What Are Soul Ties?

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Have you ever felt a deep connection to someone that is difficult to express in words? The close-knit bond can be awesome. Losing yourself to someone can even be euphoric for some people. These soul ties can be quite powerful.

Spiritual soul ties are not entirely new, however. For generations, people have been drawn to each other on deep and meaningful levels. After all, at the heart of every relationship is a spiritual connection. At its best, these relationships are fully connected to God.

At its worst, however, other types of soul ties can be detrimental and negative. If you’ve been linked to or involved with people who cause you pain, you know that breaking away can be difficult.

Signs and symptoms of soul ties can vary. They may include the overwhelming need to be with someone or even something. They may also be the uncanny sense of familiarity or feeling of being at home with another person or at another place. But what happens when you are no longer with this person or at this place? We purposely break off pieces of ourselves much like an animal will chew a leg off that is caught in a trap in order to get away. These pieces can be anywhere. Sometimes the missing parts can be just a memory. Memory resides in time and place. Have you ever driven past the location of an old memory and the memory returns? Or have you thought about the past and felt an emotion and it takes you to that time?

The concept of soul ties translates to time and space. If you’ve asked are soul ties real, consider the idea of soul retrieval. The purpose of soul retrieval is to reclaim parts of yourself that may have been broken off in order to survive. You can physically travel to a place that has great sadness, and if you have a connection to it and openness to receive it, you will feel it. If you can feel it, you can help clear it by allowing it in your consciousness. You then feel the anguish, process it, love it and release it.

This is particularly important for families who may have had car accidents, major trauma and other hugely significant trauma or emotion. Its coordinates of time and space usually lock it in place and its link to you and your family make it accessible when you go to the place or visit it in time through your memory. Where do you go to retrieve your lost parts? Sometimes you need to travel some distance to the funeral for the death of a loved one. If your loved one died suddenly, the shock and trauma will be left in pieces along the way. You may need to visit every place you were at from the time you heard the terrible news to the time you finally accepted the death. At every place you have told that story, you may have left a piece of yourself in that location. In essence, understanding these experiences can help you define soul ties.

Any way you look at it, soul ties and its meaning can be powerful forces in your life—both positively and negatively. If needed, performing a soul retrieval for yourself after a big loss is one way to heal yourself and our planet. Guidance for this is available as a separate CD or download of a guided meditation called Soul Retrieval by Maureen J. St. Germain. Contact Maureen and her professional team at the St. Germain Mystery School to learn more about what ‘soul ties’ means in your life.

Signs You Are Merging with Your Higher Self

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Modern society applauds the idea of being proactive. We hear it in business, health and fitness…even in relationships. Instead of waiting for problems, we are encouraged by experts to think ahead and plan or envision our future—from financial planning to preventative medicine. On a spiritual level, aligning with your higher self is a lot like becoming proactive instead of being reactive.

Consider this scenario. You are driving and another car approaches from the opposite direction. You manage to stay out of its way, even though the driver has crossed over the center line right in front of you. You end up swerving to your side of the road, but still safe. ‘Good thing my reactions were so quick,’ you think. This is your lower self, or your reactionary side at work. Now consider the scenario from a totally different perspective. Your Higher Self would be aware of the oncoming car long before you are and would send you a message such as, ‘Why don’t you take a break? You’ve been driving for a while and need to rest. There’s a scenic overlook ahead; pull over and enjoy the view.’ When the car from the other direction comes down that road toward you, you are out of harm’s way. You might not even know a reckless driver is approaching. In fact, you’ll never notice because your Higher Self directed you to get off the road.

Of course, becoming your Higher Self does not happen instantaneously. The Higher Self connection is something you build gradually with a specific practice that will not fail you in your time of need. After opening your heart, this is more important than programming your MerKaBa. Whether you choose to learn the MerKaBa meditation or not, your ability to find your Higher Self is the most important, inner GPS you could ever achieve. It completely eliminates the need or usage of any other form of divination.

