Golden Time of the Golden Age

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Liberty Wednesday

The Goddess of Liberty has approached us asking us to do “The Golden Time” meditation every Wednesday at 7 PM, local time beginning today, December 2nd, and continue for 7 weeks. She mentioned this time period is very critical and encourages everyone to join at the time. She will be there to support the White House.
If you want to join Maureen, she will be leading the meditation every Wednesday on Facebook Live at 7pm EST now through January 13th.  Join her on her Facebook here:

I just noticed that in my December posts for the past few years, I have given you more and more information about time and how to work with time! As we approach year’s end, it’s time to do this again. I am amazed myself, because I did not plan it this way, it was “guidance.” For this year’s post, I want you to rearrange your belief about time. It may be that we start to re-evaluate our connection with time as well. I suggest you review the earlier blog posts, about time as you may find you understand it more this year. You may search my site for “time” and the old posts will come up. One post is of a radio show that I used to do. Apparently, my radio shows have disappeared from the web and I honestly do not remember what was said, in case you go looking for that!!

I wish to revisit a statement from the Lords of Time, regarding how time is a construct.

They said:

The time space matrix is a flat plane however fluid. It follows the terrain of the situation and circumstances and can be bent and molded. Furthermore, you can sweep your debris or other unwanted experiences out of consciousness by simply folding time. Your first exercise goes back to an instruction that you have received some time ago that you must create in your mind and in 3D if you wish, a matrix that produces a finished (project) that is already successful.

What is not commonly known is that those who are not of the light MAY NOT, CANNOT create. This is because they deny their connection to Source! Their denial prevents them from being a creator like Source. They can copy, replicate, duplicate and so on, but they cannot create. This is why you will find the “accusers” among you pulling from their playbook and accusing you of their behavior! They have trouble creating anything…even lies!

Take for example a recent client of mine whose husband kept accusing her of cheating. He’s extremely jealous – or so it seems – yet it gets discovered that he was the only one cheating! It is a form of mind control and bullying. This mis-appropriation of information is going on all around us.

Yes, but how do we know about this and stay in 5D?

That is where this month’s featured meditation comes in. We take you to the “Golden Time” which is the Great Golden Age that we have heard about, sages have promised it, and every once in a while, we experience it in a meditation or journey.

First, we must recognize that we have multiple timelines that we are “playing in.” Accept that as a very real possibility.  Every choice we make is one of five possible choices. If you are reading this, you are not likely to pick the two choices that would take you away from God. The remaining three choices will take you along towards your soul’s journey to ascension or your fifth dimensional self. The top choice is your ideal, and usually comes to you through your Higher Self Connection. (You can learn how to access your Higher Self through my Connecting with Your Higher Self audio workshop) Use this tool to help you make decisions. That’s your first and primary use of the Higher Self Connection.

Next, with an active Higher Self Connection, you can ask about future actions for you to take. Do not waste time and energy worrying or wondering about what others will do, simply focus on choices you must make. For example, “Is it in my highest and best good to attend this upcoming course taught by this (specific named) teacher?” Maybe you will be told no. Does this mean it’s a bad course? Not necessarily. Why didn’t you ask that question? (Good or bad.) You don’t need to know if it is good or bad, you need to know if it is worthy of you participating! Maybe the course IS worthless. What if you will meet someone important to you and your life in that classroom? By asking about what action you will take, you keep yourself on the highest possible course, the highest choice available and your most evolved timeline.

Now, what has this got to do with time? Since you have more than one timeline, based on the “possible choices” you have considered, hopefully by now you are in the habit of asking your Higher Self, which of my choices is the highest one? If it’s in the future, we would not know. How will you know what that timeline is? Actually, we don’t. BUT we have given it a name, “The Great Golden Age.” This name evokes understanding of unlimited possibilities with the absence of difficulty, wrongdoing, harm or hatred. How can we imagine that?

We start with a belief that the Great Golden Age, that has been talked about for centuries, is a reality. Since time is a construct, it is already in existence. We just have to tune to it!

One example is to think of paint colors. All colors do not exist. When Martha Stewart, the American retail businesswoman, was working on earth-tones from nature for a project, she noticed that certain colors just didn’t exist from any paint company and collaborated with a paint company to create them for her!

You can co-create with this guided meditation to connect with the Golden Time. You won’t know exactly what that will look like, but you CAN imagine how you will feel about it! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get creating. Let’s create from within the Golden Time!

Golden Time Meditation

The Golden time will help humanity co-create with Source to produce the great golden age. We know that the only time is the one we can experience, so this meditation will take you through an experience where you will connect viscerally with the Golden Age of humanity, and plug into the timeline there. You then create from that place, an incredibly powerful timeline of peace, joy, humanity and love.
This 20 minute meditation will guide you through the process, and allow you to invite family and friends into the golden age timeline!

The Phoenix

Phoenix sm
This post is only available to members.

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Release & Reinvent for Mars Retrograde

release butterfly sm

What is going on? How shall we move forward? What shall we do?

The world is rapidly changing all around us. Many things that we have loved have shifted and changed… some of you feel big losses, family members who have passed, favorite restaurants you may have missed, relationships that have gone sour. Brace yourself, it may get worse before it gets better! How will we find our way? The answer is to keep asking the question, “I wonder how it all worked out?” And then say, “I’m so happy with the outcome.”

Perhaps you have anger you have not dealt with. This upcoming Mars retrograde (Sept 9 – November 14) is likely to bring out YOUR unresolved anger issues! Be willing to deal with them in a pro-active way, NOW, by asking your angels and guides to help you clear any unresolved anger… before it “blows sky high.”

