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The Promise Revealed (Speaker)

August 26 - August 29


The Promise

This Summer, from August 26th – August 29th

The original 8th Annual Mt Shasta Summer Conference Titled:

“Hierarchy of Light-Come Together”

Click Here for more information or to register

Mt Shasta Conference is now 4 days. This event will be held in two locations this summer. The first location is The Community Center on 629 Alder Street in the city of Mt Shasta. The City of Mt Shasta has also given its blessings for my Conference to be held in Mt Shasta City Park 1315 Nixon Rd, Mt Shasta. More details will be provided after tickets are purchased.

I am happy to announce the conference will be allowed to take place this summer. Many people do not know, but you can all purchase plane tickets (very cheap right now) and travel anywhere in the United States without restrictions except for mask mandates. You can also fly anywhere and drive to Shasta as you wish.

All services and businesses are open in Mt Shasta, Ca. The restaurants are open & face coverings are required in some stores. We are hoping all the Covid nonsense will end before the conference. The local gym is open, and the bed and breakfasts are all open for business. We are told by ‘Govt. Officials” on June 19th, California will be back to normal with no restrictions whatsoever!

With lots of love and health to you all. See you soon


“The Hierarchy of Light” is my attempt to honor our unseen friends from the higher realms who are serving us here on earth. As many would agree, we are going through some very powerful increase in light frequencies that are hitting the earth.

This light is transforming all lifestreams. I am honoring all spiritual guides seen and unseen, as well as the many benevolent races watching over the earth and especially the Venusians & Pleiadean’s who have taken the time to present themselves to me throughout my life.

Introduction To The Conference

On November 20, 2019, Raymond Keller helped arrange for me to meet in person and record and interview a female Venusian Commander. This video records me asking 8 questions of the 6th dimensional Venusian Aura Rhanes, the commander of the Venusian moon base Clarion. I will share this video and other messages at the conference.

Raymond and I are acting as postmen delivering a message of the Promise of the Return of Love to our world with the help of our unseen friends. They are saying the long prophesized era of peace is near. They also indicate they will be presenting their messages more openly to the public in the near future. Since the late 40 and early 50,s they have chosen messengers for the dissemination of their messages because the governments have refused to tell the truth.

This method of communication will continue until we end all wars, feed the hungry shelter the homeless, create an and honest fair, and equitable financial system based on prosperity and abundance not based on contrived scarcity and lack. A truly representative form of governance must be formed with all of humanity sharing 100% of resources for ALL. The current system must end we cannot let the elite 1% of corrupted officials and criminals continue to destroy our world. We must take responsibility and enact real change. Step up and realize that together we are THE GOVERNMENT. We are not their “USELESS EATER” slaves they think we are.

We must stop killing our world by our irresponsible actions and destructive technologies that pollute and destroy every natural system that supports life. We are not the only life on this planet and for this reason, divine intervention has been ongoing for many years.

Now, this unseen help has accelerated at a tremendous pace with actual battles above and below the earth and in various dimensions as well.

This taking place behind the scenes for multiple reasons but realize there have been intruders on our world for thousands of years. These intruders are finally being expelled so we the people can act as free and sovereign souls. The complexities and details of this information are now cleared to be revealed to the public.

Please realize the most important aspect of my effort is simply to share real and clear messages from the Hierarchy of Light. I do my best to do this free from sensationalism and hype.

Furthermore, and more important than revealing the dark agendas we must all overcome this with a firm resolve and above all with patience and love for our ignorant fellowmen.

The Venusians have encouraged me to share their positive message of hope and to provide more details to the public on the coming shifts within and on the earth.

I hope you will join my friends and me this summer as we attempt to expand the human gnosis and experience and to prepare you for the process as we move steadily into the unseen realms of Light.

There is a Divine Plan inside each and every soul if we could but realize it. Our individual and collective Ascension into the higher dimensions will eventually be realized. We are responsible participants, not spectators. We are all coming together now to heal our world. Please join us by coming together in Mt Shasta so we can combine our energy time and resources to empower each other spiritually to do this together.

Warm Regards

Rob Potter

Program Highlights

We will have a program that includes: • Incredible Speakers -Crystal Skull• Guided Meditations • Vibration Raising Mantras • Qi Gong Exercises • Actual Videos of Many Encounters • Messages from Different ET Groups •Musical Guests •Pyramids Tesla Coils Sound Light Color Laser Crystal Show•Vendors • Lake Swim Time-Evening Skywatch and More.

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