How will you focus on being/staying 5D, since life brings up more distractions or challenges to overcome?

This is a sweet and fun topic to write on because I believe when we get more challenges to our 5D expression – we are honing and perfecting our work. Think of the professional ball player. He or she doesn’t stop practicing their game. Our efforts improve with daily practice, so the first step is to have a daily practice.

Now, it’s important to understand that the daily practice itself will contain challenges. Just like the new year’s resolutions that slip by the wayside mid-February – you need a plan for when that happens. One of my spiritual teachers, the Ascended Master El Morya, said ‘I do not care how many times you fall down… I want to know if you will get up!’  So, no matter how many days have gone by, where you’ve missed your daily practice, determine before you go to bed, I am getting up in time to do my meditations.

Next have short cuts for those times you are ready and willing to do your meditation practice, but just don’t have enough time. This energy is different than the forgetting part, where you simply forgot to fit it in. This means you know the work you must do and you shorten it in some way to accomplish the same thing. For example, there is a 10-minute-long morning prayer in the book, Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality, but there is a much shorter prayer (1-minute) in the front of the book. Go to that when you are really pressed for time. Finally, understand the content of the prayers you do. For example, the morning prayer is your commitment to be in alignment with your Higher Self and to Source. If you don’t have time for the short prayer, then say this: “Dear Source, I’m committed to be my best self today – and I’m asking my Higher Self to help me accomplish this.”

When you have interactions with people, ask your Higher Self and your dragons to handle the details. This is especially important when you have meetings and discussions scheduled ahead of time. Always ask your Higher Self to negotiate for you. Why should you include your dragons? Dragons are all about clarity, and will help you to be succinct in getting your points across easily. One of the members of my year-long program, The Ascension Institute, wrote to me recently regarding a discussion that we had in our last retreat about how to have our Higher Self & the dragons to intercede/negotiate for us in the dream time. He writes:

“I was in a quasi-battle with my former employer about my final pay. I asked my Higher Self and my dragons to negotiate for me ahead of our next meeting in the dream time. Just finished our last meeting with great success! I had been negotiating with them for months, and just a few days after asking my Higher Self and dragons for assistance, I got the settlement I wanted!

The bedtime prayer is probably one of the most important tools I use. I can tell when I’ve forgotten, or when I’ve just been too tired to say it. I’ve been saying it now for a long enough time that I can recite it in bed when I remember it! Sometimes I fall asleep saying it – and I think my Higher Self finishes it for me. You can do this too. I have included this wonderful tool as my free gift to you this month.

When you are in a real-time challenging discussion with someone who is important to you – you can ask for a time out. You can say, “I’m not up for this right now. Could we continue this at a later time?” Be willing to specify that later time.

When you have snapped at someone – or yelled at them, (usually because of the presence of entities – yours or theirs) and they quickly apologize or perhaps look or act hurt – you can let them know you regret over-reacting. Sometimes we don’t know the power of our influence over others, and our harsh reactions need to be diffused before too much time goes by.

Keep a gratitude list. I fold an 8.5 x 11 paper, the long way, in half. At the top of the left column I write, “To Do.”  The one on the right says, “Gratitude.”  I make sure I am writing the names of the people and situations in my life that I am grateful for. I learned from Feng Shui expert, Peg Donahue, that each of us generally can do about seven projects daily. So even when I make a big list of everything on my mind, I can then prioritize the highest ones, with the help of my business manager, and hand off the things that others can do for me. As my business manager pointed out to me recently, most of us do all the little easy things first – and that may eat up all the available time needed for important things.

Keep a journal. Keep your notes handy so you can review your ideas, and review classes you have signed up for and attended. Use the same notebook for everything (unless you have a “Bring in Your Beloved” special journal of love letters.)

I would like to invite you to work with the Ascended Master Amen Bey who can provide assistance to help you heal your four lower bodies, and cleanse and clear your three-fold flame in your heart – Love, Wisdom and Power. He will direct needle point rays into every cell and atom of your four lower bodies allowing for the channeling of miracles.


This month’s free gift is a PDF copy of the newly updated Bedtime Prayer.

Living Your Best 5D Life