Remember, the Higher Self is a version of you that is fully connected to God. Your first goal is to communicate with this version of yourself, and the next goal is to move this presence into your physical body. Then you will be an ascended being. What are signs your Higher Self is talking to you? You will begin to receive unsolicited information. For example, shopkeepers at a local store you frequent or waiters at a favorite restaurant can anticipate your tastes and interests and offer you things you might like. Similarly, your Higher Self will begin to offer you the information you did not even know you needed. This is just wonderful. You may remember switching from regular television to HDTV. You’re still receiving the same show, only now it’s in high definition. The input hasn’t changed, but your ability to perceive the information has changed.

Higher Self signs can be both subtle and powerful. How will you know you are on target? Don’t worry. Your Higher Self will know. You will use your connection to validate what you’ve been given. Don’t be afraid to ask your Higher Self anything you need validated. Doing the MerKaba and using other tools in Maureen St. Germain’s helpful books and videos can help you achieve this. Learn more about the wonderful benefits of integrating this wonderful proactive presence to express the Divine Being you already are. Contact the professional spiritual consultants at the St. Germain Mystery School today.

Energy Healing Discipline

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Any discussion of energy healing training would not be complete without acknowledging the very important energy matrix field that allows the flow of chi to be captured and directed. There are many ways humans use this matrix.

When we conduct ourselves in integrity we are aligned with the energy matrix. When we take good care of our bodies and follow the circadian rhythms they need to follow, we create a connection with the matrix. Have you ever labeled historical experiences as the reasons for some of your physical problems? Do these excuses sound familiar: “I didn’t get enough sleep therefore I am exhausted” or “My feet always swell when I travel.” However, with purposeful training of energy and integrity, you can align with the matrix and use this energy wisely.

How do you do this? 1) You can take good care of your body through proper food, exercise, and rest. 2) You can accept your body’s unique circadian rhythms and honor them. 3) You can practice integrity by matching your thoughts, words and actions. 4) You can heal your emotional wounds with energy healing exercises. (Many of these tools are explained in my energy healing books, Beyond the Flower of Life and Waking Up in 5D.)

Of course, in today’s marketplace, you can find an energy healing book that discuss a variety of therapies and modalities, including those that focus on healing with light frequencies and cell-level meditation. Others explore unsuspected roots of mental and physical illness and a method to cast out these energies, with detailed stories of these remarkable healings. Another well-developed method of healing emotions and family issues along with ancestry is known as Family Constellation work, founded by German therapist Bert Hellinger. It is based on the concept that guilt and lack of acceptance drive the individual to seek to belong. Also the Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson to address a myriad of physical issues with their underlying causes that may include past lives and trapped emotions. There are many trained professionals in each of these modalities. I am familiar with and exposed to their tremendous healing capabilities and recommend these therapies in general.

As you face your own dramas, however, it is important to consider what would happen if you moved into wonder. “I wonder where the money will come from to cover the rent?” You don’t ask yourself expecting an immediate answer, but pose the question as if your unseen helpers and the matrix of your life will produce the answer. You do not have to know how this will work out. When you move into wonder you give the universe something to work with—because you’ve moved into solution energy, which becomes a healing energy in your life. “I wonder how I can get more out of my life?” “I wonder how I will get this project done?” Consider multiple solutions. Brainstorm with others, and let all restraint be removed.

As you practice these new approaches, your confidence in yourself will grow. Using energy to heal emotionally and physically will expand your heart. It is no surprise then, that the most profound healing energy quotes discuss the wonder of the heart’s ability to influence the world around us. Let the universe surprise you. Tell yourself, “I expect to be amazed.”

What is 5D Consciousness?

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Learning the Language of Non-Judgment

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If you have ever used a wheelbarrow to garden, you know that wheeling the load back and forth often causes ruts to form in the soil. It’s much easier to go over these ruts in the ground than to look for other pathways. This makes sense in these simple situations; however, we often slip into ‘ruts’ of behavior, as well. These habits can be detrimental and hard to break.

For example, perhaps when you were younger you used slang words and now you don’t because they do not give you the results you now want. You learned that falling into the trap of using this language was not beneficial so you ceased.

Likewise, you can learn the language of non-judgment to release old negative habits and useless expressions. How do you learn this language? Ask your Higher Self to work with you in achieving this awareness. Although it is not natural by normal standards of mass consciousness, you can acquire it with practice. Approach it like any change of habits. It is a bit like that.