Recently, my husband burned a pan, badly. He was trying to help, and turned up the heat to the beets I was slowly cooking to be ready for salad. The following day I asked him if he was angry about something. I have found that whenever I burn something, aside from the obvious, “I wasn’t paying attention,” there is an underlying anger that I have not dealt with. Maybe he was “channeling“ the universal unhappiness about masks and Covid, or about the explosion in Beirut.

Since my husband is a fire scientist, he has dealt with explosions like what happened in Beirut. I can tell you that this was a bureaucracy mess. The authorities at the dock KNEW they needed to do something with the confiscated material that “blew up.” However, four separate requests for a judge to approve moving the material were left unanswered. And just to be clear, this substance cannot be ignited…. It is “uncontrolled fire” that causes an explosion. This is contrary to what we may think happened. (BTW that video that circulated with a so-called missile, was photo shopped. We saw the original footage, there was no missile. Even a bullet or gunshot would not have caused an explosion.)

We are beginning of a brand-new cycle. During these cycles, the Universe supports your taking a hard look at what worked and what failed you. It can help you find what you really liked, and can help you find what isn’t working, with grace and ease.

Use the “down time” to relax even more. Let yourself be confused about what you really want next. Be playful, make lists of what you think you want, and then let them sit… until more clarity arrives.

Now, what else can you do?

You can do clearing work for yourself and your family members. We have three people on our clearing team who do different types of clearing work, and they will all serve different purposes. You may learn to do “self-clearing” and remote clearing of others from my YouTube channel. You do not need to get permission from family/friends/co-workers to get them cleared, as these energies are “not allowed” to be here at this time.

You can find my clearing team in the Energy & Entity Clearing section of our store. I have worked with these individuals 10-20 years each, they are of very high integrity, and stand behind their work.

In addition, I highly recommend Emotional Freedom and Clearing work, since it gets at limiting beliefs and unresolved energies. Peg Donahue, one of the members of our clearing team, does that as well.

While Astrology will provide the templates of your life – You CAN opt out. You can step out of the template overlay – yet your efforts must be clear. It is extremely helpful to know that they are there and that you can work around them.

Mercury Retrograde is INSIDE the Mars retrograde this cycle. (October 15- Nov. 3, more next month!) This means that you are getting a double length “whammy” of review, reinvent and relax!  I teach people to step out of Mercury Retrograde, by announcing: “I am claiming all the benefits of Mercury Retrograde, and antidoting all the disadvantages….” With regard to (my appointments, my travel etc.) I have effectively “stepped outside” of the Mercury retrograde slowdown by arriving an hour earlier to my destination, on two different occasions, on trips across the continent from the Midwest to Hawaii.

Each time, the departing flight was over an hour late departing! How is this possible? I CLAIMED it, and held on to it. Net result I walked into my destination, and on a different trip, into my home an hour ahead of what was possible according to the schedules! This is in spite of the one-hour delay on departure!!! In both Honolulu and Chicago, I was able to catch an earlier flight that was scheduled to depart before my original flight that was now running late! I proved this prayer effective in even the most extreme circumstances.

However, you do not ask for this every day – because there are lessons to be learned from retrogrades. These templates take us through processes that we might otherwise ignore! How often do you clean out your dresser, your computer, closet, etc? Think of the places we can close down and ignore and move on to the next thing. Retrogrades are a time for reflection, review and releasing.

Now, let’s be proactive.

You may wish to use the guided meditation, “Letting Go of Anything.” This will also assist you in releasing something that you are incredibly attached to and afraid of letting go.

This is also a wonderful time to step into your sovereignty – your true authentic self. When you are truly in your sovereignty you become resilient to invaders, disease, attacks, and attempts (by others) to control you. This makes it ideal for individuals who are living or working with powerful people who don’t always listen to you. You also can, and ought to, hold yourself accountable – so that you can achieve anything you want.

So how do you step into and stay in your sovereignty? You can call upon the Goddess of Liberty. You might also get an “Orion Disc” from the Vibranz company. This disc will hold the human frequency, allowing you to step into your highest potential possible at the time.

What does the Orion Disc do? It a pendant that you can wear on your neck or put into your pocket. It’s first mission is to remove all obstacles preventing you being your most evolved self. Equivalent of “ET calling home.” It also permits your heart center to express true compassion through communications that are firm, yet kind, strong, yet powerful, empowering you to your authentic true self while wearing it.

You may have to ‘ease into’ your newfound inner sovereignty. This means that for everyone – there will be times that the Orion disc may be uncomfortable to wear. You must honor that. However, the longer you wear it, the more integrated this energy becomes.

In addition, this disc can inspire your creativity, and may be so stimulating that it could keep you up at night. If this is true, give yourself a break and put it close by, but not on your body. Perhaps at the head of your pillow or on your nightstand.

I found that the Orion Disc added an incredible improvement in my capacity to channel information during Akashic Records Sessions. While I’m an excellent channel, this amped up my capacity to deliver what my clients needed while in the Akashic Records. Used alone, I found that it improved my stretching and Qi Gong exercise. I can get more out of my workout – wearing it alone without the other pendants.

Disclaimer: if you use my link I will make a commission on this sale. You can learn more about the Orion disc and all of the other wonderful Vibranz tools at

It is essential that you not try to save the world or yourself in one fell swoop. You didn’t get where you are at by teleporting. Humans took one step at a time. Be kind to yourself and keep doing clearing work – that will help you unhook from obstacles.

My free download this month, Release and Reinvent, will take you through a guided meditation that will assist you, during this cycle of Mars retrograde, in this process of releasing the old and recovering your authentic self and along the way creating the new emerging you.


