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Melanie Alderson




Melanie Anderson has been ordained in two separate spiritual paths and has over 30 years’ experience providing Tarot, Numerology, and Astrology readings. In 2015 she began learning about the Akashic records; however, it was in 2019 when the Universe nudged Melanie to search further. Her path brought her to Maureen St. Germain’s Level 1 and Level 2 Akashic Records certification program.

I’ve learned to trust messages from the universe. It’s almost like I get prodded to do things. After I purchased Maureen’s newly published book, Opening the Akashic Records, things clicked. It just felt right. Now, I’m a certified Akashic Records Guide.

Tapping into the Akashic Records provides information to support your soul’s growth. Melanie’s personal discoveries include learning about childhood issues affecting her now in this lifetime; one’s she did not even know existed. With this insight, she was able to address the issues and work to heal them.

The Akashic Records also hold information about past lives allowing one to shift how those past experiences are affecting this lifetime. One particular client of Melanie’s was having an unhealthy relationship with food. During the session, the Akashic Records guides revealed that in a previous lifetime the client had starved to death. The Record Keepers indicated that this experience is now impacting her on a subconscious level.

This client had an “aha” moment. She is now more aware of why she has not been able to maintain healthy eating habits. I’ve heard from her on several occasions about how impactful the reading was to her. It’s so rewarding to be able to help people understand how past lives are impacting this life.

Melanie finds it very rewarding to help people work through issues and see things that they wouldn’t normally be able to see. As a channel, Melanie is able to receive a download of information from the Record Keepers. She “hears it” in her head. Melanie also sees images, like a silent movie playing out in front of her, as well as experiencing emotions associated to the information. Melanie’s “role” is to convey what she receives allowing the client interpret the information being provided for them by the Record Keepers.

The challenge Akashic Record Guides have is to stay objective. It’s not our job to take that information and then interpret it. It’s our job to put ego aside and channel the information so the client can interpret it for themselves. My goal is to be objective and as thorough and compassionate as I can be in relaying the information. I’m here to facilitate and be the conduit. The reading becomes whatever the client needs. It’s so interesting to see how each person has a different, unique experience. 

The love that comes through the record keepers is such an unconditional acceptance and a lack of judgment. They are there to provide information to help people on their path to becoming better people and better human beings. As Melanie feels this love, she can feel it radiating through her heart to her clients. They often times share the emotions they are experiencing during the reading.

There are times when clients engage in a dialogue with the record keepers using Melanie as a bridge.

One person I read for got into a serious discussion with the record keepers. I was relaying the information, but she was having a real and interesting conversation with them.  It was as if I was a bystander listening to their conversation.

Melanie’s working career was in information technology. As a retired project manager she is used to being organized, in control and on her path. Then, there is this other side to her. Melanie’s 30 plus years’ experience with Tarot, Numerology, and Astrology bring knowledge of Archetypes and the role they have in life’s challenges and lessons. In addition, she is ordained in two separate earth-based spiritual programs.  Earth-Based Spirituality honors the earth; taking care of the earth; and respecting the earth and all who live upon the earth.

We are one people trying to make life work on this little bitty ball in a very vast universe. This viewpoint helps to raise our consciousness and our awareness.

Melanie has offered classes and public rituals that honor the wheel of the year. She is well versed in writing, creating and offering rituals, rites of passage, and leading meditations.

Earth based spirituality enabled me to reclaim the Divine Feminine.  Mother Earth is the physical embodiment of the Divine Feminine. This has also brought me to a point of reclaiming the Divine Masculine in my life. I now feel more balanced as well as a more whole person. 

Melanie approaches her Akashic Records readings with a high level of integrity and intention. She considers the time together to be an honor. For Melanie, it is a privilege to channel the information. The feedback Melanie receives from those she’s done readings for is how extremely helpful and rewarding it is.

I am humbled by the fact that people want readings and want me to read for them. It is such an honor and a privilege that it makes me pretty emotional. I really do appreciate it. I feel the love the record keepers have, and I share that with the clients. It’s also very rewarding experience for me in my own growth as a person.

What clients have said about Melanie Alderson’s readings

Over many decades I’ve been blessed to have experienced several spiritual readings including a lengthy past life Edgar Casey reading. I was delighted to have Melanie Alderson, a Crone like me, guide me through my reading.  Working with her is comfortable and calming. The Record Keepers, via Melanie’s excellent guidance, quickly brought forth answers, giving me in-depth, at times emotional, answers. The messages were beyond empowering to me. I’m looking forward to more readings with Melanie in the future. As I said to her, “you were meant to do this work”.
– Joan B, Austin, TX

I experienced a bit of trepidation when I decided I would like to uncover my Akashic Records, not knowing exactly what to expect.  However, Melanie has a very calm and positive style of asking the questions and interpreting the answers that put me at ease. She was able to provide details regarding the root cause of something that has bothered me for most of my life, which then offered a clear understanding of how to deal with this issue in the present. I highly recommend working with Melanie as her style of asking the questions and interpreting the information is outstanding and makes this experience enlightening and incredibly special.
– Patricia P, Liberty, MO

I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to receive an Akashic Record reading from Melanie. Her delivery is genuine, empathetic, and poignant. Melanie helped me to discover why I’ve struggled with a certain aspect of my life through adulthood. Having the information, I feel I can live an even more inspired and authentic life.  I look forward to doing more spiritual work with Melanie in the future, gaining a deeper perspective and continued healing.
– Ashley O, Aurora, IL

I have had numerous sessions over the years with intuitives and few have had the ability to connect to the issue at hand. Melanie brings her considerable background in Tarot, Numerology, and Astrology as well as spiritual systems to her skill set in reading the Akashic Records.  No matter the content or the outcome of the message being delivered, it is done with empathy and respect for the unique situation of the individual.  Melanie challenges our perceptions as to who we are and/or what is controlling us. She has such a powerful gift that always leads to a beneficial reading.
– Rebecca S, Aurora, IL

My experience with Melanie reading my Akashic Records was exhilarating. Being only 19 years old and getting your records read opened up a world of opportunities for me.  Most of what we touched base on was what my best path would be career wise. As soon as I heard what my Record Keepers had to say, I lit up with joy and this was done with no prior knowledge of what I wanted to study.  I will definitely be getting another Akashic Records reading from Melanie after my life has gotten together a bit.
– Jillian B, Florence, KY

Melanie is a very gifted and clear channel.  The messages she channeled were very profound for me. What I appreciated most was her presence.  She was very present throughout and guided me through each step of the reading.  She somehow knew when to pause to help me ask a follow up question (a question that I did not immediately think of asking) to help me gain more clarity on the answers given by the Record Keepers.  I was given insights into my past that had been influencing my present. Melanie was very patient and kind throughout the reading and had a short debriefing session with me once my Records were closed.
– Su Bin Y, New York, NY

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