Get the movie… How much sugar are you having?

Who has the high IQ?

Get Fed UP for .99 this week only on ITunes

When my thirty-something son was a  three year old, before pre-school was common and he was showing signs of a very high IQ, I had the opportunity to get him tested, thinking that there would be enrichment programs for him once it was known that my toddler had learned to read. (I used the Glenn Dolman method) I was sitting in the next room overhearing the interviewer evaluate him.

The Testing

It is an interesting experience to know that the particular community we lived in at the time had the ability to conduct testing on children like this. In our case there were questions that they asked of our son along this line: “If the ceiling is up then the floor is (Blank). The child is supposed to fill in the blank. This line of questioning went on for a few minutes until they asked the question,

“If lemons are sour then sugar is… ” My son answered “Bad for you.”

I smiled to myself realizing that I had made that strong influence on him as a three year old, so many years ago.

My personal sugar cravings…

I have had struggled with sugar all my life. I can turn off that “need” for sugar, yet the “reward” part always seems to creep in. Recently healing myself from leaky gut syndrome, I swore off every kind of sugar for about two years. After my health issues were resolved, I felt that I was entitled to have a little sugar here and there. Unfortunately there is no such thing. It can become a daily “reach for” probably no different to any other addiction for me. Thankfully, I’m not a drinker or smoker! The movie, Fed Up will shed further light on this!

My solution

I’ve been using the Norm Shealy Sacred Rings for close to a year. I love the fact that it helps you create DHEA and help to heal the body. YET, the most beneficial element for me personally has been to discover that the days I SKIP doing this 15 minute acupressure regimine on myself – are the days my sugar craving is high.

This makes for that extra incentive to perform the Sacred Rings. Although I’m certified in this technique, anyone can learn it – from the web, for free, by watching Norm’s videos and or reading about it on his website. He also offeres training in it – and certified practitioners – who can do it for you. I highly recommend the addition of the BLISS oils that can be purchased to elevate their effectiveness.

Willpower isn’t the only answer – but it does help

I think we need to decide individually that sugar is bad for us, and that it should be avoided at all costs. Then when we are given a little bit here and there it’s not the toxic overload that we would have otherwise.

What are the easiest ways to decide to avoid sugar?

How do we enlist willpower?


Having information makes it easier to decide that YOU are loving your self healthy by choosing to avoid sugar.

In this regard I’d like to share with you a movie that is the movie of the week on iTunes, and is available for $.99 on iTunes this week.

It’s called Fed Up. I highly recommend it for the educational value on why you should avoid sugar, And why you should teach your children the same thing.

Happy Solstice and New Year!

Year end Greetings!

Each year I give you a little something to inspire you. We are getting bombarded with negative energies all around. It would take a saint – to keep their head above water here – just do a little better that normal – and you’ll be fine. My astrologer friend, Madelyn Gerwick  says it’s dangerous energy for travel and driving starting Dec. 21. Please be extra careful this year.

Take Charge Tune-up!

In fact that’s what my freebie this time is all about – a four minute tune up – on how to take charge of your life and get more results. I don’t know who wrote it – I believe it was from a talk I heard, but I’m not sure, so if you know the author – let me know so I can give credit.

Finally, we close the year with my all time favorite -(and I hope yours) called, Make Your Year a Good One. Part one is the true story of an iPad that was stolen and recovered. Part two is the true list of antidotes to a list of all the things this young mother was afraid of – including growing old destitute! (She was barely 30 at the time!) I share it with you because it covers so much ground, and it is a great meditation to use daily – to get yourself back on track.

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Please, remember to pray for others. Ask for others what you need for yourself, and pray for both yourself and others. We are creating a win-win world and we are learning new habits, creating new opportunities for ourselves and everyone around us. I love this work, I love you! Happy New Year.

Please be extra careful driving – out there.

Clearing Discordant Energies – Via Time Travel

Check out our latest episode of The Practical Mystic, live, Dec. 8, 2 PM PT

We just finished recording our December radio, the Practical Mystic. If you have or are dealing with anger, (yours or someone else’s, or perhaps it’s the interactions… that leave you both angry) this show is for you. Our featured subject was resolving discordant energy! The show was so high – that there were moments we didn’t know where we were!

During the show I explained how to use gifts and time travel to resolve issues of discordant energy. I then led a guided meditation that takes you through it! Both Kim (my co-host) and I were crying in the end it was so powerful. What a way to heal. We capture what the causes might be, how to fix them, and then how to use time travel to make magic for the circumstances.