If you have been in a class with me, you know we practice reframing judgmental statements. For example, if you ask your daughter to stop being mean to your house guests, you are actually locking her into that behavior by asking her not to do that. Instead you might ask her to be kind to everyone who visits because, “That is how we do things in our house.” Notice that this statement does not state your daughter’s behavior is good or bad, yet clearly conveys a different behavior is required.

Reframing is an effective technique to broaden your awareness and develop a stronger connection to your Higher Self. I have used this myself. When my children were young they were required to fold their own clothes after washing and drying them. From about age eight onward, my children wore wrinkled clothes! This was uncomfortable for me. I wanted them to look their best because I like to look my best. But I felt that if they were content to pull wrinkled clothes out of the clean laundry basket, then I should let them be. I kept hoping that peer pressure would kick in and they would decide to either fold their clothes in a timely manner or iron them. What happened instead was completely innovative. They came home with a laundry product, a spray that allowed them to smooth out the wrinkles almost instantly. Nonjudgment, or nonpolarity, will open the way to all kinds of new solutions.

We’ve taught our children that an apology is due or a debt is owed when a mistake is made. In 3D when something goes wrong we have an injury and then expect an apology. If something is broken, restitution is made. We have right and wrong; we have a victim and a perpetrator. In 5D we can have injury and acknowledgment, acceptance and comfort; the absence of judgment produces expansion of love in both.

Getting to know your Higher Self communication leads to all kinds of information you did not expect. Find a way to unhook from your need to know, or any other need. Be open and consciously work at nonjudgmental review and reaction to your Higher Self information. Choose to step away from the habit of interpreting everything from a polarity vantage point. Instead of saying, “I am not getting anything”—especially if you usually do—consider that vagueness has its own message.

Allow yourself to slide into “non-polarity” or nonjudgment when you feel yourself becoming emotional. Feel the feelings and then pull back just a little to move into your heart space, and voila—you’ll be in 5D instantly! How do you know you are in fifth? You will act and feel as if you are in love—with everyone and everything! Nothing can touch you. You feel only love, joy, and compassion by learning the language of nonjudgment.

Merging the Ego with the Higher Self using Maureen St Germain’s 45-Day Protocol

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Using my 45-Day Higher Self Protocol, you will establish a 100% accurate connection with your Higher Self that you will want to follow all the time, even if you think it might be a bad idea. Read on and I’ll explain why.

There are many ideas and belief systems that vilify the ego. Our understanding is that your ego is an integral part of who we are. Understand that your ego is your friend, does a good job, but isn’t always right! Your ego is looking after you. Your ego wants you to be safe and happy. How does the ego do this? It uses the past to evaluate the possible choices in front of you! Spending your life sorting out good or bad may have been useful to you in the third-dimensional version of reality, since it was based on polarity. However, now that we are all moving into 5D pretty regularly, using the old system of categorizing experiences based on their historical impact on you prevents you from being in the present moment and locks you into 3D’s polarity-based grip. Be in the present, and your 5D actions and energies will hold you in alignment there.

You wouldn’t be where you are if your ego was not involved. However, here is the key: We believe that the path to a blissful life is in the integration of the ego with the Higher Self. To do this, the first step is developing a Higher Self connection.

If you follow my 45-day practice, you will get you to 100% accuracy with your Higher Self connection. By doing this you are merging the ego into your Higher Self so that your Higher Self is expressing God’s will. It is a powerful place to be—to be so fully connected that you are always operating from your fifth-dimensional self, or 5-D. Ultimately what you are doing is weaving the Higher Self and the ego together so that your ego wants what your Higher Self offers you, because the benefit is clear. Your practice period gives your ego the proof.

Later, after your practice period is complete and your Higher Self connection is crystal clear, it is okay to not do what your Higher Self tells you. I am laughing as I write this, because when you test this out a few months from now, you will realize that once your Higher Self tells you any answer, you will regret not following it. You will probably choose not to follow your Higher Self only once! I only did this once. I was sorry, too. Furthermore, in all cases that I know of, the Higher Self connection will always insist and persist if it is critical, so no worries there.