A Nation of Inspiration!!

goddess of liberty

Dear Friends and Family,

The Nation of Inspiration meditation is an opportunity to join the prayers for Americans, all Americans. We all need to be keeping our hearts open, and our spirits high – so please share this meditation with your friends and family. There is strength in numbers!

We recently recorded the Nation of Inspiration meditation during a live Zoom event. We had over 1300 people participate in this amazing meditation! As a group, we funded the reality with abundance, faith, fortitude, wisdom and love – producing a vision of the future for a Nation of Inspiration, and at the same time, assisting each other in achieving their vision for life, liberty and justice.

I have since been given additional information that you can use as you continue to do the Nation of Inspiration meditation.

Please incorporate the following into the existing meditation: 

– Ask the Goddess of Liberty to anchor the energy into the stature first.  There is an energetic “cube” inside the Statue of Liberty, which you will activate.

– Then ask for the flame of illumination to ignite the “flame” of the statue. Connect with the flame, and take it back to your heart chakra.

– Allow the flame of illumination to burn throughout your body. This fire helps to release all of your limitations and shackles in your consciousness, and enables you to liberate and awaken your free consciousness.

– Expand this flame of illumination energy to cover the earth, and ask the Goddess of Liberty to strengthen the energy matrix in the US.

– Multiply it by each of the statues (and any more that you know about.)

And remember “Once is not enough.” The Goddess of Liberty is imploring us to do this meditation again and again – multiple times a week!!

The meditation is 40 minutes, so if you’ve done it once, then you may want to jump to the 20 minute mark, and skip all the explanations!!!

Thanks for your continued efforts to pray for our highest and best solution without bias.

Love, Your Friend,
The Practical Mystic

Free Monthly Download
We also have a free monthly download that is offered with each month’s new blog post. Sign up to get these downloads directly in your inbox!

12 Points of Highly Focused Light

Earth fireball

An amazing thing happened to me yesterday on my walk – two birds were walking on the fence next to me! The little starling and the much bigger pigeon were vying for my attention! At first I ignored it, but they were keeping up with me, on the fence next to where I was walking, and not flying away. I wondered if the pigeon was injured. So I stopped and looked at the pigeon, are you trying to tell me something? I felt the thought of the bird, we are so grateful for what you are doing to “clean” up the energy! I said this out loud, is that what you are trying to say? With that the bird flew off! It was remarkable, as wild birds avoid humans, especially if we are moving around like I was!

Several weeks ago, I had a similar interaction with a squirrel in the park. In this experience, I was trying to avoid the little squirrel who kept charging in front of me, and stopping. I’m trying to get out of the way, he keeps darting directly in front of me, stopping and looking at me! I finally stopped moving, acknowledge him, and he/she acknowledges me! I asked him, was he expressing gratitude? “Yes.” And he darts off! Why was this happening?

Enter the 12 Points of Highly Focused Light

The planet needs your love and light. Humanity needs your help! I was given this idea by one of the members of my Ascension Institute who was told in a meditation that she must ask me to create a meditation around the following idea.

Rain, as she is called, and who lives in China, was given specific instructions regarding the 12 points of light that we can access. She was escorted in her meditation to a place she had never heard of, Mt. Edith.This is in the Canadian Rockies, in Jasper National Park. She was then shown the glacier, Angel Glacier, that sits on one side of the mountain!

I’ve been working with this meditation for a few weeks when I discovered that another member of the Ascension Institute was also given a special location which we confirmed as one of the 12 points of Highly Focused light, the Maldives. In her inner work, she was given the information that the Maldives are the “activation chamber” of this energy. What does all this mean?

It means that a group of ET’s (extra terrestrials) found a way to anchor Highly Focused Light into the planet for Humans to use, transport and share. Most everyone on the planet is aware that we need more light to put an end to the destruction, health issues and more that surround us. The emphasis here is NOT to work on a specific solution, but to supply enough light that the highest and best solution in any given situation percolates up for all to see, and choose!


In 5D and higher dimensions there is no polarity. ”We do not see good or bad, right or wrong like it is seen on earth, ” they tell us. On earth, humans were granted full access to choose the dark. Mankind was allowed to mingle with dark energies and to challenge and create new solutions. This was part of the free-will experiment.We still have free will, but we are no longer encouraged to choose dark solutions. That game has been “called out.” We are in the middle of transforming our reality to only “good” choices that will enhance life on this planet. Much of what this is about is found in my book, Waking Up in 5D.

Their desire to support humans is strong. Many of you have asked for the great awakening to occur. This can happen with your help. We are not asking you to proselytize and loose your friends and family. What we ARE asking is that you pray for everyone in this unique way. This lovely “free” guided meditation will take you (energetically) to one of the 12 points of light that have been anchored on this planet for the purpose of uplifting humanity. You will not be given this light automatically. You must agree to access it. And then agree to be the vessel of this amazing focused light, to “illuminate the environment” around you, plants, animals, people and parks! It will be fun, and there’s a great reward in the process.

Getting it isn’t difficult, but it does take time, 30 minutes of your times seems like a small investment for the results you will be achieving. You will be asked to go on a guided meditation, that will take you to one of the 12 points of light that have been anchored with this amazing energy. You then fill your “vessel” with this light and disperse it to your neighborhoods, parks, workplace and homes. You will get to choose which location you want to go to. Some of the locations we have identified are very specific, like Mt. Edith and Mariana Trench. Others are more vague, like Austria, New Zealand and Madagascar. You may be able to help us identify a specific location in those general areas.Finally, two locations are still unknown. You may be given this information like one of our membership program members did, and we were able to confirm this!

