The Big Secret

dhyani buddhas

This is a big secret in from Tibetan Buddhism. In fact, the name includes the word secret.It will take just five minutes of your time to pick up the practice and maybe eight minutes to read this article. I promise it will be well worth your time and effort.

One of the things that is known is that there are Five SecretRay Elohim who will step in and assist you with the inner growth you seek, and the self-mastery that you may hope to achieve. The antidote for the behaviors that are common perversions and that we are most likely to fall into can be found by calling in the Dhyani Buddhas and experiencing how they will help you.

Will you meditate for six minutes with me, on the FiveDhyani Buddhas Meditation? Let me introduce you to the Dhyani Buddhas. They hold the secret to inner perfection that you probablywill want to embody in your process of becoming fifth dimensional.

If you can give yourself this six-minute gift, a quick meditation right after regular habit that you already have, like brushing your teeth, or showering, you will find that it will stay with you. You could add the DhyaniBuddhas while finishing up drying off after your morning shower. This is an ideal time to mentally focus on something besides drying off your body, which probably is a pretty automatic thing. Ideally, you may wish to stop and focus on them, Fitting it into your schedule any possible way is better than not doing it at all.

I hope you are wondering who the Five Dhyani Buddhas are, who their cohorts are and what this means to you. The Maha Chohan leads our list as the representative of the father-mother-spirit God. Beloved MightyCosmos, according to the book, The Masters and Their Retreats , is a being whose self-awareness in God includes all of the cosmos! He is commissioned by the Logos to ensoul the Secret Rays – energies of the fiery core of being, energies for initiation in the mysteries of the Christos.This means, just asking for him to help, assists you in bringing in all the fabulous energy, that hasn’t been available to access! This gives you entrée s to primary masters that hold this energy. In addition, the Five SecretRay are providing energy and support for you to embody these wonderful qualities that are represented by the Secret Ray Elohim and the 5D Dhyani Buddhas.

The Five SecretRay Elohim are not known by name yet we know they exist and they are part of the support system that was arranged for us as a way to achieve our personal mastery. Whether you are Hindu or Muslim or Buddhist orChristian or any other belief or persuasion, the perfecthuman consciousness energy, of the perfected human, is the same for everyone. We just happen to use the convenient name of Christ Consciousness.

If you don’t like the name of Christ Consciousness, use your own master’s name. Maybe you will call it the Buddha consciousness, for example. The energy of the Elohim is an energy that comes directly from God. This energy burst into existence at the time that humanity was given a reboot with the presence of the Christ on the planet. Accessing these energies through this simple but amazing meditation will take you beyond your present capabilities.

There is great value in working with the Secret Ray Chakras. They were secret for a very long time because humanity wasn’t ready for their energy, nor were they understood clearly. The locations of the Secret Ray Chakras are on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet, along with the spleen. In the world, many new tools and dispensations have been brought forward, and are just waiting for the time when you are ready and willing to intentionally activate. This is the time to activate your Secret Ray Chakras.

What will the secret rate ray Chakras do for you? These five chakras send out the energy you intend. This is why you find energy healers using their hands to heal others. Understand that they send energy outwards, compared to your seven chakras that are primarily receivers. You can use them to send energy. Body workers and healers do this quite naturally, but anyone can use their hands as a sending device. You can use these chakras to projectloving energy out of them to send healing from your heart.

You can use them to repel incoming energy. You can push away energies that are coming at you that don’’t feel right, or entities that may be moving into your field. You can also use Secret Ray Chakras of your feetto reinvigorate Mother Earth when you walk, which will make a huge difference for the planet. This means when you walk on the ground with or without shoes, you can send unconditional love through your feet to Mother Earth and anyone else walking on the earth alongside of you. This may include anyone on the path that you are walking on. This connection can be magnified by the energy of Earthing.

Pick a time that works for you maybe piggyback it upon another activity that you do regularly. Then watch the difference that occurs with everything you do with your hands including preparing food, writing documents, working on your keyboard or your phone. This meditationcontains a blessed energy that will greatly improve your efficacy and improve the amount of energy you.

What will the Secret Ray Chakras do for you? These five chakras send out the energy you intend. This is why you find energy healers using their hands to heal others. Understand that the Secret Ray Chakras send energy outwards, compared to your seven chakras that are primarily receivers. You can use them to send energy. Body workers and healers do this quite naturally, but anyone can use their hands as a sending device. You can use these chakras to project loving energy out of them to send healing from your heart.