Remember, if you do not think you can go either way regarding something your Higher Self tells you to do, then do not ask. This is a perfect indication that you have an attachment to the outcome and that it is not a good Higher Self question for you during your practice time.

Be patient. Sometimes your Higher Self’s signal is very subtle. So be gentle with yourself. It will grow stronger, as will your ability to “sense” it. Eventually, this communication will come through all means and senses (e.g., sound, smell, touch, or a sensation/feeling).

After your practice period, your ego will want to be “best friends” with your Higher Self because it will know and understand that the Higher Self will keep you safe.

What is Mindfulness vs Awareness?

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It’s no secret that the pandemic has worn down the state of mental health in society. Anxiety and depression are prevalent and coping with these issues has become a newfound priority. More than ever, people are looking for diverse ways to handle their problems and ultimately improve their lives. Of course, there are many alternatives. Two foundational concepts that deal with state of mind have proved successful in improving mental health; they are mindfulness and awareness. Their beauty is that they both can be achieved through meditation practice and can have calming and healing effects on body and mind.

First, it’s important to compare awareness vs. mindfulness. Awareness deals more with the senses and the realization of thoughts and emotions that arise in the mind. Mindfulness embraces the idea of living in the present moment. When contrasting self-awareness and mindfulness, self-awareness takes into account the exterior, or the world around the person, whereas mindfulness is an ‘interior concept’.

Mindfulness meditation is very popular now. It is the emptying of the mind to make room for nothingness. This is extremely useful, as it prepares people to receive the unlimited recourses of the universe. If a person’s mind is always busy sorting, analyzing, examining, it doesn’t have room for spontaneous knowledge. All the great thinkers know this. Many of the world’s greatest discoveries occurred in the dream or meditative state. This type of meditation plays an important role in helping people to be open to new ideas, creativity and more. The goal is to have complete mental stillness. When people allow themselves to let go of the ego’s stronghold on the messages of their mind, they will be open to receive the messages of the heart. Then they will succeed in becoming fifth dimensional.

A continued look at mindfulness vs. awareness shows that people with a strong sense of awareness can pick out which of their thoughts should be acted on and which are merely distractions. It becomes a filter of sorts. Experts have even created a mindfulness awareness attention scale to measure people’s degree of mindful states over time. However, what is truly important is people’ ability to clear negative feelings, open their hearts and ultimately evolve and grow their own self-awareness to a place that allows true Higher Self to move through them.

At an enhanced level, the 5D MerKaBa meditation connects people to an expanded energy field, grows their pranic tube, and then centers their energy field in such a way that they are reaching higher fields of consciousness as well as connecting to Mother Earth. It also helps people plug in and tune in to their most evolved self.

Mindfulness and self-awareness are powerfully intertwined concepts. You are a special and powerful being. Your role is unique. Explore your internal state of mind and discover your very own degree of self-awareness with the help and tools provided by spiritualist Maureen St. Germain and her trusted team at her Mystery School.

Connect with Your Higher Self

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Every day, people are saturated with television and radio commercials, as well as social media ads that encourage moving up in the world: reaching a more influential social status, securing a better paying job or buying a bigger house or car. However, an often-neglected area of self-improvement and self-discovery is much more personal. The spiritual part of people must be nurtured, too. Elevating one’s soul can be transformational.

But what is your Higher Self and how can you get there? To connect to Higher Self, you need to open your heart and embrace new possibilities. Developing a Higher Self connection is the one key that will unlock everything else. This part of you is different from lower self that provides intuition yet is tied to your ego/desires. Your lower self is reactive; your Higher Self is proactive. It is ahead of the curve; your lower self is reactive to the curve.

Connecting to Higher Self is a game changer. How can you get there? Higher Self meditation is a practice to aid you to connect. Eventually you will apply this understanding to all you know, and it will greatly expand your loving heart. In short, it will keep you honest—with yourself and with others. When you connect with your Higher Self, you will gain the keys to waking up in 5D. For example, there may be a time when you want to do one thing but are not sure that it’s right. When you choose to check in with your Higher Self, you are given information that may help you choose a different direction, resulting in having a more fifth-dimensional experience.