The Gift

Your gift for this effort, is that you will be granted any wish you want. You will be permitted only ONE wish, and may return to the same or any other of the 12 locations for another wish, and another re-fill of your human vessel to later disperse into your world. Think of the airplanes that carry water to douse fires in the Pacific Northwest. This action may be similar – you will be helping to change the reality, and helping all of nature as well. Fortunately, you won’t have to think about dispersing this energy, it will be released automatically wherever you go. I know and feel confident that you are an important part of this transformation. I know and believe the elementals; the birds and squirrel have convinced me this is so!

Once you have understood the introduction, you will not need listen to it every time, perhaps only for a refresher. If you can please do this daily. I am so grateful for your help and support! We are healing this planet together.


This Month’s Featured Download is:
12 Points of Highly Focused Light
The planet needs your love and light. Humanity needs your help! An amazing thing happened to me on my walk while working on this meditation – two birds were walking on the fence next to me! The little starling and the much bigger pigeon were vying for my attention! At first I ignored it, but they were keeping up with me, on the fence next to where I was walking and not flying away. I wondered if the pigeon was injured. So I stopped and looked at the pigeon, are you trying to tell me something? I felt the thought of the bird, we are so grateful for what you are doing to “clean” up the energy! I said this out loud, is that what you are trying to say? With that the bird flew off! It was remarkable, as wild birds do avoid humans, especially if we are moving around like I was! I had a similar interaction with a squirrel in the park. I asked him was he expressing gratitude? “Yes.” And he darts off! Why was this happening?
Enter the 12 Points of Highly Focused Light
I was given this idea by one of the members of my Ascension Institute who was told in a meditation that she must ask me to create a meditation around the 12 points of light that we can access and anchor highly focuses light into your body, for you to spread around wherever you are.
I believe that a group of ET’s (extra terrestrials) found a way to anchor Highly Focused Light into the planet for Humans to use, transport and share. Because of free will, we must proactively get it, and distribute it. This light will help humanity by supplying enough light that the highest and best solution in any given situation percolates up for all to see, and choose!
We identified some of the general locations.
12 points of Light Locations:
1. Mt. Edith – Jasper National Park in Canada
2. Mariana Trench – near Japan
3. Athens area, Greek Island,Monastery of the Holy Trinity near Athens,
4. Alaska – Tracy Arm Fjord
5. Brazil – Rio de Janeiro – Corcovado mountain, Christ the Redemer Statue
6. Switzerland, the Matterhorn
7. Queensland, Australia, Great Barrier Reef.
8. Madagascar – Tsingy de Bemaraha Stone Forest — world’s largest stone forest. “stone cathedrals.
9. Cuba – Jovellanos, Catedral de San Carlos Borromeo,
10. Egypt- Hall of Records – Chamber below the Great Pyramid
11. Galapagos Islands, off San Cristobal.
12. Argentina,close to Chile (Bariloche area/Chubut-Santa Cruz region, including the Border part to Chile, (this forms a circle if you look at the map).

Peace and Prosperity Re-emergence

emergence hands blooms sun

Sunshine! Finally, you can go outdoors! Please take care of yourself, and give yourself all the good and healthy things that help keep your body, mind, and spirit in a joyful and healthy place.

Each of you have developed new habits, and new hindrances. Some things you’ve gotten in the habit of doing are just binge watching shows, or gaming for hours. You know what you need, and it’s the good habits that you’ve acquired that you want to keep up, like exercise and meditation!  It’s easy to let that slide… especially with the nice weather, and when the real need to get outside is a top priority!

So now we are in re-emergence. You can do almost anything, (as long as you have a mask!) You need to choose what you want, not what you don’t want. We are being given so much information on the news, or Internet, about the tragedies that are happening around us! I know that we are being overloaded, and if you are like me, you’ll want to limit your input!

Have you noticed that you are manifesting faster? What you think about is what you are creating. The gap between moments of intention and manifesting outcomes has narrowed. Be more focused on what you do want. I am writing on this in more detail below.

Be aware of predictions that you do not want. There are lots of people who will give you advice about what will happen next. When ever you hear of a “version of the future” that does not please you, make sure you do not dwell on it. If you can, take a moment and re-write that future script into a version that pleases you. I have noticed that a number of people are predicting a “second wave” of the illness. When I hear this, I dismiss it.  You can too.

If you have a Higher-Self connection going, you can ask your Higher Self to guide you in your manifestations, asking, “What is in my highest and best good?” I’m not suggesting you ask your Higher Self if this or that prediction is true, because your Higher Self is not a psychic – even though your Higher Self may periodically give you advance information you need. Your Higher Self is the version of you, fully connected to Source to help guide you, to help you KNOW what you need to know, to help you act with confidence based on validating, e.g. (“Higher Self, is this information accurate?”) on any information that comes in! You can do this when you hear unsettling news, and you can ask this when an “idea” comes into your thoughts.

blue background with clouds and sunOne of the ways you can use your Higher Self is to ask your Higher Self about what you will do next, or where you will go next or what you are deciding about – anything you are to do next! “What do I need to do? Do I need to bring anything with me?” If I’m traveling, “Higher Self what do I need to bring?” Always ask your Higher Self in this way, “Higher Self is (fill in the blank) in my Highest and best good?”  You can learn how to create a lasting relationship with your Higher Self with my mp3 workshop Connecting with Your Higher Self

So many of us say, “Should I do this or that…?” I even wrote it in a few places in one of my books! Yet your Higher Self doesn’t really care whether you should or should not do something.  It is challenging to get a clear answer when you use the word “should” so please be aware of that.

