Here’s your resolutions for the New Year!

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Yeah, right.

Actually this is an annual tradition of mine. You may have already picked this up. If not, at the end of this post – you’ll find the guided meditation that you will love, because it is all about being proactive, instead of reactive. Looking your fears, judgements and more and then giving them a re-frame! It’s “BELIEF” in the absence of evidence!

Here’s what we did:


Old limiting self talk:

I’m worried that people will think less of me because of the mistakes I’ve made through the years.


Mistakes are a necessary part of everyone’s personal growth and understanding. I am a man/woman of substance and what I do matters in the world.

Old limiting self talk:

I’m worried that I will be old and penniless.


Lots of people are struggling and penniless. I am worthy of abundance. Everyone is worthy. I am manifesting that I am well paid for my efforts, that I am attracting people who love what I do and who are willing to pay me fairly and generously.

You may have a few of your own. Start writing them today. This is because tomorrow you will remember a few that you pushed way back into your mind and won’t even remember until you get the most pressing ones out! When I did this the first time, with my student she called me the next day, “Wait, I have a few more that came out this morning! You will to,  and by starting early will be able to add them to your reframe list.

Your turn

First write out your fears. Then write all your refraims as “I am” statements. Claim your victory. Ask, “God Victory” to support you, enliven your efforts and insure your success!

Thank you, God Victory.

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The Sacred Solstice December 21, 2017

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Your Fear and Worry Create Negative Loosh

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Your Fear and Worry Create Negative Loosh

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A Manual For Developing Humans

Atwater Manual for humans

PMH Atwater’s recent book carries much of the same information as Waking Up in 5D! In fact, she told me that my book carries the same information as her newest book! This is in the wake of her earlier bestseller  Future Memory which tells of her remarkable three NDE’s. (Near Death Experiences!) all in the same year.Atwater - Manual for humans_

The more she dives into it – the deeper the detail gets. This is because she is a researcher – par excellence, and loves to cite related reinforcing facts, that make it easier for you to understand and broaden your horizons.

Some interesting parallels to my book, for example, is her description, and explanation of The Time Fan described in both books, (page 145) in A Manual for Developing Humans.)

My guides have repeatedly explained time as being like a folded paper fan much like I channelled from the Lords of Time and written about in the Sedona Journal of Emergence and Waking Up in 5D. Find it in the time-space continuum chapter of my book.

A very interesting example of her adventures after her 3rd NDE, She shares how she unwittingly demanded to accomplish a myriad of tasks, not understanding or controlling her newfound abilities. Her experience, where she actually splits herself (involuntarily, I might add) into 12 different components, each taking care of an “urgent” need of hers, like exercise, meditation, prayer, her day job and recovery.

This went on for two weeks, as she experienced her “present” version in slow motion. At one point her boss and co-workers wondered what was wrong with her. It ended when she finally demanded (just like when she demanded to do everything at once) that everything go back to normal… well, almost normal. She has retained a small part of it, with the ability to move in and out of time. You can too.

Interestingly although I had a copy of her earlier best selling book, Future Memory, I had not read it, in years. Thus when her new book came out – it seemed like the appropriate “time” to re-read and compare books!

Another similarity is the reference to language – where she encourages the reader to replace old painful ways of expressing, like, “I am always so forgetful I never seem to remember anything” to “I had problems in the part remembering this, but (now) I have an excellent memory.” (page 47). All this reminds me of the table 6.12 in the chapter, “Learn the language of 5D.”

One of the things Atwater specializes in is mixing the historical with the present data allowing you to examine the roots of human experiences in religion,  philosophy, the pope, and Messias throughout the ages.

This is a resource that you will find invaluable. I also found her references to fear and how to flip the switch (page 98) on fear and laugh, an especially powerful antidote to stress! Unlike in my book, she does have a full chapter devoted to Astrology.

The parallels in her book and mine are remarkable. This is especially noteworthy in light of the fact that my book had already been sent off to the printer when her book was released. I had no idea she had authored a new book until one of my friends mentioned it to me.

Clearly, we are both on the same page, and as PMH Atwater said in the endorsement of Waking Up in 5D, that the steps to the fifth dimension are found in this book. “Each step, the offers, each meditation, each mindful journey through the intellect, intuition, and heart of all-knowing remodels our life. A true guide, Waking Up in 5D opens the door to where sooner or later most of us will go.”

I am mindful of how spirit works – we are emerging at fifth-dimensional beings. Reading PMH Atwater’s book, A Manual for Developing Humans is a worthy read for anyone who is interested in growing their knowledge and understanding of the emerging reality we are experiencing,

I didn’t tell my husband…

Vyto and Maureen at CTC 2011b

What’s it like being in 5D?

I was in a wonderful event this past weekend in Las Vegas, Co-Creating a New Humanity put on by IN5D Events. It was a trade show with booths and speakers.

Sunday morning I’d risen early to catch one of the speakers at 8 am on the main stage. I went to hear another speaker at 9 am in a different location and returned to the main stage for my presentation at 10 am.

The speaker between the 8 am presentation and me was still on the stage and showed no signs of breaking. The filming team signaled her – and she politely declined their advances.

Shortly a member of my team also went up to the stage – with signage – to show her the time, that clearly indicated she had gone over. This also scored no impact.