Of course, being in fifth dimension is a frequency choice. It’s also about using what’s available to assist you when you fall out of the higher frequencies. This means your movement to fifth dimension isn’t a direct arrival. Being there doesn’t guarantee you’ll stay there. Certainly once you’ve been there it becomes easier and easier to reach. If you do move back into third dimension, it’s a movement that will keep oscillating until you can hold the higher frequency all the time.

If you are still wondering what is Higher Self, be confident that as a society, we are collectively being nudged to find a new and different version of ourselves with new and different pathways to solve what is in front of us. You can and must validate it yourself, by developing your own connection. Many times people think they are receiving good Higher Self information, but they just don’t trust it. Your first communication might be in body confirmations. The traditional one (but not the only one) that almost everyone gets is goose bumps or goose flesh. It’s a way for your body to tell you that you are in resonance with the divine version of you, your Higher Self.

Self-reflection, listening to your heart and letting it lead the way, remembering that you are unique, trusting yourself and practicing heart-centered higher self meditation are wonderful ways to get started on this transformational journey. Take the first step and learn more by contacting trusted and respected spiritualist Maureen St. Germain and her Mystery School team.

When studied carefully, many religions reveal common threads. Likewise, some meditations use similar practices. However, there is a profound difference between transcendental meditation and the MerKaBa meditation. Both offer paths to greater peace and less anxiety. The key is understanding some of their significant features that distinguish them from each other.

Transcendental meditation has its roots in the Indian Vedic tradition, closely related to Hinduism. “TM,” as it is often called, is based on silent, repeated mantras—many of which became more well known in the 1960s, when a yoga guru founded and popularized the approach.

MerKaBa meditation, on the other hand, originated from a combination of methods chosen from Hindu, Egyptian, Hebrew, Tibetan, and other traditions for the original 17-Breath meditation. The term ‘merKaBa’ stems from the Hebrew term which means ‘chariot to ride in’ and relates to the throne-chariot of God in prophetic visions. A likeness of a man drives the chariot.

The MerKaBa is a Body of Light or Light Body, activated from a geometric field that exists around the body. Everyone has this field around them, as do planets, solar systems, and other living entities. This means learning it is a remembering experience for humans. Once they have remembered the MerKaBa, they can choose to activate it daily until it becomes permanent. Undoubtedly, it will.

This body of light is fifth-dimensional, which can be remembered and activated. It is not necessary to acquire it, since it is already there. It is from the future of a more advanced version of humanity. This, combined with the Christ Consciousness Grid around the earth, ensures Ascension.

MerKaBa meditation technique uses 17 distinct breaths. Accompanying each of the 17 breaths are mudras, or meditative hand gestures, which serve distinct purposes, such as creating balance with oneself and within oneself. MerKaBa meditation is guided and can be learned by anyone with practice. Certain moments during the practice, for example at breath 14, are ideal spots in which to find one’s Higher Self. Each step of the meditation brings people closer and closer to finding the best possible version of themselves, leaving the three-dimensional world and experiencing the 5th dimension to start.

One of the many exciting benefits of MerKaBa meditation is traveling with the MerKaBa. This does not mean moving from one planet to another, but much more. It is moving within a global energy field that does not belong to time and space but works as a kind of geometric reference for outer manifestation. Once understood, it allows complete freedom to move about in consciousness.

This means the MerKaBa puts individuals perfectly in touch with the third-dimensional and fifth-dimensional reality in such a way that they always know what they need to know when they need to know it. Moreover, it supports them to manifest easily.

World-respected teacher, author and spiritual consultant Maureen St. Germain has written books, traveled the world and coached countless people in MerKaBa meditation and its benefits. Contact the St. Germain Mystery School to learn more about how to get started.

A Blow to the Heart: Ascension Rocket Fuel for the Higher Self

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The heart is the translator for Higher Self information. The more open your heart is, the clearer the incoming information will be. It is in your best interest to stay open and work through blows to the heart so that you can advance in your understanding of what your Higher Self has in store for you.

Love is the fuel. Your Higher Self needs your open heart’s love (fuel) to understand and interpret the information coming in through the MerKaBa and Higher Self. You are capable of higher and higher expressions of unconditional love. Rocket fuel contains higher octane to produce jet propulsion, just as your love quotient increases your ability to move and understand the third-dimension reality we live in.

