create.Continue reading

The Value of the 17 Breath MerKaBa Meditation

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Meditation has been referred to as a conversation with the Universe. We are a participant in a flow of information coming from the divine to use that which is channeled through our Higher Self. Some say prayer is us talking to Spirit, while meditation is Spirit talking to us. Daily meditation is soul cleansing, offering us an understanding on a soul level, as well as questions answered through our Higher Self speaking to us in the stillness in our hearts. With more than 25 years of experience, the practical mystic Maureen St. Germain can help you begin this profound conversation.

One of the deepest meditations available, which may take us to places in our consciousness that we haven’t reached before, is the MerKaBa 17 Breath Meditation. What is the MerKaBa and why is it so profound? The book Beyond the Flower of Life explains that the MerKaBa “is a Body of Light or Light Body” that is “activated from a geometric field that exists around the body.” We all have this geometric field around our bodies. All living entities have this geometric field, including the planetary and solar systems. It is the framework that holds all of creation. Deep inside of us, we know this truth. Learning MerKaBa is simply remembering who we are. When we practice it regularly, it becomes a part of us to which we feel deeply connected.

Because your MerKaBa is alive and connected to you it can respond to you and your desires. With an active Higher Self connection, you can give crystal-clear fifth-dimensional directions to help you achieve your heart’s desire. Those who dream can build greater and greater things. Our world was built by dreamers who had visions of a better life.” Living in 5D awareness is freeing mentally, but also physically. Many of us find peace and a deeper connection to Spirit by daily activating our MerKaBa.

This daily activation offers many benefits. Our MerKaBa is “consciously aware of everything going on in the entire Universe.” Can you imagine that there is a part of you that is connected to and aware of everything – including what’s happening in other dimensions? Connecting to the MerKaBa can help us connect to newfound aspects of ourselves and our place in the Universe.

By activating one’s MerKaBa daily and using the 17 Breath MerKaBa meditation, you’ll create a deeper awareness of connection to your Higher Self. You’ll have more control of your life and the ability to manifest your greatest desires more easily. “You will feel great love for everyone you meet. Life becomes compelling and heartwarming. Even difficult situations become manageable and joyful. Once your MerKaBa is permanent, you will always have an open and active connection to your heart.”

Experience physical and mental freedom as you restore your inner peace. Contact Maureen St. Germain today.

*pg 5 Beyond The Flower of Life

**pg 119 Beyond the Flower of Life

***pg 118 Beyond the Flower of Life

****pg 166 Beyond The Flower of Life.

Why Use A Certified Guide To Open Your Akashic Records?

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As we move through our lives, many of us have asked the same life questions repeatedly. We look to others, such as a priest or a rabbi, for guidance, but the answers to life’s questions are easily found by opening the Akashic Records. Students of Maureen St. Germain have the opportunity to learn to open their own records, and there are options available on her website, to have one’s records read by a certified guide.

Using a certified guide to open your Akashic Records is a useful tool to obtain an unbiased, thorough reading. The guides who belong to the Akashic Records Institute are all comprehensively trained by Maureen St. Germain and her experienced teaching staff. Quoting from her book, Opening The Akashic Records, Maureen writes, when referring to her guides: “You must be a person who cares deeply about serving yourself, the other, and humanity. This is a sacred trust and must be approached with respect and confidentiality.”

Just what are the Akashic Records and why access them? The Akashic Records are a vast system of organized energy that impart the wisdom of the ages that starts at the beginning of time. Albert Einstein inadvertently opened the door to the records through his quote “A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘universe,’ a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.” Edgar Cayce tapped into the records early in the twentieth century. Cayce called this system of knowledge the “Book of Life” and the Bible refers to it as the same. Maureen explains the records this way in Opening The Akashic Records;** “The Akashic Records are a vast system of cosmic knowledge that have come together from the existence of life throughout the cosmos. Each human is feeding (and seeding) the Records with his or her consciousness, desires, and feelings.”

Whichever way one chooses to open their records, by themselves or by using a certified guide, they’ll find the experience both profound and life changing. By accessing, our life questions, our soul’s thoughts, words, actions, desires, and emotions will be available at your fingertips.

*(page 106-107)

** (page 1)

What Is the Flower of Life?

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You may have seen one of the most important sacred geometric shapes dozens of times in your life but never truly recognized it: a beautiful maze of overlapping circles that represent the connectedness of life and our universal existence. From yoga mats to apparel, its artistic rendering has become quite contemporary. Although the design is aesthetic and, in recent years, perhaps even trendy, its true meaning runs much deeper in the sacred world and dates back to ancient times in cultures worldwide.