You will emerge blessed. Catch it on Mondays live, or replays at specific times.

Next show on 12/8, 2pm PT, 5pm ET

Listen live here.

Submit a question for next month’s show, and Maureen will answer on the show.  ONE person will win a 30 minute Akashic Records Reading

Scientists discover a mysterious shield around the Earth!

Science is finally catching up – what the mystics have been saying for a while! Here’s the proof!

An alert friend sent this. Thank you Isabella!



Higher Self Gift – Higher Self Countdown

This gift is my holiday present to you!

This month – for the first three weeks – I’m giving away an incredible meditation on how to connect with your Higher Self. It’s from a telesummit I did over six months ago – where I shared, for the first time ever, on a live call a magical way to connect with the Higher Self, called the Higher Self Countdown.  Click here to get it!

This 20 minute guided meditation was excerpted from this talk. It’s really elevated – in terms of the energy that comes through. It is so special that I’ve been saving it until now – to release as a gift to you. It’s only going to be available for a short time – so get it while you can! If you like this meditation, you might decide to get the course – I hope you do – for your sake, give yourself the gift of learning to speak and listen to your Higher Self!

It’s really a kick-off to the Higher Self Online Course I’ve developed and am introducing this month. We have been working on this for months – to give you a self directed four weeks to Higher Self connection – class. You do the lessons when you want, pick up the guided meditations that were built into the each lesson, work on them for a week, and get the next lesson the following week. You’ll get mediations along with the lessons, all on line, at your convenience.  Click here to learn more.

Higher Self Work

What can you expect and how can you use it?

Here’s the benefit of building that Higher Self connection. You can ask about anything! One of my students has a very demanding job as a director of several departments of a very large retail conglomerate. While in China buying furniture he noticed one of the legs of the table samples wasn’t right. He thought one leg was shorter by ¼ of an inch. He asked his Higher Self (HS) and confirmed it. The vendors insisted he was wrong. He asked for a tape measure and sure enough, the table leg was off by ¼ of an inch.

I have asked my Higher Self about when my children would be home from an event. Long before cell phones I’ve asked if my kids were ok when I didn’t know where they were. I’ve asked my HS about clothing that I would like to purchase. One time my Higher Self was very clear about purchasing a skirt that was too tight. I was losing weight at the time, and have learned that it’s not the best thing to do. My Higher Self said to get and I fit into it easily within a few weeks and it’s been a staple of my wardrobe ever since!

I’ve even use my Higher Self to help me pass a professional exam. I did study for a whole year before certification – yet there were questions that were trick questions and my HS came through for me. A student of mine was up for her professional certification. She studied for other exams and was an graduate of two ivy league schools. She was so busy with her work that she wasn’t able to give it her usual deep study to prepare for this important exam. It meant a 20% pay increase. She asked me to check in with the Akashic Records Keepers to find out if it was in her highest and best good to postpone her exam date. No they said, you can pass it now. “How?” she questioned! They reminded her that she could ask her Higher Self for any questions she didn’t know the answer to. “Is that legal?” she questioned? They told her she had studied well. They reminded her that she has also worked diligently on her Higher Self Connection. “Why not?” they replied. “You earned it.”

Dan Furst, in his new book, Surfing Aquarius  tells us that in the not too distant future we will be pulling our information from within. It makes sense that you can rely on these skill sets right now!

I’ve used it to handle relationship issues. I’ve used it to help me know if I I’ll ever need something I’m thinking about throwing out. The list goes on and on. Write in your favorite Higher Self story! We’d love to hear from you.  Finally! You have a way to learn this through this Higher Self Course! Next post, I’ll share with you Yoshi’s story

How long do you have to devote to the exercises?

If you will commit to six weeks or longer you will be able to achieve the best results. The practice period does have some rules. You will need to follow them judiciously. The payoff is phenomenal. Devote six weeks to a practice and achieve results for the rest of your life. Pretty wonderful payout! Happy Holidays!

Inside stories from the Sacred Journeys

This summer and fall were full of amazing experiences and energies from the Scotland and Mary Magdalene Sacred Journey. You’ll hear stories that will never make it into print.

Continue reading

Wheels within Wheels – Fall Update

What is it? Is this the best looking head of cauliflower you’ve ever seen? I think so too! Look at those beautiful fibonacci spirals!

