Since 2007 I have been writing to you about the three Earths. The Crash and Burn Earth, the “Do-over” Earth and the Ascending Earth.

Many of you been hearing about portals and Gateways and all sorts of interesting ways to go through the Ascension process. I’m sure you’re getting a little weary of all the information that’s coming in trying to help you understand what is really happening. I am a visionary with a direct connection to Source, and I have been given visuals on this for quite some time. My visuals were first released in the book Beyond the Flower of Life originally published in 2009. It will be re-released again later this month in an updated and revised version.

I have been consistent with this metaphor for a very long time and I believe it accurately describes what is happening. Much of the information that you are hearing about or seeing is in metaphor. What I would like you to know and understand is that everyone has the chance to be part of the Ascending Earth. It’s simply a matter of expanding-exposure and allowing. Many people are happy with systems that are very allowing, but they are not expanding. There are others who are very expanding but not allowing. We need both.

We need to accept an expanding evolution. The expanding awareness of science is taken for granted. No one questions the latest discoveries in science, the latest applications for your phone or computer. Yet, the expanding nature of spiritual beliefs seems to be on a narrow track. It is allowed by our awareness and thought to accept the latest scientific study. Yet when we get the latest spiritual information, we tend to examine it to see if it matches with our world belief system, and then if it is not, we dismiss it. This keeps us stuck, instead of expanding.

Similarly, when we allow ourselves to be very heart centered but narrow in our allowing of belief systems, we are creating a version of the future that limits our abilities. How then do we create and receive so much more than what we have been capable of? One of the tools that I created is a new medication called “Golden Time” that has been out since Thanksgiving but has been through multiple revisions. We have finally released the final version, and anyone who wrote us a review will receive it for free.

The Golden Time is a guided meditation, a tool that will anchor your energy into the place where you may create a life filled with joy, happiness and love. It is the Great Golden Age we have always longed for, and expect in the future. The meditation helps you anchor your energy so firmly that it is easy to stay there, in the Golden Age, all day! (see the review below.)

We see that the Do-over Earth is the place where those who are stuck either in their allowing or in their expanding. I see that the Ascending Earth is the version of the reality that allows for your expansion and allowing. What I have been shown is that the Ascending Earth and the Do-over Earth will be able to freely interact for a very long time. This gives lots of room for the Do-over Earth to move into the Ascending Earth. It also means that you really don’t need to worry about your family and friends.

At the same time, the Golden Time meditation will allow you the vibrational data set to invite your family and friends into this Great Golden Age that we are all creating. This Great Golden Age energy will be expansive and inviting, alluring and attractive. This makes it easy for your loved ones to be gently brought into the Ascending Earth vibration.

Remember it is not our job to push or prod other members of our family, unless they are our minor offspring. I always recommend that you wait until someone asks you about these things a second time. The first time they have opened their mind and they are curious. The second time they ask they open their heart and they are ready to hear what you have to offer. Please always be gentle and enthusiastic but not overly so as to scare them.

The Golden Time meditation was given to me by a member of my year-long training program, The Ascension Institute. Modifications to the meditation came in the dream time from other members of this program. The Ascension Institute is now accepting applications for the year-long training program that starts this fall. A limited number of people will be accepted for this program.

A Recent Review of Golden Time Meditation

Maureen, thank you so much for the Golden Time Meditation. It has become my ‘go to’ tool for immediate stress relief, centering, ‘going quiet’ in the 5D, staying above duality and polarity and surrendering to my soul, higher self and God Within. I have recommended it to many of my clients who also benefit from using it.

Today was my 49th day of using it in conjunction with Bringing in the Golden Glow and Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity. It has gotten my daily spiritual practice back on track and returned me to the joy of living daily life more consistently in 5D. Often all I have to do is think of it and I can clearly ‘see’ myself walking on the Golden timeline where I truly feel at home. When stress or fatigue become noticeable, I stop and listen to it – especially just before going to bed. It also assists in relieving physical pain and takes me quickly to heart consciousness and still point. An awesome tool for navigating daily life.

I am deeply grateful to the friend who guided me to Maureen’s work and to Maureen for all that she does and makes available to folks on the path. I have purchased multiple other of Maureen’s audio offerings as well as her book Waking Up in 5D that I intend to work into my spiritual practice in the near term. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Thank you, Maureen.
– Cathy Rosek

This Month’s Featured Download is:
When the Bizarre Becomes Familiar
(Experiencing Both 3D and 5D)
When the Bizarre Becomes Familiar
This talk is about how to co-exist in 3D and 5D, along with how to understand the messages of 5D. You will also learn tools that you can use to help unify your left and right brain to make it easier for you to “allow” and expand!

Living Your Best 5D Life