Your Physical Body (Part-2 of a four-part series)

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Your presence here on earth depends upon being in a body! In terms of the four lower bodies, your physical body is the most important element even though each of us want balance between all four lower bodies. It’s funny when you think about this, but you could be walking around with pains in your emotional or etheric body or even your mental body. But when you suffer from pain in the physical body… you very likely stop everything to fix it.

Your physical body is the conduit through which you receive and convey your experiences of the world. Your presence here is extremely important. As part of the recognizance team here on earth, you may be surprised to learn that your presence on the Earth may be a function of bringing more light to the planet! Being present in your body is sometimes difficult when you have had emotional trauma. Whether you are fully human or a hybrid, your physical presence is paramount.

Your physical body is the experiencer of consciousness. Without a body, you are only consciousness! When you lose your physical body (as in death) you lose your emotional body and mental body as well. The etheric body can move and replicate a feeling of having a physical body to the etheric senses but not to other people. Your etheric body (as a ghost) could also move into someone else’s body. We call that spirit possession.

If you are reading this you have a physical body! If you have a physical body, you also have a body elemental. Your body elemental is a gift from Mother Earth. She bestowed this body elemental in you, to help you acclimate to this earth. In one study done to learn the natural rhythm of the human, done in Las Vegas at a place without windows, subjects were allowed to do whatever they wanted with their time, play games, read, sleep, etc.,but not any timed events like movies or music. What they found is that the average cycle for humans is 20 hours awake, 10 hours of sleeping. When I learned this, I realized that humans couldn’t be from here! It is one more reminder on how very important the body elemental is to help us fit in here.

Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence of all kinds leavean energetic imprint until cleared. This is why Understanding Your Four Lower Bodies series was created, so you could begin to understand the power you hold in each of your four lower bodies and how to maximize that!

If your body is a spaceship, and it is; and you name it “The Enterprise,” then your body elemental is “Scotty.” It helps to have a perspective on what exactly the body elemental does. It runs all your autonomic processes, and it keeps your body running smoothly. You can train your body and body elemental to respond to your commands with autogenic training. There is a lot of scientific evidence to prove you can train your autonomic muscles, the lungs, and stomach, along with other organs.

As a healing technique Autogenesis has been around for over 80 years, autogenics isa modality, a self-regulating technique that teaches your body to respond to your commands, so you can gain control of your heart rate, digestion, breathing, and more! Although it is not completely understood how it works, it is scientifically proven to help individuals with chronic stressful conditions such asasthma to train the body not to drop into a crisis modality. I recorded a guided autogenics meditation for myself and then made it available to the public. I added binaural beats to enhance the efficacy of the training. I used it myself when I was going into anaphylactic shock from sensitivity to mold and some other breathable foreign substances when I was suffering from lung issues.

You may give your body elemental continuing education for a variety of skills that you may need, health issues that need to heal, and also instructions so you can stay younger. You can have your Higher Self escort your Body elemental to schools in the etheric to learn new skills and to acquire the latest technology for rapidly emerging crystalline-based bodies. Never send your body elemental for continuing ed on its own. It doesn’t have a will, and relies on programing. That’s why your Higher Self must be the escort. I have also activated the self-healing DNA cells that were disengaged from our original divine DNA blueprint.

I meditated for a year trying to figure this out, once I knew there were beings that had disconnected this self-healing part of ourselves, which also regulates aging!Concerning our missing DNA strands, the fallen angels could not steal them, only hide them. I finally realized they had tucked them into a lower dimension, where we would not look, as we ascend!

Your body will give you messages when you train yourself to do it. Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you know bad news is coming, or the feeling of joy or anticipation when you know good news is on the way! Maybe your heart has “skipped a beat” when you meet someone, or you connect with a long-lost friend. My Higher Self Training relies on you recognizing the body sensations that may come in as yes/no signals, which we train you to recognize.

Your body is your temple and that means you can choose to act accordingly, keeping your body in good health, with proper fitness, maybe walking in the park to connect with Mother Earth. Ideally you will find places you can be barefoot, since that offers the most connection with Earth.You also need proper rest. All of your functions rely on proper rest, including your higher-purpose glands like the chakras.

The pineal gland is the connection to the higher states of consciousness.One of the ways to pro-actively give your pineal a rest and chance to rejuvenate is to use an eyemask for sleeping during any kind of sleep including naps. This powerful gift of no-light means your pineal gland, your gateway to spiritual work, is getting the rest and rejuvenation that it needs. This means you schedule time for breaks or walks into your busy day along with naps and enough rest to rejuvenate. Some of you are so busy with your day-to-day chores or work that you push yourself beyond healthy limits for your body, and then can be overtired, which adds stress on all your four lower bodies, especially your physical body.