You can also use them to repel incoming energy. You can push away energies that are coming at you that do not feel right, or entities that may be moving into your field. You can also use the Secret Ray Chakras of your feetto reinvigorate Mother Earth when you walk, which will make a huge difference for the planet. This means when you walk on the ground with or without shoes, you can send unconditional love through your feet to Mother Earth and to anyone else walking on the earth alongside of you. This may include anyone on the path that you are walking on. This connection can be magnified by the energy of Earthing.

Pick a time that works for you and maybe piggyback it upon another activity that you do regularly. Then watch the difference that occurs with everything you do with your hands including preparing food, writing documents, working on your keyboard or your phone. This meditationcontains a blessed energy that will greatly improve your efficacy and improve the amount of energy you have available for sending outward instead of being drained when you send energy. It will amplify your pure intention behind your actions.

In the beginning of your day everything you do with those hands of yours will be activated in an incredibly powerful way that will produce significant results. The Secret Ray Chakras are anchored through your left brain which usually is your active side. This is compared with your receptive or intuitive side of the left right brain. Also, when a woman breastfeeds her baby, she connects to her baby to the spleen Secret Ray Chakras and imbues her child with supplemental energy coming directly through her as an added benefit to nursing.

When you do this meditation imagine that you can amplify everything you do with this amazing tool that will improve everything you do now. When you go for a walk, you can walk with intention sending energy directly into the earth as a gift to Mother Earth.

As a healer you may have been using your hands sending energy out. but what you might not realize is that your healing energy in your hands can be amplified by tapping the center of your palm before you start. When you do this meditation begin by tapping the center of your palm before you start, you will find it makes a difference.

Now let’s talk about the actual meditation. Each of the Dhyani Buddhas are able to antidote a major poison that we encounter in life. You are going to be able to antidoteyour ignorance, your anger or hate and hate creation; your intellectual and human pride or spiritual pride; the other passions like cravings, covetousness, greed and lust will all be addressed and finally, envy and jealousy are being antidoted.

I invite you to activate and integrate the five Secret Ray Elohim along with the Lord Maha Chohan and Archangels and Elohim, and then solicit the Dhyani Buddhas while activating your Secret Ray Chakras with this beautiful meditation.

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With the Five Dhyani Buddhas Meditation

How You Can Make a Difference in the World

make a difference

The airports are busy again, and it’s time to start talking to people you meet in the store, at parties, on planes, waiting in line anywhere and more. Recently I was involved in air traffic delays with a flight from New York to Phoenix, resulting in a week-long stay in New York, rather than the 3 days I intended!

I made friends with the people sitting next to me at the gate before my flight on Tuesday. We’d all been waiting in line, with a row of empty seats next to us as people started to get in line to embark on the plane at boarding time. Gradually, as the flight was pushed back several times, we all moved into the empty seats adjacent to the line we’d been in.

At one point, someone realized that my husband was 3 seats away, and insisted that she trade with him to give him a seat next to me! Then we began sharing stories … any story of interest. Sometimes I look to see what a person says, and end up recommending an idea or resource. But one person in my world, Leonard, took it a step further. He wasn’t on the flight, but had attended an event with his wife, over a year ago and sent me this message!

Leonard wrote, “Good morning, Maureen, I thought I’d share something that touched my heart, and I’m sure you’ll feel it too. When Lila & I were at her friend’s wedding last July, I shared your book with a man somewhere around my age. Lila bumped into him a few days ago, and he told her how beautiful she looked at the wedding and that the book your husband shared with me, I got it and it changed my life. I shared it with a few friends of mine and it changed their lives also.”

Of course, I was thrilled to hear that – and it inspired me. My invitation is for you to share a favorite book, perhaps even one of my books – or my app, called Illuminate (now available in both Android and iPhone versions). Look for a purple box with a golden arrow (see picture below). Since so many apps have that name, the fastest way to find it is to search for Illuminate Maureen. We hope you enjoy it!

There are six free meditations on it that you can use without subscribing. If you’d like to access the rest of the meditations, there is a small monthly fee. The price is right! The Gold Award-Winning Meditation CD, Golden Bowl Meditation is one of the free ones, plus five others. In addition, we put the Higher Self Connection Protocol on the app, and that instruction is free also! At the end of this blog post you’ll find all six of them listed, with a brief discussion of the benefit of each of them.