Known as the flower of life, this blueprint of creation has come to be synonymous with the MerKaBa: a living field of energy surrounding your physical body. Conscious of everything going on in the Universe, your MerKaBa can be activated with a special meditation that allows you to enter the fifth-dimensional, or heavenly, state of reality. Modern-day mystic Maureen St. Germain has spent her entire career studying the profound power of this and other meditations as spiritual tools and, in fact, recently re-released an updated edition of her best-selling book by the same name (Beyond the Flower of Life).

What makes the flower of life so special is its ability to help you connect with your Higher Self, which in turn allows you to be the best version of yourself—fully connected to God and harnessed with unlimited potential. This connection stems from the MerKaBa meditation tools that help you navigate this 3-D world and make more frequent connections with the frequencies of the fifth-dimensional world. The ‘blueprint,’ however, does not need to be static. The fifth-dimensional world is one of infinite manifestation. Think of it like a classical symphony or ballet, where variations of the music or dance are created through inspiration. Each one creates a new pathway or possibility. Your Higher Self can show you the way, and you’ll be amazed at the accuracy!

Learning more about the flower of life online can launch your personal manifestation. Along the way, you will forge many contracts with the Universe as you discover how to stay balanced and maintain your connection to your Higher Self. Your original contract is like a hologram with small and big parts embedded. However, as you grow spiritually, you learn how to check in with your Higher Self and deviate a bit from the original contract. By doing so, you learn more and co-create your own new variation of the contract.

Some people may wonder if there is some ancient secret of the flower of life. These spiritual tools are not hidden treasures. They are available for you to practice and embrace daily with the help of our best-selling book, Beyond the Flower of Life.

Consider the possibilities that meditation and a newfound connection to your Higher Self can have for your life. Contact Maureen St. Germain to learn more.

How to Activate the MerKaBa

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Some of the purest thoughts are derived from nature: the ebb and flow of seasons, as well as the simple beauty and necessity of the most basic elements—Earth, air, fire and water. These images are also vital parts of a beautiful invocation that can open your heart to a new reality which could change your life forever…and it all begins with a simple mediation: the MerKaBa.

With 17 breaths, this ancient and classic meditation can help you find your connection to your 5-D self. You will find yourself less judgmental, more open to new ideas and increasingly content with your new outlook on life, relationships, business, family and yourself. World-renowned teacher and spiritual consultant Maureen St. Germain has created a step-by-step workshop to help you master this meditation. With booklet, DVD and a condensed or full version, each portion of the training builds on the next, so you can feel certain that you understand each part before you advance. Afterall, MerKaBa activation is not something that you should take lightly; full comprehension and appreciation are necessary in order to experience all its benefits.

Translated from the Hebrew, ‘merkavah’ means ‘chariot to ride in.’ In the spiritual sense, think of this as a Body of Light activated from a geometric field that exists outside your body. This liquid field of energy revolves around you, as it does each planet in the solar system. It has been there forever, and all you need to do is make it come alive through a rhythmic meditation that has been used for centuries. Once you practice this technique, you will master it and be able to remember it without difficulty. The best MerKaBa activation will ultimately become something like a fifth-dimensional garment that will enable you to change your life and improve every other spiritual practice you follow.

Activating the MerKaBa begins by opening your heart chakra. Our DVD workshop, “MerKaBa Classic – The Original 17-Breath Meditation” offers step-by-step meditation instructions that will help you release yourself to this important beginning. Along the way, you will learn tonings (sound patterns) and chants that will enhance your experience. Most importantly will be your ultimate journey to your Higher Self—the version of yourself most closely aligned to God. It is your internal GPS system. We can help you learn how to communicate daily with your Higher Self—through talking and listening—to make better decisions and live fearlessly. We can also help you find ideal practice times and repetitions to make the most of your meditations. With daily integration, you’ll find yourself ‘seeing’ life in high definition. Imagine the difference in your point of view!

Let go of your judgment of the world and your interaction in it. Realign your thinking. All this and more are possible with this wonderful meditation. Contact Maureen St. Germain to learn how to begin today.

What is 5D Consciousness?