The physical body is the experiencer who receives all the information from the three other bodies and helps you learn who you really are. It is the fullest expression of Source in the physical. Let’s make the most of it! This brings us to Ascension Symptoms. The physical body has three areas of progression – the upper physical body thrives with balanced rest, food, exercise and time in nature. The middle physical body calibrates with Mother Earth. This is why your connection to your earthstar chakra is so very important. This is emphasized in numerous of my guided meditations, such as 5D MerKaBa or the Spiral Chakra Meditation. Your lower physical body is focused on desires such as greed, lust and avarice. This is where working with the five Dhyani Buddhas is so helpful. I have made a recording of singing their names along with the five poisons they clear that will be available publicly.

Certain Ascension symptoms are now presenting in our world. Being aware of them will give you a peace of mind, even with the discomfort!Understand that Ascension Symptoms can be extremely mysterious and hard on the body.A short list is given below that may be helpful in case your doctors cannot find the cause!

When you cannot determine the cause of these symptoms through traditional doctors or through alternative healers, consider they may be coming from the many upgrades you may be getting in your body. Remember your physical body will become the ascended master you. You will not need to die to make this happen.

Symptoms can include headaches due to the expansion of your pineal. You may experience vertigo, dizziness, forgetfulness, joint and body pain or aches, cramps in your legs, changes in your sight and in your awareness of your immediate space. You may feel feverish, or flu-like symptoms, cramps, and diarrhea,or even kundalini experiences. This may result in anxiety attacks that come and go quickly. Many of these upgrades can occur at night, and you might wake up for “no reason” and decide to use the bathroom. This is often a signal that you are “giving permission” to whatever upgrade the ETs of the light may be assisting you with. Announcing “I am waking up well rested no matter what the night holds” will also ease this transformation.

Remember that as a vessel of light, you are being upgraded in many ways. We have chosen this path, albeit painful. One way to address this is to notice this is happening, and to say the following prayer,

I ask that this divine upgrade assist me and allow me to pursue my highest purpose in this lifetime with the most evolved appearance possible and expressing the kindest and most generous and gentle way. Amen

Self-care of the physical body is your highest priority right now. Massage, body work, cranial sacral work, long baths, etc., will do much for the integration of this new evolved energy. You are becoming fifth-dimensional. Seek not to understand, but to integrate it with grace and ease!

This month’s free gift is a PDF copy of the newly updated Your Physical Body.

The Mental Body (part 1 of a four-part series)

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There are four lower bodies as referred to the spiritual literature. Physical, Mental, Emotional and Etheric.

The mental body is an expression of an aspect of you – that is often referred to through the Four Lower Bodies. The four lower bodies are representative of certain energy systems that are connected to the “field” – the vibrational data set also referred to as the matrix. And they are also connected to the Chakra system, as the Chakras receive, and supply information from those around you, as well as from the field.

The four lower bodies are light vehicles that have consciousness and are directly related to your consciousness. They do not lead, but reflect the experiences that you take in. Therefore, they are receptors and warehouses for information collected from human experiences. Know that they are collecting data from the five senses along with the seven chakras. If your Higher Self is connected and used regularly it is also contributing to the data expansion. Know that all that data is (orgasmic) to source. It is so pleasing and expansive that it contributes to Source’s delight. Your every experience is your raison d’être (the most important purpose for being.) Be in gratitude that you are the resource for this expansion.

Know that your mental body is alive, with juiciness, like all the four lower bodies. It carefully curates all incoming experience to form a cohesive and coherent whole. To keep your mental body clear: Keep your thoughts clean and pure. Invite uplifting experiences to amplify and intensify your spiritual mastery.

We are starting this four-part series with the Mental body because humanity is so very mental these days. For sure it is not the most important aspect of who you are, but it is an important element of you that may have become out of balance!

Your mental body is the container of your thoughts. Your thoughts are not you, although many discussions of consciousness indicate that when you think makes you conscious. That may seem backwards, but a thinking man is conscious. We do NOT imagine (even if it is so) that animals “think” or have consciousness. We know, that when we contemplate our awareness, we are accessing consciousness. Our consciousness is mostly contained in the mental body. When we think about ourselves, what we experience emotionally, physically or energetically all impact consciousness, and are “sorted and defined’ by our mental body.

