You’ve been hacked!

been hacked

Don’t you just cringe… when you discover this about your banking activity, or your email on your computer? It’s happening all around us, and magazines and the web are full of these heart stopping stories! It’s not just in the physical sense, but also in the non-physical sense!

What do I mean? Well, spiritually, we are discovering that many people who have been channeling higher beings, or their higher self – have discovered, quite innocently, that they have been channeling dark energies inadvertently.

In one case, a woman I met on the cruise I was on recently, told me she was a big fan of my work, and didn’t need to participate in my Ascension Institute, as she had a big connection (with her Higher Self) and that she’d read all my books and put them to work for herself. I asked her if she had her Higher Self connection going. She said yes, so I congratulated her, and wished her well. She didn’t seem to be seeking my advice at that time, even though she was thrilled to meet me.

Later that same week, she came back to me very upset. She had had a reading with someone who had informed her that she was channeling a dark energy! (Now you know why I asked her about her Higher Self connection!)  I don’t know if she was looking to me to repudiate the other channeler or not… but I said to her that I had thought that when I met her.

Since she hadn’t asked my opinion in that first conversation – I didn’t feel it was my place to share my suspicions! This keeps happening, over and over, in the recent six months. It may be in the excitement to be a conveyor of otherworldly messages that individuals are inadvertently allowing “frauds” to take the place of their Higher Self. We keep getting calls from people who don’t understand what’s going on for them until they speak with us and it comes out!

Now it’s time for your own safety check. If you think you are bringing in really good information, it still could be an entity that is setting you up to follow or believe everything else it may tell you. Your Higher Self will never tell you to break the law, or do anything untoward towards anyone! Your Higher Self can and will advise you “counter-intuitively” to take action when your ego doesn’t want to do this!

For example, when I was still working in my corporate job, my Higher Self told me to call the reporter that covered my subject area when I was trying to get a story about my non-profit in the news! I responded back to my Higher Self, “No, it’s 4:55 PM, I want to go home and eat dinner, I’m hungry.” Again, my Higher Self directed me to make the call. I was thinking, “I’ve called this guy a half dozen times all day with no results; besides, my kids are waiting for me to fix dinner!” A third time, “Call the reporter.” came the response from my Higher Self.  I’ve learned over the years, that it’s ok to argue with your Higher Self, but if the instruction arrives three times, I am going to take the action instructed.

I called the reporter. Amazingly, he answered the phone! “Maureen, how could you possibly know I would be here at this time, I’m never here at this time!” All I could do was laugh, since I wasn’t about to tell him my Higher Self insisted! The best part of this example is that my story made the front page of the largest newspaper in the state the following morning!

How can you know for sure if it’s your Higher Self giving you the guidance you receive? You can ask. You can go through the protocol, for six weeks, and then every time information comes in you can ask your Higher Self, “Higher Self, is this my Higher Self telling me to…” (fill in the blank with the action step that you were given.)

Your Higher Self is YOU. Your Higher Self is plugged into the cosmos, and you, and knows what you care about as well as what’s going on around you. The earlier times in my day when I called the reporter with no result, I hadn’t thought about checking in with my Higher Self, yet my Higher Self was tuned into my need to get in touch with him, and gave me the precise time to call to make that happen!

Do you always follow through with what your Higher Self tells you? If not, you truly do not trust your Higher Self, you are just following it when it is convenient! If you cannot answer, 100%, then you really don’t trust your Higher Self, and you truly don’t believe your Higher Self is your Higher Self! How else can you know if you have a good connection with your Higher Self?

The only way to prove to yourself that you have a good connection – and that you haven’t been hacked – is to do the Higher Self protocol. Six easy, fun weeks of practice, asking only about unimportant steps to take. Always asking in the following way, “Higher Self is it in my highest and best good to take this action? (filling in the action step you are considering.) You always ask about things you are willing to do. Don’t “test” your Higher Self by asking predictive questions, or things you are not willing to do. Don’t ask about eating meat if you are a committed vegan! Don’t ask about quitting smoking during your six weeks of practice.

Once you have your Higher Self signals, and you do this by going into meditation and asking your Higher Self for your “yes”, “no”, and neutral, then play with your Higher Self for the next six weeks with unimportant, insignificant actions. (i.e. clothes, routes to take, food to eat, etc.) Be playful, don’t make it about anything important, and set aside your pendulum and other divination tools. Always follow through. If you ask your Higher Self about a yummy looking dessert and your Higher Self says “no.” you tell the waitress, “No, thank you!”