Love is the basis for the fifth-dimension reality that is our goal. Give yourself the blessing of opening your heart every chance you get. What you desire is a level of unconditional love that enables clear communication from the fifth-dimension Higher Self.

Think about this analogy: When you are learning a foreign language, you have the opportunity to make a big leap by visiting the country that speaks your new language. When you take a blow to the heart, you achieve a similar leap. Your heart breaks off a layer of armor and you get to choose to remain exposed and more loving or close down and become hard-hearted. The choice is yours.

You may not understand this at first, but it has become abundantly clear to me that the opening of the heart is the key. Nothing will give you what you desire more than an open heart. The keys to the kingdom for all of us are hidden within a blow to the heart, which ultimately helps us understand information coming through the MerKaBa.

Fortunately, the blows to the heart get easier and easier. The time I had the wrong key to a friend’s apartment in the Bronx after a morning jog in early October was easier to accept than I’d like to admit. I was due in Manhattan in two hours, I hadn’t showered or brushed my hair or teeth, I was wearing a T-shirt and shorts with a hole in them, and the key didn’t work. Imagine my initial response—“I just will not go!”—to finally begging for $2 from a stranger to get a one-way subway fare and going in my worn workout clothes. If you’ve ever been in class with me, you know I take my professional appearance seriously, so it was a very big deal for me to go to teach a class this way.

When I returned to my friend’s apartment later that night, he was cross with me. At first I thought it was because my returning for my luggage meant he’d had to cancel his plans for an evening of dancing. Then when I checked in with my Higher Self I was reminded, “He is a nice man and it bothered him a lot that he’d let me down this way.” The upshot was that after I had dealt with my own feelings, I had to deal with his feelings of failure for giving me the wrong key. The knowledge that it had been a blow to the heart made it possible for me to remain calm and joyous, and to tell myself that it was not at all about inconsiderate behavior, but a chance to open my heart even more.

I hope you’ll remember my tale and laugh about me when your Higher Self informs you that the reason for someone else’s awful behavior is a blow to the heart. This laughter will help you open your heart, and believe me, you will need that little laugh to help you get through it.

Working with the Hathors

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The Hathors are interdimensional galactic beings already anchored in this dimension by virtue of their fifth-dimensional presence on Venus. It is not just one whole race; they are a species. These beings are the most intelligent, most advanced race of enlightened beings in our solar system, more advanced than the dolphins. They represent only peace and love, and they communicate through singing or toning, not spoken words.

Not all Egyptians could see the Hathors, but the artists who depicted the species were able to experience them and create the beautiful sculptures we still see today. Many were defaced by early Christians, so finding an undamaged statue is a challenge.

Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene have written extensively about the Hathors in their book The Hathor Material.

The Hathors work with the ankh, the hieroglyphic symbol of life, using uninterrupted circular breathing and toning. Three separate but continuous tones can take someone directly through Ascension. Toning with the Hathors and others worldwide has given us an enormous body of knowledge. They have worked through me giving initiations and assisting others with their Hathor communication. They are willing and able to assist you with your heart opening, but remember, we are in a free-will zone, so it is up to you to ask for their help. Expecting them to help you will not bring their help; you must seek it!

Figure 2.1. The ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, Venusian goddess of

unconditional love, crossed boundaries between worlds. It is widely believed

that Sanat Kumara, Ancient of Days who came to Earth to help bring Earth out

of her darkest hour, invited the Hathors, who also resided on Venus. (CC BY-SA)

In toning, we find that individuals experience more than one voice coming through their vocal cords. There are often additional sounds similar to what can be heard in


recordings of Tibetan monks performing overtone singing. Joining the Hathors in toning is quite the experience, as you will learn.

One place you can hear their toning is on my MerKaBa II CD. It was recorded with Hathor toning in the background, to elevate your MerKaBa experience and support you in opening your heart to the level of the Hathors.

When you are feeling particularly unloving, as most of us do from time to time, simply ask these beings to send their “electronic presence” to overshadow you. For example, when you must deal with someone toward whom you do not feel loving, the Hathors can help you. Their mastery will provide you with the perfect template of unconditional love.