An important purpose of the mental body is to sort and define all experiences. In this way we are able to “add to the data base.” Adding to the data base, or “experiences” are why we incarnate. Else, why bother if you are already part of everything? Humans separate from that which is inseparable, in order to expand the consciousness of Source!

Your mental body also helps you form mental images based on your needs and desires, along with the material world you live in. You use your mental body to project your ideas along with your sense of who you are, your identity. This impacts what you think you can do. As you open up to your gifts your mental body will record those perceptions as well. It is important to remain neutral, and not permit your mind to interpret these subtle experiences, but allow them into the soup of higher consciousness, to meld and blend into your fully awakened self.

Mass consciousness has influenced the mental body and has succeeded in programing the human’s mental body. Not everyone is influenced thusly. Mass agreement may cause mass psychosis. Programing being broadcast over the airwaves such as cell phone antennae’s, along with microwaves towers are broadcasting programing to help you forget who you really are, a God-Free Being, and may program you to forget the Truth that you read about and hear.

Yes, but how will you remember who you are? Your primary vehicle to remember your God-Self is meditation. This will enable you to elevate yourself beyond the projections on mass consciousness. This is because mass consciousness mostly exists at a certain frequency. If your frequency is not the mass consciousness level (usually around 350-440 according to the David Hawkins scale) and you are above those numbers, then you will not be impacted by those broadcasts. Your meditation and other spiritual practices will elevate you beyond those frequencies. You do not need to shield yourself from these broadcasts, instead elevate yourself beyond them.

Remember that your mental body is receiving these waves like a radio. If you are not tuned to those frequencies, you will not need to be concerned about their impact on you. You may wish to be aware of the impact on others. Also, it is important to note that your ability to receive and then vibrate at higher frequencies does not make you better than others. This is a common attitude that actually lowers your frequency. Instead look for ways to advance your abilities so that you can broadcast the higher frequencies towards others, elevating them, that they may be able to rise above the mass consciousness programing.

Your mental body is a gateway for information that you can accept or reject. Humanity is on the cusp of major transformation. You are a wayshower

There are many ways humans receive information. They do this through subtle and not so subtle ways. You use your mental body to receive data and sort data. If you allow your mental body to “run the show” you will not be able to understand the subtleties of the other receptors of information such as the Chakras and the other lower bodies.


This month’s free gift is a PDF copy of the newly updated Mind Mastery for 5D.

How Do You Stay in 5D?

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How will you focus on being/staying 5D, since life brings up more distractions or challenges to overcome?

This is a sweet and fun topic to write on because I believe when we get more challenges to our 5D expression – we are honing and perfecting our work. Think of the professional ball player. He or she doesn’t stop practicing their game. Our efforts improve with daily practice, so the first step is to have a daily practice.

Now, it’s important to understand that the daily practice itself will contain challenges. Just like the new year’s resolutions that slip by the wayside mid-February – you need a plan for when that happens. One of my spiritual teachers, the Ascended Master El Morya, said ‘I do not care how many times you fall down… I want to know if you will get up!’  So, no matter how many days have gone by, where you’ve missed your daily practice, determine before you go to bed, I am getting up in time to do my meditations.

Next have short cuts for those times you are ready and willing to do your meditation practice, but just don’t have enough time. This energy is different than the forgetting part, where you simply forgot to fit it in. This means you know the work you must do and you shorten it in some way to accomplish the same thing. For example, there is a 10-minute-long morning prayer in the book, Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality, but there is a much shorter prayer (1-minute) in the front of the book. Go to that when you are really pressed for time. Finally, understand the content of the prayers you do. For example, the morning prayer is your commitment to be in alignment with your Higher Self and to Source. If you don’t have time for the short prayer, then say this: “Dear Source, I’m committed to be my best self today – and I’m asking my Higher Self to help me accomplish this.”

When you have interactions with people, ask your Higher Self and your dragons to handle the details. This is especially important when you have meetings and discussions scheduled ahead of time. Always ask your Higher Self to negotiate for you. Why should you include your dragons? Dragons are all about clarity, and will help you to be succinct in getting your points across easily. One of the members of my year-long program, The Ascension Institute, wrote to me recently regarding a discussion that we had in our last retreat about how to have our Higher Self & the dragons to intercede/negotiate for us in the dream time. He writes:

“I was in a quasi-battle with my former employer about my final pay. I asked my Higher Self and my dragons to negotiate for me ahead of our next meeting in the dream time. Just finished our last meeting with great success! I had been negotiating with them for months, and just a few days after asking my Higher Self and dragons for assistance, I got the settlement I wanted!