On to Manifestation

If you are someone who wants to manifest with intention, your practice to create contentment will aid your process. Your commitment uses peace and prosperity. It is a comfortable feeling. Put yourself in a “state of awareness” that says, “I have plenty, I have resources, I have support.” Become a good actor, “remembering” your prosperity of every kind! It is probably a good thing to focus on peace and prosperity right now anyway! Take a moment and do that now. What will it be like when all the transformations we are experiencing have given us new life, and new views and restored our faith in ourselves and our fellow humans? Writing this – I find myself releasing a deep sigh of relief! You can too. Breathe that sigh of relief!

Next, because you have relaxed your energy, let your shoulders drop. Now decide on something a little beyond your reach. Start with small expanded goals, but not so large you cannot imagine it. Create your intention, and then write it down.  Write it a second time and burn or shred it, knowing the Universe has now received your intention. Think of it like the waiter who turns your food order into the kitchen. Ok, “They’ve got it.” I can relax again. Use phrases like: I have a great time with my family. I allow myself to make 50% more money this month with ease. I allow myself to find the ideal opportunity for (fill in the blank.)

Next you must release any counter intention. This may be too simple for many people. Your “counter intention” is the energy behind your own resistance. Every intention will bring in its opposite. The idea here is to look at the opposite squarely in the eye, knowing you want “the other choice.” Pretend you are at a “multiple flavors” frozen desert shop. You point to one, the person behind the counter points to the wrong one, you don’t get mad, you don’t get upset, you simply say no, over here! Do that now. Look at the opposite choice, with mild interest, and say to your self, no, over here… If you are prepared for your counter intention, you will know what to do when it shows up. Another example is, if you’ve been “looking” for the perfect mate for years, and haven’t found him or her, your belief may be that there aren’t any, or there’s not one for me. Look at that, and agree, *(remembering what you resist persists.) Tell yourself, ok, that’s one possibility. I choose another. I am grateful that my beloved is here. Keep moving into the visual of your manifestation.

Make your manifestation realistic and close to what you currently have achieved in the past. As you grow stronger and more confident, you can choose bigger and bigger manifestations. Start with manifesting, small but above what you’ve ever done.

Start with where you’ve been, remembering that your mind can be easily overwhelmed with “what you don’t want.” Remember to treat all the “don’t wants” with the same, mild dis-interest, and dismissal. Once you achieve a strong sense of it happening, it will feel enthusiastic, and powerful.

Remember, you will begin to see whatever stands in the way, and simply, and gracefully dismiss it, knowing that the universe has taken your order and you are manifesting it!

Ask for help from your Angels and Guides

Finally, and most importantly, remember to ask your Angels for help and miracles. Ask your Guides for wisdom, they have been helping humans for eons, and know their way around. They will give you guidance and direction. They are there to assist you in remembering who you really are – a powerful co- creator. They will help you achieve your heart’s desire. You only need to ask. Remember, if you see yourself doing what may seem impossible, then take the step of asking for help, “If it (fill in the blank) is truly in my divine plan, let it come to me, and I will show up and do my part!” This is one of the ways to step into your bigger mission without feeling like it is impossible or forced!

Our featured download this month is, The Seven Archangels and the Wheel it is fun and easy to do. This effective guided meditation takes you through the seven Archangels in a very powerful and unique way. First the seven Archangels gifts are highlighted and you are shown how you can benefit from their gifts and their ability to help you clear your history, so you can become your most evolved self. And finally, like a Ferris wheel, you go around the wheel one more time, this time loading up new and special gifts to help you be pro-active. You’ll come away from this meditation – a new and unique you.


From Weary to Wayshower

Earth Heart Shaped 2

This year, I experienced a big drop in income as many of you may have. All my teaching trips were cancelled. Like a restaurant owner, my revenue was down 90% and options were closed. However, I announced as I have always done, when down and out, “I have a contract with the Universe, and I will show up and do my part, the Universe will do hers.

Many years earlier when I had moved to New York, I couldn’t pay the rent and could not see any way out of the dilemma I was in. Just knowing I had this bill to pay made me anxious, and then I remember asking, “I wonder how that bill will get paid?”  As soon as those words fell out of my mouth, I was calm. Instead of “me” solving it, I let the universe decide how to make sure it got paid! The “I wonder how…” statement creates the solution.

I then called my landlords, (there were two!) one for my office, and one for my apartment. I let them know I would probably be late with the rent. My first call was to my apartment landlord – and now I had to call the landlord of my office space. Michael, the owner, said, “When will you have the money?” I told him, “I don’t know, I have some seminars coming up – and should be able to pay in a few weeks.” And his response blew me away! “Just pay me when you get it.”

From the time I had to face massive financial issues some 30 years ago, (a husband filing bankruptcy while we were still married, and an impending divorce) I started to keep a “contract” with the universe. I would show up – do my job, as a parent, as a worker and I thanked God, every time I got a paycheck. I had decided that my paycheck was coming from Source. I was clear that I had a contract with the universe, I would show up and do my part, the universe would show up and do its part. I reassured myself, “If this job ends, another is on its way.”

What did I do in 2020, this time? In addition to the above, I began to teach online classes for free. I invited individuals to sign up for a “free” session with me. We did many free online classes. I gave over 40 consultations. I showed up. Our automated online business took off! Our internet sales went way up, and I could honestly say, “I’m fine.” Our business is doing just fine!

Now it’s our turn to step up and support Mother Earth. I have had many meditations lately taking me to the inner earth, asking me to pray for the earth and humanity. Now I’m asking you to do the same! You can also add one additional thing to support the earth and her inhabitants. It can be anything like supporting the plastic cleanup being done by 4ocean, and for sure praying daily for Mother Earth.

Mother Earth… is going to help carry us through the giant wake-up call we are getting, but WE need to help mother earth do this!  Yes, that’s what I said, Mother Earth will carry us through to the transition! There are many helpers who are residents of the inner earth. There are various groups of inner earth beings, all are seeking to get us involved in the resolution of despair, the resolution of anguish, the resolution of anger.