After six weeks new DNA kicks in, and you’ll have a good pattern put into place. Then you won’t have to trust your Higher Self, you’ll know that your Higher Self always has your back. Your Higher Self always will give you the ideal answer even when your personality thinks otherwise. So, what are you waiting for? If you already know this and do this, then tell your friends!

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The Emotional Body

the emotional body

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety seem to be constants in our lives, finding moments of solace and inner peace has become more crucial than ever. Guided meditation, a powerful mindfulness practice, has emerged as a beacon of serenity amid the chaos. Online guided meditations have gained immense popularity, offering a convenient way to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and rejuvenation. In this article, we delve into the realm of guided meditation, exploring its essence, benefits, and the transformative experience it offers.

Understanding Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a structured form of meditation where a narrator, often referred to as

Part 4 of a four-part series.

This is the last in a series of articles about the four lower bodies. In the esoteric (secret) work there are at least 10 bodies that are part of our creation. These ten bodies are related to the planets and the sephira of the Tree of Life. Because the higher finer bodies are not affected or influenced adversely by the human condition, we are only dealing with the four lower bodies. This article will deal with the emotional body.

As emphasized in previous articles, the four lower bodies are affected by the human personality. The etheric body is the “body electric” and is related to the Fire element (the other elements, Earth – physical body; Air – mental body; Water – emotional body). According to Joseph Polanski, “Each of these bodies is under the dominion of an Archangel. The etheric body, by Archangel Michael. The mental body by Archangel Raphael. The feeling body by Archangel Gabriel. And, the physical body by Archangel Uriel.”

Gabriel can be called upon to help you balance your emotions. He is the great communicator, having been the messenger that brought the news of pregnancy to both Mother Mary and her cousin Anne. My two meditations to the Seven Archangels can help you with all of your four lower bodies. (Rainbow Angel Meditation has the corresponding biblical references, and The Seven Archangels and the Wheel is a very healing and proactive reminder of the power found within your requests to the Archangels!)

The Emotional Body is related to the planet Venus – and many of us can relate to that well known book by John Gray, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Certainly, for women, we seem to be more in touch with our feeling nature, ergo, the Emotional Body than our fine counterparts!

Emotions are chi that you have filled with a purpose. E-motion is the ability to qualify or “color” chi (God Energy) based on your unique God Spark that makes chi colored with a specific energy. Qualifying chi into emotion is one of the things that humans do well.

Robert Monroe, founder of the Monroe Institute, named emotional energy loosh. Loosh can be a fuel source for the energies that would have you fail. Loosh, being life force energy (chi, imbued with a purpose), can be either uplifting or down lowering referring to the emotional energy radiated by humans (and animals) who are in dire circumstances. And so, “loosh,” in this usage, describes a negative experiential spectrum. However, there is elevating loosh as we will see as well!

The Dark Side

Loosh from painful and difficult circumstances can be a fuel for the dark forces (for not-God energies) since it contains both the God Spark and the human creative spark. It’s a picnic near an anthill. Do you wonder who you might be feeding? When you re-experience some sad event, you may be “feeding” an energy that is misusing your light! Some call these ones “the powers that were”- emphasis on the past and now on the decline.

The Light Side

Our planet is being bathed in uplifting loosh, helpful, nurturing chi coming directly from sources of love and light, helping humanity transform the planet. This positive loosh is irresistible and elevating to all humanity!

Uses of Memory

Human memory was never intended to re-create agonizing emotions so that we would re-experience our painful pasts. This is why you can develop the habit of only telling your sad story three times! This validates your experience, without re-creating the pain of the past. When you count how many times you have told a painful experience, you put a limit on the emotional body re-working your sorrow and disappointment. As a practice, I encourage you to pick the three times you tell your story – not to just deliver it to some random friend that may be calling you when you are upset! You can save your sorry tale for a close friend or family member who will give you the empathy you seek!

All the four lower bodies influence each other. The emotional body does seem to have the least number of controls or natural discipline, but each of the four lower bodies can get out of control!

Make no mistake, this hologram we call third dimension does have both positive and negative emotions. Our goal is to pay attention to our joyful happy moments, and laugh and optimize them, remaining balanced at every turn. As you will find in my manifestation book, Be A Genie, you can recycle your sad unresolved emotions by practicing two-fers. Two-fers are a way of creating two positives to antidote a negative emotion or thought.