The bedtime prayer is probably one of the most important tools I use. I can tell when I’ve forgotten, or when I’ve just been too tired to say it. I’ve been saying it now for a long enough time that I can recite it in bed when I remember it! Sometimes I fall asleep saying it – and I think my Higher Self finishes it for me. You can do this too. I have included this wonderful tool as my free gift to you this month.

When you are in a real-time challenging discussion with someone who is important to you – you can ask for a time out. You can say, “I’m not up for this right now. Could we continue this at a later time?” Be willing to specify that later time.

When you have snapped at someone – or yelled at them, (usually because of the presence of entities – yours or theirs) and they quickly apologize or perhaps look or act hurt – you can let them know you regret over-reacting. Sometimes we don’t know the power of our influence over others, and our harsh reactions need to be diffused before too much time goes by.

Keep a gratitude list. I fold an 8.5 x 11 paper, the long way, in half. At the top of the left column I write, “To Do.”  The one on the right says, “Gratitude.”  I make sure I am writing the names of the people and situations in my life that I am grateful for. I learned from Feng Shui expert, Peg Donahue, that each of us generally can do about seven projects daily. So even when I make a big list of everything on my mind, I can then prioritize the highest ones, with the help of my business manager, and hand off the things that others can do for me. As my business manager pointed out to me recently, most of us do all the little easy things first – and that may eat up all the available time needed for important things.

Keep a journal. Keep your notes handy so you can review your ideas, and review classes you have signed up for and attended. Use the same notebook for everything (unless you have a “Bring in Your Beloved” special journal of love letters.)

I would like to invite you to work with the Ascended Master Amen Bey who can provide assistance to help you heal your four lower bodies, and cleanse and clear your three-fold flame in your heart – Love, Wisdom and Power. He will direct needle point rays into every cell and atom of your four lower bodies allowing for the channeling of miracles.


This month’s free gift is a PDF copy of the newly updated Bedtime Prayer.

New YEAR, NEW Forgiveness

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It says in A Course in Miracles… that forgiveness is no longer necessary. This book was written long before 5D was ever mentioned or written about. Yet, the message is clearly 5D.

This is because we no longer need to keep score. No more karma means that you and I are not keeping score on each other or ourselves. This is a monumental leap from how we have interpreted this reality. It’s a game-changer for sure. How do we navigate this? We do this one small step at a time.

You might start with teaching yourself and your children, “Are you ok?” instead of “I’m sorry.” I have seen plenty of parents in public places, demanding their children say to someone else, “Say you are sorry!” and the child digs in, and won’t do it!

Far more appropriate to the times we are moving into is that we recognize that we all are doing the best we can, we are all becoming ascended (whether we want to or not) and that saying you’re sorry to anyone creates an unequal relationship.

Trust plays an important part. Initially, you will need to trust others, even when you suspect their intentions are not of the highest order. It’s ok to trust, but verify, and as we become 5th dimensional, we choose to “not judge” what others are doing. This is positive progress! It does not mean we allow others to hurt or take.

How do we do this – when we have had many affronts towards us, and our reactions may be the $100 response for the 10-cent problem? For sure we can enlist the help of the Angels. The AroMandala-Orion Series blends (essential oils) will greatly assist us in self-examination, growth and change. The thirty-minute Angels meditations (either of these two: Rainbow Angel Meditation or The Seven Archangels on the Wheel will take you through a dozen human foibles. The Five Dhyani Buddhas will help you with the five human poisons such as envy, greed and lust and replace them with the highest expression of them.

With these tools you can claim, “I love forgiving.” And pretty soon, forgiving won’t even be a necessary step. “I love…” becomes the operative thought.

Many people forget that there are multiple versions of you and me.  These multiple versions are role-playing all the choices that we didn’t take. You don’t need to fantasize about what you would have done if you had known some important detail that another person was doing, as some version of you, (that is falling away) has probably already done that! Instead know that your “highest and best choice” will serve you in the long run, taking you closer to your 5D self, even when you cannot imagine what that might be. The age of retaliation is over.

Score keeping is not the same as tracking progress. Score keeping implies that there are winners and losers, or good and bad. Tracking progress means you are self-accepting when you self-analyze your own choices! If you know you could do better and wish you had, we have a guided meditation for that, Reality Remix. It is a very powerful guided meditation that provides the opportunity for a “do-over” and that you can transpose that new “more ideal” choice into THIS reality it changes your memory, your past and then produces a domino effect on the present!

