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5D – Creating heaven on Earth

Releasing judgement, fear and patterns. Are You Mission Driven? How to Live Your Highest Calling in 5D Beloveds, today I want to ask you some vital questions—questions that could shift […]

Pray for Humanity

Why is there so much energy around these significant weather events?  While some of these disruptions stem from human negligence, it’s important to recognize that much of it is necessary […]

higher self

Understanding the Higher Self vs Lower Self

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Ego vs. Higher Self: Navigating the Inner Landscape

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The Fascinating Wake-Up of Other Versions of You!

As the veils thin, and individuals start to notice, they begin to discover there are other versions of themselves. This is because they share the same Monad. The monad is […]

Akashic Records Reading

Exploring the Depths of Consciousness: What Happens When You Access Your Akashic Records

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Akashic Records Spiritual

Exploring the Spiritual Essence of Akashic Records

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5D – Creating heaven on Earth

Releasing judgement, fear and patterns. Are You Mission Driven? How to Live Your Highest Calling in 5D Beloveds, today I want to ask you some vital questions—questions that could shift

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Pray for Humanity

Why is there so much energy around these significant weather events?  While some of these disruptions stem from human negligence, it’s important to recognize that much of it is necessary

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