
What is the Difference between Transcendental Meditation and the MerKaBa Meditation?

When studied carefully, many religions reveal common threads. Likewise, some meditations use similar practices. However, there is a profound difference between transcendental meditation and the MerKaBa meditation. The key is understanding some of their significant features that distinguish them from each other.

Transcendental meditation has its roots in the Indian Vedic tradition, closely related to Hinduism. “TM,” as it is often called, is based on silent, repeated mantras—many of which became more well known in the 1960s, when a yoga guru founded and popularized the approach.

MerKaBa meditation, on the other hand, originated from a combination of methods chosen from Hindu, Egyptian, Hebrew, Tibetan, and other traditions for the original 17-Breath meditation. The term ‘MerKaBa’ stems from the Hebrew term which means ‘chariot to ride in’ and relates to the throne-chariot of God in prophetic visions. A likeness of a man drives the chariot.

The MerKaBa is a Body of Light or Light Body, activated from a geometric field that exists around the body. Everyone has this field around them, as do planets, solar systems, and other living entities. This means learning it is a remembering experience for humans. Once they have remembered the MerKaBa, they can choose to activate it daily until it becomes permanent. Undoubtedly, it will.

This body of light is fifth-dimensional, which can be remembered and activated. It is not necessary to acquire it, since it is already there. It is from the future of a more advanced version of humanity. This, combined with the Christ Consciousness Grid around the earth, ensures Ascension.

MerKaBa meditation technique uses 17 distinct breaths. Accompanying each of the 17 breaths are mudras, or meditative hand gestures, which serve distinct purposes, such as creating balance with oneself and within oneself. MerKaBa meditation is guided and can be learned by anyone with practice. Certain moments during the practice, for example at breath 14, are ideal spots in which to find one’s Higher Self. Each step of the meditation brings people closer and closer to finding the best possible version of themselves, leaving the three-dimensional world and experiencing the 5th dimension to start.

One of the many exciting benefits of MerKaBa meditation is traveling with the MerKaBa. This does not mean moving from one planet to another, but much more. It is moving within a global energy field that does not belong to time and space but works as a kind of geometric reference for outer manifestation. Once understood, it allows complete freedom to move about in consciousness.

This means the MerKaBa puts individuals perfectly in touch with the third-dimensional and fifth-dimensional reality in such a way that they always know what they need to know when they need to know it. Moreover, it supports them to manifest easily.

World-respected teacher, author and spiritual consultant Maureen St. Germain has written books, traveled the world and coached countless people in MerKaBa meditation and its benefits. Contact the St. Germain Mystery School to learn more about how to get started.

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