Liberty Wednesday
We all need an escape now and then….
In these uncertain and chaotic times many will turn to drinking or drugs excesses; TV binging or video games. Escapism is a good thing that helps us by giving ourselves a break from the stresses that we may be feeling. But what form of escapism is helpful or ideal?
Ram Dass, the late Harvard college professor and cohort of Timothy Leary, gave his teacher some illicit drugs. His teacher got no reaction, reporting to him instead, “Actually I prefer meditation.” Although I am not experienced in the way of inappropriate substances, I prefer meditation too. It’s been my lifework. This is why I am so excited to introduce you to the guided meditation The Golden Time and offer it again for free this month.
It is related to all the other golden meditations, and I been given so much information over the years I’d like to share some of it with you. When I was originally given the information about Dancing in the River of Golden Opportunity guided meditation, it was back in the 90s when I was just getting started, and could barely make my house payment, and college tuition payments for my youngest son. I no longer had my high-paying corporate job, and I had no money in the bank. Some days I was terrified at how I would make ends meet when the first the month came around.
I opened my Akashic Records and asked my guides what to do. They gave me some instructions about imagining a golden river flowing into my home that wasn’t wet, and would leave gold dust on everything. Everything this dry river touched would be filled with this golden dust… a little like confetti, a little like glitter. At first, I thought it was a sweet image, never really giving much credence to the idea of seeing such a scene as a “normal” way to manifest. I knew it worked, for sure, but it still seemed “imaginary.”
With the fourth golden meditation coming to me through one of my students in the Ascension Institute program, I began to realize that this golden dust and golden particles are real and tangible! I know and understand this gold dust that sticks to everything is a real and tangible energy that converts to the highest expression possible. Adding to this discovery, another student of mine shared with me that the golden particles that we are seeing as our manifestation forms, are transforming into golden cubes! She was seeing the gold dust turning to gold cubes, as they moved from un-manifest to manifest.
After doing the Golden Time meditation every day for several weeks, and then going back and re-doing all of the “golden” meditations, I now understand that they are all related. This is why we are giving them to you on New Year’s Day, as a gift, so that you will be inspired to do all of them in some kind of cyclical fashion that works for you. Some of these are 30 minutes and some of them are very short, so you can manage to fit them into your schedule. The crowning piece is Golden Time. By doing the Golden Time regularly, it will actually make all the other golden meditations quite powerful. Try it for yourself.
Next, I’d like to share with you about another member of the same Ascension Institute group, who founded a program with two other women called I have recorded a video interview with Jane, so she can tell you their story. You’ll find it here. It’s a remarkable story of a movement! It started around the idea of loving kindness. She and her two partners are working together to create art and themes of inspiration to help people move into their most evolved state. This place of kindness and love is our ideal state of mind. When we are faced with all the limitations of the year 2020, anger and frustration sometimes can bring this to our lowest emotion, representing fear, anxiety and frustration. Their movement is to inspire others, and to help individuals who are artistically inspired, to assist and inspire people to step into a place of kindness and love.
These forms of escape are truly useful and uplifting. I hope you will find them useful and helpful to you!
The Ascension Institute is a full year immersion with Maureen St. Germain. It is exclusively for serious students of spiritual growth, and only a small group is accepted. The personal and spiritual growth the participants experience is exponential.If you are ready to step into who you really are, to enhance your divine gifts, and to amplify your influence on the planet, then I urge you to apply.Ascension Institute VI starting in Fall of 2021.