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Jacqueline (Ping) Yu


$165 for a 50-Minute Session


Jacqueline Ping holds a great gift of being a clear channel for her clients who are seeking answers and guidance in their career and in their personal lives. She is honored to be given the opportunity to help people in all areas of their lives – from business to personal, from mindset to problems in the physical body.

As an Akashic Records Guide, Jacqueline is able to leverage the knowledge and wisdom she has gained from her past business successes, her spiritual practice and her own life experiences, to bring forth the messages from the record keepers in a way that provides solutions that are in the best and highest good of her clients.

Having learned English at a young age, Jacqueline Ping is fluent in English.  However, she grew up in China, so she is able to offer Chinese speaking clients the ability to use their mother language during the reading if they are not comfortable with English. Jacqueline Ping currently resides in Germany, so in addition to English and Mandarin, she also is well versed in basic German.

Jacqueline Ping reached the top of her career development when she became General Manager of a well-known British firm in China. Although she was very successful, and made the company very successful, she realized that she still couldn’t answer the questions that appeared in her heart since age 26 – “Who I am? Why did I come to this earth? What should I do?”

In 2003, while still searching for her life answers, Jacqueline made her life wish at the basecamp of Mount Everest – to give back to society all that she had received from God by helping those people in this world who have destiny with her, and offer them her service according the client’s highest and best good.

After several years of practice in Zen and Buddhism theory, she discovered Reiki energy healing. It wasn’t until she had her first Akashic Records reading, that she had a life changing experience. The message from her Record Keepers answered her unanswered life-long questions, and she realized she was partly wrong about our life and our destiny.

Jacqueline Ping decided to enroll in Maureen St. Germain’s courses so she could learn to open the Akashic Records for herself and for others. She soon realized that when she opens her client’s Akashic records, her very high sense of feeling and emotions are immediately converted to words that are a suitable solution to the needs of the client. As she started to practice, the feedback from more than 50 clients from China and worldwide was so impressive, Jacqueline Ping realized she had finally found a way to make her life wish a reality.

Aside from receiving her Akashic Records International Guides’ certification, Jacqueline Ping is also a Reiki energy healer, Human Design practitioner, and a certified Master Coach. As part of her executive and leadership coaching qualifications, she has completed assessments in DISC, SHL, Harrison, LSW, and EQ.

What People Are Saying

Jacqueline Ping holds a very high level of integrity and she only permits solely speaking about or offering any service about the experiences and theories that she has proved by her own experiences.

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