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June 13th Practical Mystic Show with Kelly Sullivan Walden

We just finished recording our last show, on the Practical Mystic. We are taking a sabbatical. We hope you enjoyed our two year run on Blog Talk Radio. We loved working with them. Many of the shows are archived on YouTube.

In our last episode I interviewed the dynamic, brilliant Kelly Sullivan Walden on dreams. Even though my clients tell me I’m the best at dream interpretation, Kelly really covers a lot of ground on relationship dreams, sex dreams and using your dreams proactively to help you manifest it.

What a thrill to finish this cycle with such a dynamic educated individual. You are sure to enjoy this show as Kelly is one of the most dynamic speakers I know.

Kelly is a well-known dream expert, bestselling author, certified clinical hypnotherapist, inspirational speaker, TV personality, and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training and The Dream Project, a non-profit organization inspiring children to solve global issues described in the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Kelly is also the program director of the CHIME IN (The Change IsMe) Youth Ambassador Program an international, youth-driven, adult-supported initiative that educates the future (compassionate) leaders of the world by inspiring self-responsibility, endowing cutting edge leadership skills, and providing the platform for them to “chime in” and make a positive difference in the world. She recently brought her group to Guatemala and partnered with in the building of 10 homes in a slum.

A bridge from the physical to the meta-physical, for the past 18 years, Kelly has been synthesizing multiple psychological and spiritual systems into what has become her holistic way of coaching that supports people in living their Hero’s Dream Journey on a mind, body, spirit, and soul level. Some of these systems include DreamWork, Hypnotherapy, NLP, Life-Visioning, Affirmative Prayer, Human Design, Brain Dominance, Sub-Personality Work, Archetypal Psychology, and Shamanism. In her latest book, The Love, Sex & Relationship Dream Dictionary, kelly helps people shine a light on their romantic lives and teaches how to:

  • Re-member nighttime dreams
  • Interpret dreams
  • Become fluent in the language of dreams
  • Mine the gold from dreams
  • Re-enter the dreamscape to transform unpleasant dreams (aka nightmares) into rocket fuel for your soul’s evolution (aka dream alchemy)
  • Sleep their way to success

She is thrilled to empower you to understand the language of your dreams, so that you can stop taking your dreams lying down, and more powerfully live the life of your dreams… in your love life and in all ways!  Visit Kelly’s website here.

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