Look below for our newest guided meditation for you to download and make your own. We have worked on this for over a year. It’s all about reprogramming yourself to let go of all the old gunk and bring in the new. In Scotland and other northly climates, farmers harvest and plant in the fall. That’s what this meditation is all about. First you’ll clear out everything you don’t want – and then make sure you got it all. Then you’ll plant new seeds. It’s called  The Seven Archangels and the Wheel.

Get this powerful, full length, 35 minute, guided meditation for only $9.99

Try before you buy!

I’m reminded of a sweet spiritual – recorded live at a choral concert – “Ezekiel saw de’ wheel, way up in the middle of the sky. A wheel within a wheel – way in the middle of the air!” They were singing about the MerKaBa! This traditional african spiritual (recording) is from the spirituals arranged by William L. Dawson.   I wonder if they knew?

BUT WAIT! There’s more!

Now for OUR Archangels and the Wheel – which is NOT a spiritual – nor a song. It is a powerful, remarkable guided meditation that will help you make the most of this new cycle that’s come our way!

I recently debuted this meditation at Kripalu as part of our closing ceremonies of the MerKaBa Classic Immersion Course.

Every single participant at the Kripalu seminar begged me to tell me where and when they could purchase this! The wait is over. It’s ready for you, NOW.

Get this powerful, full length, 35 minute, guided meditation for only $9.99

You will discover for yourself  it is one of the MOST powerful 35 minutes of guided meditation I’ve ever produced and you’ll ever find anywhere!

Why is this so important now?

As the eighth chakra is opening for many of you (and all who have done the Harvest Moon Youthing Ceremony), you will find that some of your “historical stuff” Karma, that you thought you were long past – is surfacing – not for you to deal with it – but to dismiss it!  Yes! Choose, to let it go. But how? This meditation will help you seek out and clear any Karmic residue that might hold you back needlessly.

This effective guided meditation takes you through the seven Archangels in a very powerful and unique way. Ever think of just one more thing after you’ve submitted a response? Me too! We thought of that!

This meditation is unique because it is helps you focus and then gives you that second chance. First the seven Archangels gifts are highlighted and you are shown how you can benefit from their gifts and their ability to help you clear your history, and then become your most evolved self.

And finally, like a Ferris wheel, go around the wheel one more time, this time loading up new and special gifts to help you be pro-active. You’ll come away from this meditation – a new and unique you, ready for the new Milennium. So what are you waiting for?

So we are changing how we do things here! Look for special announcements when we are wanting to share news and opportunities. Right now – I’m delighted to see how many opportunities are cropping up all over the place to tell us how to stay forever young! (See my favorite things post.)

Yet, as the seasons change – they remind us of renewal and the opportunity for change. I’ve posted on my blogs, and if you aren’t signed up for both you won’t know when I’ve posted!

Nothing is as it seems. Just know that, like the song by Jewel, Kindness Only Matters! Can we allow ourselves to be different, hold different beliefs and more? Just this week I heard the pope would baptise ET’s if they showed up asking for it. Wow.

Round up ready – NOT

I’ve got a project – to make amends for the one time I didn’t object when our gardener said he would have to use Round Up (by Monsanto) to clear the beautiful steps he had built years earlier with rail ties. it’s a stunning row of 30 or so descending steps down a steep slope – and was badly in need of weeding.

I didn’t like it – but didn’t speak up – after all, he’d been looking after our gardens long before I came along. It happened only once, about 2 years ago. This year, I noticed a big evergreen tree next to the steps was dying. I asked the tree what was going on – and it reminded me of the poison we had put down. I was devastated.

In meditation I asked Mother Earth if the tree could be saved. I was told to hold a ceremony – which we did.We were told to put our healing into the tree and also to send it to the grid around the Earth. I had my hands on the tree – and she gave me a name, Amelda, and I was told to pray for her often, and ask for her to be healed.  Later that day I looked up the meaning of the name, Amelda. it’s meaning is “Universal Battle.” Sounds to me like she’s helping heal the damage of Round Up, and I’m inspired to find a safe alternative to Round Up. Turns out there’s plenty on the internet! What was I thinking? See the bottom of this article for one such solution. Let us all be a little more aware of our choices!

The following is from a blog I follow and recommend: They tackle difficult issues – but it’s a great way to stay informed:

I’m re-blogging from a post I received a while ago: I’ve seen a number of posts containing photos from the Millions Against Monsanto marches in 350 cities and there is a fair bit of good news on that front as two counties in Oregon recently voted against Monsanto’s murderous actions. There was no mention of the marches on the news station we watched briefly, however. No surprise there.Image

I’ve since found out that is is VERY possible to use a home made version of weed killer.