We have tools we can use, but we need to be strong. A good friend and member of my inner circle called me last week and said she was alternating between, feeling good about her impending move and big fear that “it could all be taken away from her.” She could feel it. It was palpable, and real. This is one person who has many gifts, has developed her talents and is powerful. I said to her, “Well, what if all this difficult emotion is not yours? Sure, maybe a bit of it is yours, but you are probably pulling in the anxiousness off the planet into your field, and are being given a chance to transmute it. You know how. She was in awe, and so relieved. Perhaps you too are experiencing big emotion of fear, sadness, will they take that away – energy. Remember that those who would have us fail want us to be afraid, it gives them loosh (see blog from November 2017 on loosh) and it leaves you feeling powerless.

Now it’s our turn to assist Mother Earth and humanity. We can join OTHERS in our meditations by channeling the highest frequency through our bodies, and allowing it to settle into the earth. We are the Light Beings who have the God Spark in us. We will succeed and improve life for ourselves and our loved ones. Choosing to give a helping hand will help you step into your power and make a huge difference, much like donating to a charity – whose work is helping the earth, and or whose job it is to find those in need the most so your donations go to those most needy.

Channeled by Mother Earth, through Maureen St. Germain:
All of humanity has awaited the changes that are coming. Do not concern yourself with those who do not know what is happening. Those who appear to not know, do know. They are not part of the midwife team, however, be assured that everyone is well informed as to the changes that are coming. It will be much easier than predicted, because so many people have made countless sacrifices to insure this day of reckoning, and this day of victory would be here. What can you do to help? Learn what you can to live life more authentically, and to live your life with more love towards every one. The new Earth has emerged, the conscious memories will shift and change, so much so, that many will not even remember the “old earth.”  Mother Earth would like for each person who can be aware to seek only harmony, to present themselves in harmonious ways. To get out of their own way, to ask the angelic realm to assist them in avoiding (and transmuting) the heavy emotions of anger, justified anger, retaliation, rage and to mitigate their presence in their emotional field.

Finally, I encourage you to check out all the emotional healing tools that I have made available for you on my website that can help you heal from your emotional wounds, and help you adjust through difficult emotions. These tools include the Intentions Disk from Vibranz, used with the Orion Series Essential Oil Blends – formerly known as AroMandalas. Time is of the essence. Make this a priority.


How to Connect to Your Heart

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Lockdown! Even though we may not like it, approve or believe it is necessary, it is a time of contemplation, ideally suited for opening your heart. This is the time for unity. Unity of the heart and the mind. Opening your heart is NOT for your emotions to rule all your decisions. It is to create balance between the male and the female aspects of ourselves.

Consider instead, that It is a dance, and you use your mind not to close your heart, but to open it. Many of my students remember a story where a former boyfriend said to me, “Can you think of any reason that I feel such a big love for you?” Mind you, I didn’t feel he was expressing his love, but objecting to this love!  He was confused that he could feel so strongly towards me. I simply offered that we had known each other through work for a few years before we ever started dating…. Interrupting he said, “No, I feel as strongly towards you as I did towards my wife two years after we were dating.”

Quietly I offered, “Maybe we were married in another lifetime, and you may be picking up on this feeling.”  He quickly responded, “No, I’m a devout Catholic, when you die you go to heaven or hell. I don’t believe in reincarnation.” I responded with my completely open heart, “I champion your right to hold that belief as long as it pleases you.”

He leaned in, saying, “You mean like my grandfather and your grandmother were married?” Smiling, I said, “Something like that.” He had his own reasons for not wanting to feel strongly about me, and I knew I would never see him again.

True love is about liberty. It is about being willing to champion another’s right to believe what they have chosen for themselves…. until they find something else that pleases them. By adding the phrase, “as long as it pleases you,” you invite them to change. At the same time, you are agreeing with them – that their way is right for them!!!

This can be taken one step further. I listened to Dr. David E. Martin, a brilliant businessman, economist and philosopher, speak about the situation of the current social distancing, and at the end of the interview he talks about love. He states that it is not love when we allow someone with a “title” in our lives, be it mother, father or other socially important person, to insist their beliefs must be yours. That “you need to do this thing, this way otherwise you are not my son or daughter.” How do we deal with the injunction “Honor thy father and mother” from the Ten Commandments? You allow them their truth, and stand in your sovereignty.

Another area for growth and rejuvenation is the “Blow to the Heart” that I have defined in the book, Beyond the Flower of Life. So, what is a blow to the heart? It is a very clear action (word or deed or failure to act) by someone you love and trust. It usually occurs because someone you love, or are in a close relationship with, will do something, or fail to do something, that disappoints you. It usually occurs around a real issue, and you believe they should have realized how strongly their words or actions would impact you. Yet it happened. They either didn’t realize it or they didn’t care. It doesn’t matter. It hurts!

Confronting the individual may make you feel better, but it may not yield the results you are looking for. The perpetrator (if that’s an accurate word) may feel justified in their actions. They may be unwittingly supporting your ascension work! Love them anyway.

It’s not easy, and it does not mean you should take multiple “blows to the heart” from the same individual. What it does mean is that these “blows” can crack the armor you may have built around your heart, allowing you to shed this armor. The alternative is to patch it up, and become more hardened in the heart.

Only someone close to you has the ability to give you this transformational upgrade.

I call this rocket fuel for Ascension. As we move into mastery, we will all get these opportunities to break down the layers of armor around the heart. It is faster than just about any process and it forces us to choose. Will we be forgiving and open our heart?  Or will we be stubborn insisting we are right. You may be right, but does that serve you?