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If you’re like most travelers, when you plan an airline flight, you typically try to arrange a direct route to your destination. It seems like the logical and easy choice. Likewise, if you’re seeking to transcend this 3-D world and enter a more harmonious state of reality, you might think that you can travel “non-stop” to this new realm. However, the actual pathway may surprise you.

Your movement to becoming 5D (fifth dimensional) is not a direct arrival. In fact, getting there doesn’t even guarantee you’ll stay there. This is because ‘waking up in 5D,’ is a frequency choice. You’ll need to use what’s around you to assist you in finding the right frequency—similar to tuning a radio—until you’ve reached the spot that’s right for you. Of course, entering this new state of reality gets easier each time you succeed. Yet you still may oscillate between frequencies. With the help of world-renowned mystic Maureen St. Germain and her professional team, you can come to understand this concept and enjoy all that living in the fifth dimension has to offer. Moreover, you will find ways to stay there longer.

5D consciousness does not happen overnight. Unlike the pilot using radar and instruments to navigate your airplane, you will need to follow your heart. This concept can be difficult for many of us to embrace. Of course, this is not to say you shouldn’t use your mind. Use it. Let it take you through the many stages of each life situation you encounter—from anger to love, regret, sorrow. Ultimately, let your heart decide. Recognizing something that is illogical is an excellent indicator that you are becoming more in tune with your fifth dimensional self.

The truths you discover will come from your own consciousness, which is the source of life as we know it. Write down these truths when you discover them. Keep a journal. As you wake up in the fifth dimension, you will come to see and know more without knowing ‘why.’ As your 5D awareness increases, you will feel more comfortable asking for confirmation and validation of your feelings, and you may be surprised that you will receive them.

So how do you transform into a 5D entity? Remember that this is a process. Think of each state of reality as nesting dolls—third, fourth, fifth and so on. You can experience multiple realms simultaneously. With each higher frequency comes more compassion and grace. You may be able to experience a lower realm with unconditional love. The transformation can begin with an ancient 17-breath meditation that you can learn and master over time. A triple mantra meditation is also highly beneficial because it will enable you to make the most of your rest and dreamlike state and will help you use the new version of yourself during your waking hours. Much of this is covered in Maureen St. Germain’s best-selling book Waking Up in 5D.

You can change your perception of what is possible and, ultimately, change the course of your life. Contact the respected and world-renowned spiritual consultant Maureen St. Germain today.

How to Use Essential Oil for Clearing Negative Energy

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How many times have you been shopping and found yourself attracted to a fragrance wafting through the air from a diffuser in the ‘organic’ aisle of the store? Perhaps the lavender, eucalyptus or musky notes of the scent were marketed as air purifiers or calming perfumes. But not all oils are created equal.

These mass-marketed compounds are very different from the products that are divinely sourced and contain specific properties that can trigger emotional healing. If you are searching for pure compounds, then you can count on the partnership of Maureen St. Germain—one of the world’s most respected spiritual lecturers and teachers—for the highest quality essential oil for clearing negative energy. All products are pristine and do not contain any additional carrier ingredients.

We recommend the Orion Series blends, which was previously known as AroMandalas®. They are much more than pleasing scents or exotic perfumes. They have emotional healing power. With practice, they are simple to use and highly effective. How do you use essential oil for energy clearing? First, decide which emotion you would like to work on. Or trust your inner awareness to make a random selection. The latter choice may pleasantly surprise you! To re-balance or repair your field, use 1 or 2 drops in your palm and rub your hands together. This prayerful motion will also warm up the compounds. Using an Intention Disc in one hand, calmly and authoritatively state your objective. (You can visit for more detailed product information about the Intention Disc and wonderful oils.) Make it clear that you are ready to release your emotional body from the issue at hand. Place your hands near your face, careful not to touch your skin, and inhale deeply.

It may take a while to feel a vibrational shift, but you will. This shift may come in the form or a simple cough, yawn or shiver, or it may be an overwhelming sense of peace. This is how you will know that you have chosen the precise essential oil for energy clearing that is meant for you. Because the release can be so powerful, you may want to try this before taking a nap or going to bed. You will wake up clear and released from the emotional and mental forces that were holding you down.

Choosing the right essential oil is so important on your journey toward spiritual awakening and personal expansion. For more than 25 years, Maureen St. Germain has been applauded for her innovative thinking in this field. Trust her and her specialized team with your next practical step toward spiritual cleansing; contact Maureen St. Germain today for more information.

