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Visionary Leaders Lighting the Way w/Lumari (Guest Speaker)

October 1 - October 2

Please Join Me for the
Visionary Leaders ~ Lighting the Way summit

Starts October 1, 2021

In this groundbreaking event, Lumari interviews, 20 experts, including me, in a powerful inquiry to explore the future of Leadership from different perspectives.

Each speaker shares their unique understanding, wisdom and gifts to explore a new vision of leadership, and will guide you in special practices created to help you experience beautiful shifts in your life.

Lumari opens a CREATION PORTAL for this transformational event, to activate the next higher levels of consciousness and shift our vibrations for our WORLD.

Join us for Visionary Leaders ~ Lighting the Way summit! 


Open to the new frequencies Become the Visionary Leader your heart calls you to be and live an extraordinary life.

Love, Maureen

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