I remember ruminating… “When will he learn to appreciate me?” about a son I was putting through college. So, let me ask you, “When will you learn to forgive and appreciate blessed YOU?” As you review your past choices remember to add a little bit of forgiveness to each of the memories that you replace, it will serve to lessen that memory for the new one!

Happy New Year!

Love, Maureen

This Month’s Free Gift is:
Reality Remix
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This month’s free gift is Reality Remix. The basis for this Reality Remix meditation is to use the quantum field to help you release regret, and balance out an old experience that were less than satisfactory.
Essentially you are clearing old experiences, old creations, old patterns, and old intentions.
These are versions of the past that no longer serve us. At the end, you will create a program for abundance, prosperity, love, and light. This will produce a sensation that is pure bliss. Then I will
guide you to create your own programs. We will be mindful to ensure that the new versions we
are creating are from a 5D plane, where no polarity exists.
Just like a movie re-make that has better graphics and better effects, you can do the same with
your own history. This simple technique I share with you in the Reality Remix Meditation is
extremely powerful. Do it once, and experience the results. Then do it every time an “old issue”
surfaces and watch the magic.

What Are Soul Ties?

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Have you ever felt a deep connection to someone that is difficult to express in words? The close-knit bond can be awesome. Losing yourself to someone can even be euphoric for some people. These soul ties can be quite powerful.

Spiritual soul ties are not entirely new, however. For generations, people have been drawn to each other on deep and meaningful levels. After all, at the heart of every relationship is a spiritual connection. At its best, these relationships are fully connected to God.

At its worst, however, other types of soul ties can be detrimental and negative. If you’ve been linked to or involved with people who cause you pain, you know that breaking away can be difficult.

Signs and symptoms of soul ties can vary. They may include the overwhelming need to be with someone or even something. They may also be the uncanny sense of familiarity or feeling of being at home with another person or at another place. But what happens when you are no longer with this person or at this place? We purposely break off pieces of ourselves much like an animal will chew a leg off that is caught in a trap in order to get away. These pieces can be anywhere. Sometimes the missing parts can be just a memory. Memory resides in time and place. Have you ever driven past the location of an old memory and the memory returns? Or have you thought about the past and felt an emotion and it takes you to that time?

The concept of soul ties translates to time and space. If you’ve asked are soul ties real, consider the idea of soul retrieval. The purpose of soul retrieval is to reclaim parts of yourself that may have been broken off in order to survive. You can physically travel to a place that has great sadness, and if you have a connection to it and openness to receive it, you will feel it. If you can feel it, you can help clear it by allowing it in your consciousness. You then feel the anguish, process it, love it and release it.

This is particularly important for families who may have had car accidents, major trauma and other hugely significant trauma or emotion. Its coordinates of time and space usually lock it in place and its link to you and your family make it accessible when you go to the place or visit it in time through your memory. Where do you go to retrieve your lost parts? Sometimes you need to travel some distance to the funeral for the death of a loved one. If your loved one died suddenly, the shock and trauma will be left in pieces along the way. You may need to visit every place you were at from the time you heard the terrible news to the time you finally accepted the death. At every place you have told that story, you may have left a piece of yourself in that location. In essence, understanding these experiences can help you define soul ties.

Any way you look at it, soul ties and its meaning can be powerful forces in your life—both positively and negatively. If needed, performing a soul retrieval for yourself after a big loss is one way to heal yourself and our planet. Guidance for this is available as a separate CD or download of a guided meditation called Soul Retrieval by Maureen J. St. Germain. Contact Maureen and her professional team at the St. Germain Mystery School to learn more about what ‘soul ties’ means in your life.

Signs You Are Merging with Your Higher Self

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Modern society applauds the idea of being proactive. We hear it in business, health and fitness…even in relationships. Instead of waiting for problems, we are encouraged by experts to think ahead and plan or envision our future—from financial planning to preventative medicine. On a spiritual level, aligning with your higher self is a lot like becoming proactive instead of being reactive.

Consider this scenario. You are driving and another car approaches from the opposite direction. You manage to stay out of its way, even though the driver has crossed over the center line right in front of you. You end up swerving to your side of the road, but still safe. ‘Good thing my reactions were so quick,’ you think. This is your lower self, or your reactionary side at work. Now consider the scenario from a totally different perspective. Your Higher Self would be aware of the oncoming car long before you are and would send you a message such as, ‘Why don’t you take a break? You’ve been driving for a while and need to rest. There’s a scenic overlook ahead; pull over and enjoy the view.’ When the car from the other direction comes down that road toward you, you are out of harm’s way. You might not even know a reckless driver is approaching. In fact, you’ll never notice because your Higher Self directed you to get off the road.