Benefits of Higher Self Connection

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The old saying that ‘youth is wasted on the young’ has some merit. At some point in our lives, we realize that the carefree days of youthful bliss are often missing the wisdom we acquire as we age. Wouldn’t it be nice to start seeking this wisdom earlier and then start using it every single day? Empowering our souls to develop a better, purer version of ourselves all the time could be a wonderful achievement—for the young and old alike. With guidance from the practical mystic Maureen St. Germain and her professional team, it’s possible to achieve a Higher Self connection and reap its benefits.

First, let’s be clear on exactly what this Higher Self is. Think of this as a version of yourself in your purest form—closest to God, heavenly. In this state, you are free of bias and pre-judgements. It is like having access to a window to your soul that shows you everything you need to know before you realize you need to know it. Once you achieve this state, you can use it as radar to validate all incoming messages and decipher which are actually important for your well-being. You can use these as alerts or warnings about how to act and what to care for. By learning how to access the fifth dimension with the help of our courses, as well as breathtaking examples in my bestselling book, Waking Up in 5-D, you can evolve to this reality.

However, as non-perfect human beings, we sometimes suffer from a loss of connection to our Higher Self. We backslide into our three-dimension existence, filled with pre-conceived judgements of others and ourselves. There is no need to worry about this. It takes time to practice this new approach to daily life and even more time for complete mastery.

Eventually you will experience the benefits of this new reality. You may find yourself better able to manage your anger. Imagine becoming a natural peacemaker and how this can help you in your friendships and relationships with relatives and partners. You will approach people without preconceived biases and, instead, will be drawn to the good that revolves around you. You will also find yourself navigating life with a new inner compass, better able to make decisions. This new state of reality will keep you honest. Similar to taking a test with an open book, you’ll know the answers ahead of time. Moreover, you will be better able to integrate the wisdom that comes from your Akashic Records. You may also find yourself moving through your daily life with more efficiency because you have become your own best personal assistant. With these new skills in place, you’ll start recognizing your connection with your Higher Self and you will have the keys to access the fifth dimension.

It can take six weeks to integrate this new reality into your consciousness, but the practice and the time will be well worth it. Contact Maureen St. Germain today to get started on your personal evolution to become the best you that you can be.

What Is Energy Clearing and Balance?

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From protein bars to vitamin drinks, most of us are searching for a powerhouse that will fortify us each busy day. ‘Energy’ can be a very positive force! However, if unwanted, these forces can also impact our lives adversely. Internal or external entities can hold us back from experiencing life to the fullest. As a result, may not be able to realize true joy, contentment, health or peace. What can be done?

With the help of a professional Clearing team led by one of the world’s most respected mystics, Maureen St. Germain, you have access to a variety of highly successful energy clearing techniques that can rid you, or the space in which you live, from troublesome—even dangerous—entities that unknowingly have been holding you back from a truly happy and balanced life.

Our specialized energy clearing team is expertly trained in these cases. They have helped thousands of people rid themselves of unwanted influences that you never wanted and never asked for. These entities come in various forms. Some are external (those that don’t belong in you). They are elemental and have been at large for thousands of years without any human challenge. Your fear can be used against you by an entity. Now is the time to stand up to these forces! They may be adversely affecting your family relationships, business operations, property or pet. You will learn how to confront entities with commanding authority. All the techniques we use to cleanse your field can be done remotely. You will see and feel amazing results and re-gain the sense of feeling balanced in mind, body and spirit.

You must have zero tolerance for anything that occupies your body and/or soul and doesn’t belong there. They can take advantage of you and disrupt your life. These forces do not have a right to be there; however, you can reclaim these parts of your soul. Clearing negative energy can be exciting! With quality service from a member of our Clearing team, it is possible to clean up these internal, or personal, entities that have crept into your soul since childhood. Like getting stuck in a rut, or habitually taking the off-road detour, you may continually resort to childish over-reactions in emergency situations. Once you are made aware of the roots of these behaviors, you will begin to realize how to evolve and overcome them. A process called Quantum Matrix Healing may be the key to removing old behavior patterns and evolving toward inner balance and contentment.

Think of clearing bad energy as a way of ‘scrubbing’ your soul clean. After all, you wash your clothes…why not your soul, too? After learning and participating in our ceremonies that are customized to match the entity that needs to be removed, our team also can help you maintaining your 100% God-self energy. It may take multiple sessions to be completely rid of the forces that have held you back, but the outcome will be well worth the effort.

Contact Maureen St. Germain, the practical mystic, and her expert Clearing team today.