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The Etheric Body

Third of a four-part series.

Each and every one of us can receive help from the Universe to cleanse, clarify and magnify our four lower bodies. You might call to the Great Divine Director to align your four lower bodies. Your etheric body is the source of your beautiful threefold flame of the heart (of love, wisdom and power). Even the Earth has an etheric body, that protects and supports life on this planet.

The etheric body holds the memories and experiences throughout all your lifetime. Initially, it is meant to protect the physical body, and is full of love and light along with a beautiful blueprint for your lifetimes. It encases your soul when you die. Your etheric body is identified with who you think you are, based on your history and experiences. It colors your self-perception.

Yet, over time, it can become tainted with your pain and trauma that you haven’t healed. You may wish to use any practice of forgiveness. One practice is to write a list of people you need to forgive every day for 45 Days. You start with a clean piece of paper each day (having shredded or burned the prior one). As you progress, day by day, some names will fall off your list. New ones will appear. This is you clearing out the etheric body! You keep doing this every day for 45 days. Or you may forget, and if you do, just pick up where you left off. Finally, if you forget that you forgot, you are done!

Another lovely practice is the Hawaiian practice of forgiveness which is simple and easy. Known as Ho’oponopono exercise (I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you). This practice is repeated over and over, when you are ready to unhook from your own pain and suffering. There are also many books and resources to help you with forgiveness.

In addition, your negative thoughts, or negative view of life, also wear down your etheric body, which is the closest to your physical body. This may lead to poor energy or fatigue or worse, illness. Many of us have carried multiple behaviors from one lifetime to another. We are meant to change the behaviors and learn quickly to disengage from familiar but detrimental patterns to produce a healthy experience, by choosing differently.

How can you fix it? A healthy diet, good exercise, both outside in nature, as well as an energy balancing exercise like Qi Gong, and of course the forgiveness exercises provided above.

The white fire core of the heart of Source can help you cleanse and clear your body. Can you imagine your threefold flame to fill you with wisdom and compassion? Can you let your newfound awareness of the etheric body as a source of perfected memory, and reclaim your original blueprint of your threefold flame? Yes. You can do this today, right NOW. Ask the master of the Ascension Ray, Serapis Bey, for the ability to do this, and ask for his assistance to ensure your success.

Another powerful way to heal the flaws of the etheric body is to repeat a popular violet flame decree substituting purple (for violet) thus, “I am a being of purple fire, I am the purity God desires.” Repeat this 36 times, daily if you can.

Each and every one of you have a home in the etheric plane, your mansion in the sky! You can ask to journey to this special place in your meditations and dream time. Consciously ask to be taken to this wonderful place, your very own mansion in the sky, where you can be refreshed and renewed. Especially when you are depressed, or suffering disappointment or despair.

Spend 15 minutes before bed, calling to your Holy Higher Self and the Higher Self of your Twin Flame to reunite on the etheric plane in your mansion in the sky. Prepare to be amazed.

Our free download is Mantras for Ascension which contains an extremely powerful mantra, as well as a chant you can use to clear your field of excess emotion and keep your heart open to God. The Hathor Chant will clear the auric field through the four lower elements all the way down to the earth. It allows you to clear and expand your pranic tube while connecting to Mother Earth. The Kabbalistic Chant will clear the field through all the dimensions, all realities, all the way back to God. Both are great for clearing emotions.

This month’s free gift is a mp3 copy of the newly updated Mantras for Ascension.
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