Our emotions are the strongest of the four lower bodies and can drive our physical and mental health. Memories of sad and painful emotions can re-create the pain of difficult circumstances, making us sick physically or mentally. There are many attempts to influence humans through our devices and airwaves. It is up to us to keep our energy above the lower vibrational data sets that can adversely influence us! We can control our emotional body by choosing wisely our mental body thoughts, by the company we keep, the music and electronic media we pay attention to and by meditation. This can be done easily if you will meditate regularly.

Once we have brought our well-developed four lower bodies into balance, they can be unified into your human dynamic body of light. This leads to you having balanced the seven lower chakras, the higher chakras (chakras 8-12) as well as the secret ray chakras. As your own mastery is developed, you become your Ascended Master self.

This is where humanity is headed, to be Ascended Masters, alive, in our physical bodies, utilizing all of our God-given powers. You no longer need to die to be an Ascended Master!

a guide, leads the participants through a series of relaxing and introspective scenarios. These scenarios can vary widely, ranging from serene natural landscapes to inner exploration of emotions and sensations. The practitioner is gently directed to visualize, imagine, and engage with the guided imagery, allowing the mind to enter a state of focused relaxation.

Embarking on a Healing Journey

One of the most compelling aspects of guided meditation is its profound potential for healing. Guided meditation for healing focuses on addressing emotional wounds, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being. These sessions often incorporate soothing music, calming visualizations, and affirmations designed to cultivate positivity and self-compassion. As the practitioner immerses themselves in the guided journey, they can release pent-up tension, promote emotional balance, and stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Unveiling the Benefits

The popularity of guided meditation can be attributed to its wide-ranging benefits. From beginners to experienced practitioners, everyone can find value in this practice. Some key advantages include:

Stress Reduction: Guided meditation provides a sanctuary from daily stressors. The soothing narration and visualization techniques help quiet the mind, allowing stress to dissipate.

Enhanced Focus: The guided nature of the meditation helps prevent the mind from wandering, promoting enhanced focus and concentration.

Emotional Healing: Guided meditation facilitates a safe space to explore and heal emotional wounds. It encourages self-compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance.

Improved Sleep: Regular practice of guided meditation has been shown to improve sleep quality by relaxing the body and mind before bedtime.

Mind-Body Connection: Guided chakra meditation, a specific form of guided meditation, focuses on aligning and balancing the body’s energy centers (chakras). This aids in promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Accessing the Best Guided Meditations Online

The digital age has revolutionized accessibility to guided meditation. Online platforms, like the St. Germain Mystery School, offer a diverse array of guided meditation sessions for individuals to choose from. Whether you’re seeking healing, relaxation, or personal growth, there is a guided meditation tailored to your needs. These online resources allow you to embark on your meditation journey at your own pace and convenience, making it easier than ever to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine. The St. Germain Mystery School also has a mobile app called Illuminate which can be found here 

Embracing the Guided Meditation Experience

In a world that often leaves us feeling disconnected and overwhelmed, guided meditation serves as a gentle reminder to slow down, breathe, and nurture our inner selves. Through the artful guidance of skilled narrators and the power of visualization, this practice enables us to tap into the wellspring of tranquility that resides within us. As you explore the world of guided meditation, you’ll discover not only its immediate benefits but also the profound and lasting impact it can have on your overall sense of well-being.

In conclusion, guided meditation is a transformative journey that paves the way for healing, self-discovery, and personal growth. With the convenience of online resources, such as those offered by the St. Germain Mystery School, embarking on this journey has never been easier. So, take a moment to close your eyes, breathe deeply, and let the soothing voice of a guide lead you into a realm of serenity and self-awareness. Your path to healing and inner peace awaits.


Written by Karen Smith

Our free download for this month is Open Your Heart to Love Countdown guided meditation.
Experience waves of unconditional love along with uplifting feelings of wellbeing and heart
opening. This meditation is relaxing, and easy to follow. If you’ve wanted to find a way to be
more open-hearted, this is an ideal choice!
Sometimes we are so filled with fear and worry that it is hard to concentrate on anything else.
This meditation will lift your spirits and leave you feeling enriched by the presence of your
Higher Self firmly anchored in your heart. Some people have said this is their very favorite
If you have ever felt like your Higher Self Connection needed a boost, this meditation, used on a regular basis, will assist you in creating that space and awareness of your Higher Self. I hope you enjoy it!