I’m reminded of a story that a client told me. He was rushing to get to an appointment, and on his way out the door, he passed a book siting on his coffee table that he’d been reading and had finished. His Higher Self came in and said, “Put the book in your backpack!” Mentally he retorted, “No, I’ve finished reading it … I’ll be late!”  “Take the book” his Higher Self commanded. He took the book and while waiting in the Doctor’s office, he was speaking with a fellow patient and quickly realized the other patient needed the book he had just finished! It took him a few minutes to convince the other patient to take it, until he explained he had already finished it the day before.

But what if you are home bound, or still working at home, and have your groceries delivered, and you just don’t get out? Consider that your own prayer work can travel for you! You can set your intention to reach others by choosing to be in balance, and that your prayers or meditations can reach anyone in need, or a particular family member or friend or even a group of people! You CAN expand your light, create influence and assist others remotely. All prayers are answered and can make a difference for people, whether they are aware of it or not!

There are also prayer groups like the Edgar Cayce prayer group that meets weekly in Virginia Beach at the ARE (Association for Research and Enlightenment). You can call them with any special prayer requests and the benefit is significant. I know – I’ve called them myself for matters that I was concerned about. You don’t need to be a member of the ARE, just make the request!

Finally, I want to share with you my thinking behind all the guided meditations that we have on the Illuminate Maureen app. Originally created for my own use, I was always guided to share them with others. I was initially inspired by leading the Rainbow Angel Meditation every Saturday night as a bonus for my workshops each weekend in different cities, and each week, the new participants would say to me, “When will this be available? I had such a powerful experience; I want to replicate it!” Then people started giving me payment in advance for the meditation CD – and that’s when I sprang into action. I had actual orders! The second Angel meditation is called the Seven Archangels on the Wheel. It is very interactive and will help you be proactive in both letting go of issues, as well as reclaiming the positive side of an issue. It is a joyful release and reclaiming of miracles in your behaviors and situations.

The Free Meditations :

Golden Bowl will activate the power center of the pineal gland along with the sinus cavities, which serve as the bowl or satellite dish to “call home.” There are so many positive reviews of this meditation – we have posted a whole page of them on our website, here.

Open Your Heart to love will help you graduate into a very heart centered way of being. If you discover you’ve been “hard-hearted” or stuck in a belief system, or a judgement of someone – try this meditation to release and unhook this stuck energy. It is a sweet countdown from 10 to 1, and back up into the light.

Twelve Points of Light – is an inspirational meditation where you receive a “gift” from the Guides of Light and then are given a “gift” of light that you use to “spread” out in your community. It’s a wonderful tool for anyone who is needing a special request, and is willing to be a messenger of light.

Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality includes all the ceremonies so you never need to do the prayers like clearing masks, or clearing out energies by yourself!

Prayer Before Surgery – is a very short, wonderful prayer to assist you in preparing for any kind of surgery or outpatient procedure. You may share this with anyone, as well as use it for someone you are concerned about, inserting their name instead of yours!

Divine Government Meditation is all about praying for leaders everywhere! It calls in the Higher Self of each person, whether it is your boss, partner or world leader and inspires the Higher Self influence. Everyone has free will, but your prayer of intercession will improve the likelihood of higher choices.

Your free meditation this month is our invitation to download our free app with the freebies, including the Higher Self Protocol. Please share this information with your friends and family … and anyone else you think may benefit from this gift. Together, we all make a positive difference in the world!

Your free meditation this month is our invitation to download our free app with the freebies,
including the Higher Self Protocol.
Please share this information with your friends and family … and anyone else you think may
benefit from this gift. Together, we all make a positive difference in the world!

You’ve been hacked!

been hacked

Don’t you just cringe… when you discover this about your banking activity, or your email on your computer? It’s happening all around us, and magazines and the web are full of these heart stopping stories! It’s not just in the physical sense, but also in the non-physical sense!

What do I mean? Well, spiritually, we are discovering that many people who have been channeling higher beings, or their higher self – have discovered, quite innocently, that they have been channeling dark energies inadvertently.