Then the film crew verbally asked her to finish, as she had already gone over by14 minutes. She verbally responded, ” Since I started 20 minutes late I am going to go over 20 minutes.”

Stayin 5D

I sat down. No point in standing on the sideline – if she was going to go for another 10 minutes.  I quietly wondered – why was she not ready on time?

The AV team was in place at 8 AM lecture for the first speaker in that room – so I didn’t think the recording and logistics team had held her up. She was a decent speaker – certainly – but it did seem very odd to keep repeating her message – just to prove she had “her time coming.”

When we “transferred the torch” and I plugged my laptop into the AV system projector – all went well. She was cooperative – at that point – even tho – she was still talking with her audience. Politely I said, “Sweetheart, you will need to hand off the mic to me.” Once reminded she did so graciously.

My need – is your need

So when I started at about 25 minutes into my hour – I announced that I would end on time. I explained to the audience that I had a lot of respect for their time, and they may want to see other speakers – at 11 AM, and besides I was pretty sure there would be another speaker after me – and I wanted to honor that speaker as well.

What was my talk about?

Mind Melds, Dimensional Shifts, and Corey Goode.

It was a fun talk about the dimensional shifts that are occurring for everyone with practical examples around my clients, myself and of course the famous Corey Goode! I skipped some sections – so that I could end on time – which I did.

My project manager mentioned to a few people working our booth with us, about what happened but I only joined in – after she brought it up. I noticed the speaker walking by our table – but she only looked away when passing.

The other side of opportunity

Later, that same day, my good friend, Danion Brinkly (Three-time International best selling author. Struck twice by lightning. He’s shared the most complete Near Death Experience NDE, on record.  showed up.

He came right up to me, in front of my booth and gave me a huge hug. Then he said, Maureen, come with me, we’re going to teach a workshop. I had no idea what he was talking about – but my trust is high – my booth was covered, and I was up for an adventure.

It turns out – that a speaker failed to show up and the classroom had attendees but no speaker!  I didn’t know that. Another man, also a friend of Danion’s I had met briefly – was there. Danion started. He spoke for about 20 minutes. Then he handed the program off to me. I spoke on the relationship of the teacher to the student, and you cannot trust anyone, including me, Danion or anyone else.

Who can you trust?

You trust your connection to your Higher Self. Then I shared how to manifest that. I then handed the program to the other man. It wasn’t until later that I realized he WASN’T the speaker! It turns out the other person was asked by the room monitor to do something!

And Danion, who lives in Las Vegas showed up – just to say hi to folks. He wasn’t on the program either! I told the audience how fortunate they were because people pay a lot of money to hear Danion – and they just “happened” to get him as a substitute!

Why is this 5D?

When you are in 5D, you truly don’t care what others do. I certainly didn’t care what the other speaker did at my morning lecture. When you are in 5D, you care about others that might be affected by your actions. I wanted to make sure I ended on time – so everyone could get to their next event easily. And of course – the speaker after me needed to get set up for his event!

My husband had been with me for most of the show – but had to leave on the day of my presentations – for a work-related event. On my way home, contemplating my day and thinking about everything I reflected on my conversation with him on FaceTime.

I realized, I had told my husband about speaking and shared with him all the interesting things I had learned. Yet I hadn’t told my him about the morning “drama.” This is because there was no drama for me.

Why didn’t I tell him?

I forgot – which means I wasn’t holding any energy on it. I wasn’t upset or angry. I was surprised but the speaker’s behavior but it was ok with me. I remember thinking – women are always sharing (including me) the craziness they encounter with their significant other.Vyto and Maureen at CTC 2011bI know for sure I was in 5D in those moments – because I had no drama to report to my beloved!

What Is the Purpose of Blood and Why Should I Care?

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Obviously this is not your everyday subject. The blood of the human body has life-giving properties,carries fluids and removes waste. Yet there is a spiritual significance and that’s what this article is about. It’s important to be aware, and know you can do something about it – if and when you need it!

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It’s Time to Create Heaven on Earth

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Have you wondered what you are supposed to be doing on this planet? Have you wondered why there is so much difficulty and violence? If you are reading this, you’ve probably come to the earth to be part of the solution. Becoming part of the solution is a two-step approach. The first step is to help you discover a new way to think about yourself and your reality. The second step is to learn how to be proactive and choose a new way of being with your evolved understanding. Get ready – because what is coming next is really big!

A new game.

Creating Heaven on Earth is the opportunity to join the new game in town! Your heavenly self aka your Higher Self aka your Fifth Dimensional self is ready, willing and available to you right now. All you need to do is to ask for it. You can do this by a simple statement either at bedtime or in the morning when you start your day. “I am asking my Higher Self to move into my consciousness. Let it help me to keep my heart open, and my connection to my Divine Self open and clear.” Do this daily.maureen-interview-ft (1)

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Rejuvenate with the Season

rejuvinate article

All of life goes through renewal. When we approach the fall in the northern hemisphere we get ready for plants to die back, and rejuvenate in the spring, and some animals to go into hibernation. What do humans do?

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Annual Youthing Day,

Get your FREE Fountain of Youth meditation – and be sure to sign up for the Annual Youthing Day!

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