MerKaBa Mysticism

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The past few years have been filled with unprecedented anxiety and uncertainty. It’s not surprising, then, that so many individuals began a quest for more peace, harmony and spiritual truth in their lives. One wonderful way to achieve this state of enlightenment, or mysticism, is through the MerKaBa.

Many different meditations exist, but if you are looking to create energetic fields, then this guided process is highly recommended. In its original format, the 17-breath MerKaBa meditation (the classic version) takes you through a series of steps that allow you to activate an energy field around the body, which then allows you to access your fifth-dimensional self. It is an incredible practice that makes it easy to become fifth dimensional and stay there. This is because it gives you access to energy fields that contain this vibration.

This is not just an idle promise. One of the best ways to get clear, and keep clear, is to learn the MerKaBa meditation. Once you have done your clearing work, having your energy field in place insures you will stay clear. Humanity is now starting to bring the ascended self into Fifth Dimension. Three D is where most of us start. Heaven is what the Fifth Dimension is like and is the first realm where there is no polarity. Think of what the traditional religions have taught you about heaven. When you are fully plugged into God, your ability to conceptualize a choice that is out of alignment with God doesn’t occur to you. Being fully ascended means you have connected fully to your 5th Dimensional self. This is the essence of the MerKaBa.

If you are still wondering, ‘what is the MerKaBa,’ then it may help you to experience its power firsthand. It can make a huge difference because it seals the heart in the fifth-dimensional field and prevents it from being wounded again. It allows you to be vulnerable without being exposed because it gives you access to energy fields that contain this vibration. It will repair your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies.

As you learn more, you will be better able to define MerKaBa for yourself. In time, you may even be able to practice a more advanced 5D version. This can connect you to an expanded energy field, grow your pranic tube, and then center your energy field in such a way that you are reaching higher fields of consciousness as well as connecting to Mother Earth. This expansion aids Mother Earth in a way that allows you to tune into her, and she into you. It means you become part of the solution. It means you learn to “think like Mother Earth” in a way that serves both you and the Earth. It also helps you tune in to your most evolved self.

As you continue to explore this practice, you will discover that directly related to MerKaBa is sacred geometry—one of the incredibly powerful tools that help humanity to unlock the codes of the universe. Specifically, MerKaBa geometry has become the subject of hundreds of books because it represents so many different kinds of information from nature to art to physics. Accessing this information will aid your progress in becoming fifth dimensional. Looking at mandala art, learning about sacred geometry, or using it in meditation are just a few of the powerful uses of this magical study. It is an essential aspect of this classic practice. The Merkaba symbol can be seen in the well-known flower of life image, or Metatron’s star.

Let your heart lead your mind. Maintaining your 100% God-self energy by practicing the ancient MerKaBa meditation. Contact the St. Germain Mystery School today to learn how you can get started.

Written by Karen Smith

The Etheric Body

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Third of a four-part series.

Each and every one of us can receive help from the Universe to cleanse, clarify and magnify our four lower bodies. You might call to the Great Divine Director to align your four lower bodies. Your etheric body is the source of your beautiful threefold flame of the heart (of love, wisdom and power). Even the Earth has an etheric body, that protects and supports life on this planet.

The etheric body holds the memories and experiences throughout all your lifetime. Initially, it is meant to protect the physical body, and is full of love and light along with a beautiful blueprint for your lifetimes. It encases your soul when you die. Your etheric body is identified with who you think you are, based on your history and experiences. It colors your self-perception.

Yet, over time, it can become tainted with your pain and trauma that you haven’t healed. You may wish to use any practice of forgiveness. One practice is to write a list of people you need to forgive every day for 45 Days. You start with a clean piece of paper each day (having shredded or burned the prior one). As you progress, day by day, some names will fall off your list. New ones will appear. This is you clearing out the etheric body! You keep doing this every day for 45 days. Or you may forget, and if you do, just pick up where you left off. Finally, if you forget that you forgot, you are done!

Another lovely practice is the Hawaiian practice of forgiveness which is simple and easy. Known as Ho’oponopono exercise (I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you). This practice is repeated over and over, when you are ready to unhook from your own pain and suffering. There are also many books and resources to help you with forgiveness.

In addition, your negative thoughts, or negative view of life, also wear down your etheric body, which is the closest to your physical body. This may lead to poor energy or fatigue or worse, illness. Many of us have carried multiple behaviors from one lifetime to another. We are meant to change the behaviors and learn quickly to disengage from familiar but detrimental patterns to produce a healthy experience, by choosing differently.

