
The Genie first shows itself – Part 1

How a Manifestation Workshop Led to a Life-Changing Book

In the midst of my career, I realized that what I really wanted to do was write a book. But that was too far out for me to imagine, so I decided that the only way to create a book on the manifestation process that I had developed was to do something really dramatic and relatively straightforward that would lead to the book writing itself. I kept wondering what I would call this method, and ran one of my first Genie movies where someone was thanking me for writing the book. Spontaneously, I called it by name in the first visualization that became a movie-of-the-mind. That movie provided the spontaneous conversation where I called it, “Genie in the Bottle!” Even though writing a book was my heart’s desire, I had no idea where to begin. The workshop idea kept returning. If I created a workshop with all the information I was putting together, the book would just show up! For me, it would be easier to lead a workshop than to write a book. My trade association has an annual meeting, and I thought I could serve as a presenter. I also figured that if I could get named as a speaker on their roster, it would prove that the Genie material was perfect for manifesting even the most unusual ideas. Getting selected to speak seemed daunting. In fact, in hindsight, it was a pretty daring idea to think that a woman who had no credentials and no degree would be named a speaker! I just followed the principles and tools I developed for the Genie System and the rest is magic. How did I get on the roster in the first place? I ran into an old friend who was leaving the fundraising field. I shared what was going on in my life. Spontaneously, I told her about my desire to be a presenter at this association meeting. After all, she was leaving and wouldn’t be in competition with me. I also surmised that if I got the speaking engagement, somehow the material for the workshop would come to me in a format that would lead to writing this book! I started out with the concept that I would present to the National Society of Fundraising Executives at their national association meeting. Five thousand people usually attend. If you have ever been to a national association meeting, the breakout sessions are like bar hopping. It is commonplace for a conference attendee to skip around to different breakout sessions, and no one takes the coming and going personally. You select several sessions that you find interesting, knowing you cannot attend all of them. If the first one doesn’t excite you, you try another. My goal was to present such a riveting session that no one would leave, all the seats would be taken, and there would be standing room only! Within 12 months of creating this goal I accomplished it, and repeated it the following year. For my speaking in the breakout sessions, I created a movie where no one left, and more and more people kept coming into the room. My movie came true. No one left the room. We had standing room only.

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