Excerpt from Beyond the Flower of Life

“The heart is the translator for the Higher Self information. The more open your heart is, the clearer the incoming information will be. It is in your best interest to stay open and work through the blows to the heart so that you can advance in your understanding of what your Higher Self has in store for you.

Love is the fuel. Your Higher Self needs your open heart’s love (fuel) to understand and interpret the information coming in through the MerKaBa and Higher Self. You are capable of higher and higher expressions of unconditional love. Rocket fuel (for vehicles) contains higher octane to produce jet propulsion just as your love quotient increases your ability to move and understand the Third Dimension reality we live in.

Love is the basis for the Fifth Dimension reality that we are evolving towards. Give yourself the blessing of opening your heart every chance you get. What you desire is a level of unconditional love that enables clear communication from the Fifth Dimension Higher Self.

When you study a foreign language you have the opportunity to make a big leap by going to visit the foreign country that speaks your new language. When you take a blow to the heart you achieve a similar leap. Your heart breaks off a layer of armor, and you may choose to remain “exposed” and more loving, or closed and become hard-hearted. The choice is yours.”

So where do we go from here? Learn the phrase, “I champion your right to hold that belief as long as it pleases you.” And check out my new meditation, and free download for this month, “Show Me How Much I Am Loved.” Just saying this phrase releases you from bondage, and will create a very receptive energy that will allow you to feel how very much the universe loves you! And I love you too!

Unseen Threats and Their Impacts

Innovative path

It is my highest ideal to support you and your path. I’m so grateful that we are super healthy in our homes in New York. I have a dear friend Suzanna here in New York city whose husband was in the hospital for 7 days with the COVID-19. He was on oxygen most of that time.

My friend, Susanna, participates in getting clearing work done for herself and family, (learn about that on my You Tube channel) and other spiritual practices. When she called me late one evening her husband had not been doing well, and she was asking for my help. After asking a few questions, and putting two and two together it became clear to me that there had been a very powerful curse put on her and her life. As I explained how this can happen, and how to deal with it, I predicted he would get better as soon as we finished. Together we repeated the very short and easy Clearing Curses Meditation and he got better instantly, and was sent home the following day.

The Clearing Curses Meditation is my “freebie” this month.  It is also contained in the book, Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality.  It is a very inexpensive book, and is available on my website and on Amazon. In addition, the book comes with free recordings of these prayers, so you never have to do this work by yourself.

If you are ill for any reason, and haven’t been able to have a breakthrough, you may try clearing of curses to see if that will release you from any ill-will sent your way by others. Keep in mind, cursing others sometimes is done innocently enough, and a person doesn’t realize they have done it. Others have made spiteful remarks intended to hurt you in the moment. When your conscious energy is “engaged” with that person it can impact you. Doing the Clearing Curses Meditation will free you from inadvertently accepting someone or something having power over you! Please be sure to listen to the intro as well for specific instructions and precautions.

In yet another instance, another friend’s husband, a professional with impeccable records had been looking for a new job for nine months. This was a well-qualified former Marine who had a fabulous resume and reputation. Yet, job after very good job, he was the number two candidate only to lose to another person! He had an Akashic Records session with me to see if there was something else to be learned, or some additional information to be gained. The Record Keepers said, “is there any possibility that you may know of someone who may have put a curse on you?” Keep in mind, the Record Keepers are very tender and will phrase things in the gentlest way. He suddenly recalled at his last job when he discharged an underperforming employee. Her parting remarks included some very specific, fierce and horrible threats to him, “You will lose this job, you will never work again, etc…” I don’t need to repeat all of it, but be sure she had an impact! He and his wife recited the Clearing Curses prayer immediately after the Akashic Records session. The VERY next day, he was offered a wonderful job with a good company doing what he excels at!

Getting back to my friend, Suzanna. She called me after her husband came home from the hospital seeking additional assistance. She asked me about the location where her husband sleeps. She added, “He’s been sick with colds and flu 3 times this winter!! Do you think sleeping near where their router comes into our home could have anything to do with this?” I gasped, because I know how unhealthy EMF is for the physical body. (Now they unplug it at night.)

Every night I call in an electronic Faraday Cage for me for the next 24 hours. This “Evening Prayer” is in my book, Waking Up in 5D. You may have said it a few times. Now I hope you will say it every night! I will include this prayer for you below.

A very alert friend, and nurse practitioner, sent me a video of Dr. Thomas Cowan talking about viruses. Dr Cowan is a well-respected MD, whose practice is based on nutrition. ( She wondered if this video had any merit. My Higher Self immediately confirmed that it was important and viable.

In this video, Dr. Cowan quoted Rudolph Steiner, founder of the Waldorf Schools, a mystic and an original member of the Theosophical Society founded by Helena Blavatsky. Steiner broke away, founding a slightly different version of the esoteric work, call Anthroposophy.

When Steiner was asked about viruses, he said that viruses are excretions of a toxic cell, pieces of RNA or DNA along with a few other proteins. The cell casts them off the body when the cell is poisoned, as it adapts to the electrification of the earth! He pointed to the Spanish Flu, the biggest pandemic of 1918, coincided with the first electrification of the earth by navies world wide (not just the US) that erected spark-gap transmitters which release incredible amounts of “dirty electricity.” Dirty Electricity is defined as electricity not confined to an identifiable sine wave.

During that epidemic it is estimated that 50 million people died worldwide, which was approximately 10% of the people afflicted with the flu. For those who were treated with homeopathy, the mortality rate was 0.7%. For individuals who were sick enough to be hospitalized, conventional medicine had a mortality rate of 30%! (Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1921, 13:1028-43.)