How can you fix it? A healthy diet, good exercise, both outside in nature, as well as an energy balancing exercise like Qi Gong, and of course the forgiveness exercises provided above.

The white fire core of the heart of Source can help you cleanse and clear your body. Can you imagine your threefold flame to fill you with wisdom and compassion? Can you let your newfound awareness of the etheric body as a source of perfected memory, and reclaim your original blueprint of your threefold flame? Yes. You can do this today, right NOW. Ask the master of the Ascension Ray, Serapis Bey, for the ability to do this, and ask for his assistance to ensure your success.

Another powerful way to heal the flaws of the etheric body is to repeat a popular violet flame decree substituting purple (for violet) thus, “I am a being of purple fire, I am the purity God desires.” Repeat this 36 times, daily if you can.

Each and every one of you have a home in the etheric plane, your mansion in the sky! You can ask to journey to this special place in your meditations and dream time. Consciously ask to be taken to this wonderful place, your very own mansion in the sky, where you can be refreshed and renewed. Especially when you are depressed, or suffering disappointment or despair.

Spend 15 minutes before bed, calling to your Holy Higher Self and the Higher Self of your Twin Flame to reunite on the etheric plane in your mansion in the sky. Prepare to be amazed.

Our free download is Mantras for Ascension which contains an extremely powerful mantra, as well as a chant you can use to clear your field of excess emotion and keep your heart open to God. The Hathor Chant will clear the auric field through the four lower elements all the way down to the earth. It allows you to clear and expand your pranic tube while connecting to Mother Earth. The Kabbalistic Chant will clear the field through all the dimensions, all realities, all the way back to God. Both are great for clearing emotions.

This month’s free gift is a mp3 copy of the newly updated Mantras for Ascension.

Your Physical Body (Part-2 of a four-part series)

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Your presence here on earth depends upon being in a body! In terms of the four lower bodies, your physical body is the most important element even though each of us want balance between all four lower bodies. It’s funny when you think about this, but you could be walking around with pains in your emotional or etheric body or even your mental body. But when you suffer from pain in the physical body… you very likely stop everything to fix it.

Your physical body is the conduit through which you receive and convey your experiences of the world. Your presence here is extremely important. As part of the recognizance team here on earth, you may be surprised to learn that your presence on the Earth may be a function of bringing more light to the planet! Being present in your body is sometimes difficult when you have had emotional trauma. Whether you are fully human or a hybrid, your physical presence is paramount.

Your physical body is the experiencer of consciousness. Without a body, you are only consciousness! When you lose your physical body (as in death) you lose your emotional body and mental body as well. The etheric body can move and replicate a feeling of having a physical body to the etheric senses but not to other people. Your etheric body (as a ghost) could also move into someone else’s body. We call that spirit possession.

If you are reading this you have a physical body! If you have a physical body, you also have a body elemental. Your body elemental is a gift from Mother Earth. She bestowed this body elemental in you, to help you acclimate to this earth. In one study done to learn the natural rhythm of the human, done in Las Vegas at a place without windows, subjects were allowed to do whatever they wanted with their time, play games, read, sleep, etc.,but not any timed events like movies or music. What they found is that the average cycle for humans is 20 hours awake, 10 hours of sleeping. When I learned this, I realized that humans couldn’t be from here! It is one more reminder on how very important the body elemental is to help us fit in here.

Physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence of all kinds leavean energetic imprint until cleared. This is why Understanding Your Four Lower Bodies series was created, so you could begin to understand the power you hold in each of your four lower bodies and how to maximize that!

If your body is a spaceship, and it is; and you name it “The Enterprise,” then your body elemental is “Scotty.” It helps to have a perspective on what exactly the body elemental does. It runs all your autonomic processes, and it keeps your body running smoothly. You can train your body and body elemental to respond to your commands with autogenic training. There is a lot of scientific evidence to prove you can train your autonomic muscles, the lungs, and stomach, along with other organs.

As a healing technique Autogenesis has been around for over 80 years, autogenics isa modality, a self-regulating technique that teaches your body to respond to your commands, so you can gain control of your heart rate, digestion, breathing, and more! Although it is not completely understood how it works, it is scientifically proven to help individuals with chronic stressful conditions such asasthma to train the body not to drop into a crisis modality. I recorded a guided autogenics meditation for myself and then made it available to the public. I added binaural beats to enhance the efficacy of the training. I used it myself when I was going into anaphylactic shock from sensitivity to mold and some other breathable foreign substances when I was suffering from lung issues.