Of course, becoming your Higher Self does not happen instantaneously. The Higher Self connection is something you build gradually with a specific practice that will not fail you in your time of need. After opening your heart, this is more important than programming your MerKaBa. Whether you choose to learn the MerKaBa meditation or not, your ability to find your Higher Self is the most important, inner GPS you could ever achieve. It completely eliminates the need or usage of any other form of divination.

Remember, the Higher Self is a version of you that is fully connected to God. Your first goal is to communicate with this version of yourself, and the next goal is to move this presence into your physical body. Then you will be an ascended being. What are signs your Higher Self is talking to you? You will begin to receive unsolicited information. For example, shopkeepers at a local store you frequent or waiters at a favorite restaurant can anticipate your tastes and interests and offer you things you might like. Similarly, your Higher Self will begin to offer you the information you did not even know you needed. This is just wonderful. You may remember switching from regular television to HDTV. You’re still receiving the same show, only now it’s in high definition. The input hasn’t changed, but your ability to perceive the information has changed.

Higher Self signs can be both subtle and powerful. How will you know you are on target? Don’t worry. Your Higher Self will know. You will use your connection to validate what you’ve been given. Don’t be afraid to ask your Higher Self anything you need validated. Doing the MerKaba and using other tools in Maureen St. Germain’s helpful books and videos can help you achieve this. Learn more about the wonderful benefits of integrating this wonderful proactive presence to express the Divine Being you already are. Contact the professional spiritual consultants at the St. Germain Mystery School today.

Energy Healing Discipline

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Any discussion of energy healing training would not be complete without acknowledging the very important energy matrix field that allows the flow of chi to be captured and directed. There are many ways humans use this matrix.

When we conduct ourselves in integrity we are aligned with the energy matrix. When we take good care of our bodies and follow the circadian rhythms they need to follow, we create a connection with the matrix. Have you ever labeled historical experiences as the reasons for some of your physical problems? Do these excuses sound familiar: “I didn’t get enough sleep therefore I am exhausted” or “My feet always swell when I travel.” However, with purposeful training of energy and integrity, you can align with the matrix and use this energy wisely.

How do you do this? 1) You can take good care of your body through proper food, exercise, and rest. 2) You can accept your body’s unique circadian rhythms and honor them. 3) You can practice integrity by matching your thoughts, words and actions. 4) You can heal your emotional wounds with energy healing exercises. (Many of these tools are explained in my energy healing books, Beyond the Flower of Life and Waking Up in 5D.)

Of course, in today’s marketplace, you can find an energy healing book that discuss a variety of therapies and modalities, including those that focus on healing with light frequencies and cell-level meditation. Others explore unsuspected roots of mental and physical illness and a method to cast out these energies, with detailed stories of these remarkable healings. Another well-developed method of healing emotions and family issues along with ancestry is known as Family Constellation work, founded by German therapist Bert Hellinger. It is based on the concept that guilt and lack of acceptance drive the individual to seek to belong. Also the Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson to address a myriad of physical issues with their underlying causes that may include past lives and trapped emotions. There are many trained professionals in each of these modalities. I am familiar with and exposed to their tremendous healing capabilities and recommend these therapies in general.

As you face your own dramas, however, it is important to consider what would happen if you moved into wonder. “I wonder where the money will come from to cover the rent?” You don’t ask yourself expecting an immediate answer, but pose the question as if your unseen helpers and the matrix of your life will produce the answer. You do not have to know how this will work out. When you move into wonder you give the universe something to work with—because you’ve moved into solution energy, which becomes a healing energy in your life. “I wonder how I can get more out of my life?” “I wonder how I will get this project done?” Consider multiple solutions. Brainstorm with others, and let all restraint be removed.

As you practice these new approaches, your confidence in yourself will grow. Using energy to heal emotionally and physically will expand your heart. It is no surprise then, that the most profound healing energy quotes discuss the wonder of the heart’s ability to influence the world around us. Let the universe surprise you. Tell yourself, “I expect to be amazed.”

The Tide Has Gone Out

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The tide has gone out … your karmic entanglements can no longer pull you out to the sea of drama, misinformation and mistakes. You are now free from the “ocean of permission,” where your power was taken away or you gave it away, maybe it was an inadvertent surrender.