In one case, a woman I met on the cruise I was on recently, told me she was a big fan of my work, and didn’t need to participate in my Ascension Institute, as she had a big connection (with her Higher Self) and that she’d read all my books and put them to work for herself. I asked her if she had her Higher Self connection going. She said yes, so I congratulated her, and wished her well. She didn’t seem to be seeking my advice at that time, even though she was thrilled to meet me.

Later that same week, she came back to me very upset. She had had a reading with someone who had informed her that she was channeling a dark energy! (Now you know why I asked her about her Higher Self connection!)  I don’t know if she was looking to me to repudiate the other channeler or not… but I said to her that I had thought that when I met her.

Since she hadn’t asked my opinion in that first conversation – I didn’t feel it was my place to share my suspicions! This keeps happening, over and over, in the recent six months. It may be in the excitement to be a conveyor of otherworldly messages that individuals are inadvertently allowing “frauds” to take the place of their Higher Self. We keep getting calls from people who don’t understand what’s going on for them until they speak with us and it comes out!

Now it’s time for your own safety check. If you think you are bringing in really good information, it still could be an entity that is setting you up to follow or believe everything else it may tell you. Your Higher Self will never tell you to break the law, or do anything untoward towards anyone! Your Higher Self can and will advise you “counter-intuitively” to take action when your ego doesn’t want to do this!

For example, when I was still working in my corporate job, my Higher Self told me to call the reporter that covered my subject area when I was trying to get a story about my non-profit in the news! I responded back to my Higher Self, “No, it’s 4:55 PM, I want to go home and eat dinner, I’m hungry.” Again, my Higher Self directed me to make the call. I was thinking, “I’ve called this guy a half dozen times all day with no results; besides, my kids are waiting for me to fix dinner!” A third time, “Call the reporter.” came the response from my Higher Self.  I’ve learned over the years, that it’s ok to argue with your Higher Self, but if the instruction arrives three times, I am going to take the action instructed.

I called the reporter. Amazingly, he answered the phone! “Maureen, how could you possibly know I would be here at this time, I’m never here at this time!” All I could do was laugh, since I wasn’t about to tell him my Higher Self insisted! The best part of this example is that my story made the front page of the largest newspaper in the state the following morning!

How can you know for sure if it’s your Higher Self giving you the guidance you receive? You can ask. You can go through the protocol, for six weeks, and then every time information comes in you can ask your Higher Self, “Higher Self, is this my Higher Self telling me to…” (fill in the blank with the action step that you were given.)

Your Higher Self is YOU. Your Higher Self is plugged into the cosmos, and you, and knows what you care about as well as what’s going on around you. The earlier times in my day when I called the reporter with no result, I hadn’t thought about checking in with my Higher Self, yet my Higher Self was tuned into my need to get in touch with him, and gave me the precise time to call to make that happen!

Do you always follow through with what your Higher Self tells you? If not, you truly do not trust your Higher Self, you are just following it when it is convenient! If you cannot answer, 100%, then you really don’t trust your Higher Self, and you truly don’t believe your Higher Self is your Higher Self! How else can you know if you have a good connection with your Higher Self?

The only way to prove to yourself that you have a good connection – and that you haven’t been hacked – is to do the Higher Self protocol. Six easy, fun weeks of practice, asking only about unimportant steps to take. Always asking in the following way, “Higher Self is it in my highest and best good to take this action? (filling in the action step you are considering.) You always ask about things you are willing to do. Don’t “test” your Higher Self by asking predictive questions, or things you are not willing to do. Don’t ask about eating meat if you are a committed vegan! Don’t ask about quitting smoking during your six weeks of practice.

Once you have your Higher Self signals, and you do this by going into meditation and asking your Higher Self for your “yes”, “no”, and neutral, then play with your Higher Self for the next six weeks with unimportant, insignificant actions. (i.e. clothes, routes to take, food to eat, etc.) Be playful, don’t make it about anything important, and set aside your pendulum and other divination tools. Always follow through. If you ask your Higher Self about a yummy looking dessert and your Higher Self says “no.” you tell the waitress, “No, thank you!”

After six weeks new DNA kicks in, and you’ll have a good pattern put into place. Then you won’t have to trust your Higher Self, you’ll know that your Higher Self always has your back. Your Higher Self always will give you the ideal answer even when your personality thinks otherwise. So, what are you waiting for? If you already know this and do this, then tell your friends!

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