Published on May 5, 2012

Bryce shows how to make and apply your own homemade all-natural weed killer, using everyday household products. Make sure you CLEAN YOUR SPRAYING EQUIPMENT afterward, as the contents of this spray will deteriorate your sprayer and seals. If you maintain your equipment it should last a long time!

New Life Expo – Prize Presentations

Genie in the Bottle

Be a Genie Book

Recently I gave three lectures at the spring New Life Expo, in New York.  One for each day on different subjects. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My first presentation was based on the principles and practices in my latest book, Be A Genie. In it, I teach people the secret formula (the Phoenix Sequence) for manifestation, and why it is important to understand it and most importantly how to use it.

One woman, in the class, upon winning the “door prize” of a copy of the book, stood up and said, I used the Genie system to win the prize. She didn’t even know WHAT the prize could be, but was determined to win. She won a copy of Be A Genie! Another woman at the class, Susan, who had been on stage with her “heart’s desire” training and experienced a radical transformation in front of the room filled with people, cornered the winner on the way out of the room at the end of the lecture – to learn the exact details. Susan had shifted radically from who she was at the beginning of the session, no longer doubting her heart’s desire, to KNOWING, she had experienced it. That practice session, in front of the large audience, being on stage with me, had changed Susan powerfully and she wanted to know more.

Susan attended my lecture the following day and won the bottle of AroMandalas, Genie in the Bottle, that I gave out. She also stood up and said, “I used Maureen’s Genie System in Be a Genie to win this!” and proceeded to tell her story. The final winner, at Sunday’s class – stood up and said,”That prize is mine! I used the same Genie system as the other two winners in Maureen’s other lectures. I met the first winner in the bathroom and she shared with me the details – in Maureen’s Be a Genie book – and it works!”

What about the ethics of doing this? Why can’t you do it? Well, in my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with their doing this. It’s likely and possible that no one else had any energy on the exact winning of that door prize that day. Can you do it? Very likely. In fact, I even used it to win a contest – and although the results contained some things even I didn’t expect, I did achieve the outcome desired. I challenge you – why NOT you? Maybe you should read the book and find out how.

I used to be embarrassed about being too successful. After all, I didn’t want people to be jealous of me. Then I realized one day, the people who were likely to be jealous were the ones who weren’t doing their part, weren’t showing up – and for sure wanted what I had, but were unwilling to learn, change, grow and evolve in order for that to happen. That’s when I quit focussing on those people and instead began to notice I could help a lot of people, lovely, eager, interested people, in achieving their heart’s desire! I’m proud of that legacy. You can do this – and I’m here to support that!

Dragons according to the Chinese astrology

At a sacred temple in Japan, Kyoto, halfway up the mountain, is this sacred well, where the dragon fount is.

At a sacred temple in Japan, Kyoto, halfway up the mountain, is this sacred well, where the dragon fount is.

The Dragon is considered the mightiest and most auspicious of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. The dragon’s number, five is the luckiest of all the sacred numbers, so it fits that the dragon is the fifth animal of the series Dragon years. People born in the Dragon years are said to be creative, expansive, strong and lucky, so the babies born in a Dragon year are believed to be the most favored, likely to enjoy long life prosperity good health smooth birth and happy offspring, friendship and, honor – – all the blessings of a life lived well in accord with the will of heaven and the respect of men.

Befitting as an Emperor who would be responsible for maintaining all of these happy conditions within his realm;  the Dragon became the symbol that was reserved for the Emperor especially the five clawed dragon.

The fire Dragon, is a friend of the wind horse, of 2014. The fire Dragon uses the colors of bright red which go very well with the Imperial yellow silk and gold. In the words of the Chinese Unlimited potential or unlimited possibilities would be represented by the Dragon. This is why in the Chinese tradition speaking of a newborn son you might hear them say, “May he be a dragon.”

So what is the Dragon known for. Aside from the things I’ve already taught you about in this blog, the Dragon is a shape shifter and he can change his size from the size of a small worm to being as big as the sky. This is why we see so many Dragon shapes in the clouds, because the clouds or the sylphs are replicating or showing us what is there in the reality. It can camouflage itself too. Think of the many colors of fluorite, because we many of us see our dragons in iridescent colors. It can hide within the clouds and lakes and rivers and then can also turn into water.

No matter what elements that your Dragon may call home it has validity mutability and the all embracing qualities of water. All dragons are Yang but carry the full potential of being yin – in various expressions (like the water dragon in this picture.)

Much of the research for this blog – came from astrologer, Dan Furst.