That ‘sea of drama’ can tug and pull on you like a freshly opened snack (think of your favorite crunchy snack). Say to yourself, “I’m done with the game and I’m eager to move into the role of personal responsibility, humility and love.” Let each us find our way through this amazing transition.

I have a friend whose house burned to the ground on Christmas Day. Her father, a psychiatrist, thought it was ok to burn Christmas wrapping paper in the fireplace. The creosote caught first and escaped out the chimney, then landed on the roof, and the house was gone in less than 30 minutes. My friend commanded her dad to leave now, as he had no idea of the danger they were in! They managed to get out of their house… barely.

Have you got a friend that is telling you your situation is dire, and you are still living with it thinking you can fix it? Pay attention. If you do not act when your guidance talks to you, or your like-minded friends do, you may have a setback! You may sustain losses, yet those losses may be necessary.

Our world is filled with so many material possessions that some families will have a special “gifting day” with their children to let the child choose what to keep and what to give away. They call it “make room for new toys.” In this way, letting go becomes a joyful celebration!

Not all letting go will be a celebration, but any letting go will make an improvement in your life. As you look at your own life, your beliefs, policies and attitudes may need a makeover. Choose to “let go” of your need to be right. Choose to let go of your old ways of doing things. Even when there’s a new and better way, you may resist the change because it requires you to learn new things.

When you get a new car, you must learn how to operate it, and familiarize yourself with the updated features. Some of your knowledge will be transferable, some of it won’t. However, enjoying the ability to go places without worry of the break downs your old car had, you can really relax into it.

During this time of renewal and breakthrough, please give yourself time to relax, to regroup, and to re-think your priorities. Your life is important. You are important. You will want to stick around for the upleveling of humanity. Remember someone has to uplevel first – it may as well be you! Remember the tide has gone out. Be ready for the incoming!

This Month’s Free Gift is:
Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity
This month’s free meditation is Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity. Channeled directly
from the Akashic Records, this meditation is a ‘must have’ for anyone! Tap into the river of
unlimited opportunity to manifest all you desire. Learn to create, not from want but joy, not
demand but desire, bringing forth new ideas, opportunities and solutions. The River of Golden
Opportunity replaces the energy of limitation with unlimited awareness, unlimited abundance,
unlimited love. Dance in the River and fill your heart every day with wealth from beyond our
universe. It is always available to you. We receive it when we call it in

You Are Magical

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There is only one you, magical you. This month I am so very grateful for your interest in this work, and your willingness to grow and learn with me. Everyone of us is “aging.” Not into “old age” – instead we are growing into the NEW age, and we are doing this together! A wonderful quote from one of the people I admire, Steven Gundry says, “Die young at a ripe old age.” I like it! What’s even more delightful for me, is I am attracting friends that have announced, as I have, that they intend to live to age 160 – or more! I am talking about a HEALTHY young 150. Sounds preposterous? Well, friends are telling me I’m seriously looking younger. And I feel younger too! So can you.
Even though the physical traditions will tell you, “You cannot take it with you.” The spiritual teaching that I believe says that you CAN take your spiritual mastery with you, and each of us does! That’s why emotional clearing is so good for us, as it removes the barriers to achieving our spiritual goals and mastery.
Each and every one of us is irreplaceable. I love interacting with you and supporting your spiritual growth. Each year I create a special event where we do our annual “Youthing” event. I’m a big fan of walking – and it turns out that researchers at the University of Georgia found a relationship between walking and cognitive function, even after a short walk of 6 minutes! We need to walk to exercise our brains! We also need to walk to get connected with mother nature, who is one of our biggest fans! This will improve our meditations, our attitude and our brains.
So, in this month, as we focus on our gratitude and we move our awareness toward the holidays and thanksgiving, I first want to join hands with my marvelous staff, and say thank you, to you, for allowing us to serve you. We have been reinventing ourselves for the past year, and are hoping to continue to serve you better.  We are growing and changing and evolving right along with you. We hope our offerings will serve you even better in the future! We are creating and hibernating as we move through this Mars retrograde.
What’s Mars retrograde good for? It’s good for all sorts of re-thinking and re-inventing. It impacts us for six weeks every two years. It is a “template” to set the stage for improving our direction, getting out of habits that no longer serve us, and choosing what to keep doing and what to change.
Mars retrograde invites major change. Change is hard for some. I considered myself pretty flexible, until I realized recently that I was stuck doing things the “old way” because it felt safe! Then I realized that I was holding myself too tightly in old patterns and it would be ok to let go! Additionally, as I was “deciding” on something, I actually was shown by one of the members of my annual program, The Ascension Institute, Nicole, that “deciding” was killing something off, and I didn’t need to kill anything (think pesticide) and I could choose! So can you.
Mars retrograde will end soon enough. (Oct 30-Jan 12) Until then, be ok with “not knowing” what’s really going to be happening next, and keep yourself in wonder. I wonder how that will work, or work out! Remember, you can choose to go with the flow – because you are one of humanity that is dealing with this also!
Every work day I write a to-do list for myself that includes who or what I am grateful for. I like to fold my letter size paper the long way, and write to-do on one side and Gratitude on the other. I make sure I have the same number of things on the grateful side as my action steps. My friend Peg Donahue taught me this trick. When I questioned why her to-do list form had only seven numbers on it … she said, “Usually a person can only get seven things done in a day.” However, I learned from my classes at the Vesica Institute that seven is a “carrier of highly beneficial information.” What this means is that when you power something up by seven (like my to do list and gratitude list) it enters the field with a momentum I otherwise would not have!
This keeps me focused and moving forward. I’ve also learned recently from a Ted Talk by Dr. Amit Sood, that he names five people he’s grateful for before leaving his bed in the morning! AND he says humorously, if you find yourself already in the bathroom, go back to bed and don’t get out until you make your list!
I’m so very grateful for you dear reader! Thank you for your loyalty and love. I appreciate you!
This Month’s Free Gift is:

Divine Transfusion

This guided meditation provides the tools to heal from any physical, mental or emotional issue.
As I was creating it, I was told that we could ask for this transfusion for our family members and
the world. This is why the meditation is set up to invite your participation at each level,
reminding you to call in the Divine Transfusion for others and the world, as well as yourself.
In the case of difficult circumstances of any kind, one can ask for a divine transfusion. This
transfusion from God is possible by direct dispensation. A simple request may be all that is required.

Merging the Ego with the Higher Self using Maureen St Germain’s 45-Day Protocol

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Using my 45-Day Higher Self Protocol, you will establish a 100% accurate connection with your Higher Self that you will want to follow all the time, even if you think it might be a bad idea. Read on and I’ll explain why.

There are many ideas and belief systems that vilify the ego. Our understanding is that your ego is an integral part of who we are. Understand that your ego is your friend, does a good job, but isn’t always right! Your ego is looking after you. Your ego wants you to be safe and happy. How does the ego do this? It uses the past to evaluate the possible choices in front of you! Spending your life sorting out good or bad may have been useful to you in the third-dimensional version of reality, since it was based on polarity. However, now that we are all moving into 5D pretty regularly, using the old system of categorizing experiences based on their historical impact on you prevents you from being in the present moment and locks you into 3D’s polarity-based grip. Be in the present, and your 5D actions and energies will hold you in alignment there.

You wouldn’t be where you are if your ego was not involved. However, here is the key: We believe that the path to a blissful life is in the integration of the ego with the Higher Self. To do this, the first step is developing a Higher Self connection.

If you follow my 45-day practice, you will get you to 100% accuracy with your Higher Self connection. By doing this you are merging the ego into your Higher Self so that your Higher Self is expressing God’s will. It is a powerful place to be—to be so fully connected that you are always operating from your fifth-dimensional self, or 5-D. Ultimately what you are doing is weaving the Higher Self and the ego together so that your ego wants what your Higher Self offers you, because the benefit is clear. Your practice period gives your ego the proof.

Later, after your practice period is complete and your Higher Self connection is crystal clear, it is okay to not do what your Higher Self tells you. I am laughing as I write this, because when you test this out a few months from now, you will realize that once your Higher Self tells you any answer, you will regret not following it. You will probably choose not to follow your Higher Self only once! I only did this once. I was sorry, too. Furthermore, in all cases that I know of, the Higher Self connection will always insist and persist if it is critical, so no worries there.

Remember, if you do not think you can go either way regarding something your Higher Self tells you to do, then do not ask. This is a perfect indication that you have an attachment to the outcome and that it is not a good Higher Self question for you during your practice time.

Be patient. Sometimes your Higher Self’s signal is very subtle. So be gentle with yourself. It will grow stronger, as will your ability to “sense” it. Eventually, this communication will come through all means and senses (e.g., sound, smell, touch, or a sensation/feeling).

After your practice period, your ego will want to be “best friends” with your Higher Self because it will know and understand that the Higher Self will keep you safe.