You may give your body elemental continuing education for a variety of skills that you may need, health issues that need to heal, and also instructions so you can stay younger. You can have your Higher Self escort your Body elemental to schools in the etheric to learn new skills and to acquire the latest technology for rapidly emerging crystalline-based bodies. Never send your body elemental for continuing ed on its own. It doesn’t have a will, and relies on programing. That’s why your Higher Self must be the escort. I have also activated the self-healing DNA cells that were disengaged from our original divine DNA blueprint.

I meditated for a year trying to figure this out, once I knew there were beings that had disconnected this self-healing part of ourselves, which also regulates aging!Concerning our missing DNA strands, the fallen angels could not steal them, only hide them. I finally realized they had tucked them into a lower dimension, where we would not look, as we ascend!

Your body will give you messages when you train yourself to do it. Have you ever had that sinking feeling when you know bad news is coming, or the feeling of joy or anticipation when you know good news is on the way! Maybe your heart has “skipped a beat” when you meet someone, or you connect with a long-lost friend. My Higher Self Training relies on you recognizing the body sensations that may come in as yes/no signals, which we train you to recognize.

Your body is your temple and that means you can choose to act accordingly, keeping your body in good health, with proper fitness, maybe walking in the park to connect with Mother Earth. Ideally you will find places you can be barefoot, since that offers the most connection with Earth.You also need proper rest. All of your functions rely on proper rest, including your higher-purpose glands like the chakras.

The pineal gland is the connection to the higher states of consciousness.One of the ways to pro-actively give your pineal a rest and chance to rejuvenate is to use an eyemask for sleeping during any kind of sleep including naps. This powerful gift of no-light means your pineal gland, your gateway to spiritual work, is getting the rest and rejuvenation that it needs. This means you schedule time for breaks or walks into your busy day along with naps and enough rest to rejuvenate. Some of you are so busy with your day-to-day chores or work that you push yourself beyond healthy limits for your body, and then can be overtired, which adds stress on all your four lower bodies, especially your physical body.

The physical body is the experiencer who receives all the information from the three other bodies and helps you learn who you really are. It is the fullest expression of Source in the physical. Let’s make the most of it! This brings us to Ascension Symptoms. The physical body has three areas of progression – the upper physical body thrives with balanced rest, food, exercise and time in nature. The middle physical body calibrates with Mother Earth. This is why your connection to your earthstar chakra is so very important. This is emphasized in numerous of my guided meditations, such as 5D MerKaBa or the Spiral Chakra Meditation. Your lower physical body is focused on desires such as greed, lust and avarice. This is where working with the five Dhyani Buddhas is so helpful. I have made a recording of singing their names along with the five poisons they clear that will be available publicly.

Certain Ascension symptoms are now presenting in our world. Being aware of them will give you a peace of mind, even with the discomfort!Understand that Ascension Symptoms can be extremely mysterious and hard on the body.A short list is given below that may be helpful in case your doctors cannot find the cause!

When you cannot determine the cause of these symptoms through traditional doctors or through alternative healers, consider they may be coming from the many upgrades you may be getting in your body. Remember your physical body will become the ascended master you. You will not need to die to make this happen.

Symptoms can include headaches due to the expansion of your pineal. You may experience vertigo, dizziness, forgetfulness, joint and body pain or aches, cramps in your legs, changes in your sight and in your awareness of your immediate space. You may feel feverish, or flu-like symptoms, cramps, and diarrhea,or even kundalini experiences. This may result in anxiety attacks that come and go quickly. Many of these upgrades can occur at night, and you might wake up for “no reason” and decide to use the bathroom. This is often a signal that you are “giving permission” to whatever upgrade the ETs of the light may be assisting you with. Announcing “I am waking up well rested no matter what the night holds” will also ease this transformation.

Remember that as a vessel of light, you are being upgraded in many ways. We have chosen this path, albeit painful. One way to address this is to notice this is happening, and to say the following prayer,

I ask that this divine upgrade assist me and allow me to pursue my highest purpose in this lifetime with the most evolved appearance possible and expressing the kindest and most generous and gentle way. Amen

Self-care of the physical body is your highest priority right now. Massage, body work, cranial sacral work, long baths, etc., will do much for the integration of this new evolved energy. You are becoming fifth-dimensional. Seek not to understand, but to integrate it with grace and ease!

This month’s free gift is a PDF copy of the newly updated Your Physical Body.