This is a big secret in from Tibetan Buddhism. In fact, the name includes the word secret.It will take just five minutes of your time to pick up the practice and maybe eight minutes to read this article. I promise it will be well worth your time and effort.

One of the things that is known is that there are Five SecretRay Elohim who will step in and assist you with the inner growth you seek, and the self-mastery that you may hope to achieve. The antidote for the behaviors that are common perversions and that we are most likely to fall into can be found by calling in the Dhyani Buddhas and experiencing how they will help you.

Will you meditate for six minutes with me, on the FiveDhyani Buddhas Meditation? Let me introduce you to the Dhyani Buddhas. They hold the secret to inner perfection that you probablywill want to embody in your process of becoming fifth dimensional.

If you can give yourself this six-minute gift, a quick meditation right after regular habit that you already have, like brushing your teeth, or showering, you will find that it will stay with you. You could add the DhyaniBuddhas while finishing up drying off after your morning shower. This is an ideal time to mentally focus on something besides drying off your body, which probably is a pretty automatic thing. Ideally, you may wish to stop and focus on them, Fitting it into your schedule any possible way is better than not doing it at all.

I hope you are wondering who the Five Dhyani Buddhas are, who their cohorts are and what this means to you. The Maha Chohan leads our list as the representative of the father-mother-spirit God. Beloved MightyCosmos, according to the book, The Masters and Their Retreats , is a being whose self-awareness in God includes all of the cosmos! He is commissioned by the Logos to ensoul the Secret Rays – energies of the fiery core of being, energies for initiation in the mysteries of the Christos.This means, just asking for him to help, assists you in bringing in all the fabulous energy, that hasn’t been available to access! This gives you entrée s to primary masters that hold this energy. In addition, the Five SecretRay are providing energy and support for you to embody these wonderful qualities that are represented by the Secret Ray Elohim and the 5D Dhyani Buddhas.

The Five SecretRay Elohim are not known by name yet we know they exist and they are part of the support system that was arranged for us as a way to achieve our personal mastery. Whether you are Hindu or Muslim or Buddhist orChristian or any other belief or persuasion, the perfecthuman consciousness energy, of the perfected human, is the same for everyone. We just happen to use the convenient name of Christ Consciousness.

If you don’t like the name of Christ Consciousness, use your own master’s name. Maybe you will call it the Buddha consciousness, for example. The energy of the Elohim is an energy that comes directly from God. This energy burst into existence at the time that humanity was given a reboot with the presence of the Christ on the planet. Accessing these energies through this simple but amazing meditation will take you beyond your present capabilities.

There is great value in working with the Secret Ray Chakras. They were secret for a very long time because humanity wasn’t ready for their energy, nor were they understood clearly. The locations of the Secret Ray Chakras are on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet, along with the spleen. In the world, many new tools and dispensations have been brought forward, and are just waiting for the time when you are ready and willing to intentionally activate. This is the time to activate your Secret Ray Chakras.

What will the secret rate ray Chakras do for you? These five chakras send out the energy you intend. This is why you find energy healers using their hands to heal others. Understand that they send energy outwards, compared to your seven chakras that are primarily receivers. You can use them to send energy. Body workers and healers do this quite naturally, but anyone can use their hands as a sending device. You can use these chakras to projectloving energy out of them to send healing from your heart.

You can use them to repel incoming energy. You can push away energies that are coming at you that donՉ۪t feel right, or entities that may be moving into your field. You can also use Secret Ray Chakras of your feetto reinvigorate Mother Earth when you walk, which will make a huge difference for the planet. This means when you walk on the ground with or without shoes, you can send unconditional love through your feet to Mother Earth and anyone else walking on the earth alongside of you. This may include anyone on the path that you are walking on. This connection can be magnified by the energy of Earthing.

Pick a time that works for you maybe piggyback it upon another activity that you do regularly. Then watch the difference that occurs with everything you do with your hands including preparing food, writing documents, working on your keyboard or your phone. This meditationcontains a blessed energy that will greatly improve your efficacy and improve the amount of energy you.

What will the Secret Ray Chakras do for you? These five chakras send out the energy you intend. This is why you find energy healers using their hands to heal others. Understand that the Secret Ray Chakras send energy outwards, compared to your seven chakras that are primarily receivers. You can use them to send energy. Body workers and healers do this quite naturally, but anyone can use their hands as a sending device. You can use these chakras to project loving energy out of them to send healing from your heart.

You can also use them to repel incoming energy. You can push away energies that are coming at you that do not feel right, or entities that may be moving into your field. You can also use the Secret Ray Chakras of your feetto reinvigorate Mother Earth when you walk, which will make a huge difference for the planet. This means when you walk on the ground with or without shoes, you can send unconditional love through your feet to Mother Earth and to anyone else walking on the earth alongside of you. This may include anyone on the path that you are walking on. This connection can be magnified by the energy of Earthing.

Pick a time that works for you and maybe piggyback it upon another activity that you do regularly. Then watch the difference that occurs with everything you do with your hands including preparing food, writing documents, working on your keyboard or your phone. This meditationcontains a blessed energy that will greatly improve your efficacy and improve the amount of energy you have available for sending outward instead of being drained when you send energy. It will amplify your pure intention behind your actions.

In the beginning of your day everything you do with those hands of yours will be activated in an incredibly powerful way that will produce significant results. The Secret Ray Chakras are anchored through your left brain which usually is your active side. This is compared with your receptive or intuitive side of the left right brain. Also, when a woman breastfeeds her baby, she connects to her baby to the spleen Secret Ray Chakras and imbues her child with supplemental energy coming directly through her as an added benefit to nursing.

When you do this meditation imagine that you can amplify everything you do with this amazing tool that will improve everything you do now. When you go for a walk, you can walk with intention sending energy directly into the earth as a gift to Mother Earth.

As a healer you may have been using your hands sending energy out. but what you might not realize is that your healing energy in your hands can be amplified by tapping the center of your palm before you start. When you do this meditation begin by tapping the center of your palm before you start, you will find it makes a difference.

Now let’s talk about the actual meditation. Each of the Dhyani Buddhas are able to antidote a major poison that we encounter in life. You are going to be able to antidoteyour ignorance, your anger or hate and hate creation; your intellectual and human pride or spiritual pride; the other passions like cravings, covetousness, greed and lust will all be addressed and finally, envy and jealousy are being antidoted.

I invite you to activate and integrate the five Secret Ray Elohim along with the Lord Maha Chohan and Archangels and Elohim, and then solicit the Dhyani Buddhas while activating your Secret Ray Chakras with this beautiful meditation.

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With the Five Dhyani Buddhas Meditation


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