Dr. Cowan doesn’t stop there. He then references the book, The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg, that takes up the discussion of the warnings about the effects of electricity into the science lab. As I watched Dr. Cowan, I remembered my inner knowing, and experience with my internet router following me into bed was reinforced.

In that experience, climbing into bed late one night, I felt a hot piercing energy (like a hot probe) enter my ear. It was the same feeling you may have had on occasion when you hold your cell phone to your head and suddenly you have a sharp piercing pain in your ear.

I asked my guides what was going on, and I was shown the router as the culprit. I was informed that I was experiencing more than one dimension, and that in 3D this is NOT noticeable to the human ear. I immediately jumped out of bed, went to my office where the router was located just below my bedroom, and unplugged it. The next day my husband put the router on a timer!

Today we live in an apartment building with multiple “wifi” signals permeating the airwaves. That’s when I decided to create an energetic Faraday Cage around my bed, and around my body, to eliminate any EMF or any other energies inappropriate for human life. You can too!

What’s the antidote to all of this? Becoming more spiritual! Do your part. If you don’t know how to meditate, you will find multiple guided meditations to walk you through it. Right now the most valuable one you can do is the Golden Bowl Meditation.

This month’s featured audio, Clearing Curses, can be found in:

Reweaving the Fabric of Your Reality

March 2020 Magic Days and Mystery of Astrology!

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Our year ahead in 2020 we are being asked to take stock of what we know, what we believe and to clean out our tool box. We began this cycle in 2020 with a clean slate of all the planets going direct, but not for long. You may have noticed in mid-February that things started to slow down, equipment began to break down, and all your appointments looked like a hackysack game! By now, when this post goes live, you will be in the middle of the first of multiple planets going retrograde this year. Now I don’t let astrology rule me, but like a good GPS, it is a powerful tool for navigation. It’s helpful to know when the bridge is out, so you can either find another way to get something done, or postpone it until a more auspicious time. Astrology is like that. It helps us navigate the normal templates of the universe. We start with a blank slate. To get the game going, the planets influence the energy beaming down on humanity. Humans have tracked this energy for centuries which became known as astrology. There are many different kinds of astrology but they all follow the same principle – that certain planets carry specific energy to influence our actions. What is NOT commonly known about astrology is that you can opt out. I tell my astrologer friends that I know enough to be dangerous – to laugh at myself – because I do follow their information closely. However, there are moments when the astrology agenda and mine don’t match. When that happens, I do a “work around.” We’ll get to that momentarily. What is a retrograde anyway? It is when a faster moving planet overtakes a slower one, the slower one appears to be going backwards, like two trains going the same direction parallel but the faster one makes the slower one appear to move backwards. More importantly, what does that mean to me?” It means that you get to slow down, review the past, reconnect with friends from the past, finish old assignments and put all the “new” shiny stuff you want to move forward with aside! This year we have so many planets going into retrograde it’s going to be a year that movement will take on an entirely new meaning and cause us to rethink ourselves in so many ways! Many people have heard of Mercury retrograde because it comes three to four times a year, lasting for 3 weeks. Mercury, the planet of motion, equipment and communication is affecting you now, (Feb 16-March 8, 2020,) What’s good about a Mercury Retrograde? It’s a great time to clean out your closets, or do a rewrite of a project or book, because you will be able to accurately know the ideal improvement of reviewing what you have or have done. Mercury retrograde also gives you second chances to fix broken relationships and heal old wounds. And, restarting a neglected spiritual practice will be easier now. Many years ago, a very lovely man I had been dating reached out to tell me he had met someone that he wanted to start seeing. Remember, I travelled a lot, and he didn’t get to see me as much as some couples do. I remember telling my friends, “He’ll be back, he met her during a retrograde… “this won’t last!” It didn’t. He came back.

When will this be over?

The good news is on March 9, the planets move forward again, but only briefly! You will have just a little over a month and a half to put all your new plans into motion!  Because after April 25th we have one or two retrogrades impacting us continuously for the remainder of the year! This means you want to get your ducks in a row now, while you are reviewing and resting in the Mercury retrograde. Then be ready to take action. What’s the BEST day to take actions? Well according to astrologer Madeline Gerwick, March 27 has more auspicious and beneficial energy than she has seen – EVER. Aside from this small window this month, all the planets will be moving retrograde including the North Node and Chiron – so get ready for some serious rethinking of well, everything! Better make some good lists of everything you want to accomplish this year, now, and have a blessing ceremony (This month’s free download for this year’s many retrogrades!) Consider the following: We can expect more change and reflection this year than we have in a long, long time. We can find our way through this template the universe provides us with by adjusting our course, rethinking our hopes and desires, relationships and actions, and exploring the deepest wounds in our psyche. It’s all up for grabs this year! THIS is the year to get your favorite tools to help you solve and resolve all the unexpected actions and reactions that will occur. Let yourself be peaceful in this time of uncertainty and chaos. It is time to use your tools, AroMandalas-Orion Series© Oil Blends, your Intention disk and use them proactively. Start playing now, “if I had a magic wand, what would I do to change things?” “If I had a magic wand, what would I do to make my life perfect?” If I had a magic want wand what would I do to help myself or the world? Play this game daily with yourself. It will toss out the unneeded, old paradigm much faster. This is one way you CAN proactively participate in the creation of your future.

Other Recommended Tools

Madeline Gerwick’s Good Timing Guide, from Polaris Business Guides
Get the Guide any of these 3 ways:

AroMandalas-Orion Series© Oil Blends

Try our Exuberanz & Purity blends together – better get some fast! Release from the past, clear out both disappointment and violation and replace it with non-judgment (what we call 5D thinking).  Available through the Vibranz site.